Hey guys, I took a request to write a story where Jade stays in Yerba and then my mind flew away so I ended up writing a really long and complex story, which I hope you'll enjoy!

It's got lots of things coming so I hope you'll read it all. Enjoy!

The plan had worked, everyone was enjoying the musical performance the gang had organized and they were ready to escape. Time was up, they ran out of the door as fast as they could and saw Sikowitz waiting for them.

"Hurry up" He shouted and they got on the back of the vehicle, he realized a tall male looking woman was in it too but Tori urged him to just leave so he drove away.

"Stop!" Yerbaninan officers screamed and the gang smiled relieved to see them stay behind.

"Oh god, I can't believe we did it" Andre said happily.

"We still need to fly out of the country" Beck commented.

"Relax, that's the easy part" Tori said and took a breath. "I can't wait to be home"

"And what are your plans?" Andre asked the tall scary woman.

"I don't know" She responded in her thick almost russian accent.

"You could totally work for the circus, you'd make a fortune there" Jade commented so Tori closed her eyes in frustration and the woman turned to her coldly.

"Being her friend won't save you for long, Americana" The woman said and Jade rolled her eyes.

"Jade, please don't make her mad" Tori said and smiled at the woman. "She is kidding"

"No, I'm not" Jade whispered to herself and Beck sighed. "You gotta admit you look odd, I mean come on...Beck looks more feminine than you" she said in a mocking tone and Beck rolled his eyes as he shook his head.

"Enough" The woman said and tried to reach her but Beck was covering her protectively.

"Hey, hey…she is my friend and you won't hurt her, we are in this together" Tori said and the woman looked at her upset.

"We are almost there, hang on" Sikowitz shouted from the front of the car and Jade smirked at the woman victoriously.

They all arrived to the airport and rushed out of the van because their flight was almost closing gates. "Hurry up!" Sikowitz screamed as they all made their way through the airport with their passes in hand.

Sikowitz was leading the group, followed by Andre, Tori, Beck, Cat, Robbie and lastly Jade because she'd been the last to leave the truck. Beck turned around several times and saw her approaching him fast, she was close so he didn't stop for her and continued running.

"You made it just in time" The lady at the gate said and they all gave her their passes as they ran into the plane. Jade could see them and she felt she was already there as well but then she suddenly felt someone pulling her hair and she fell on her back.

At first she was really confused but then she saw the tall woman looking down at her so she exhaled angrily. "What the fuck is wrong with you, you freak?" Jade asked and tried to stand up to keep running but before she could even sit up, the woman smashed her head against the floor and everything turned black.

The gang and Sikowitz were on the plane and as soon as it took off, they felt relieved and happy. Their seats weren't together because it had been a last minute purchase but they didn't care. "We are going home" Cat exclaimed happily as she turned back to see Beck a few rows back.

"Yes, we are" He said and smiled. "Where is everybody else?" He asked.

"Tori is on the other side, a few rows ahead and the others are spread all over, I saw Andre on my way here, he is in the other cabin" Cat commented and Beck nodded. He wanted to be with Jade but he assumed she had to share her row with others as well so they couldn't be together.

"Do you know where Jade is?" Beck asked.

"No, she must be in the other cabin too" Cat commented and he nodded, he wanted to sleep but he couldn't feel at peace until he located Jade so he stood up to go look for her. He looked around his cabin but she wasn't there so he went to the other one.

Beck stood in the back of the cabin just looking at all the seats and part of the heads of the passengers. He looked around trying to find her, he spotted Andre, Sikowitz and then finally saw a black haired girl across the cabin. He started walking towards her but then a flight assistant approached him. "Sir, please get back to your seat" She demanded nicely.

"I just want to see my girlfriend…" He said and pointed at Jade's head.

"You can talk to her later, now I need you to get back to your seat" The lady said and almost pushed him back to his cabin.

"Did you see her?" Cat asked when he walked by her.

"Yeah" He simply said and sat down in his seat again, he was really tired so he simply closed his eyes and fell asleep. Hours passed and the flight finally ended, Beck and Tori were looking at the city through the window and feeling relieved.

