Chapter 30: The End of My Beginning
Blue eyes burned in the shadows.
Jaune clung to the wall, footsteps slow in shallow water. He swallowed, refreshing his awareness of the world around him.
Had he not pushed away from the Grimm's giant fangs, he'd have surely been crushed. Hiding in the dark had been his first instinct, and thankfully the correct one. The pure irony in a creature of darkness being unable to see him should have been fortunate.
Sadly, it wasn't.
There was very little light above, cast by pale blue dust embedded in the walls. The walls were smooth and wet, making it hard to get a good grip on.
Jaune looked for any sign of movement, twitching at every little splash or scrape. The creature had the biggest advantage, for while they were both blind in the dark, it had the better options to locate its prey.
You are a Branwen, and we are not prey.
Jaune's eyes narrowed, recalling Raven's lesson. Hardly applicable in the moment since they were just training, but if there was any time to use it, it was now. His wild heart contrasted his composed movements, hand gliding across the cold wall. Each tiny slosh of water a momentary giveaway to his location.
Where was it? Above him? Ahead?
Pressing his back against the wall, Jaune stayed as still as possible, hoping to feel for anything. Wherever the monster was, it was incredibly good at being quiet. But the strike was coming, he didn't know when, but it would be soon.
Listen. Jaune breathed through his nose, keep my senses about. It knows I'm trapped - it's waiting for me to make a sound.
A thunk. Small, but followed by a rapid skitter. But it wasn't very close, if he had to guess... it was right across from him, scaling up the wall. The Grimm hadn't yet found him. He'd just have to help it out, wouldn't he?
Jaune stomped in the water, and the reaction was immediate.
Dots of green expanded as something rushed him in the darkness. Jaune squared his legs readily, the Ctenizidae's high shriek echoing throughout the cavern.
The Grimm wanted blood. But so did Jaune.
Dodge rolling forward, he brushed under its hairy body, letting it stumble and slam into the wall. To his luck, the impact shook free huge shards of dust, which buried into the floor and lit up the arena.
"There you are." Jaune drew his sword, watching the Grimm as it turned its eyes back on him. Fangs brandished, it wasted no time for the next attack.
It raised its body up, and Jaune barely dodged a blast of thick silk that hit the ground more force than he thought possible. He wiped some on his shirt, finding that he needed to pull hard to get it off. If he was caught in that even once, then he was a guaranteed skin sack.
Jaune jumped over the Grimm as it charged, and to its credit, it angled one of its legs to catch him. Pushing off it, he skidded on the floor before slashing its hind leg.
Not deep enough.
On reaction the monster swung around, and Jaune raised his arms against the impact of its behind. And only by dropping to his stomach did he avoid the skewer of its fangs. Jaune quickly put distance between them, watching for its next attack.
It was already back upon him.
The thing was fast and ravenous, as if it had been starving for years. Jaune jumped back as it slammed down, one leg lunging out to catch him in midair. Jaune's aura took the blow, but sent him crashing against the wall.
"Crap..." Jaune spat. The spider was relentless, barely giving him any room to strike back. On top of that, its hide was thick - he wasn't very confident in his ability to break the armor. The blond was on the move again, the Ctenizidae firing its slimy projectile at him again and again.
It definitely had the upper hand when it came to range and melee, and even though Jaune could maneuver around, it wouldn't matter if he couldn't hurt it. So how did he break through?
Diving out of the way, Jaune spotted the redhead soaring overhead, scoring a blow against the Grimm's head... lifting it entirely off the ground and into the wall.
"Holy crap..." Jaune gawked, as the girl landed, "You're really strong..."
"Protein," The girl patted her thighs, "Gotta keep these guns in shape!"
Jaune looked to his side, Ren already held out his hand. Accepting it up, he looked back at their enemy. "Don't suppose you know how to fight this thing."
"Ctenizidae are too rare, and I don't think usually this big." Ren totted his guns readily.
The three rushed in, Ren's bullets pelting its mask, but not doing much else. Lashing out, Ren took its headbutt straight on and was flung back. Jaune seized that chance to strike, aiming for its fang.
Jaune seethed as the impact reverberated through his arms. His sword bounced off, and it was as if the fang hadn't been touched. His punishment for the exchange was the beast launching at him. Jaune was forced to leap back, but his distance wasn't enough.
Jaune clutched the wound, the fang tearing through his shoulder like a knife. Nora was at his aid immediately, her grenades forcing the Ctenizidae to retreat. The monster leapt onto the walls, scaling along it so quickly it looked unnatural - countering Nora's shots with its own artillery.
"Don't let the web touch you!" Jaune and Ren leapt out of the way as shots of gunk hit the floor like boulders. Jaune jumped off the wall to soar at the Grimm, swatted aside with hardly a chance to react.
