I have decided to start on another story while my Lincoln Phantom sequel is still being planned. I am basing this story off of Brawl in the Family. While it isn't the worst episode in the show (No Such Luck will forever hold that title), this one is a decently close second. This is a genderbent of Syngenesophobia (not sure if I spelled it right.) Before anyone rips into me for this, I sent ThatEngineer a PM asking permission and he granted it. I am gonna put my own little spin on this, so our two stories won't exactly be identical. Don't post comments calling this a sad ripoff. There will be several moments that might piss people off. Lastly, before I start, I won't start the story off with Linka getting attacked. I am gonna give it a little bit of build-up. Let's get into it.
Previously in the Loud House, brothers Loki and Loni got into a massive argument. As a result, the rest of the Loud brothers initiated Brother fight protocol. Everything went without a hitch. Well, except for the fact that said protocol is a huge inconvienience their only sister, Linka. When asked, she is met with "It's a brother thing. It'll die down eventually." Linka is currently in her room, venting to Claire, her best friend.
"They're driving me crazy Claire. All last week, they were arguing." Linka vents over the phone to her friend. "On top of that, we had to cook their favorite dinners and eat dinner twice. I am sick of chicken wings and vegan goulash. It's a horrible combination. I think I gained a few pounds. Plus, I am always kicked off the couch, I have to turn from my favorite shows to their football games, and every time Ron Andy comes over for a date, my brothers scare him off. We haven't had time alone in over two weeks." Linka whined.
"I'm sure your parents could talk to them." Claire replies over the phone. "I already tried that. Believe me, it did not go well on my end." Linka answers back.
Linka is wearing a purple dress and matching purple slide-ons. After spraying a tiny bit of perfume, Linka prepares herself for her date. A knock is heard at the door. Linka runs downstairs to answer it, only to be blocked by a hockey stick wielding Lynn. "Sorry Linka, can't let you go out there." Lynn says. This annoys Linka.
"What. Why? You guys wanted me to stay out of your protocol right? I'm going on my date." Linka responds. Lynn only shakes his head at this. "No. No. No. Linka, see, Mom and Dad want you to stay here."
"How come?"
"Loki and Loni would never fight as long as you are here. Sorry, Link. Maybe next week."
"That's not fair."
Linka walks to her parent's room. The knocking on the front door gets louder. "MOM. DAD. Can I go out. Ron Andy's waiting for me." Linka asks.
"Sorry, sweetie. We need you here to keep the peace. Your brothers agreed to never fight in front of you. Maybe next week." Rita answers through the door. Linka walks away from the door, dejected. Lynn places a sympathetic hand on her shoulder."Sorry sis." he says. Linka just runs upstairs. The knocking grows louder and louder. Eventually, Lynn has had enough. He hits the door.
"GET LOST RON. She isn't coming!" Lynn shouts through the door. On the other side, Ron Andy walks away dejected. This is the second time a date was cancelled. It was making him sick. From her room window, Linka tears up seeing her boyfriend walking off the premesis. She places a hand on the window.
Flashback end
Linka tears up telling Claire about that experience. At her house, Claire and her two moms started sniffling at Linka's flashback. "That had to be so horrible." Claire weeps. "It was." Linka says. "I'm sure it can't get any worse than that." Almost as if on a cue, someone yells quite noisily: "I HATE YOU!" Linka puts her call on hold. She peeks her head out of her door. Luke and Lane are holding back Loki, who is furious.
"I HATE THAT RETARDED PIECE OF SHIT!" Loki yells. He is trying to break free. An equally angry Loni tries to run out of the room, only to be knocked down by Lynn, who is wearing his football gear. He closes the door and holds it shut so Loni doesn't get out. Linka closes her door. She shakes her head disapprovingly. Linka hated seeing them argue.
It hurted her seeing it. Why can't they get along? Linka thought. She is pulled out of her thought when her door flies open. Luke and Lane holding a now calm Loki. "Sorry sis, we need your room." Luke says frantically. Before she could react, Loki breaks free and lifts her up, carrying her out of the room. He slams the door. "Why is it always my room?" Linka asks, annoyed now.
"The rest of our rooms are taken." Lane responds.
"Like mine isn't!"
"It's okay. You can sleep with Loni tonight." Lane responds. Luke and Linka look at him awkwardly. Lane's eyes go wide upon realizing his word choice. "Ew. Not like that. That's not what I meant. I meant in Loki's bed." Lane corrects. Luke and Lane walk back to their room. Linka takes her call off hold.
"Claire, it got worse. I'll call you back." Linka hangs up. Linka feels warm fluid running down her legs. She looks down to see that it's blood. She limps over to the door of her room. "Loki, let me in." Linka pleads. Cramps ring through her stomach. "GET LOST. I'M NOT IN THE MOOD." Loki yells. Linka walks over to the bathroom to clean herself up.
The inaugural chapter of Taking Things Too Far is completed. I wrote most of this at school. I have been considering a soundtrack for this too. Should I or not? Leave your opinion in the reviews. Like I said, I'm doing things a bit different. Linka getting injured is a few chapters away. And before anyone bitches about a Brawl in the Family story, it's much more original and refreshing than the outdated No Such Luck fanfictions we have been getting. I'm not trashing anyone, just saying. Goodbye and goodnight!