Part 1: Lunar
A young girl of about 17 with chin length black hair, dark violet eyes, and wearing the uniform of Atlas Academy, walked by a café in the middle of the night when she noticed something inside. Several Faunus wearing Grimm Masks were apparently shaking down the owners, an elderly couple. Walking inside calmly, the bell on the door signaled her entry. The Faunus and old people looked at her in surprise.
"Is this what the White Fang has resorted to?" she asked calmly, "Harassing old people who are just trying to make a living?"
"You better leave right now," ordered the apparent leader of the group.
When the girl remained where she stood, the leader signaled one of his men sitting by the door to deal with her. The Faunus grabbed the girl's arm but was thrown back by a pair of large black wings that sprouted from her back. Instantly retracting, the girl's pupils turned yellow while her irises turned blood red and seemed to be glowing while the whites of her eyes turned pitch black. A Grimm mask that resembled that of a Nevermore materialized on her face as she threw a glaive that appeared in her hand in a wisp of smoke through the chest of the Faunus that she had knocked away. Another Faunus brought down a sword on the girl but it shattered the instant she blocked it with her forearm. The leader of the group pointed at gun at the girl but she covered the barrel with her hand as he pulled the trigger. However, the bullet was halted in the barrel with the girl looking completely fine. Grabbing the group's leader by the head, she pushed him through a table and impaled him on the pole used to hold it up. Gazing at the last member of the group, he dropped his weapon and ran out of the shop.
Sighing, the girl's mask vanished in a burst of smoke and her eyes returned to normal. The old woman quickly pulled some money from the register and offered it to the girl, who declined it with a shake of her head.
"You need it more than I do," said the girl as she pulled out a sizeable crystal of red Dust, "This is 98% refined. It should be more than enough to repair this place."
She sat it on the table next to the door then calmly left. Once she was out of sight of the shop, she ran a hand through her hair as she was beginning to regret what she had just done.
Part 2: Ghoul
A girl of 17 wearing a long dark trench coat with black hair cut into a bob with some bangs covering her milky white right eye while her milky left eye remained exposed walked up to a steel door. Breaking open the lock, she pushed the door open and found two frightened kids. One was a male human child of about six while the other was a female lion Faunus of four.
"Hey," said the girl as she crouched down to eye level with the children, "It's okay."
She removed her hood and revealed the two white rabbit ears atop her head so as to calm the frightened children
"I know you both are scared," stated the girl as she attempted to comfort the pair, "But I'm here to help you. You don't have to be scared anymore."
"Okay," said the human boy as the girl picked up both him and the young Faunus in her arms.
"Let's get you back to your parents," she suggested as she walked out the door.
Passing over the bodies of the dead humans and by the blood stained walls, the children hid their faces in the woman's shoulders. The young Faunus looked up behind the girl and went wide eyed.
"Behind you!" she exclaimed.
The last surviving human that had come out of hiding was pinned against the wall by a Grimm-like tail that had slithered its way out from under the girl's coat. Turning her head toward the human man that had tried to attack them, her pupils turned yellow while her irises turned blood red and seemed to be glowing while the whites of her eyes turned pitch black. A Grimm mask that resembled that of a Sea Dragon materialized on her face. An electrical current moved along the tail and electrocuted the man, scorching his flesh and frying him alive. The tail retracted and the girl continued on her way to escort the children home.
Part 3: Neko
In the dead of night in Atlas, three men watched with no remorse as the young boy they just threw into a cement mixer from a building that was under construction screamed for help. The sound of something dragging on the ground broke their train of thought and all three turned around. There, they saw a woman of about 17 with her long purple hair done into a ponytail dragging a sledgehammer across the ground toward them. She stopped in the light and the men saw how she was dressed. She wore a black, backless, sleeveless undershirt, an orange over-shirt with two white straps on each shoulder, a large beige sash around her waist, and black stretch pants that had a hole for the black cat tail coming out of the back with a pair of lightweight brown shoes, which allowed for stealth. The dark skin of her face was obscured by the mask of a Beringel while her eyes, whose color was that of and glowed like those of a Grimm.
"Look guys," said the leader of the group in a cocky tone, "It a little girl pretending she's in the White Fang."
The girl remained silent as the men taunted her. Even though she saw them speak, she heard only silence through both kinds of ears. The men circled the girl and the leader pulled a gun on her. She grabbed his wrist, shattering it with ease, then shattered his knee by jamming the sledgehammer into it. The girl calmly fought off the men like it was second nature to her before swinging the sledgehammer into the head of one of the men, sending his corpse tumbling into the cement mixer with the still screaming boy. One of the men shot the sledgehammer out of the girl's hand, forcing her to take cover behind a stone pillar as the man made his escape. The only man remaining on the level of the reached for a gun but was stopped by the girl, who shattered his forearm when he reached for a gun on the ground. The girl grabbed the gun then went to the edge of building. Jumping down, she landed gracefully on one knee then pointed the gun off to her left, firing it the instant the man came in front of the barrel, killing him instantly. She tossed the body into the cement mixer then went back upstairs to the last man of the group that was alive. Standing over him, she pulled her fist back as the man begged for his life before his skull was in pieces and the girl's mask was covered in blood.
