His hand was stretched out for her to take.
She wanted to take it so badly, she wanted to be with him. Her Ben Solo. She cared for him so deeply, she knew who he really was under all that anguish and black cloth. His eyes betrayed him just like his soul. Rey knew that Ben Solo was in there and that he cared for her as well. He saved her life and the way they fought together side by side felt so right. They made a perfect team fighting as one against Snokes guards. She wanted to take his hand.
His deep brown eyes pleaded with her to join him in her moment of hesitation. She reached for his gloved hand. She stopped mid-reach. The black leather glove made her stop. He was not her Ben, he was Kylo Ren. She didn't want to be with Kylo Ren, she wanted to be with Ben Solo. His eyes darted between her hand, his hand and her golden brown eyes. Her eyes were trained on his gloved hand. He looked at his hand and back at her face. Her eyes were as pleading as his own. He pulled his hand back. His opposite hand ready to take his glove off if it would make her happy.
"Ben?" she breathed. Her hand was half way to him and her eyes were questioning. She wanted to take his hand, He realized! A wave of happiness overcame him. He quickly yanked his glove off tossing it onto the ground. He reached his hand back out taking hers. He pulled her into him wrapping his arms around her small frame. Rey gave a little gasp.
She felt so right in his arms. She no longer felt that aching loneliness that always filled her mind. For once Rey felt whole. She listened to the strong sound of his heart pounding in his chest. The resistance! Her friends! She would not let them die. She thought carefully about what to say to save them.
"Ben you have to tell then to stop attack and let the resistance go. Then I will join you." She said firmly as she pulled away from him. She looked into his dark eyes. "I will join you if you let my friends live. Please."
Her soft eyes bore into his own. He needed her that much he knew. She gave him balance, peace, and dare he say it… hope. She was a beckon of light for him. His eyes softened.
"I will." He states. She was surprised at how easily he agreed to her demands. He let go of her hand, giving her back her lightsaber. He used the force to call his own back to him. The future he had seen was true. She was joining him. He clipped his saber back to his belt. And turned to head to the bridge.
"Follow me. We will tell Hux that you joined use right before meeting the supreme leader and that when we entered the throne room one of his guards had killed him so we took them all out. That should be a convincing enough lie." Kylo Ren told her as they took the elevator to down to the bridge. Rey nodded her head. She felt at odds with his cover story. "Rey, you made that right choice. Soon you will see the power that the dark side can give you. Together we can make a new order and new empire we can rule together, we will bring peace to the galaxy. A galaxy were you will be my empress..." He looks at her sheepishly with that last statement. He felt unsure of her feeling for him. She could sense that thru their bond. She wasn't sure what he was trying to ask her. And it seemed he wasn't so sure either.
"Ben? What are you saying? Are you… are you asking me to-" She was cut off with the opening of the elevators doors and the noise of the bridge.
General Hux was shouting order for them to take out every rebel ship. Kylo Ren walked down to Hux.
"General! Stop your fire! Everyone stop!" he was angry and no one wanted to suffer the consequences of not listing to orders. Rey stayed as out of sight as best as she could, she didn't want to draw any attention from anyone onto her. They all looked to Ren. Hux spun around glaring at the man he hated.
"What is it Ren!? Why would you stop us from finally defeating those rebel scum?" he yelled at Kylo. Rey shrunk back even more knowing that it was about to get very loud.
"THE SUPREME LEADER IS DEAD!" Kylo screamed at Hux. Whose face went from shock, surprise, and outrage.
"How? Who killed him?" he question. Kylo beckoned her forward with his thoughts. He told her to stand tall and show no weakness. All she was thinking about was how to get a message to her friends that she was alright and not to worry she had a plan. But for now she had to act her part until she could fully change Kylo back into Ben.
"I was taking the girl to the supreme leader after she said she would join the dark side and he had been killed by one of his guards. We took revenge and killed them all." He says as Rey walked to his side. She cleared all the emotion off of her face. She looked cold and ready to kill. Hux snapped his head towards her. She gave him a stern look.
"Her! The Scavenger scum!? She is a rebel! She is nothing, comes from nothing! Will always be nothing! We will not tru-"
Hux was cut off as was slammed in to the wall by Rey using the force. She picked him back up and spun him around to face her and Kylo Ren. Everyone on deck was silent, except for Phasma over the intercom trying to reach Hux about some rebels they had found.
"Kylo Ren said that the supreme leader is dead!" Rey shouted at Hux. She arched her eyebrow at him waiting for his response. Kylo glanced at her trying to hide his smirk. No one would question Rey after this. She had made a nice display of her power. He and her together would rule with fear. Kylo looked at Hux also waiting for him to answer Rey.
