
The snow swirled intensely outside, small clouds of the whiteness fluttering to and fro, oblivious to the cares of the world around it.

It was beautiful. He had forgotten how the simplicity of it all was so enveloping, so perfect in its utter creation.

He smiled slightly, his eyes leaving the window to turn back inside.

The tall tree in the corner of the living room looked wonderful. It's long spindles of greenery peppered with colored lights; small, delicately wrapped packages adorning the floor beneath.

It was all so perfect.

But the apex of that perfection lay right next to him. Sprawled out on the couch, with his wife and son snuggled against him, he realized that heaven on Earth was, indeed, very real.

Evie sighed softly, snuggling closer to Rick's body, automatically bringing a silently snoring Alex along with her.

His smile widened. He was here, here again for Christmas, with the two people he loved most right next to him.

Just then, he saw what he had been missing. He saw the love, long held in all of them, now seep through them all, saturating them with its essence.

Perfection would never come close to describing it.

The End


A/N: I'm leaving the nuts and bolts of this to your imagination (I'm sorry, this is all I'm capable of right now!). So, without any further ado, onward to reviewer thank you's!


RickEvie4eva: I will always know you as the first person to review my first ever fanfiction. And, I will never forget the day I read that first review – I never believed it could have happened. Thank you so much.

Adrienne Marie: I would really like to apologize to you – I waited yet another month before posting the last of this story. Hahaha! Oh well, better late than never, right? Thanks for your wonderful reviews.

Ska8ergirl: I was really glad to have met you through our love for the Mummy. Also, I really love your story – for a first-ever fic, it is incredibly engrossing! Thanks so much for everything!

Imhoteps Lover: Well Jess, what can I say? Since that day we met, we have always been there for each other. Thank you so much for being there for me; you are my inspiration, every single time I sit down to write. I am so happy that I not only found a wonderful writing companion, but a friend who I can rely on, no matter what. I love you for making me be the best I can be – thanks again for all the love you have shown me.

Natters: You were always great about reviewing this story diligently. I appreciate that so much – I hope to see you more in the future.

Lady-Evie: Your reviews always inspired me, just as my story inspired you. Even in my worst moments, I had people like you to guide me towards writing a better story. Thank you so much.

Eviefan: I remember first reading your stories at the Rick and Evie Archive. I loved them all, and I knew you to be a sensational writer. So when I received your first review, you can imagine my excitement at having such a great author read my story! Thanks.

Twin*Muse: I thank the day that you happened to wander into the movies section, and on to my fiction. I'm so happy that I was able to give you something that made your days brighter.

Jester Fraser: Yet another famous author who happened to take interest in my little venture. Thanks for your reviews – I'm glad I was able to evoke emotion with my words.

Bebelestrange: Great to see a new face! Thanks for all your wonderful support; it meant the world to me.

Nefertirievy: I'm so glad that I was able to provide you with a good story. I've really enjoyed talking to you at the Shrine. Thanks again, I know that I'll see a great writer such as you again!

Ruse: Rusie, I am so glad to have chanced upon a meeting with you. I never expected our acquaintance to grow into such a wonderful friendship – I am truly blessed. You have always been there for me, whether it be long nights at Worlds Apart or time just spent talking – it really means the world to me. Thank you so much for being there, and for believing in me when I stopped believing in myself.

Marybug6otnile: I am truly honored to be called one of the greatest authors at FF.net. Thank you so much for believing that – I am very happy that I caught your review so late in the game. I hope to see more of you around.

Nakhti: Hey! Well, I must say that I found your reviews to be absolutely wonderful! Even for someone who read this fic later on, you were a real "bringer-upper" (is that a word?). I am truly sorry if I've caused you to fail you Masters, but hey, who needs higher education, anywhoo? Fugetaboutit! Thanks again, I am glad to have met you!

Marcher: Wow, thanks for your kind words. I am so glad to have made the acquaintance of yet another famous author here (awww, gee). I am also so happy to have you at Worlds Apart – it's great to have your perspective on things. Thanks again, I'm really glad that I met you.

Thanks also to:



Jessie McDonald



NEWS: Ahhh! I did it! I reached 100 reviews on my first fanfiction! All because of you guys! You love me, you really love me!