The boy pushed off the ground the instant he landed, just in time to avoid the web that hit shortly after.
What were they supposed to do?
The Grimm seemed content to barrage them from its perch, any grenades that got past its array of webs was either tanked or avoided. It owned the cavern, while they were limited to the ground.
They needed to knock it down.
Ren ran up to him, trailing his guns on the skittering monster. "We have to get to its head - through the mask."
That would be the hardest part, Jaune had no doubt that Nora could break it. The issue was making it so she could land a clear shot. Looking around, he tried to find anything they could use to their advantage. They needed to lure it first of all, then distract it, once Nora got in she could break its shell…
But they needed something decisive to puncture the monster.
Jaune's eye landed on the slab of Dust, larger than him in size. And sharp at the tip.
"Nora, shoot the wall above it!"
"What!?" Nora looked at him incredulously, "Just because I like pancakes doesn't mean I wanna be one!"
He wasn't sure what any of this had to do with pancakes but shook his head. "We have to bring it down, its the only way it'll come after us!"
"Whatever you say, Mister leader!"
True to its previous actions, the Ctenizidae scattered as soon as shots were fired. Going lower as Nora's grenades hit the wall. It was too late to react to the debris.
With a screech the monster fell, the rock would hardly do damage to it but it hit the water with a heavy slam. Scrambling to its legs, its fangs protruded menacingly.
It was angry. Good.
"Distract it!" Jaune called. He filled his arms with aura, the strain on his muscles apparent as he winded his sword back with both hands. One strike to the slab of Dust barely did anything, so Jaune hammered away until its finally broke off.
Not the biggest piece he wanted, but it would do the job.
Looking at his two allies, Ren had erected a shield of aura. Holding back the monster as it tried to bear down on him.
"Nora! Let's play ball!"
Nora seemed to catch it right away, bursting off the wall with a blast from her grenade. Jaune jumped toward her as her weapon turned to hammer form, he grabbed the head.
Nora swung him hard, sent like a bullet to his target. "Ren, get its right legs!"
Ren reacted quickly, dropping the shield and rolling aside to let the Fang pierce the ground. Slashing out, he clipped one of its legs. Now close enough, Jaune struck himself, fully taking off two - forcing the monster of balance to lie on the ground.
"Heeere's the wind up!" Nora twirled her hammer before arcing it in and underhand swing, the impact sent the fragment hurdling to the wall.
Jaune ran up the wall, leaping off it as aura filled his legs. His shadow flew over the crystal. He drove both feet down. A gross crunch came with the caving of the Grimm's head, one large eye burst out on impact, splattering against the wall.
"There's a pun somewhere in this..." Nora said, rushing up to everyone, "Eye for an eye?"
"We didn't lose an eye though." Ren corrected.
"Right," The girl paused in thought before brightening, "He didn't see that one coming!"
"Spiders already can't see well."
"Come on, that one was perfect!"
Jaune shook his head with a smile, marveling at the playful banter of the two. It reminded him a lot of himself and Amber.
"You guys didn't see Amber, did you?"
"We must have fallen in a section closed off from the rest of the underground." Ren said.
So she wasn't down here, but if the entire floor had fallen, then she had to be somewhere. Was she fighting that Tyrian guy? A titanic burst, rattling the cavern. Looking at his feet, he could see the water level starting to rise, slowly but surely.
That couldn't be good.
~Event Horizon~
"Can you catch me, fair lady?"
Amber grit her teeth as she sent another wave at the faunus. Tyrian scrambled around the arena like the insect he was, nimbly dodging in a way she didn't think a man of his build could.
Like a snake he slithered along the floor, ice and fire showering his path. Yet he avoided it all like it was practice.
Even knowing what kind of power she had, he didn't look the least bit concerned.
That didn't bode well.
Amber moved aside, letting the blade on Tyrian's arm slide past her cheek. She caught the blur of his other arm, jumping back so it cut only air.
The maiden countered with pillars of flame, roaring free of the ground. The light lit of Tyrian's taunting smirk, his back arching as he leapt right over them.
"Trying to turn up the heat! I like that!" He said, forcing Amber to move with a flurry of gunfire.
Drawing her staff, Amber met the monster's as he closed the distance. A right swing, barely blocked. Swiftly followed up, Amber seethed upon taking a kick to her head.
Water soaked her as she hit the ground, but she barely got the chance to move before Tyrian jumped at her.
"Back off!" Amber thrusted her staff out, forcing the faunus to dodge. The moment he did, she threw up an ice spire to run him through. She should've known he'd easily dodge it.
Back on her feet, Amber pressed her attack. Her jab was quickly countered, Tyrian struck her face hard with the blunt end of his tail.
"Bad girls deserve a whipping!"
"Shut up!" Amber growled, the girl shot her hands forward. She'd just endlessly barrage him, he wouldn't be able to dodge it all.