Hux was trying to suppress his fear, trying to hide his thoughts from Ren who was no doubt trying to probe his mind.
"Long live the supreme leader." He choked out. He hated Kylo Ren but his power was too strong for Hux to defy him and now with the scavenger girl at his side he was even more powerful.
"Long live the supreme leader!" everyone on the bridge shouted.
Rey dropped Hux to the floor and turned to look out the window. She stood lazily at attention with her hands behind her back. Ren joined her while Hux picked himself up of the ground.
"Target the main curser, the pods are a decoy to draw our fire. And tell Phasma to bring the prisoners to the cells for questioning." Rey commands. The crew give her confused and stunned looks. "And General Hux? See to it that the throne room is properly cleaned. We wouldn't want the new Supreme leader to sit on a dirty throne now would we?" Rey toss over her shoulder. Kylo doesn't even try to hide his smirk at her remarks toward Hux.
No one had moved at this point. They were all to shock at how quickly power had changed. They weren't sure if Rey was who they should listen to at this point. Rey listened to the silence that was behind her. She was hiding her nervousness. General Hux while not a very strong man was still an intimidating one. His piercing blue eyes were giving her a look that could kill, she could feel it. She hoped she could pull this off. She needed giver her friends' time to get away and to save Ben from himself.
"Do as she says!" Ren turns and yells at the crew. They all scramble into action.
They quickly destroy the main curser while the pods make it safely to their destination. With the resistant prisoners put safely into cells they set a course to Corucant to announce the death of the supreme leader.
Ben led Rey to his room. They walk down the hall with a foot of space between them.
Rey was lost in the own thoughts. She was worried about her friends and whoever was in the prison cell. She was worried about how Leia was going to take her "betrayal" and Finn. Finn would not like her plan to take down the First Order form the inside. Rey was semi confident in her half bake plan to bring down the First order and bring Ben back to the light. Her plan was the most poorly thought out idea she had in her life. Step one get ben to trust her and to trust the way she wanted to "rule" the Galaxy. Step two slowly set up a republic government system under the impression that is was only to inforce they rule of the galaxy. Step three just ben back to the light and bring him home. And that was about as far as she got. Not too shabby but not a very solid plan nor was she sure about how she was going to go about setting up a republic under the First Orders nose. She would have to figure a way to talk to Leia about how to go about her plan.
Ben stopped in front of her. She nearly knocked into him. He dark brown eyes looked down at her, a hint of a smile on his lips. The hum of their bond grew stronger in the back of her mind. He turned putting in the codes to enter his room. He put his hand on the small of her back and led her gently into his room.
Rey noted that it look just like every other room. The steely gray walls the florescent light in the ceiling. His bed was small pushed back on the far wall of the room with drawers under it and there was a table and some chairs.
Ben watched Rey survive his small room. Her golden brown eyes took in everything. Her hair still a mess from the battle and her cloths askew. She was beautiful in her chaos state. He was still surprised at her willingness to join the dark side, to join him, to rule the galaxy.
"Rey?" she turned to face him. Her eyes would always get him. They were the most beautiful sight he had ever seen and he had seen many beautiful things. "I have arranged for you to have the room next to mine. Once we get to Corucant we will announce our rule, not as supreme leader but at emperor and empress if you wish." His voice was quiet and soft. Empress, he wanted her to be his empress.
"Do you mean you want me to rule at your side as your empress and wife?" Rey questioned slowly. She was unsure of her feelings for Ben. Yes their bond was strong and they made a perfect team but she didn't think she could be the wife to Kylo Ren. Ben Solo maybe but Kylo Ren no. Ben's cheeks were flushed. She could feel his embarrassment and regret.
"Yes, together we are strong, we are balanced. Our rule separately would be questioned but together… married we would be an unstoppable force."
"Ben… why don't we give this… whatever this is between us some time to grow. To get to know each other better. I will rule at your side but marriage is a commitment and something I take very seriously. I don't want to rush into anything so for now teach me and let me rule with you and when we are ready we will be one." Rey remarked very carefully. She need to give herself time to figure out how she felt and how to get Ben back.
"Fine, if that's how you feel!" Kylo Ren said angrily. Rey stepped back, getting out of his reach. Kylo stomped out of his room and down the hall.
Rey did not see him for the rest of the night.
thank you for reading! this is my first star wars story and i love Reylo! updates might be a little slow i wasnt planing on writing this. i just sat down and this is what happened!