Meanwhile, the boy in the cement mixer continued to cry for help when a third body was dumped in along with a rope that was stable enough to climb with. Climbing up the rope he managed to get out of the cement mixer and lied back on the ground as he finally noticed the message on the bag full of metal that acted as a counterweight.
From the shadows, the girl's mask vanished in a burst of smoke, revealing her deep golden eyes that seemed to light up in the night before they vanished into the darkness along with the girl.
Part 4: Kronos
A boy of 17 with waist length blond hair that had a pair of orange fox ears topping it sat under a tree as the rain showed no signs of stopping. Watching as Vernal left Raven's tent after delivering a scroll, the light in the tent went out shortly afterwards. Clenching his fists, the boy made his move. Walking into a side tent that housed a shrine that was dedicated to their fallen comrades, the boy let a candle then got onto his knees and bowed to the shine. He then hurried off and quietly entered Raven's tent. Giving her sleeping form a look asking for forgiveness, he grabbed the scroll that Vernal had delivered and left. Entering his own tent, he took out Raven's sword, which he had stolen, holding it up to his long locks. With one swift movement, the hair fell to the ground and was soon joined by more. Going over to an armor stand he pulled the regal red robes and armor from the stand and put them on. Gazing at the blade with his one visible blue eye while his other was covered by a lone silver streak of his bangs, his eyes turned the color of a Grimm's as a Dragon Grimm's mask materialized on his face before sheathing the weapon.
Entering the stables, he went up to the best horse the tribe had and calmed it down before attaching the reigns to it. Leading the horse outside, he gave Raven's tent one last look before he hopped on. Bursting through the gates, he rode into the forest as fast as he could.
Back at the camp, Raven came out of her tent, as the ruckus woke her up, to find that everyone was running about.
"What's going on?" demanded Raven as she grabbed Vernal by the arm.
"He took the information on the artifact," said Vernal as she tried to explain quickly.
"Who?" demanded Raven as she pulled the Spring Maiden closer to look her in the eyes.
"Y-Your son," she stated fearfully.
Raven ran into her tent and found the scroll was indeed gone as well as her sword. Grabbing an extra copy of her sword with a red blade, she attached it to her hip and ran outside. Transforming into her bird form, Raven flew through the rain when the sound of a horse running reached her ears. Looking down, she saw the boy racing through the trees and gave a loud caw. The boy looked up at Raven and pushed the horse faster. However, he soon came to a cliff and pulled back on the reigns. Rearing up, the horse neighed as it skidded to a halt, stopping just feet from the chasm. Raven landed as she returned to her human form as the boy got off the horse.
"So, you actually think you could get away with betraying us?" questioned Raven as she stared down the boy.
"I'm not betraying you," said a voice inside Raven's head, "I'm carrying out my promise to her that I made when she was erased."
"You're still going on about that?!" shouted Raven, "You're the one that made her succumb to Salem's influence! You're the one who caused that incident two years ago!"
"And I've been regretting having sent her on that road," said the voice as the boy drew the sword he had stolen, revealing the red blade that burst into flames, "I thank you for saving me all those years ago. But now it is my turn to save you. I won't allow you to lay a hand on the artifact."
Raven darted forward as she too drew her red bladed sword and met the boy's. Fire burst from the point of contact as the boy and Raven dueled through the trees with not only their lives but their ideals and pride on the line. Vernal and the other bandits arrived but were forced back by the sheer heat of the flames that separated them from Raven and the boy. Vernal could barely make them out through the flames but from what she could see, she knew that both of them didn't want to do this. Both were crying as they fought and appeared to be exhausted. Raven found an opening and planted her fist straight into the middle of the boy's chest. He was sent flying back over the edge of the cliff and fell into the darkness below. Raven dragged herself over to the cliff as blood ran down her arms and legs. Panting, Raven knelt down at the edge of the cliff and muttered some rites under her breath before heading back to camp.
The boy turned toward the ground as he appeared to slow down. Landing gently on the ground, he looked up to find his three teammates waiting for him, each one wearing their masks.
"It's good to see you all again," said a voice inside the heads of the three girls, "It's been two long years since we last saw each other but now is the time to come together again."
Looking into the darkness, he raised his hand and four Griffin Grimm stepped out of the shadows. Each member of the group climbed atop one of the Griffins and the Grimm took off into the sky. Illuminated by the moon, the four headed for their central goal, Beacon Academy.
To Be Continued?