Good news, I'm alive! I am sorry for the delay its just that I'm taking more classes this semester. I must thank you all for your patience. I've also finally got a beta reader for the story.

Anakin watched as the planet Teth grew larger in the viewport of the assault ship on which he stood. Beside him stood Ahsoka who also watched the planet grow larger with apprehension and excitement. She was determined, but also reckless. This made him worry whether or not he could train her or not to become a Jedi or not.

He remembered what Obi-Wan had said to try and understand her more.

"Try to understand her more, and then you'll know." Obi-Wan's words echoed in his head. Anakin thought he had a good idea of what Ahsoka was like; they were rather similar after all. A part of him was worried about that, while another part was rather relieved.

Anakin's own reckless nature and Obi-Wan's more reserved nature often put them at odds with one another. Maybe trying to understand him was the reason Obi-Wan had been rather different for the past few months.

"Master, are you alright?" Ahsoka asked, breaking Anakin out of his thoughts.

Anakin shook his head, "I'm fine." He said.

"General, the ARF troopers have arrived," Admiral Yuralen said coming to a stop at Anakin's side. "They are waiting at the hanger bay."

"Thank you admiral," Anakin said before turning towards the hangar bay with Ahsoka in tow. They only had one planetary rotation to get Jabba's son, Rotta, back to Tatooine.

Anakin glanced at Ahsoka. There was still a part of him that felt he was not ready. Yet there was another one that was willing to train her to the best of his abilities.

He turned his gaze towards the hangar bay and saw the ARF troopers making their way towards them. Ahsoka split off and went to the other troopers.

"Sir, we found that the renegades who took Jabba the Hutt's son have taken up refuge in a B'omar Order monastery," the first scout trooper said saluting.

"Did any of them see you?" Anakin asked.

"No sir. We are the best in our unit," the other trooper said confidently.

"Good. Get some rest. You've earned it." Anakin told them.

"Yes sir," the scout troopers said while saluting.

The scout troopers ran past Anakin and out of the hangar. Anakin turned his attention toward Ahsoka and the rest of the regiment. All of them except for Rex were laughing about something.

"I find that highly unlikely," Rex said before turning towards Anakin. "So I heard you were surrounded by droids? How'd you escape?" He asked.

"She dropped a wall on them and me." Anakin joked.

The clones laughed figuring that the general's joke may have held some truth in it.

Rex glanced at Anakin then Ahsoka, practically asking for an explanation.

"After I cut a hole for him to fit through." Ahsoka defended herself.

Rex glanced at both of them before a small grin appeared on his face.

"Now I know why you were assigned together." Rex said.

"You have no idea. Anyway its time for us to move out." Anakin ordered.

"You heard the general, let's move!" Rex called out to the other troops.

Anakin glanced at Ahsoka as she joined with him. "Perhaps this is the time when you should learn that a Jedi is humble, my young padawan." Anakin told her.

Ahsoka shrugged "Sorry, just thought I'd cheer them up." She said.

Anakin shook his head.

"Come on we have a monastery to storm." He said.

Ahsoka chuckled before the two of them entered the gun ship that would take them down to the surface.

When the gunship Anakin and Ahsoka were in ascended into Teth's atmosphere, the droid stationed in front of the monastery opened fire. The blast shields of the gunship closed and a red light illuminated the darkness within the ship. Anakin and Ahsoka, bathed in the darkness with their dark cloaks over their shoulders, waited as the gunship ascended the ground.

"Prepare yourself, men!" shouted Rex from where he was standing just in front of Ahsoka as the gunship continued to make its way to the surface of the planet. The gunship continued its ascent before it neared the forest floor and Anakin narrowed his eyes.

"Stay close to me, Ahsoka." He told his apprentice.

Ahsoka simply nodded in response.

"Wait, okay green light. Go." Rex ordered when the light that surrounded them turned green and the blast door opened. Anakin leapt out of the ship before taking off running towards the rocky overhang with Ahsoka, who paused to deflect several blaster bolts back at the firing droids on the ledge behind him.

The AT-TE walkers began to return fire as Anakin pressed his back against the rock wall behind him and Ahsoka. Ahsoka joined him along with the rest of the clones.

"So this is where the fun begins." Ahsoka said.

Anakin grinned "Race you to the top," he said.

Anakin figured if they were similar she'd appreciate the challenge.

Ahsoka smiled enthusiastically "I'll give you a head start." she replied.

Anakin grabbed one of the vines that hung against the rock wall and began his ascent.

"Your mistake." He called over his shoulder as made his way upwards lightsaber ignited, flashing back and forth blocking the droids' blaster fire raining down below.

