I had an idea while trying to get motivated for the next chapter in The fox and bunny war. So, I just started letting the ideas flow to paper and this is what I ended up with. Let me know what you guys think.

Judy stood before the mirror in her billeted room. It was too tall for her, but so was the rest of the furniture provided. Having been intended for a wolf or similar sized mammal it was the closest thing they had to being her size. It didn't discourage her though. She knew she was the first rabbit to try and gain such a prestigious position. She checked her uniform making sure everything was perfectly placed and fastened. Everything had been specially made for her. It took some time after she graduated the academy to find someone who could put together a rabbit sized set of armor made especially for her. Like her fellow officers, she was allowed to customize it to a certain degree. The first thing she inspected was her chest plate adorned with a golden shield above the left breast signaling her rank of Officer of the realm. Covering only her upper torso to maximize flexibility at the core. Metal shoulder guards that came half way down her upper arms. Gauntlets that came up her forearms and completely covered the outside of her elbow when her arm was fully extended made from a black leather like material with a metal plate on the outside half and the top of her hand covered in metal as well. Metal shin guards that extended to above her knees. The remainder of her uniform below her armor was a royal blue with a hooded cloak, lighter in color that her clothes, that hung down to her feet. It fit her exceptionally well, showing off her fit figure. The last piece was her helmet. A very simple design with a brim that came down just above her eyes and cheek guards that stopped just at the corner of her mouth. She didn't want a face guard so that it wouldn't impair her vision. Her hearing was already slightly impaired by the device because it caused her ears to fold back behind her head. Although, this only limited it to the same level of hearing as a wolf with perked ears. Her sword hung from her hip on the left and a dagger hidden under the metal plate of her left forearm. For times of heavy combat, she also had a shield, colored white and outlined in blue with a Z that traced from one side to the other, to protect her exposed midsection and thighs. Everything about her uniform was meant to maximize her greatest weapon and advantage, speed and agility which was unmatched by any she had faced in her training. Satisfied with her appearance she slung her shield over her head and shoulder letting it rest across her back and walked out of her billet whispering her favorite mantra "Time to make the world a better place!"

Judy walked into the great hall of the Zootopian Protectors and Defenders. Full of mammals of all different species talking, mingling amongst each other. Even a lion trying to arm wrestle a polar bear and loosing badly. Tables and chairs lined together along the sides. Hung on the walls behind them portraits of great deeds performed by the ZPD over the centuries. A wide walk way between tables cutting like a broadsword down the middle. To a single large table standing alone with a single chair behind it. Above it a golden Z hung on the wall with the words SERVIRE ET TUERI across the bottom. Judy found an open seat at the table closest to the front. Eager to begin her first day, she leapt onto the chair far too large for her and sat next to a rhino wearing heavy battle army that covered him from head to toe. Before she could attempt to speak to the massive mammal a hippo at the front of the hall standing next to a door yelled over the noise of the room. "Atten-hut!" Instantly everyone in the room stood banging on the tables and yelling all at once. From the door entered a water buffalo with massive arms and chest walking to the table at the middle of the room. Once there placing the documents he brought with him down and speaking in a stern voice "All right that's enough!" Everyone, instantly turning silent, took a seat to listen to the Chief Knight of the Realm Bogo. As the Chief began handing out assignments to those in the room Judy took notice that everyone on her side of the room was a knight and everyone on the other side of the room was a mage. Every assignment made consisted of a mixture of knights and mages. After everyone had an assignment and started making their way out the door the chief looked down to Judy and meekly spoke.

"And now for our first bunny! Tower duty." The last words coming out in a bored tone and he turned away and walked towards the door he had entered from.

Stunned Judy could only watch as the massive mammal before her walked way. Finally shacking herself from her stupor she jumped down and started walking after him.

"Chief Bogo sir!"

"Yes?" He turned to face her. Brow furrowing in frustration at the small bunny who had interrupted him.

"Sir I'd like a real assignment. You may not have noticed but I graduated top of my class at the academy."

"I noticed just don't care." And he started to turn away again.

"Sir please. I know I don't appear as impressive as the others but all I want is the chance to prove myself."

