A/N: In celebration of episode 3 releasing tomorrow because asdgvfikhogceujigc

Still a bit rusty since I haven't written in quite some time, but chapter 2 should pick up the pace somewhat after a slow burn... I also probably wrote them too old but it's been a while since I was 16, so... oh well...

Thanks to SherryE for the late night advice and generally being supportive.

. . .

"Is the truck supposed to make that noise?"

Rachel has her feet propped up on the dashboard, her fingers drumming a quiet rhythm on her leg while she watches the world outside pass them by.

Chloe gives a mocking sigh but keeps her eyes on the road. "Why yes, Rachel, that clanging noise is exactly how a modern truck, which totally hasn't spent the past ten years on a junkyard, sounds like..."

That earns her a slap on the arm from her passenger.

"You get cranky when you're hungry, Price," the blonde observes astutely.

Chloe sighs in defeat and runs a hand through her hair. "No shit, Sherlock... We've been driving for hours now. I need a fucking break."

Rachel nods quietly before a grin starts to form on her lips and she raises her hands in a dramatic fashion. In what Chloe would call her "drama queen voice", she proclaims, "Gas station, I summon thee..."

Despite her dampened mood, Chloe snorts, but is cut short when, sure enough, they pass a road sign announcing the next gas station two miles away.

"Damn..." Chloe breathes and she turns to a smug Rachel who shrugs in feigned modesty.

"What can I say, I'm magical..." She winks at her. "Better get used to it, Price."

. . .

"Do you love me?"

Rachel's hand finds Chloe's, her fingers gently brushing against hers.

They are standing in the shadows behind the curtains, a few steps behind Mr. Keaton whose shoulders are tense while he silently mouths every word spoken on stage.

"O heaven, O earth, bear witness to this sound and crown what I profess with kind event."

Rachel's index finger softly brushes along the back of Chloe's hand which causes her to turn to the other girl; even in the dim light backstage, Rachel's eyes are sparkling with excitement as she follows the happenings on stage. But even with her attention focused on the play, her fingers keep tangling themselves in Chloe's.

"If I speak true! If hollowly, invert what best is boded me to mischief! I, beyond all limit of what else i' the world do love, prize, honour you."

Chloe's fingers close around Rachel's and she gives a gentle squeeze in response, causing a soft smile to spread across Rachel's face.

"I am a fool to weep at what I am glad of."

But the moment is over far too soon and Rachel, giving Chloe her trademark wink over the shoulder, steps back onto the stage.

"Fair encounter of two most rare affections! Heavens rain grace on that which breeds between 'em!"

. . .

They stop at the gas station and Rachel immediately hops out of the car, the folded envelope with most of their savings disappearing in a pocket of her cut-off jeans as she heads for the small convenience store nearby.

Rolling her eyes, because truly, what else is there to do when faced with a determined Rachel Amber, Chloe heads to the front of their truck and opens the hood to inspect its innards.

After a few minutes of quiet inspection, a shadow appears to her left and she almost bumps her head at the open hood when she notices the guy in his early twenties who's smiling down at her. Damn it, Rachel, how could you have known he wouldn't have a shirt on?

"Need any help with your car?"

"Um...no, thanks... I got it." Chloe keeps her eyes on the engine while her fingers dance over each piece, pretending to be busy.

The guy's eyes light up. "You're good with cars, huh...that's pretty cool."

Chloe clenches her teeth. Damn it, Rachel!

And as if on cue, Rachel appears, in all her glory.

The door chime announces her arrival as she steps back out of the convenience store, her arms filled with drinks and snacks, because that's just what Rachel does; she seems to know exactly when to show up to make the most memorable entrance.

Her eyes quickly scan the scene in front of her and they narrow in a way that simultaneously makes Chloe's heart melt but sets her insides on fire.

With a few, quick steps she's standing next to Chloe and before the other girl has time to react, Rachel kisses her in a way that leaves no room for interpretation.

Shirtless guy's mouth falls open and Chloe is sure, hadn't her hands been full, Rachel would have wrapped a posessive arm around her by now. Instead, the shorter girl settles for leaning into Chloe while she fixes shirtless guy with a challenging stare.

"Help you with anything?"

Chloe would have laughed at the situation if Rachel didn't look so incredibly hot at this moment and dear god, why are they standing by the hood of their truck again? How did they get here in the first place?

. . .


A whisper.


There's a shove to her shoulder and the voice gets more urgent, yet is still barely more than a whisper. "Chloe!"

Chloe forces her eyes open and it takes them a while to adjust to the dark environment, but once they do, she starts recognizing shapes; the wall with pictures of Rachel and her family right next to her, the ceiling light hanging right above her and Rachel's face only inches from hers, her hand still on Chloe's shoulder. That last detail sends Chloe's nerves into overdrive and she shakes off any remaining drowsiness in record time.


Granted, it's only half a word, but she can still chalk it up to being woken up in the middle of the night...

"Let's leave. Right now."

Chloe blinks in confusion. "But... what about Sera?"

Even in the dark, Chloe can see Rachel's eyes narrow; she must have been awake for quite some time, mulling over everything that has happened that day.

"Fuck her," she spits. "She had years to contact me, yet she was more concerned with my dad... She clearly doesn't care, so neither do I. I say fuck her, fuck my parents and fuck this place. I want out. Now more than ever."

Chloe simply nods; it's not her decison to make. And even though the two girls have only known each other for two days, Chloe has learned enough about Rachel to know when the other girl is determined and will not be swayed. So, Chloe simply nods, because the only choice for her to make at that moment is whether or not to go along with Rachel's plan or let her do it by herself - although a small voice in the back of her mind tells her Rachel is aware of the sway she holds over her and is banking on it in moments like this...

"Alright..." With a sigh, Chloe sits up and gestures towards the door. "Where to, m'lady?"

The answering smile reminds Chloe yet again why it's all worth it.

"We..." Rachel elegantly slides out of the bed and holds a hand out for Chloe, " will go to the junkyard. I have my money, I packed our bag-"

"Only one?" Chloe raises an eyebrow and Rachel shrugs.

"It's easier to travel light," she announces matter-of-factly, her eyes sparkling in what little light seeps into the room. "I guess you'll just have to keep sharing my clothes..."

"Well then, princess..." Rachel's eyebrow rises at the nickname, but she doesn't object. "That leaves us with problem number two: our truck still won't work yet..."

As if she has already thought about that (and really, it's Rachel Amber, so of course she has thought everything through beforehand), Rachel waves her hand dismissively. "I told you, I have my money. We'll go to the junkyard and tomorrow we'll buy whichever parts we need."

Chloe crosses her arms in challenge. "And which parts would that be?"

Grinning mischievously, Rachel approaches Chloe and slowly runs a hand down her arm while she circles her. "I guess you'll just have to figure it out, won't you?" she purrs next to Chloe's ears and curse her knees for almost giving out under her!

"Uh...right..." Chloe clears her throat before she hurriedly reaches for the bag that's sitting prominently in the middle of the room. "So...shall we?"

Next up: Truth or dare, 'cause Rachel likes games - deal with it.