Ahsoka laughed as she grabbed one of the vines and began her ascent. The two of them along with the clones and the AT-TE's continued their ascent even as the droids continued to fire at them from above. Some battle droids attempted to fire on them from below, but the clones on the BARC speeders kept them occupied.

Anakin was getting closer to the top of the overhang when he noticed Ahsoka, eyeing the AT-TE, swung over before landing on it as it continued its ascent.

"Cheater," Anakin thought to himself, shaking his head. All the while, deflecting another droid's shot.

They were getting closer as they ascended, when Anakin sensed a disturbance behind him. He glanced over his shoulder just in time to see the AT-TE that Ahsoka was on beginning to reel back on two legs threatening to topple over.

He mentally cursed himself before letting go of the vine and dived down before landing on top of the AT-TE.

Without pause, he leapt from the walker and down towards the STAP that was firing at the walker. He destroyed all three STAPs he landed on before claiming the last on his own. He smirked at Ahsoka as he flew past her, despite feeling relieved that she was okay.

"You better keep up." He called over his shoulder.

"Not fair." Ahsoka called back in the exact manner a small child would. Anakin let out a light chuckle. He began to return fire back at the droids above. Fortunately, by the time the droids destroyed the STAP, Anakin was just high enough to leap up towards the cliff to victory. Anakin started to cut down the spider-droids to make it easier for Rex and the rest of the men.

"Surrender, Jedi," a battle droid ordered.

Anakin lowered his palm towards the ground a small shockwave knocked the droids off their feet. He ran towards the down droids and with one swift motion cut them in two. Suddenly, a group of droidekas started to head towards him.

The droids began to fire at Anakin who began to reflect their fire.

"Where's Ahsoka?" He thought to himself annoyed.

Just then, the fire of an AT-TE destroyed the droidekas. He turned towards where it was fired and saw Ahsoka on the gunner's seat.

"Nevermind," Anakin thought to himself relieved.

"I believe that's two you owe me, master." Ahsoka said.

"I'll start working on it." He replied.

One of the clones approached Anakin.

"We have the monastery secured, sir." The clone informed with a salute.

"Good work, sergeant." Anakin praised as he started to head inside the monastery with Ahsoka, Rex, and the rest of his regiment.

Ahsoka looked around in awe before her faced turned into one of recognition.

"This looks like one of the monasteries, I've read about during my studies in the Jedi temple." Ahsoka said as they walked down the halls.

Anakin glanced at her.

"It was, but bounty hunters took it upon themselves to use it as a hideaway." Anakin told her.

"And the monks just let them?" Ahsoka asked.

"They usually didn't leave the monks with much choice." Anakin replied grimly.

Ahsoka was shocked upon hearing this and only muttered the word "Oh…"

As they ventured deeper into the monastery, they noticed something approaching them. Anakin and Ahsoka got out their lightsabers, while the clones drew out their blasters.

"Oh hello," an auto mechanical voice said.

It was a droid, fortunately it did not sound like any of the Battle Droids.

"I am 4A-7, the caretaker of this monastery." The droid introduced itself.

Anakin narrowed his eyes in suspicion; something about this droid did not sit well with him, but he pushed aside his doubts for the sake of the mission.

"Do you know where the prisoners are kept?" He asked.

"The bounty hunters keep their prisoners down in the lower levels, sir," The droid said. "But it is a dangerous down there, no place for a servant girl." It said glancing at Ahsoka.

"Do servant girls carry this?" Ahsoka demanded igniting her lightsaber and pointing it at the droid. "I'm a Jedi Knight." She told off the droid.

Anakin looked down and raised an eyebrow at the unruly padawan. Ahsoka turned it off, and Anakin noticed her lekku twitch in embarrassment.

"It really is like teaching myself." Anakin thought in annoyance. "Still, she handled that assumption better than I would at her age." He acknowledged.

"Or soon will be," She said.

Anakin turned towards Rex and the other members of the 501st.

"Rex, you and your men stay here while Ahsoka and I get Jabba's son," Anakin ordered.

"Yes, sir," Rex replied before he repeated the order to his brothers. Leaving Anakin and Ahsoka to further venture deeper into the monastery.

Ahsoka frowned as they ventured deeper into the monastery, they passed by another droid glancing at them. Ahsoka was starting to feel more and more suspicious about the present situation.

"Master," She said as she picked up her pace to move up next to Anakin. "You know we're being watched don't you?" She asked.

"I know." Anakin simply replied not even looking back.

"I don't like this." She said. "Can I attack now?" She asked hoping that the answer would be a "yes".

"Whatever makes you feel more comfortable, snips." He said before walking a couple more meters ahead of the girl.

Ahsoka walked ahead and in the blink of an eye turned around while igniting her lightsaber. She cut through their weapons before slicing through them all. Not long afterwards, the droids following them were nothing more than cut pieces of scrap on the floor.

