A/N: This story can also be read on my tumblr profile lilmisscastle. Enjoy!

There is one place that's entirely theirs alone. Looking back, Inuchiyo couldn't count how many times Mayumi and him had ran away to the hill upon which they rested on now. Oftentimes they just sat in companionable silence, content with each other's presence and all the while enjoying the view of their small village beneath them.

In his mind's eye he can see two children sitting here together and gazing up at the sky. Cooped up in their own personal world, they'd try to make shapes from the clouds above. The younger of the two always had a more vivid imagination and she'd point out the most peculiar pictures in the sky. More often than not they had a lot of arguments, like whether this cloud looked like a slipper or the jowly face of one of their neighbors. Sometimes the boy felt like he'd win, insisting that it was impossible for a cloud to be detailed enough to resemble a face but it would take a cold day in hell before she'd give up so easily. The boy would never admit it out loud but he loved it when she rose up to his challenges. Even at a young age, no one could match the fire in her eyes. No one could look as glorious as her. His goddess. His raison d'être.

The goddess in question was dozing off beside him now, tucked under his arm. Even after twelve years Inuchiyo never grew tired of just staring at her face. The childish roundness of Mayumi's cheeks had smoothed out, revealing elegant cheekbones. Her exquisite features looking all the more ethereal in the setting sun.

He suppressed a chuckle. If only he could go back in time and tell the boy that someday the goddess of his would one day grace him with her love and kindness, enveloping them both in a story that – to him – would most certainly stand the test of time.

Inuchiyo couldn't help himself. He traced a finger along the delicate bow of her lips, thinking about how long he had wanted to do such a gesture. Leaning down, he brushed soft kisses on her hair. He must've enjoyed the sensation so much that he didn't realize Mayumi had stirred awake.

"Inuchiyo?" God, even her voice was capable of bringing him to his knees.

"Yes?" He replied in a husky voice, pulling her closer now that she was awake.

She just stared up at him with those doe-like eyes, reflecting all of the love and affection he had carried through most of his life. These eyes, they alone brought the reprieve and warmth he sought for so long ago.

"What are you looking at?" She asked, a smile dancing playfully across her face.

"Just thinking about how you were worth the wait."

Mayumi's lips twitched. "Oh yeah? What was worth the wait?" She bit down on her lip, her happiness fitting in effortlessly with his.

He knew she was just trying to be alluring but he paused to consider the question. She was expecting something poetic and beautiful, and she deserved it, but only one simple answer came to mind no matter how hard he tried to search for more. Poetic only in its simplicity, beautiful only in its truth. So with a calmness that betrayed his racing heart, Inuchiyo whispered, "What wasn't?"