Disclaimer: I own nothing but the plot.

Chapter 7

A swift knock on her office door broke the tension. Blaise and Draco immediately stood yet did not move from her side. Harry was standing in the doorway, confusion evident on his face.

"Hermione? Everything alright? I was just coming to see if you wanted to do lunch?"

"Harry!" Hermione took a deep breath. "Yea, everything's fine. I'm not going to be able to do lunch today. I've just got so much to finish here before the weekend. And there's…."her thoughts trailed off.

"Zabini. Malfoy," Harry acknowledged them with a nod.

"Potter," they said in unison.

"If you need to talk 'Mione you know where to find me," and with that he turned and left.

"Where were we?" Blaise questioned Draco. "Oh, right." They were both back down at her side practically breathing in her ear.

"How are your dirty little stories coming along Hermione?"

"They are not 'dirty little stories'. It is a well-developed novel with a mature plot."

Blaise stood and addressed his partner. "She's writing porn, Draco. Who would have thought that prissy little Hermione Granger would be writing porn?"

"It's not porn!" she defended.

He loved to see her riled up, hell they both did. Her cheeks were a gorgeous rosy pink, her eyes glittered, and she gave a tiny huff.

Both boys returned to their seats, enjoying the show. "Now if you two don't mind, I have actual work to get to." Stuffing all her papers in her bag she pulled her inbox to her and began sorting through it by priority.

Blaise and Draco shared a look. They could get to her that was obvious. What other kind of fun could they have with the brunette?

The rest of the day passed quietly for the three. No more incidents occurred and Hermione remained focused on work. 5:00pm came and she began clearing off her desk and packing up for the weekend.

Draco's stomach grumbled. "Do you often go without lunch? And you grabbed nothing for breakfast, that's very unhealthy Hermione," he chastised. "You need three square meals a day." Only Blaise noticed the strain on Draco as he tried to keep his dominant voice at bay.

"It's nothing. Not like it wouldn't hurt me to miss a meal or two," Hermione mumbled to herself yet she wasn't the only one to hear it. Immediately Blaise and Draco descended upon her.

"Don't you dare talk badly about yourself," the blond growled Dom voice in full swing. She looked at him shocked then slid her eyes over to the brunette.

"Best if you listen to him darling. He means it."

It was an awkward walk to the floos, Hermione wasn't sure why they cared. Especially Draco, his voice still bringing a shiver to her spine. She could only imagine that voice telling her to do a lot of terrible things, dirty, sexy, terrible things. Since when did she connect sexy to Draco Malfoy she wasn't sure. But Blaise was right. They were not the same boys from Hogwarts. They were men; mature and so self-confident. Had she not known them previously she never thought they would be capable of the torment they inflicted. Both were so polite. Until they ganged up on her, she wouldn't exactly call their behavior polite.

Before Hermione could enter the oversized fireplace, Blaise laid a hand on her arm, tingles formed where he touched.

"We need to grab a few things from our place."

"Okay, I'll head home."

"No sweetheart, you're coming with us. We're not letting you out of our sight." Since when did Hermione like to be called sweetheart?

The three stepped into the grate and Blaise shouted, "Zabini and Malfoy home." Hermione would lie if she said she wasn't interested in their house, even more interested to learn they lived together.

Stepping out into the room, Hermione was shocked. It looked nothing like what she imagined the two Slytherins home to be like. White walls, oversized, plush furniture, stainless steel and glass accents everywhere. It looked so modern and muggle.

"Expecting a dungeon?" Blaise asked with a smirk. "That's in the other room." She laughed at what she assumed was a joke. "Make yourself at home, we'll be quick."

There was a hallway off the living room to the right that both boys retreated down. Sitting lightly in one of the comfortable chairs, she perused the room. Not one photo, yes, there was gorgeous artwork but no personal photos that she could find.

Draco emerged first with a duffle bag shortly followed by Blaise. Grabbing a protein bar from the kitchen, Draco threw one to Blaise and walked up to Hermione.

"Until we can get you a proper meal, eat this," he said sternly.

She smiled, "Yes Sir," she laughed. The boys shared a look. They decided in that moment it wouldn't be long until she was calling them both Sir, and not as a joke.