Only, she saw that he was gone.
She didn't need to look for him though.
Something hard struck her chin, snapping her jaws together. Vision blurred. A ringing sound in her head as she hit the ground. Reality danced in front of and she fought to grab back the coherent world.
Something else grabbed her instead.
Amber cried out as her skin dragged on the floor, Tyrian's tail whipped up before slamming her back down again.
"Let me go!" The girl howled, digging her hand into the dirt. Flinging it out, the rocks caught her opponent in the face. A blow he welcomed with his disgusting laugh.
Breaking free, water and earth came to Amber's will. Blades of nature flew at her foe, only to miss. Tyrian again jumped at her, Amber moving aside before flipping the floor under him.
But he even took that with ease, jumping off and sliding down on his belly like a child on a waterslide. Bullets flew, Amber was forced to raise her aura.
Their bodies met, and after grabbing her by the shoulder he flipped her up and into the wall. Amber hacked up instantly, but it was a short lived respite.
He slammed her again, tail wrapping around one arm and her neck. Amber gasped for breath, water spraying out of the wall and onto her head.
Wait, water?
"Losing steam, my dear?" He sneered, "My Queen did say the younger maidens were the more reckless ones."
"Your Queen can kiss my ass!" Amber kneed Tyrian, pushing him off before putting distance between them. Readily, Amber called on her magic once again.
But Tyrian was right back in her guard.
Amber staggered back, holding her aura to block his assault. His speed and strength was ridiculous, and moreover, it looked like he was actually intelligent behind those crazy eyes. He reacted to her magic perfectly, using her earth and ice to get closer to her. Evading the streams of fire and lightning, even preemptively bracing himself of the wind.
It was like he'd be trained to fight her.
"Alley-oop!" The man giggled, distracting her with an overhead slash. His tail swept her off her feet, then snatched her by the waist. Blood filled Amber's mouth as he slammed her on the floor again and again, it felt like her brain was being repeatedly mashed against her skull.
Then he tossed her aside, Amber curling up on the ground as she whimpered in agony. The man was brutal. Amber's heart rapid as she looked up at him and his twisted grin.
She shook inside, knowing her attacks weren't working. He'd barely been touched. And Amber trembled knowing he could do whatever he wanted to her. And she'd be powerless to stop him.
"Afraid, girl? Ooh, let me feel it," Tyrian kneeled down, grabbing her by the hair, "Let me see you cry. They say the tears of a witch can cure any injury - silly, I know. But it does pique my interest. What do you say, can we test that?"
Amber spit in his face, glaring defiantly as he wiped it away. Along with his smile. "I'll take that as a yes."
Amber face scrunched in tandem with a curdling scream; Tyrian's arm blade had plunged into her side. Slowly he twisted it inside, churning the flesh - Amber's tears already streaming her cheeks.
"What's wrong?" Tyrian cackled, "Still with your childish defiance!?"
What was she going to do?
Amber could feel her consciousness turn against her as Tyrian slammed her face into the ground. Blood filled her mouth, and she could swear her nose was cracked. With each blow, more splotches of black formed, never a chance to fade before Tyrian struck again.
It was much different than her fight against Raven. Instigating that fight had been ultimately pointless, but something compelled her to do it. Confidence? No, not exactly.
She just figured she'd win. How could she have known she'd be fighting a Maiden? How could she have known Tyrian would be such a monster?
"Silly girl, you Maidens are so used to forcing your way through things! But I shall tell you, Maidens are not the most powerful things in this world, despite what the old wizard would have you believe."
She couldn't deny that, its not like Amber really had much else to go on. It was so easy to assume nothing could touch her because she had powers that only three others did.
A power that would not help her now.
"Aaagh!" She shrieked, Tyrian throwing her into the wall. He pressed her face there, holding her still as he pinned one arm behind her back.
"If I must, I shall beat you into submission. You will be an unexpected gift to my queen, she will realize Cinder was a mistake of an investment. And she will know that I alone can deliver what she desires! She will praise me!"
Normally Amber would say he was wrong, do something to prove it. But if this continued, she wouldn't be able to fight for much longer. It humiliated her to have underestimated just how strong he was.
The water from the wall sprayed her face, an insignificant comfort. Still, if what she suspected was behind this wall was true, then it was the best shot she had.
"I-is it true?"
"That story, with Pandora, is that true?"
"Clearly Ozpin has told you nothing. I suppose I could see why. Who would want to admit to such a mistake?"
Mistake? What mistake?
"Well, regardless, you can experience the truth yourself before Salem herself."
A tempting proposition, but not one Amber was willing to go through with. Trying to force Raven to give Jaune back had only made the situation worse, and now, sticking to her straight-forward fighting style had let Tyrian completely exploit her.