The buffalo let a snort blow out of his large nostrils as he studied the bunny before him intently. He could see the determination in her eyes and knew that this would be a daily occurrence if he didn't act. "Very well," he began a plan to be rid of her, for several days at least, formulating in his mind, "there have been several cases of ancient relics being stolen from around the city. Go to see Clawhauser the records keeper and request the first record of a stolen relic that hasn't been solved. I'll give you one month to solve this case. If you can complete the assignment within the provided time I'll partner you with a mage and give you a real assignment. If you can't you take tower duty for a year. Do you agree?"

Judy thought it over in her head. One month to solve a case that's been cold for no telling how long was a daunting challenge. But she had never backed down before and didn't plan on doing that now. "Deal!" She turned to walk out of the great hall and made her way to the hall of records. Behind a counter she found a very large and portly cheetah mumbling to himself and ready papers.


The cheetah looked up and began looking around the room but saw no one.

"Down here!" a voice cried out.

He leaned forward and found the source of the voice. "O. M. Goodness. They really did make a bunny a knight. WOW! You really are cute!"

"Oh, you probably didn't know this but a bunny can call another bunny cute but when other mammals do its kinda…" she trailed off giving the cheetah a sideways and waving her hand in front of her unsteadily.

"Oh, I am so sorry! I wasn't my intention to demean you!"

"It's ok. What was that tune you were humming? It sounded lovely."

"It's the latest song published by Gazelle! The greatest musical artist of all time!"

"Oh, wow I'm a huge fan!"

"Really! Is that why you came down here?" the cheetah's excitement could barely be contained as he stood on the chair underneath him leaning forward to the point that Judy thought he might fall on top of her.

"I'm afraid not. Chief Bogo asked me to speak with you about an unsolved theft. He told me to request the record for the oldest unsolved relic theft."

"Oh," the cheetah's demeaner quickly turning to disappointment. "okay, well give me just a moment." He turned and hopped down from his chair and walked out from behind his counter. Looking back and waving Judy along. "Follow me."

They walked through several shelves containing scrolls and books of all shapes and sizes. Some looking as if they were written yesterday and others looked so old that they would crumble if you breathed on them to hard.

"Here we are." The portly cheetah stopped and pulled a scroll from a shelf. The scroll was old and covered in dust and cobwebs. "This looks like it's been here a while."

"Let's take a look." Judy opened the scroll and held it out in front of her. The first she noticed at the top of the page was the date. "You can't be serious!" she exclaimed.

Clawhauser leaned over to see what she was so upset about. "Oh wow! That's the smallest theft report I've ever seen."

Judy kept reading over the entire scroll.

Crime: Theft of ancient relic known as "The Peace Stone"

Description: White stone, rounded small in size.

Witnesses: None

Evidence: None

Final notes: Relic of insignificant importance. Low priority. Last known keeper a mage by the name of Nicholas Wilde. Species smudge

"Have you ever heard of this Nicholas Wilde?" Judy asked quizzically. The rest of the report was left blank. No further information was given.

"No, I've never heard of him. But if he was a mage we can look him up." Clawhauser turned and started walking towards another row of records. It was several minutes until he found a scroll, old and covered in dust, that recorded this mysterious mage's name. "Wow this thing's really old. Here, Nicholas Wilde..strange the species has been smudged to the point you can't read it. Just like the theft report."

"How odd." Judy said looking down at the apparently ancient document. "Clawhauser, how old is this document?"

"Hmmm," the plump cheetah began searching the document for the time mark indicating when it was originally recorded. "This can't be right."

"What is it?"

"It says this document is over 300 years old. But the theft report is only a few months old."

"Well maybe we looked up the wrong mage?" Judy asked hoping they'd simply made a mistake.

"No this is the only Nicholas Wilde on record."

"Clawhauser that can't be right."

"No Judy you don't understand. When a mage is accepted into the order they aren't allowed to use the same name as a previous mage. It's to avoid any mix-ups."

"Judy looked at the document in Clawhausers paws and then at her own again. Wait a second, look at the smudge on yours and look at the one on mine. Both look like they were done recently."

"But when I pulled this one out it was covered in dust like it hasn't been touched in ages?"

Judy could feel the frustration building up in her as her foot began quickly patting the floor. "Well what else does it say about him?"

