A/N: This was written for the WonderBat Holiday Event 2017 at fyeahwonderbat on tumblr. I hope the formatting isn't too annoying :)

When I saw Pen Pals as a prompt, all i could think about were the emails that Bruce sent her and the way she emailed back. And then thought, maybe they never got to the point of texting so they just communicate via email. This is that brain-child. Enjoy!

FROM: Bruce Wayne

SUBJECT: New Philosophy?

Saw you on the news. Taking the broad daylight approach, I see.

Does that mean you're not going to take me up on my offer?

FROM: Diana Prince

RE: New Philosophy?

What offer is that?

FROM: Bruce Wayne

RE: New Philosophy?

Dressing up like a bat. I said I wouldn't sue.

FROM: Diana Prince

RE: New Philosophy?

Still considering giving up the cowl?

FROM: Bruce Wayne

RE: New Philosophy?

Not totally. I am redecorating for our joint endeavor, after all.

BTW, the swatch samples came in. Care to have a look?

FROM: Diana Prince

RE: New Philosophy?

I get to lead the team and decorate? Such high praise. I'm honored.

FROM: Bruce Wayne

RE: New Philosophy?

I meant what I said.

Besides, figured your expertise in the classics might come in handy. Available this weekend? I could send the jet.

FROM: Diana Prince

RE: New Philosophy?

Saturday morning works. I have a gala at the Cezzane I have to attend on Friday evening.

I expect lunch when I arrive.

FROM: Bruce Wayne

RE: New Philosophy?

Yes, Princess.

FROM: Diana Prince

SUBJECT: Thank You

Please give my regards to Alfred, his cooking is divine. I don't think I've had a more delicious tiramisu. I regret not being able to say goodbye before I left.

I think I've changed my mind on the green. The slate blue with the chevron pattern will work nicely with the warm tones of the wood paneling. I also think the Pieta Grigio gray marble for the floor will tie the two together nicely.

FROM: Bruce Wayne

RE: Thank You

Consider it done.

P.S. Alfred says the next time you come for dinner, he plans to make a crème brulee.

FROM: Diana Prince

RE: Thank You

I'll be back in town Friday night. What is the phrase…with bells on?

FROM: Bruce Wayne

RE: Thank You

Yes, that's the one. Do you need the jet?

FROM: Diana Prince

RE: Thank You

Not this time. The Louvre purchased tickets. I'm looking at an acquisition from a dealer in Metropolis.

FROM: Bruce Wayne

RE: Thank You

I can meet you at the airport.

FROM: Diana Prince

RE: Thank You

I'll bring my appetite.

FROM: Bruce Wayne

SUBJECT: Final Furniture Choice?

Which table did you decide on?

FROM: Diana Prince

RE: Final Furniture Choice?

I like the reclaimed oak table with the walnut inlay. And the Italian leather chairs.

FROM: Bruce Wayne

RE: Final Furniture Choice?


FROM: Diana Prince

RE: Final Furniture Choice?

The navy Damask. With the pewter gray sheers.

FROM: Bruce Wayne

RE: Final Furniture Choice?

Ordered. Installation on the 15th.

Shame you won't be here when it's done.

FROM: Diana Prince

RE: Final Furniture Choice?

I could rearrange some things…

FROM: Bruce Wayne

RE: Final Furniture Choice?

Send the jet?

FROM: Diana Prince

RE: Final Furniture Choice?


FROM: Bruce Wayne

SUBJECT: Training Facility

Any preferences on training equipment?

FROM: Diana Prince

RE: Training Facility

You do realize that 90% of us are meta-humans, no?

FROM: Bruce Wayne

RE: Training Facility


We should still spar. Training is important.

FROM: Diana Prince

RE: Training Facility

You wish to spar with me?

FROM: Bruce Wayne

RE: Training Facility

I have been curious about how Amazons train.

FROM: Diana Prince

RE: Training Facility

Hmm. We'll see.

FROM: Diana Prince

SUBJECT: Concerned

Bruce, this is the third time I've put your shoulder back in place. I think it's time you see a doctor.

FROM: Bruce Wayne

RE: Concerned.

It's fine.

FROM: Diana Prince

RE: Concerned

It's not fine.

FROM: Diana Prince

RE: Concerned

So now you're going to ignore me?

FROM: Bruce Wayne

RE: Concerned

No. Meetings.

FROM: Diana Prince

RE: Concerned

You send me specs for computer equipment I know nothing about when you're in meetings. I know evasive maneuvers when I see them, Bruce.

FROM: Bruce Wayne

RE: Concerned

I don't have time to go to a doctor for something that will heal.

FROM: Diana Prince

RE: Concerned

Stubborn man.

FROM: Bruce Wayne

RE: Concerned

Impossible woman.

FROM: Bruce Wayne

SUBJECT: Kitchen

Moving on to the kitchen next. You available to look at appliances?

FROM: Diana Prince

RE: Kitchen

You do realize I don't know how to cook, right? Perhaps Alfred should be the one to decide.

FROM: Bruce Wayne

RE: Kitchen

In 100 years, you've never learned to cook?

FROM: Diana Prince

RE: Kitchen

This, from a man who doesn't clean his own underwear?