Force wouldn't always work. But perhaps a trap would.
Amber kicked the wall, letting her earth control shatter it. Shutting her eyes, the water hit her like a truck. With a resounding Whoosh it swirled in the cavern like the ocean during a storm, freeing her of Tyrian's grip.
Lost for air, Amber raised a pillar for her to stand on, pushing her out of the depths and back onto the surface. Choking for air, she looked about frantically, hoping to find her enemy.
With a loud crash, he landed on her platform and glared down at her angrily. "I do hope you weren't trying to get away."
"Not exactly," Amber said, "More like I wanted to make sure you couldn't."
"Oh really?" Tyrian jeered before charging, "Then show me what it is you have planned!"
Amber raised her hand, grabbing Tyrian's fist as he swung at her. Guiding it down, she pressed it on the ground.
Burying it in the ground.
Tyrian struggled against his earth restraints, swinging at Amber with his free hand as she moved away. Idiot. Amber grabbed that hand and buried it as well, then jumped over him to seal his legs. With a leap, Amber created a column of rock jutting out the wall, landing on it safely.
"I actually like bugs," Amber said with a grin, splitting the column Tyrian laid on so that it suspended him in midair by two dwarfing slabs. "Kinda makes me sad that I've gotta to do this."
He visibly strained, eyes wide in horror as he realized quickly what would happen. Amber urged the slabs to move closer, pressing Tyrian's body.
"My queen will not let me die!" He cackled, "she has great plans for me, you're a fool to think this is my end!"
Amber pressed harder. Tyrian fought back hard with his aura, but it was pointless. He only delayed the inevitable. "That piqued my curiosity," she taunted, "wanna test that?"
"You know nothing! Of course a fool like you, twisted by the old fool's lies would condone me! The state of our world is his fault!"
"I'll take that as a yes."
The man howled, he screamed, and was capable of more expletives that Amber expected from him. But with a heavy crash, the slabs slammed into each other. A bloody crunch rang in hers ears, red staining the water as she let it drop.
Amber launched up, leaping off each platform as the water chased behind.
"Amber!" Jaune called out upon seeing her. The three of them had already scaled out of their pit, rushing along the floor that hadn't fallen to reach her. Grabbing his hand, she pulled him onto her pillar, Ren and Nora clinging to it as she launched them to the upper floor.
Below the water began to envelop the cavern, taking it all with it. Wherever the book was now, she wouldn't be getting it, that was for sure.
She'd gladly accept her life instead.
"Come on, let's get out of here." Ren said, urging them down the hallway.
Music to Amber's ears.
~Event Horizon~
The cane tore through the Beowolf's eye, Oscar flinging it back out to avoid the swipe of another.
His breath was shaky, in coalition with his frantic heart. A black body dashed past him. Oscar quickly pushing between the beast and the man it had its eyes set on. Striking at its leg, Oscar swept the Grimm off its feet. His cane punctured its head.
If that were all of them, he'd have considered himself lucky.
Everyone was huddled behind him, those defenseless clutching onto each other for the inevitable coming of their hunters. The door hadn't held, not that Oscar hadbanked on it.
Even as big claws tore through the opening, clawing at the wall desperately, Oscar knew there was nothing to keep them out. Holding the door would be fruitless, the pure strength of the Beowolves would tear it apart regardless.
He was the only thing between them and the people.
Gunfire covered him as he engaged the two more Beowolves. A hard right, crushing one's skull. It struck back, Oscar's aura raising instantly to deflect the meaty arm.
Oscar ducked, his senses had yet to fail him. His attacker's claws tore into its brother, allowing Oscar to discharge aura through his hand. Like an invisible blade, the limbs of the Grimm were torn to shreds.
A howl. There were still more coming!?
I can't keep this up forever... Oscar reacted quickly to the horde, blasting all those he could back. Yet his ground wouldn't hold. The sheer amount of monster's forcing him closer and closer to the group.
"Back off!" The boy growled. Energy blazed in his body, Oscar forcing it out with a yell. The fortunate ones were too far back, while the ones at the fore were sent through the wall.
And Oscar fell to his knees, already he could feel his aura waning. "Crap..."
There were still dozens of them, the villagers with guns were only pushed back more and it would only be a matter of time before they were cornered. And the body count would rise.
How did he protect everyone!?
Oscar was on the move as his senses alerted him, pushing between a man nearly run through by a Beowolf's claw. His aura didn't take the blow. Flesh peeled as the claw stuck his back.
The monster was not done yet, ignoring the boy to press on its target.
Not while he still drew breath!
Tackling the monster, he pinned it to the floor, grabbing hold of its head as his muscles screamed in pain. Aura pulsed, blowing the Grimm's head clean off.
"I'm coming!"
