King and Diane watched the silent snowfall from their room above the Boar Hat Tavern, the world around them was covered in a blanket of snow.

"Isn't it beautiful, Harlequin?" Diane grinned. "I love the snow."

"It is, but I'd like it better if it didn't have to be so cold." King replied, earning a soft chuckle from the giantess. She kissed his cheek softly. Both turned to their sleeping daughter, the nine month old lay on chastiefol, held securely by the bear's arms.

"Isn't she precious?" Diane cooed.

"Yeah,she looks like a little angel,look at her smiling." He whispered. "She really seems to like that form."

"Well it does look like a toy and its soft. Besides, Nevaeh loves her Daddy, she sees you use it as a pillow and then you started letting her play with the bear."

"To protect her while we're out,I want to be able to shield her in case there's-" Diane pulled him into her arms..

"Thank you." She said.

"For what?"

"Being an amazing dad. I'm so glad we decided to keep her. To just see you with'd never guess how she came to be with us. I'm also glad Merlin was able to give me that medicine to keep me small. I can't imagine not being able to really be here for her like I am now. The day we took her in was one of the best days of my life...the other was meeting you."

"Diane-" the fairy king was silenced as the giantess pressed her lips to his. She rested her forehead against King's.

"I love you so much, Harlequin."

"I love you too,and I will until forever ends." He vowed, again receiving a kiss.

"Know what?" She said quietly.


"Nevaeh's never seen the snow. Maybe..we should go out tomorrow, the three of us."

"Y-yeah, we could I suppose. It'll be good for us to get out on our own for a while. The snow should stop by morning. If we leave early we can show her what it looks like before anyone's walked in it."

"Teach her to make snowballs." Diane suggested.

"Yeah, that's a great idea. I'm sure she'd love it."

"Then we can come back, relax and maybe have a little time to ourselves after she goes to sleep."

"Sounds great." King blushed as Diane snuggled into him. He carefully wrapped his arms around her.

"You're always so gentle with me, but you don't have to feel so nervous when I try to have a little cuddle time."

"S-sorry. I don't know what's-"

"It's okay, we'll work on that. Could you..are you okay to hold me for a while, I'd love to watch with you."

"Y-yeah,for as long as you want."

"I can't wait for tomorrow." Diane said thoughtfully. "It'll be great."

"I can't wait to see how Nevaeh reacts to it." King sighed contentedly. He could think of no better way to spend the cold winter day than with his family.