"Says he was conmammal that was caught and was sentence to public service. Upon entering service, it was discovered that he held a low-level ability to perform magic and was sent to be a mage. After learning the arts of the mages, he started to display a sensitivity to even the lowest amount of magical power in inanimate objects. So, he was given the task of guarding The Peace Stone. A relic with a power level so low that even he could barely register. After two years of service he was released from the order. It even gives his last known place of residence. Here let me write down the address for you."

"Thank you Clawhauser." As he started writing down the information Judy started looking among the many scrolls and the vast knowledge that lay within. Needing more information, she started looking for anything referring to the Peace Stone. "Clawhauser?"


"Is there any more information about the Peace Stone?"

"Umm, should be in the section right in front of you." He said walking to her with a piece of paper in his hand with the last know location of the now dead mage.

"Clawhauser, there's nothing here!"

"What!?" the portly cheetah exclaimed. He moved quickly to where she was, looking desperately for scrolls that pertained directly to the Peace Stone. "That's impossible!" He ran, or rather waddled, as quickly as he could back to his desk. Stopping once in his seat to catch his breath. Once rested he pulled out a book and began flipping wildly through the pages scanning each one. "No, no, no this cant' be right! It can't be!"

"What, what is it! Clawhauser!"

"Their gone! Every scroll every manuscript missing! And no record of who took them!" The cheetah's rounded face turning white in horror.

Judy's ears dropping onto her back as a realization came to her. Whoever stole the relic had also managed to come in here and steal every reference to it without anyone knowing. What kind of villain was she up against? She shook herself out of her shocked state and began using he deductive skills and studied the shelf that had once contained the documents. "Clawhauser? Look at the shelf."

"What about it?"

"Look at the dust. This shelf has been empty for…" an idea came to her stopping her voice in its tracks. "How far back does that record you looked at go?"

"Umm, back to when the archives were first started why?"

"We need to look back 300 years and see if this mage Wilde took them."

Finally coming out of his shocked state Clawhauser walked back and turned the pages of the book back to find what Judy was looking for.

"O. M. Goodness!"

"Ah ha!" Not only was this mage from 300 years ago a conmammal but he was also tardy at returning records to the archives. "Well at least we know they weren't stolen."

"Yeah, but that doesn't help you any. Now you won't be able to learn anymore about the missing relic."

"Maybe," Judy glanced at the paper with the address or the last known person to come in contact with the relic. "but now I know where to look."

After thanking the bubbly cheetah for his help and letting her copy the music sheets with the latest Gazelle music on them, Judy made her way out of the fortress that was the ZPD headquarters. Once outside she looked down at the address written on the paper in her paws. It was in the rainforest district of the vast city. She walked to the coble stone roads that connected the city like blood vessels in the body. Pumping the essence of the city's existence to and froe, carrying mammals of all species to their destinations. She waited at the public transportation stop for only a moment when a wagon pulled by four horses stopped. She climbed on board and found a seat. Leaned back and began to ponder her current circumstance. Not noticing the wagon come to the next stop, her mind wondered about the mysterious mage that was the last mammal to interact with the missing relic. Who was also the last one to access any information about it. And who had smudged out the species of the mage. It was all very odd and leading her nowhere. "Move it fox!" a voice from the end of the wagon spoke harshly. Judy, still in her deep thoughts, barely registered the conversation. Thuthump Could the theft and this mage be connected? She thought to herself. Thuthump "Seats taken." Another harsh voice. Thuthump What if someone found the scrolls he took? Thuthump Thuthump Thuthump Thuthump What is that noise? "Excuse me miss?" A flash of orange entered her dazed vision.

"Carrots?" she nearly whispered. The first thing that came to her mind at the sight of the color.

A snort in front of her brought her mind to the here and now. Blinking several times, she finally noticed the red fox standing in front of her. His russet fur nearly an orange color. Only the tips of his ears and limps changing to a darker red. And the bottom of his snout with a cream color that traversed down his neck and into his dirty white tunic tucked into his brown trousers. His green eyes staring down at her.

"Carrots hu? Strange name I suppose even for a bunny. May I sit?"

Judy's mind finally registering that this was a fox her natural predator standing before her. Her Nose began twitching involuntarily.

"Now that's cute." He chuckled and promptly sat down next to her.

Judy shook her head to bring herself back to reality. "Don't call me cute." She sternly warned glaring up at the fox. His only reply a smirk and half-closed eye lids.