The villagers were in the corner now, three Grimm converging. But Oscar pushed between them again, fighting them back swing after swing. His throat was scratchy, muscles burning - it wouldn't be long before he ran out of aura. Became too slow to react. And the mere thought of that riled a fire inside.
Looking at the people behind him, it was a range of faces. Reactions. But collectively, the feeling was the same. Foreboding. Of knowing that a child was their only protection. All of which struggled to grasp on their misfortune, to have tasted freedom only to be trapped again.
"Are we going to die?" A child cried, not much younger than he.
"We're going to be fine, honey," His mother covered his eyes, "I promise."
What else could the woman say? Did she tell her son that the Beowolves would come in and tear them apart? No. She could only hope that, if Oscar failed, the Grimm would not let her baby suffer.
"What... should I do?" Oscar's arms screamed as he swiped at a Grimm. No damage, merely swinging a fire at animal to ward it off. But the Grimm was not deterred. It licked its lips at his desperation, practically smirked knowing that their numbers could finish the job.
They'd leave blood in their wake. Splatter on the floor and walls. Lives stripped away. Families forced to don black as they attended funerals that could have been prevented.
No. No!
Oscar squared his legs, dropping his cane as he held his hands out. Aura came into his hands, spreading out like a layer of thin air. He would not move from this spot. And the Grimm would not get past him.
Green aura cascaded, spreading about him like wisps of ethereal energy. Hardly easy to control, but it was a power he'd grown used to over time. Grinding his teeth, he felt like his aura would detonate inside him. But he shot down the pain, hair fluttering as the pure energy was given color.
If he could help it, not a single person would die today.
The beast's converged, red eyes glowing in the falling darkness and Oscar swallowed as he recalled his training, closing his eyes.
The aura was a part of him. A shield that he could project to protect himself and all those around him. He'd failed once to save, but would not do so again.
Someone called his name, but against the pressure of the shield, Oscar could make it out. The Grimm scratched at his shield, hungry for blood. But Oscar would not give them the pleasure. He breathed in. The shield contracted for a split second. Then breathed out.
And it burst.
~Event Horizon~
The cool night should have been calm, serene, inviting even. Instead, after getting free of the flooding ruins, destruction greeted them once more.
Jaune shielded his face as a blast of green exploded like a grenade, shooting out a pulsing wave that tore through the Grimm. Some were completely bisected, other blown to bits. The front of the building hadn't even been spared, the giant door flopping on the grass as the entire front wall shattered.
What was that?
"I guess he ran into the prisoners and had to protect them," Amber whistled, "Not bad."
"Not bad? That's a lot of power..." Jaune gawked, "The heck have you been teaching him?"
"Not that, for sure. Must have learned that on his own. I mean, you didn't think you were the only one training, did you?"
He knew that, he just didn't think Oscar would achieve... this. It was kind of baffling.
Running up to him, Jaune kneeled as he plopped down, taking in haggard breaths. "Hey, you okay?" The blond asked.
"I look better than you," Oscar wiped blood from his nose, "What happened to you, Amber?"
"Nothing that I didn't give back," Amber grinned, "We were wondering where you were, you know."
"Sorry, I should have contacted you."
"It's fine,"Amber said, kneeling down, "You did the right thing. This whole thing would have been pointless if you hadn't saved everyone."
It really would have, Jaune just stared at the young boy and at the people around. They'd all gathered to thank him, and with the only bodies around being Grimm, it was safe to say it had a been a total victory.
"You… crazy kid," Jaune pulled him in his embrace, "Guess I don't need to worry about you anymore, do I?"
"More like I've gotta be worried about you," Oscar chuckled, "You still have Raven to deal with."
"Ugh, don't remind me…"
"What's the plan now?" Nora asked, "Our group is too big, not a good idea to travel tonight."
That was true, Jaune deduced. Looking around, the ruins didn't provide the best protection. They'd be wide open for attack no matter what.
"The tower over there. Let's get everyone moving, we'll camp it out for tonight."
~Event Horizon~
Jaune's eyes fluttered open.
Multiple fires illuminated the sleeping villagers, and Jaune opted to be the first to take watch. On the far end Oscar was asleep in Amber's arms, and by the looks of it, Amber wasn't far behind either.
With a resigned, almost bored sigh, Jaune straightened up. Pressing his back against the tree he sat on in the hopes it would keep him awake. It would've been easy to react to every little sound, but after spending so long in the wilderness, it became easier to tell which sounds were natural or not.
Whether it was intentional or not, Ren caught his eye from below, Jaune jumping down to meet him.
"Ready to switch?" he asked, "Looked like you were dozing off."
Jaune yawned at the mere prospect of sleep, wanting nothing more than to curl up by the fire. "It's fine, I'm not that tired."
Or I just don't know if any of those cloaks survived.
