Howdy, many many thanks for all the reviews, it made my day! I'm at home right now, I stayed home from school cause of a head ache, but its like 1 now and I feel fine, so there is no point in me going back to school. I had been planning this chapter for some time now so I hope you like it!


Kagome shivered as the cold January weather hit her face as she ran out of the dinner hall. She quickly began buttoning up her coat as she walked quickly across the snowy grounds towards her dorm.

A thousand thoughts where shooting through her mind as she ran among snowy bushes. Why had she held Inuyasha hand? Why had Inuyasha wanted to hold her hand? Was Inuyasha going to get murdered now? How could she have let herself get into a situation like this in the first place?

Finally she reached the doors to the girls dorm. A few girls that where running late to breakfast, eyed Kagome curiously as she brushed snow and tears off her coat. Before Kagome go the chance to take off her boots however, a hand gently touched her shoulder. Spinning around she saw a nervous Inuyasha.

"You aren't dead' She sad Happily, wiping her eyes.

"Crazy isn't it, Kouga told me to go after you… so… yea I did to you know… er… well I already stole his girlfriend, so, I should do what he wants" Inuyasha mumbled, looking down at his snowy boots.

"Oh" Mumbled Kagome, not to sure what to say "very considerate"

Inuyasha didn't say anything

" Oh… Well then… you did what you where told, you found me… so… good day then"

She quickly brushed by him, tears forming once again. How stupid she had been to think that when he had run over to her, it had been for telling her his undying love. When actually it was just to save his hide from being clobbered by Kouga. As she headed for the exit from her beloved school, she stopped for a second, and glanced at the willow tree she accidentally snogged him under. The tree that messed up a good relationship… No two good relationships. She and Kouga where over, a few weeks ago she would have been very upset, but at the moment she didn't care at all. And Inuyasha, well their friendship would never be the same, there would always be that little voice saying "you snogged him!" every time she tried to have and intelligent conversation with him. Kagome snorted.

We Never where friends, for the past 4 or 5 months the only thing we did is fight. Intelligent conversations yea right.

Kagome laughed out loud, but felt sick on the inside.


Inuyasha sat in the snow outside the girl's dorms. Receiving many odd glances from girls that where coming back from breakfast.

Why did you do that

You think I wanted to do that!

Then why did you.

She doesn't want to see me, I just messed up the perfect relationship between her and that damn wolf! She hates my guts!

Then tell me, why did she hold your hand at breakfast

You have two options… stay here and she may hate your guts, go to her, she may hate you guts, or love your guts.

Inuyasha thought about this for a second, then, slowly got up, and traced Kagome's boot tracks out of Shikon academy.


By the time that the tracks met with the real thing, Kagome was sitting on a bench on the beach, watching as the waves collided with the mix of sand and snow along the beach. She sat Indian style, her hands in her lap, covered with mittens.

"It's always an odd sight" she said to him as he walked up beside her. "I never thing off beaches and snow being together"

" May I sit next to you?"

"We have shared spit, why not a bench" Kagome snapped with out thinking.

Naturally Inuyasha pauses for a sec before he sat down.

"I really am sorry that I have caused you so much trouble," He said as she continued to stare out to sea "I really messed things up for you and Kouga and-"

"It was already messed up, He liked me much more than I liked him. I only dated him because everyone thought it was a good idea." She said shrugging. "It was so awkward at times really, like when he would want to kiss me in public sand all that stuff. I never enjoyed it, I was considering breaking up with him anyway"

"After you stormed out, and he found out what had happened, he seemed very calm about it, quite understanding about the whole thing really"

"Yes, he sent you out to make sure I hadn't run away or anything"

"Well" Mumbled Inuyasha, terrified of what he was about to say " he sent me out after you, not just to see if you where okay… but so I could tell you… I'm not sorry"

Kagome looked up at him confused

"I'm not sorry I kissed you last night… I knew it was wrong… I know it is wrong you had a boyfriend… but I enjoyed it more that anything in my entire life" He said quickly as he held up his shaking hand "see… Look how nervous and exited I am to tell you this… it freaks me out but I love it!"

For the third time that morning Kagome cried, but for an entirely different reason. And in about half a second she found herself sitting in Inuyasha lap, snogging him and truly enjoying it.


Wow really hope you enjoyed it! Only a couple chapters to go! Woo! Then I am considering going back to the older chapters and giving them a slight facelift… review! Pleeeaaaasssee! IF I DON'T GET REVIEWS I THINK YOU DO NOT LIKE MY STORY SO I DO NOT UPDATE!