"Very good, you remembered to cut through their weapons first." Anakin commented.

Ahsoka beamed at the approval before adding, "I'm improving your technique." She said cheekily.

Anakin smirked before igniting his lightsaber and ramming it through the droid that popped up behind him. "Of course you did miss one." He said turning around and walking up ahead.

"I did that on purpose." She quickly replied, her cheeks were flushing from embarrassment.

Anakin chuckled before coming to a stop next to one of the blast doors, his brows furrowed as a strong stench seeped into the corridor down which they were walking. "I sense our little Hutt friend right around here."

"Ugh, I can tell." Ahsoka said wrinkling her nose before pinching her nostrils.

Anakin smiled before opening the cell doors and gazing inside its dark interior. Ahsoka frowned before she could hear a strange, but recognizable sound: a baby's whimper. The pair watched as a small huttlet slithered forward, whimpering and gazing at them in confusion in its eyes.

"I didn't think he'd be this young," Anakin remarked.

"Oh he's just a baby," Ahsoka said as she walked into the cell before kneeling down beside the huttlet. She gently lifted it into her arms before examining it. "He's kinda cute." The padawan commented.

Anakin grimaced at her comment. "He won't always be that way. Come on, we'd better head back," He said turning around before adding, "And since you think he's cute, you can carry him."

The two walked down the corridors they came through back to Rex and the rest of the troops. Anakin glanced back at Ahsoka and noticed her struggling with Rotta.

"How's the huttlet? Still think he's cute?" He questioned her smugly.

Instead of frowning or letting out a sarcastic chuckle, Ahsoka fired back with her own retort.

"You know he looks like you. See the resemblance?" She said cheekily.

Anakin snarked back in kind, "If you want, you can carry me too?" noticeable amusement could be heard.

Ahsoka smiled and fought back the urge to laugh until she noticed something. Rotta was coughing a lot and his skin was pale. Concern for the huttlet began to grow.

"Master, I think the huttlet's sick," She informed her new master. "He's turning every shade of green but what is his original color?" She asked.

Anakin gently placed his hand on the huttlet's forehead. "You're right. We'll need a medical frigate as soon as possible." He told Ahsoka.

Anakin began to think of a way to carry the hutt in a much more safe manner until then. He looked around the room and noticed the backpacks the clones carried on their person.

"It'll do for now." He thought to himself.

"Trooper," Anakin called out to one of the troops. "Bring me a backpack." He ordered.

"Yes sir." The trooper responded before handing his over.

Anakin opened it and gently placed Rotta inside of it.

Rotta began to squirm, which only annoyed Ahsoka.

"Will you stop complaining, we're trying to help you?" She scolded the infant.

"Stubborn hutts," Anakin muttered under his breath. Not long after, they gently managed to settle Rotta inside the backpack without hurting him.

He handed Ahsoka the backpack and they began to walk out of the monastery. As the monastery drew further away, Anakin walked towards his starfighter to contact Obi-Wan.

"Artoo contact Obi-Wan," He ordered.

Artoo beeped in response before the hologram of Obi-Wan appeared before them.

"Anakin did you find the huttlet?" He asked.

"Safe and sound, master." Anakin replied confidently. "That and I have a solid idea on who kidnapped it in the first place." Anakin said.

"I'm guessing it was the Separatists." Obi-Wan said.

"Yes, I think they took him to blackmail Jabba into joining them." Anakin said. "Padmé told me about the hyper lanes, and how the Republic and Confederacy have been fighting tooth and nail for sole access." Anakin stated.

Obi-Wan grinned before his face-hardened into a more serious expression, "I figured as much which is why I find it best for you and Ahsoka to keep your guard up at all times." Obi-Wan warned Anakin. "Dooku will not be willing to lose such an important advantage so easily." He told Anakin.

"Don't worry Master, I'll make sure." Anakin said.

"Good, I'm on my way to you." Obi-Wan said. "Perhaps, I might be able to accompany the two of you to Tatooine with Rotta." Ben added.

Unbeknown to Anakin, Obi-Wan took control of his body and frowned.

Anakin reeled back in shock, but a look of excitement began to take hold of his face. Something that shocked him to the core because never in a million years would he ever think the sentence "going back to Tatooine" would make him feel genuine excitement.

"That sounds great," Anakin said actually excited. "Maybe I can…" Anakin was about to suggest before Ahsoka cut him off.

"Master, we have a problem!" She shouted out pointing at the sky.

Anakin looked up at the sky and saw them: Vulture Droids.

"Oh great…" Anakin thought to himself.

Okay, I'm sorry for the HUGE delay. I was caught up with school work and debated on how long I should make the chapter before deciding to stop right here. On the plus side I have at least half of the next chapter done.