Granted, if any did, they were long gone. But Jaune didn't want to sleep tonight without being absolutely sure. Raven wouldn't accept any less.
If Ren's low chuckle was any indication, he didn't believe him. Still, he didn't push the subject and just plopped down next to him. Jaune sucked in the cool air as it breezed past them, arms shivering not from the cold, but the caress of the wind.
Hours ago, he'd been fighting for his life. The scent of blood still lingering on his clothes even though he'd tried to wash it all out. And now that he waited here in the thick of peace, he felt a melancholic stint in the adrenaline.
Geez, hope I'm not becoming some kind of action junkie...
"Nora told me you're from the Branwen tribe," Ren suddenly broke the silence, "I don't normally know them to aid others as you did."
"We don't," Jaune shrugged with a glance, "I… didn't exactly come here to save anyone. Sorry."
Ren merely smiled and waved it off. "Think nothing of it, I didn't mean to accuse you or anything. Help is help, coincidental or not."
It came down to what you could do. And not necessarily why. Motivations were pointless without a physical statement, proof that what one sought was within reach. A long time ago, Jaune thought the dream was enough, that the desire itself would carry him.
But talk really was cheap. No longer did he need to say what had to be done. He just did it.
It was kind of funny now that Jaune thought about it. He looked back on his old self fondly and with recoil. Proud of the changes he made, and yet sometimes missing the simple path he was so used to.
Jaune looked at the sky. The black blanket riddled with a billion faint lights shining far away. he drew them together with his finger, the visage of him walking the infinite road to anywhere. "Hey Ren? You ever wondered why we can't go into space?"
"No proper power source, I'm sure."
An obvious fact, but not the kind of answer he was looking for. "No, I mean like... its kind of weird, isn't it? We know a lot about it. Stars, moons, black holes and supernovas. But we've never been there. Never traveled through it."
"I think we should be trying to figure out our own world first," Ren stated, "Ours is hardly a contained understanding. After all, aren't there still places out there we haven't discovered yet?"
Jaune's eyes widened. That... was a good way to put it, and suddenly his head was filled with questions. Remnant was a mystery all by itself. It was like someone had taken the book of history and torn out all the pages, resetting the world and everything that used to be.
Where did Dust come from? Where did the Grimm come from? Why had thousands of ancient worlds been built only to crumble? It was as if an entire universe was buried under the current one.
Jaune chuckled. Perhaps that was the point of the Archivists, to find the hows and whys.
"Why do you want to go to Beacon?" Jaune asked.
"I wish to do my part," Pink eyes flickered with purpose, like Ren was seeing something in the distance that no one else did, "Villages come and go - that is the part and parcel of the Grimmlands. But there are many that can be saved. As you did for us, I wish to do for others."
"Can I ask why?"
Ren grinned. "You can. You may not get an answer though."
Jaune laughed. "Right, fair enough."'
Ren had his path, and it was none of his business to know why he walked it. In that way, they weren't too different. How would things have been if the Headmaster accepted him? He'd have his own team no doubt, training and learning alongside them to become the heroes of tomorrow. He could look back on his family's history, and put himself on the same pedestal as them. Another Arc in line with those before him.
But that would have been it. Nothing exemplary or legendary. Just another Arc amongst the dozens. Not Jaune.
If you don't want to be a hero anymore, what do you want to be now? Oscar's question still burned in his head. It wasn't that he didn't have an answer…
He just didn't know what the answer was.
"You guys really helped us out back there. Is there a way we can pay you back?"
Ren shook his head. "You've done more than enough. I'm happy knowing Nora and I can get back on track. Though we do want to see the villagers to safety first. If there is a time to be a proper Huntsman, its now, is it not?"
Jaune grinned, and was surprised at how genuine it felt. "Heh, yeah."
Whether they said more after that, Jaune honestly forgot. Eventually they'd drifted back into the tranquil night, and as he tucked his arms into his shirt, Jaune began to drift off.
A flicker of fire. Normally a tiny fuse that burst into an inferno. Consuming him as a hungry beast. But tonight it was weak - feeble and dying away.
And sleep took him happily.
~Event Horizon~
"Come on, it was kinda funny."
"For you guys!"
Vernal hadn't stopped laughing yet, and each time he only got more annoyed. Raven truly knew how to humiliate a man. The instant she saw him, she snatched him by the ear and Jaune knew his fate was sealed. He might have assumed she practiced her lines because from there, she let him have it.
In front of everyone.
How she remained unaffected by the tribe's snickering was beyond him. And Jaune had no choice but to accept his master's verbal assault as all traces of self-esteem stabbed to death.
"Punishment? You will find comfort in the word by the time I am done with you!"
Canary and Talon were in hysterics. Amber didn't bother trying to hide it! Even Oscar, who covered his mouth failed to hide the amused glint in his eye.