"Easy there fluff, it's only a compliment after all." His tone of voice relaxed and half playful only made her more upset. She crossed her arms in front of her and studied him for a minute. Looking into his emerald green eyes. Trying to read what was behind them, only to see nothing.

"And if I were to say you were being shifty?" She didn't want to insult him but he had already called her cute and fluff. Derogatory terms towards bunnies. She merely wanted to get a reaction from him to gauge his character. What she got in response was not what she expected.

"I am more, shifty, than you will ever know." His voice taking an almost dark, lower tone that before. He never looked at her. His smirk never left his face and his eyes never betrayed anything. That's what worried her the most. She decided that any further conversation with the fox would not be pleasant and turned her head away from him. Looking around the wagon she only noticed for the first time that everyone else was gone. She was left alone with the fox next to her. She looked out the wagon windows and noticed they were now in the rainforest district. A ride that should have taken hours seemed to be over in a matter of minutes.

"How did…. when…." her eyes opening wide and ears standing straight up.

"How did we get her so fast and when did everyone leave?" he finished.

She looked up at him and nodded quickly. He looked down at her and grinned showing the tips of his canines. "You were pretty zoned out there carrots. You missed the parade of people that left after I came on board."

"All of them?" she asked puzzled that everyone would want to leave at the same time.

"Everyone." He said holding his paw palm up with his fingers curled to examine his claws.

"Why?" the bewilderment on her face caused the fox to momentarily loose his mask. The shock that she would not know why everyone wanted to leave after he entered caught him off guard. He had thought that she was simply unimpressed with him or worse following him. It only lasted for a moment, but that was enough for Judy to look into his eyes and see behind the mask. In his eyes she saw pain, suffering and great sadness. It caused a frown to pull her at the corner of her lips. The fox noticed and looked straight ahead again. Coughing to clear his throat. He glanced back at her. His mask back in place.

"Fox." He said pointing his thumb at himself. A sudden rocking motion of the wagon caused her to look outside before she could react to his statement. "Well this is my stop." As he stood and walked towards the exit he looked back. "Be sure to get off at the next stop Carrots or you'll have to walk an extra mile to reach that address."

She glanced down at the paper still in her paw with the address of the location she was looking for. She looked up again to say something more but he was gone. She stood in her seat and hung out the wagon window only to see that he had completely vanished. As the wagon began to move again she slowly sat back down in her seat. No one else had gotten on while at the stop. She was left alone in her thoughts but the only thought that came to her was one she knew wasn't as important as all the others swimming through her mind. The one she couldn't keep put away. The simple question of "Who was that fox?"

After a short ride, the wagon arrived at the next stop. Judy put the question away for now focusing on her duty. She made the long walk to her destination without delay. Slowing down only once to admire the aqueduct system that was used to bring water to this part of the city and keep the lavish plants green. As she approached the house, or rather an old tree that was hallowed out and had holes cut into it for windows, she could hear noises from inside. She stepped up to the door and pressed her ear against the damp wood. Furniture being slid across the floor; smaller items being pushed to the side everything done in a hurry. She walked to a window and stood on her toes to peek inside and discovery what was the cause of this racket. There she saw the fox from the wagon, he was digging through shelves discarding items as he went, pulling furniture from the wall and reaching behind them. What is he doing here? She thought. Then from behind one of the cabinets he pulled out a scroll and then another. He saw my papers! Tossing them into the middle of the floor where several other scrolls were already pilled. Judy gasped. The missing scrolls! That filthy FOX knew why I was coming here! She stepped back from the window and moved to the door standing back several paces. She pulled her shield off her back and drew her sword. With her powerful legs, she ran towards the door launching at the last second, using her shield to protect her from the blow. The door gave way to the charging bunny breaking the locking mechanism. She now stood in the door way, sword drawn, shield up scanning the inside for any threats. Then she saw him, the fox from the wagon, standing against the wall with his arms spread wide grasping with his claws. Ears pinned back on his head and eyes wide in surprise and terror.

"Alright fox, tell me what you're doing here." She brought her sword up to her side pointing it at the trapped predator.

"Well I uh…I was just…um" He was now scanning the room desperately looking for a way out, inspiration, anything to help him. And then she gave him his exit.

Judy was growing impatient with his stuttering. She let out a sigh, "alright then let's start with something simple. What's your name thief?"

