It had been several weeks before Luigi was able to do anything. Mario mentioned to Luigi, "You have a doctors appointment later today to see if you can get your cast off." After three hours the bros were on the way to take Luigi to the doctor.

When the bros got to the doctor, Mario said, "You sound a little bit nervous." Luigi said, "I'm slightly nervous yes, there are a few things I'm worried about." Mario asked, "What things are you worried about." Luigi said, "One is if my arm healed enough and the other is will I need therapy later." Mario said, "I'll make sure to bring those up." Just then a doctor came in and called Mario and Luigi in.

When the bros were waiting in the exam room, Mario said to Luigi everything would be fine. Just then the doctor came in, the doctor said to Luigi, "Ok let's see how your arm is doing." The doctor then took luigi back to get an X-ray. When the X-ray was done, Luigi went back to the waiting room. After a while the doctor said to Luigi, "Your arm is healed enough to get your cast off, I'll get the stuff to get your cast off."

After getting his cast off, Luigi said, "That was such a relief." Mario asked, "Since we were there a while, why don't we get something to eat while we are out." After the bros got some food to eat they went home for the rest of the day and they realized how grateful they were.