Traitors, all of them.
Jaune's fought off the tint in his cheeks, trying his best to ignore Vernal. "Will you leave me alone already? Raven already made me feel bad enough…"
"You kinda deserved it."
He knew. Damn it all.
His saving grace had been assuring Raven the cloaks wouldn't be a problem. He was lucky they'd gotten every enemy, at least as far as they knew. But if this taught him anything, Raven wouldn't let any acts of disobedience slide again.
It didn't feel good to let her down. Nor to pack his things and leave on a bittersweet note.
As Jaune threw things into his bag, he couldn't help but look around and wonder how it had all come to this.
Six months ago, he'd just began. Hoping to find a way to become the hero he thought he was meant to be. The Huntsman dream was a long gone, but he still carried the hope that he could make something out of being an Archivist.
What a crazy thought. It wasn't a bad goal, but it felt like a total reach. A fantasy amongst a sea of reality.
"She was worried. Should've seen how restless she was," Vernal chuckled, "Such a softie."
It wasn't what Jaune would have expected, but his chest warmed at her words. It felt good to know that Raven's anger came from something genuine.
He'd miss her.
"You ready?" Amber walked in.
"Yeah, lets go."
And when he stepped out, bag slung over his shoulder, the forest was alive. Everyone was waiting, watching as he swung down to the forest floor.
How long ago had it been that he'd felt dwarfed by the swarm? Where he slept with one eye open knowing hundreds of bandits could jump him any time?
Not anymore, no longer were they a swarm. They were a flock.
His flock.
He returned their waves, shouting out his goodbyes. Past the break in the trees, Raven waited for him with crossed arms.
Just like before when he was knelt before her and she stared down with contempt, understandably. But now it was different.
The woman shook her head as he stopped before her. Sharp gaze peering into him as if debating whether to punish him once more. "Do not think for a moment that I've forgiven you."
Geez, kick him while he's down. "Uh... sorry?"
"No you aren't," She stepped out of the way, "Go."
Jaune looked back as they went, knowing that the farther he got, the farther they did. To say he wanted to leave wasn't untrue, but it wasn't totally true either.
It was a weird, nostalgic feeling. It felt like he was abandoning them. But he wasn't. And didn't think he ever would.
"Your leg."
Jaune stopped, turning to his master. "What?"
"It's too much to the left when you broaden your stance. You need to be wider, more balanced," Raven continued with an indignant huff, "There are a few other things you need improvement in as well. And I'd be a fool to leave you to improve on your own."
Jaune quirked an eyebrow, though the other soon followed along with a smile. It really was as Vernal said. Raven just couldn't say it directly.
"I'll come visit. I promise."
"I did not ask you that."
"For training then. I'm gonna need your help, right?"
"Fool. Hurry up and leave." She rolled her eyes leaping back into the trees, vanishing into the canopy. Jaune just shook his head.
Then hissed when a fist collided with his arm. "Vernal..."
The bandit smirked. "What, you thought you were only one that has a tribal name? What did you expect?"
Izumi was her real name? He didn't know why, but that had completely caught him off guard.
"So how did I end up with Parakeet? You got 'Vernal.' That's not even a bird!"
"There isn't a rule saying it has to be a bird."
Jaune groaned. Well now he felt like an idiot, truly the world was unfair place. The girl tapped him again, drawing his attention as she stared back with a look he couldn't read.
"Keep your promise. Its gonna be boring around here without someone to beat up."
"Was that your best attempt at saying you'll miss me?"
The girl smirked. "Nah, this is."
Jaune barely registered it, it was quick peck - a fleeting warmth. But as quickly as it came, it was gone. Followed by swift retaliation.
"You fucking slut!" Jaune moved as as Amber attacked, Vernal leaping into the trees with a chuckle before landing on one smoothly.
"Hey, finders keepers." She jeered.
"And bitches get stitches!" Amber countered.
Jaune just shook his head, touching his cheek with a small grin. Asking Vernal what it was for was tempting, but perhaps that was just her thank you.
Apparently Raven wasn't the only softie.
Jaune left them with a wave, a brief one, but it carried the longing with it. Nothing had changed drastically, he'd just be going back to the Kingdom, back to his job, back to his house with a warm bed.
And yet he knew he'd still miss this. The trees, the dirt, the hunting. Everything. He wouldn't have Raven's guidance if he ever had a question. It really did come down to him now.
This really was it.
Nothing more was said as he, Amber and Oscar left the village.
"So what now?" The youngest one asked.
Jaune laughed. "Go home, take a looong nap."
"I heard that," Amber stretched, "I'm marrying my pillow when we get back."
"Hey Oscar, I was thinking about your question," Jaune looked up as he mulled it over again. It wasn't an easy answer, so he decided to just go with what he felt, "I wasn't sure how to answer at first."
