The Force Shall set me free
Chapter 6.5
Jaune felt wrong.
Scratch that, he felt sick, his body refused to act normally and he felt as if every person in Beacon stared at him, as if they knew what he had done. Jaune realized the gravity of his actions as soon as he walked away from his crime. He had blood on his hands, he had murdered in cold blood many people, Jaune could have spared more of them but something possessed him not to. He was way too angry, his eyes saw red, his fury and rage could not be held inside him, Jaune felt disgusted with himself, he wanted to puke. Tears threatened to spill out of his eyes as he looked down at his hands, memories of his sisters appeared before his eyes making feel even worse. What would his family think of him if they knew… hell what would everyone in the academy think if they found out about the atrocity that he had committed. His masters where no help, Ragnos and Nihilus cackled on his ears, congratulating him on the destruction of his enemies but reprimanding him for what he was feeling right now.
"Get a hold of yourself apprentice, they died you lived your will stronger than theirs"
"What foolish dream do you live in where you think they would have granted you mercy, weakness like that will only get you killed, you are still weak Jaune"
Jaune shook his head and released all of his emotions into the force, he needed to get back to Beacon and clear his head, there was too much going on the world right now and even if he had been involved he did not want to be caught up in the mess to come. As he passed by the busy streets of Vale he caught a glimpse of himself, cold yellow eyes greeted him.
The eyes of a Sith warrior
Blake stared in shock at the news that were on her scroll, someone had stopped a human trafficking cargo near the docks but surprisingly the White Fang was involved and according to the article it had ended badly, a little more digging on unofficial sites led her to the horrible image of so many faunus slaughtered. To say she was shocked and disgusted was a slight understatement, disgusted at the white fang for swooping so low that they would start to deal in human trafficking, disgusted at murder of her people and angry that she could not do anything about it. She was sitting quietly in the cafeteria not paying that much attention to everything that was happening around her, Yang tried to get her out of her depressed bubble but her book quickly shielded her from social interaction "I'm grateful Yang, but today I do not wish to talk" she muttered under her breath, Yang didn't catch it and neither did her team, but the leader of team JNPR did, she knew he heard what she said because he tilted his head to the side as if trying to figure out what was wrong with her, but if she where Jaune she would have worried about herself.
Jaune looked awful, bags under his eyes, pale as sheet of paper and she swore that his eyes redden by the minute, apparently she wasn't the only one who was worried about him. His red headed partner looked at him in between bites of her breakfast and apparently was trying to work up the courage to talk to her leader, opening her mouth and trying to get his attention but it was no use. Jaune had already finished his meal and with one look at his scroll he cursed under his breath "We need to get to class" he told everyone as he passed a hand over his face.
Blake studied her fellow student and felt something akin to kinship, he was hiding something. She didn't know what it was and quite honestly she didn't want to pry, but in a way, he was kind of like her.
The silence was killing Pyrrha, her team leader was beyond quiet and Nora and Ren felt that something was up, but they remained quiet. It was probably because Jaune tried to remain normal, but to be honest he was doing a lousy job. With determination she pulled him apart once classes had finished and looked him in the eyes, yellow eyes met green… Wait? Yellow!
"Jaune! Are you sick your eyes are yellow! Quick we have to get you to the infirmary right now" she started but Jaune simply shook his head "its fine, I'm not sick it's just… part of me now I guess" Jaune said sounding depressed about it, Pyrrha shook her head to the side "there's nothing normal about that Jaune, what is happening? Talk to me please…" she said pleadingly, Jaune remained quiet for a while making it seem that he wasn't going to talk, but he motioned her to sit down next to him in a bench nearby.
"I… I messed up Pyrrha, badly I lied my way to get here" he said quietly, making Pyrrha frown but she didn't think that much of it, he was more than holding his own and he had proven that he was more than capable.
"Truth to be told everyone in this building could have wiped the floor with me if it wasn't for…"
"Your semblance?"
Jaune shook his head "No… its not a semblance, from what I undersand is something more ancient" he reached into the force and with a wave of his hands he grabbed a nearby flower making it float towards them placing it softly on Pyrrha's hands. "I feel it you know everything that is alive, every emotion from everyone on Beacon, I feel it and it fuels me"
Pyrrha looked at him surprised "Emotions give you your power"
"Strong emotion, like anger and hate make me stronger, I guess that's what's making me feel down, so much negative emotion going around makes it hard to control this ancient… thing"
Jaune let out a sigh and nodded "I tried to hide my eyes the entire day, it takes a lot of effort to keep them hidden, guess I don't really feel like hiding anything from you Pyrrha" Jaune lied, knowing that's what she wanted to hear, her emotions kept projecting into the force, worry, fear and whispers of her worried thoughts reached him and with that he lied to her.
Jaune felt something akin to regret about what he did, but he knew that he could not share everything with her, at least not now.
"Jaune I didn't know you carried such a burden" she whispered as she placed a hand on his shoulder "I'm here for you, no matter what I will help you in every way I can"
Jaune smiled at her "Thank you, there's still so much that I don't understand and that I need to learn, I'm honestly a terrible fighter, but I hope that I can overcome all of this" he said genuinely and the yellow in his eyes faded a little before they shone even brighter as an idea formed on his mind "Pyrrha would you mind being my sparring partner?"
Pyrrha gave him a big smile "I would love to Jaune"
A/N: I messed up last chapter, as pointed out by many of you it was out of character for Jaune to go from a boy struggling to understand the nature of the Sith to full on killer. So this mini chapter tries to explain some of the actions Jaune took and also setting something up with Blake. Thank you for reading and also thank you for pointing out my flaws it help me become a better writer, see you around!