His eyes went wide as he stared back at this bunny. Even half his size she was extremely intimidating with her sword and shield blocking his exit. And it dawned on him, she doesn't know my name! She hasn't come for me! She doesn't know! He let himself ease off the wall and lean against a nearby cabinet replacing the look of shock and fear with a mask that showed confidence and self-assurance.

"Well carrots, you can call me Nick."

After stepping off the wagon Nick walked straight into a nearby ally. Once in the shadows he stepped to the side where he could watch the wagon leave without being seen himself. Once it has left he leapt out of the ally and began running home. He had seen the address on the paper the little rabbit officer was holding, his home address. They've found me! His mind racing. They know what I've done! Now they're out to get me! Over 300 years of living in seclusion and fear of being found out had his nerves and anxiety beyond the breaking point. On more than one occasion he had panic attacks that left him in a coma like state for days at a time. Things had become normal for a while; the attacks hadn't happened in nearly 60 years. That didn't stop his heart from feeling as though it would explode from his chest at any second now. He wouldn't be surprised if the rabbit had heard it while he was sitting next to her on the wagon. I have to get home! I have to find everything! His mind began creating a list of everything that needed to be found and where it was hidden away from prying eyes.

It was a long run and he had to make several stops to catch his breath along the way. He had used this small home when he was a conmammal. It was secluded away from other inhabited buildings and made it easy for him to hide goods that he was trying to sell for far more than he had paid for them. That had been ages ago. When his friend Finnick was still alive. He still did an occasional con here and there to get a little extra cash on the side. He had everything he needed here though and rarely left his home. Finding the bunny wasn't an accident though. He had been drawn to her. The magic within him pulling like a guide rope to his destination. Normally his sensitivity to the magic within other mammals was near nonexistent. Even when near the most powerful of mages he could only register that they had magic within but never how strong it really was. That all changed once he stepped on the wagon and saw the rabbit. To him it was like she was a glowing light, radiant beams of energy emanating from every pore. Causing everything around her to cast shadows. At first, he thought she had something the magic wanted him to have or take from her. It wasn't until he stood above her that the light slowly subsided and he was able to see that it was her and not an inanimate object that was pulling him. He could still feel the pull even now as he ran as fast as he could to get away from her. Once inside his home he began rummaging through all the cabinets and trunks he'd collected over the years to find what he needed. All the scrolls pertaining to the Peace Stone. That sacred relic that was all but forgotten. The one to insignificant to worry about. At least, that's what they thought.

Bringing his paw up to inspect his claws. His sudden shift in demeaner through Judy off for a moment. What's he up to? She wondered. "Okay Nick, what are you doing in this house?"

"I live here fluff. Welcome to my humble abode!" He said while standing up straight and waving both arms in the air gesturing to his home. "Now would you mind explaining to me why you found it necessary to break down my door? I'm assuming you do have a warrant?" Placing his right paw behind his back and held out his left as if expecting to be handed something. Expecting her to crumble under the realization that she had just unlawfully broken an entering, Nick nearly collapsed when he heard her reply.

"The thing is," she said with a mischievous grin, "you don't need a warrant when you have probable cause. And I did see a shifty" putting emphasis on the word he had used to describe himself earlier, "lowlife acting suspicious through the window. And how do I know this is really your home?" She knew she didn't actually have anything legal on him. But he was purposefully trying to throw her off. Fortunately, her quick thinking allowed her to turn the tables on him in a play of words. This evened the playing field a bit.

"Touché rabbit." Nick stood up and crossed his arms on his chest his face and words becoming stern. "However, this is my home and you have no right to barge in."

"Are those the Pease Stone scrolls?" Judy asked pointing the end of her sword towards the mentioned papers on the floor. Nick, now walking towards her, began to take on a new appearance to her eyes. It was like his eyes grew darker a shadow had fallen upon him. And no just him but the entire room seemed darker someone. Judy swore she could hear the wood of the old tree begin to creak and strain as if a great burden were pulling on the ancient structure. Her reflexes now took over, she pointed her sword at the approaching fox causing him to stop once its tip was pressing against his chest. His lips began to curl up showing his impressively sharp teeth.

"Get out." he hissed through his teeth.

"Not until- "she was cut off by his sudden growl.