Oscar raised an eyebrow, imploring him to continue.
"Um well…" Jaune folded his arms in thought, "All my ancestors became something amazing, that's what I wanted. Those stories I heard about them being great warriors. I thought I had to do the same thing to make my mark in history. But no one is going to look at the guy walking with the crowd, right?"
"Pff, trying to outshine everyone else," Amber shook her head with a laugh, "Men and their competitions. Always trying to be greater than each other."
Greatness... yeah, he liked the sound of that.
What would legends say about him as the man who discovered Remnant's greatest secrets? Uncovered lost societies, toppled its ancient mysteries and combated eldritch horrors? Every arc warrior died a hero and was hailed for their sacrifice.
But Jaune didn't want to be like that. He wanted to go up. High. Then higher, and higher still... what was the point of the wings on his back otherwise?
Every arc was a great warrior. But no Arc was the greatest adventurer… yet.
He looked at the two he walked between. It was hard to believe that, actually no, maybe it wasn't.
They were all here for their own reasons. Had their own dreams to pursue.
It felt like a lifetime, and at the same time, he'd only just now taken the first steps toward a tangible dream.
Jaune looked over the skyline, the sun steadily rising to the day that lay ahead of them. A new one. A fresh start, the end of past trials to pave a path for a new one.
He was all in. The horizon was there, waiting to be crossed. It was too late to turn back.
At first, walking down the interminable road, it felt like the end. The closing curtains. But no.
He was just getting started.
~Event Horizon~
Cinder stared into black.
The darkness was the first thing to greet her, the moon obscured by dark clouds to coat Mistral in its shadow. Not Cinder's ideal place to live, personally she didn't favor its climate even if she was born here. But it wasn't about what she was comfortable with, it was about what she needed to find.
The day she relaxed would be the day everything she wanted fell into place.
She hissed as her shoulder burned, gently rubbing it she bitterly remembered why she'd taken the arrow. Damn bandits. And damn Mercury for being so distracted as to not notice in time.
She should have let it skewer his neck, maybe then he'd learn not to be more aware of his surroundings.
But losing a asset like him would be stupid on her part. She needed anything she could get to push the odds in her favor.
Stupid brats. Overconfident and optimistic, they were. They needed a harsh lesson of reality.
It had taken a while to get to Mistral, and Cinder had forgotten just how huge the city was. Thankfully they'd afforded a nice enough place due to Leo - even if it was just temporary. At least, while they were here, she could gather up resources.
Was Amber here? She didn't know.
But she did know, that if she failed in her next attempt, she might not get a third chance. So she had to make it count.
It wasn't a fair world. One had to take to make their life better. That was reality.
She wouldn't be the one being taken from, not anymore. Nor her apprentices. They would learn to take as she did, so they could be strong. Right now they were weak, impressionable and sensitive.
But they'd be better. In time. Until then, Cinder tried for sleep again. She didn't like the dark - now wasn't that ironic. Some nights sleep would happily take her, others it was mercilessly defiant.
Tonight was looking like the latter.
Oh god, I'm crying. I actually did it.
I always hated that I would give up on a fic before finishing it. I always felt so unhappy with that, knowing I had the ability to do it but never would do to my own insecurities.
But I did it. I really finished a fic.
So of course, there will be a sequel. But there will also be a side fic which will be called Side Quest, basically where I'll put smaller stories and moments that can't be in the main storyline. So look out for that!
I cannot say when i'd launch the sequel, but know that ever since chapter 20 I have been working on it. If you leave a review, i'd love to hear your honest thoughts about the journey here. If there are things you think I could improve on in the sequel, I'd love to hear those too.
I know I need to improve on pacing for one. So if you have any advice, I'd really appreciate the help!
Everyone, thank you so much. This whole fic was an adventure all on its own, one that I wasn't sure I'd see to the end. I always felt bad discontinuing stories that readers should have gotten an ending to, but with this, I feel like I followed through on the promise I made myself. But this is not the end!
So I will see you guys later!
A few weeks later...
Amber massaged her forehead, sluggishly opening the refrigerator. Through the cracks of early morning, she found the milk carton, shamelessly downing it as she leaned on the counter.
Ugh, work today.
Ever since they'd gotten back Jaune was even more of workaholic. Granted, it was for more optimistic reasons now but still, did he know how to relax?
She was supposed to watch the new episode of Common Infirmary, damn it!
Laziness was a luxury these days. Alone with her thoughts, the closest thing she had to a lazy day would be short lived.
Knock, knock!
"Who in the world?" Amber ambled to the door, "Reese, if this is you again, I swear I'm gonna -
Her eyes widened.
In all honesty, it was only a matter of time. It was never a question of if, and with arms crossed and red eyes boring into her brown, Amber sighed. "Hey… Qrow."