"We made it home!" Tori exclaimed to herself and smiled.

The plane landed in Los Angeles and everyone's parents were there waiting for them. They all walked out of the plane with no bags because they'd left everything in Yerba. "Yay!" Cat said as she stepped out of the plane.

"Honey!" Mrs. Valentine said and hugged her daughter.

"Mom!" Tori said and ran to her mother as well.

"Dad!" Trina exclaimed and her father hugged her.

"We missed you, girls" He said.

Mr. Shapiro and Mrs. Harris embraced their sons and Beck's parents smiled as soon as they saw Beck. "Baby!" His mother exclaimed and he hugged them happily.

Mr. West was standing there waiting for Jade to come out as well, she was the only one still missing. Several minutes passed and the wait became too long so the gang was confused. "Where is Jade?" Her father questioned and they looked at each other.

"Umm excuse me, are there any passengers left in the plane?" Tori asked one of the flight attendants as they walked out.

"No, the plane is empty, we are the last ones" The lady commented and Tori started looking around to spot Jade but she was nowhere to be seen.

"She is not there" Tori informed.

"But you saw her, didn't you?" Cat asked Beck and he looked down thinking about it.

"I…I think I saw her head, she was the only black haired girl on the plane, she was on the first row, next to Andre" Beck commented and Andre shook his head.

"No, Beck, she wasn't…" He said.

"What do you mean?" Beck asked.

"Are you talking about that black haired girl?" Andre asked and pointed to a young woman on the other side of the room, she was tall, pale, had black hair and was talking on the phone. "Because that's the girl that was sitting next to me, I never saw Jade" He informed and Beck looked at him confused and worriedly.

"What are you all talking about? Where is my daughter?" Mr. West questioned.

"I didn't see her after we left the truck" Tori said.

"I saw her at the airport, she was running behind us…" Beck commented.

"Did someone see Jade ON the plane?" Sikowitz asked and they looked at each other nervously before shaking their heads. "Oh god" He said worriedly and Beck covered his face.

"We left her" He added mortified and the parents looked at each other, while Jade's father shook his head at them.

"You…" He said angrily as he pointed at Sikowitz and the gang. "You couldn't even make sure she was on the plane as well, you abandoned my child in a foreign country alone"

"I don't understand, she…she was coming, she was ahead of the big woman" Beck commented.

"Big woman?" Mrs. Vega asked and Beck and Tori looked at each other in realization.

"Oh no" Tori said and Beck slapped his forehead.

"What? What is it?" Mr. West asked angrily.

"She did it, she must've stopped Jade from getting on the plane" Tori commented and the gang's eyes wide opened.

"Who is she? Why would she do that?" Mr. West questioned disconcertedly

"She is a prisoner, she was with us in jail…and Jade made fun of her several times, she was about to beat her with a stick at one point" Tori explained. "Things were fine after we escaped but Jade insulted her again and she was angry and well, I don't think there's any other explanation, they were the last ones and they are not here"

"So you're telling me some big criminal who tried to beat my kid with a stick has been alone with her for hours?" Jade's father questioned and Tori nodded mortified. "Dear god…"

"We have to go back" Beck exclaimed.

"We just escaped from prison" Andre said.

"We freed a criminal and we left Jade with her, we'll be lucky if the police caught them before she hurt her" Beck responded. "I don't care if they put me back in jail, I'm not gonna leave her there"

"So won't I" Mr. West said and exhaled upset. "I'm going to Yerba"

"I'll go with you" Beck informed.

"Beck, don't" His mother said.

"It's my girlfriend we are talking about, maybe she is hurt now" He responded.

"I wanna go too" Cat said and turned to the gang. "We all should go, she is our friend" They looked at each other and sighed.

"Fine, we'll go but first we need to fix our situation…we won't be of much help in prison" Andre commented and the parents nodded.

"Okay, I can help with that and then we'll be on our way to Yerba" Mr. West said. "And my daughter better be okay"

I hope you guys liked the chapter!

There's A LOT coming ;)