Judy knew he was threatening her, though somehow, it didn't feel genuine. Almost as if he didn't want to do this. It certainly didn't scare her or even make her the slightest bit nervous. Glancing at the door, hanging from bent hinges and the broken door knob lying on the floor, her heart suddenly felt heavy. Knowing that she had destroyed his property, if this truly was his home, all on the pretense that he was an untrustworthy fox. She let out a resigned sight and glanced down at the scrolls behind his feet. I'll find another way. She slowly pulled her sword away from his chest and placed it back in her scabbard. She walked backwards until she was out of the house and then looked him in the eyes. They were no longer dark as they were before, instead, they held a bit of sadness.

"My apologies." She then turned and started to walk away. After a few steps, she heard him let out a loud breath and it sounded like he fell. She turned to see him on his paws and knees breathing heavily. She was about to inquire if he was alright when he looked at her. His emerald eyes seeming quizzical as they stared at her. Curious? She thought before turning back again and walking away.

Once she was finally walking away Nick dropped the façade he was using to get her to leave. For some reason, while using his magic to make himself appear more menacing towards her, a pain started to grow in his heart. The further away she walked the heavier the pull began to grow. He started to breath deep breaths to control what was happening to him. Feeling weak he fell to his knees and paws. What is she doing to me? He looked up to see her, puzzling over what was happening to him. She was looking back at him. Concern on her face, she looked as though she were about to walk back to him before she glanced away and continued walking on. She'll be back. Thinking to himself.

Once he felt enough control to move again, he started gathering the remaining scrolls and placed them into a specially made pack. It was rather large, light weight and stiff. Made to carry the scrolls and protect them from being crushed as well as carry a few necessities. Having packed everything, he could carry for a long journey he began removing his clothes and dressed in his own set of armor. It was even simpler than carr…. Wait? Why am I thinking of car… the rabbit?

Nick shook his head and continued dressing. His pants were a light brown cloth material that was strong and durable. His tunic was a short sleeve leather armor with rounded shoulder guards with a white shirt underneath that extended to his wrist. The only metal protection his outfit provided. Nick smiled while adjusting the guards into position. He knew they would look useless to anyone who wanted to size him up. But he had the abili-Carrots a voice spoke to him, interrupting his train of thought. Nick's ears flicked and swiveled on his head to locate the source of the voice. He glanced around the room looking for where it came from. Protect, the voice seemed to come from everywhere and nowhere at once. Nick reached for his belt, pouches sewn onto the stiff material, carrying a myriad of items us useful to a mage in combat and a dagger hanging on its left. Placing the item around his waist he continued to look for the source of the voice. Protect Carrots! The voice now louder than before. With the last words, he stood stiff as a board and his eyes shut and opened again revealing solid white. No sign of emerald green pupils. Nick was now blind to the world around him but his mind was open to someone else's eyes. He could see and hear everything they heard. He was seeing through the eyes of someone shorter than him. Two large rams stood before him, a sound to the rear, he turned his head and saw another blocking any chance of retreating. Turning back to face the first two the sudden flash of a steel blade approaching the small body, glinting in the light, caused the small person to jump up and watch the blade sail beneath them. To Nick it all seemed to happen in slow motion, as the blade traveled beneath the small person he was watching he could see his or rather their reflection on the blade. It was the rabbit that had barged into his home. She was being attacked.

Nick's eyes closed again and he collapsed to the floor. He inhaled a sharp, deep breath, and opened his eyes now back to their natural color. "Carrots!" he whispered. Now the same feelings from before short forward from where he had suppressed them down deep in his mind and body. This time it was not the same hurt he felt from trying to be cruel to her but another kind of hurt. The pain of loss and worry washed over his body and he trembled slightly from it. He shot to his feet grabbed his cloak and threw it over him as he darted out the door, letting the pull he felt towards her guide him. Hold on Carrots! I'm coming! He thought as he ran, the sting of guilt washing over him. It's my fault! I pushed her away! With each admission of guilt, he pushed his body hardy and faster. He rounded a corner and was looking down an alley way. He arrived just in time to see a ram's head crash into the small body of the rabbit, throwing her through the air and crashing into the wall of the building behind her. She hit with such force that a visible crack was left in the plaster on the wall and she fell to the ground limp. Seeing her attacked so mercilessly caused something to snap in him. His eyes shut and when they opened, glowing blood red eyes were in the place of emerald green and a feral growl rang from his throat.