A couple hours had passed and I woke up from my little nap. Winnie was lying on top of me.
"WHOA!" I screamed nearly knocking her off my bed. She giggled at my reaction.
"Sorry, did I scare you?" She asked.
"What do you think?!" I said holding my chest. My heart was pounding in my chest. She giggled again.
"Are you ready to hang out now?" She asked. I looked out my window. It was early morning.
"Shouldn't you be in bed right now?" I asked. She shook her head.
"Nah, I like to wander the hotel during the morning sometimes." She said.
"Well, I…" Before I could finish my sentence, Winnie grabbed my paw and led me to the lobby. We were about to go through the entrance.
"WAIIITT!" I screamed. Winnie gave me a confused look.
"What's wrong, my zing?" She asked.
"Can we do this later tonight?" I asked.
"Why?" She asked.
"I don't like the sunlight, I prefer nighttime." I said. She gave me another confused look.
"But you went to school during the daytime before." She said.
"That was different. I had to do that." I said. She sighed.
"Fine, we can go later." She said. I nodded.
"I'm going back to my room." I said. Winnie looked at me.
"Can I come with you?" She asked.
"Umm…Sure?" I said. I was confused why Winnie wanted to be around me all the time, but I guess that was because she hadn't seen me for 10 years. I didn't mind though, as I noticed I would get a warm and happy feeling in me whenever she was around. Was this what love felt like? That's what I kept telling myself. I think it's time to ask her the question soon.
Winnie and I went back to my room and I laid down on my bed. Winnie laid down next to me. I gave her a confused look.
"Umm…what are you doing Winnie?" I asked nervously. She was starting to scare me a little bit.
"I thought I could sleep with you, my zing." She said. I felt my heart pounding in my chest again. I didn't know what to think of all this. She then leaned in and gave me a long, passionate kiss. She looked at me after that.
"I love you Crash." She said in a sweet voice.
"Umm…I love you too?" I said. I was honestly so shocked with her behavior that I sounded more scared than happy. After I said that, she smiled and fell asleep. It took me a little bit, but I eventually fell asleep.
[Several hours later]
I woke up and found Winnie lying on top of me again.
"Come on sleepy head, time to get up!" She said excited. Before I was even able to get out of bed, Winnie grabbed my paw and led me to the lobby. We went outside the hotel and ventured into the forest. After walking for a bit, Winnie looked at me.
"Crash, I have something to ask you." She said. I looked at her.
"What is it?" I asked. I then heard the words I'd been waiting for my whole life.
"Will you be my boyfriend?" She asked. I was overjoyed.
"Yes!" I said happily. Winnie smiled and walked up to me. She wrapped her arms around me and we shared a long passionate kiss. After what felt like an eternity, we parted. I looked at her and smiled.
"I've been waiting for you to ask me out!" I said. She smiled.
"I'm glad I finally did." She said. We then gave each other a hug and stared at each other. For about 4 seconds, we both saw a pink swirling in each other's eyes. Winnie's expression changed from happy to shock.
"What just happened?" I asked.
"We zinged." She said.
"What does that mean?" I asked.
"It means we're going to be together for the rest of our lives." She said. I was over the moon when she said this. I finally found my girl! I thought it was never going to happen. We took each other's paws and we went back to the hotel. We were greeted by Wilbur, one of Winnie's older brothers.
"Hey sis." He said. She looked at him.
"Wilbur, I have some great news. Crash and I are dating, and we zinged too." She said. Wilbur gave his sister a happy look.
"That's wonderful! I'm happy for you sis!" He said. He then looked at me.
"Can I talk to Crash for a minute?" He asked. She nodded.
"Okay." She said. Wilbur then took me aside, and I looked at him. He was dressed similar to me, except his shirt design was a circle-a symbol, and his collar pendent had a lightning design on it.
"What's going on Wilbur?" I asked.
"Listen to me, I love that you and my sister are going out, but I don't know how that's going to sit with the rest of my brothers." He said. I gave him a confused look.
"Why?" I asked.
"Well, they kind of hate you." He said.
"Why do they hate me?" I asked.
"It's because you left after she told you her feelings for you." He said. "They may fight a lot, but they do actually care about her."
"Well, I didn't really want to leave Winnie either, but I wanted to live somewhere else." I said. A thought then came to my mind.
"Are they going to hate me forever?" I asked. Wilbur shook his head.
"No, they'll warm back up to you eventually. Once I tell them what you told me, it might help." He said. I smiled and put my paw on Wilbur's shoulder.
"Thanks Wilbur." I said. He smiled too and was about to walk away when another thought came to my mind.
"Can I ask you something else Wilbur?" I said. He turned and looked at me.
"Sure, what's up?"
"Why don't you hate me too?" I asked.
"Well, I have this feeling that you're going to take care of my little sister, and I don't get good feelings like that too often." He said.
"I'll take good care of Winnie. Don't worry." I said. Wilbur smiled once more.
"Thanks Crash. I'll see you around." He said. I then went back to Winnie. She was sitting down at a table by herself. I sat down next to her.
"Wilbur seems to really care about you." I said. She nodded.
"Yeah, he's very protective of me." She replied.
"Speaking of which, what did he have to say?" She asked.
"Well, it seems the rest of your brothers hate me for leaving you." I said.
"Ah, don't worry about them, if they try anything, I'll give them a good thrashing." She said. I didn't anticipate that to be a problem, but it made me feel a little better. Winnie then leaned her head on my shoulder.
"I'm so glad we're finally together. I've waited a long time to be with you, my zing." She said. I smiled.
"I'm glad we're together now too Winnie. I love you so much." I said putting my arm around her. I was looking forward to my future with Winnie.
A/N: I own nothing, except my imagination and my OC Crash. Everything else belongs to Sony Pictures Animation. It will be little while before I post another chapter, as I have other projects I'm working on. Until next time, take it easy.