FROM: Bruce Wayne

RE: Kitchen


FROM: Diana Prince

RE: Kitchen

What does Victor say? Booya?

FROM: Bruce Wayne

RE: Kitchen

I believe it's Boo-YA.

FROM: Diana Prince

RE: Kitchen


I'll be there… if Alfred promises to make chocolate lava cake with homemade vanilla ice cream.

FROM: Bruce Wayne

RE: Kitchen

Whatever it takes, Princess.

FROM: Diana Prince

SUBJECT: Kal-El's Party

I just received an invitation from Kal-El and Lois. What is an engagement party?

FROM: Bruce Wayne

RE: Kal-El's Party

It's a party to celebrate two people who've just gotten engaged to be married. People bring gifts.

FROM: Diana Prince

RE: Kal-El's Party

A party before the wedding party?

FROM: Bruce Wayne

RE: Kal-El's Party

You forgot the Bridal Shower, the Bachelor Party and the Rehearsal Dinner the night before the wedding.

FROM: Diana Prince

RE: Kal-El's Party

That seems excessive and redundant.

FROM: Bruce Wayne

RE: Kal-El's Party

I don't make up the rules, Princess.

FROM: Diana Prince

RE: Kal-El's Party

Will you be attending this Engagement Party?

FROM: Bruce Wayne

RE: Kal-El's Party

I hadn't planned on it.

FROM: Diana Prince

RE: Kal-El's Party

We should make an appearance. It seems the right thing to do for a friend, no?

FROM: Bruce Wayne

RE: Kal-El's Party

A united front? What do you buy a man after you bought the entire bank that owns his mother's house?

FROM: Diana Prince

RE: Kal-El's Party

I think your presence will be gift enough after such generosity.

FROM: Bruce Wayne

RE: Kal-El's Party

You could be my plus one…

FROM: Diana Prince

RE: Kal-El's Party

We could be each other's plus one.

FROM: Bruce Wayne

SUBJECT: Furniture Invoice

Why is there an additional $5000 for an antique armoire?

FROM: Diana Prince

RE: Furniture Invoice

Are we seriously not going to talk about it? You'll ask me why I spent $5000 on a dresser for my room (a room that you insisted I have in YOUR house) but you won't discuss the kiss we shared?

FROM: Bruce Wayne

RE: Furniture Invoice

What's there to discuss?

FROM: Diana Prince

RE: Furniture Invoice

The fact that we kissed. The fact that we never said a word about it for the rest of the weekend. The fact that I enjoyed it. The fact that when I left for Paris, you were nowhere to be found. The fact that I haven't heard from you in over a week.

FROM: Bruce Wayne

RE: Furniture Invoice

You enjoyed it?

FROM: Diana Prince

RE: Furniture Invoice

That is all you took out of everything I said?

FROM: Bruce Wayne

RE: Furniture Invoice

It's the most important part.

FROM: Diana Prince

RE: Furniture Invoice

No Bruce, the most important part is that you have not said a word to me since.

FROM: Bruce Wayne

RE: Furniture Invoice

Why do you only use my name when you're chastising me?

FROM: Diana Prince

RE: Furniture Invoice

I do not only use it then.

FROM: Bruce Wayne

RE: Furniture Invoice

Yes, you do, Princess.

FROM: Diana Prince

RE: Furniture Invoice

I could ask the same of you. You call me Princess when you want to make fun of me.

FROM: Bruce Wayne

RE: Furniture Invoice

I would never make fun of you.

It's like a…term of endearment.

FROM: Diana Prince

RE: Furniture Invoice

I suppose you are the only person who calls me that…

FROM: Bruce Wayne

RE: Furniture Invoice


FROM: Diana Prince

RE: Furniture Invoice

I can see you smirking.

FROM: Bruce Wayne

RE: Furniture Invoice

Does it make you want to kiss me again?

FROM: Diana Prince

RE: Furniture Invoice

Maybe. It also makes me want to hit you.

FROM: Bruce Wayne

RE: Furniture Invoice

Could we refrain from that? The last time you hit me for 'me being me', you might have cracked a rib.

FROM: Diana Prince

RE: Furniture Invoice

You deserved it.

FROM: Bruce Wayne

RE: Furniture Invoice

I did. And I apologized.

FROM: Diana Prince

RE: Furniture Invoice

Yes. You did. And I appreciate that.

FROM: Bruce Wayne

RE: Furniture Invoice

Dinner Friday night? At a real restaurant with candles and wine.

FROM: Diana Prince

RE: Furniture Invoice

Like a date?

FROM: Bruce Wayne

RE: Furniture Invoice

Yes, Princess. Like a date. Pick you up at 8pm.

FROM: Diana Prince

RE: Furniture Invoice

At my apartment? In Paris?

FROM: Bruce Wayne

RE: Furniture Invoice

I know a romantic, little place on Grands-Augustine. Where do you think Alfred got his recipe for crème brulee?

FROM: Diana Prince

RE: Furniture Invoice

C'set génial! I look forward to it.

FROM: Bruce Wayne

RE: Furniture Invoice

Moi aussi, Princesse.