It's not like Jack could help himself. The kid was practically begging to get pushed around, always wearing khaki shorts and plaid shirts. But it wasn't just that, it was how he carried himself. Like he knew how sexy he looked in those damn nerdy glasses. Which Jack couldn't actually argue, but he loved to pretend. It was yet another lifeless Monday morning at Riverview Academy. Jack spotted exhausted teens for miles, with the exception of Ralph. Ralph literally never looked tired. He was always prepared for class and he was always spouting positivity nonsense. It was fucking infuriating.

The guy drove Jack up the wall, raising his damn hand every five minutes. I mean what was this, the fourth grade? Jack couldn't handle it, not at 7am while forcibly hearing a teacher drone on and on. That's why he felt it perfectly necessary to lean forward and shove Ralph in the shoulder, hard. The blonde audibly gasped, although not from shock. He was far too used to Jack's games. Truthfully, he was madly in love with the bloke. He'd never admit it, but the teen's touches tortured him to the core. Ralph was always left wanting more, but never receiving. Sometimes he'd accidentally let a noise slip out. He'd usually feel ashamed about it too, since he couldn't seem to conceal his feelings any better.

"Loser, did that actually hurt?" Jack spat into his ear. Ralph suppressed a shiver. The redhead was just so damn close.

"No, I'm just cringing 'cause you touched me with those gross fingers." Ralph yell-whispered back. He was instantly embarrassed of his childish retort.

"That all you got these days Ralph? My gross fingers?" Jack questioned whilst chuckling. Ralph's version of fighting was honestly adorable sometimes. With that in mind, the redhead decided to spice things up a bit. He inched ever closer to Ralph's ear, and practically breathed "Your mom loved these dirty fingers last night."

"Ew dude, that was disgusting, even for you." The blondie snapped, twisting in his seat to lightly shove Jack out of his space. The taller boy leaned back whilst smirking. He was amused to discover Ralph was freely ogling his biceps.

"See something you like baby?" Jack mocked playfully, pretending to check the other teen out. He took his time looking the boy up and down slowly, with intent. Jack loved toying with Ralph, and was pleased to to see his "friend" get flustered from it.

"Fuck off." Ralph hissed, turning scarlet red. He quickly spun forward and attempted to calm his nerves. He couldn't believe he'd just done that. The teen knew he was getting sloppy, but not that sloppy.

"Fuck." He mumbled under his breath.

"What was that, you wanna fuck?'" Jack asked, snickering. Ralph simply groaned and put his head down. He'd have to deal with the consequences of that one slip up for the next 40 damn minutes. Oh how he wished there weren't assigned seats.

Although when the bell rang, he realized how fast class had truly gone. As Ralph stood up and began gather his things, he felt red hot shame burning in his gut. How could he be so blatantly attracted to someone that only made his life hell? It simply didn't make sense, and Ralph loathed himself for it. He moped out of the room and down the corridors to his next class. First period had been math, second period was journalism. But the day droned on until 6th period lunch. And of course, he sat a table away from Jack. At times he caught himself staring at the fiery teen inhaling his food. He didn't know why it was such a sexy thing, watching boys eat. But it just was.

So instead of ogling his tormentor, he forcibly stared down at his soggy slice of pizza. He was so lost in thought that he didn't notice Jack's presence right away. The teen had stood up and rounded Ralph's table, so now he was standing directly behind the blonde. Ralph turned to face his enemy, not sure what the teen was up to.

"What do you want?" He snapped, still feeling residual nerves from earlier in the day.

"Just wanted to say you look sexy as hell today." Jack slurred, smirking at Ralph. Ralph sputtered, shocked. Although he quickly realized Jack was just attempting to get a reaction out of him. He cursed to himself and ran a hand through his hair angrily. One little slip up and suddenly the redhead was mock flirting every two seconds.

"Would you please fuck off?" Ralph mumbled, frowning at Jack. He could handle all the normal jests. He was fine with the teen knocking his books down, or pushing him around in class. But this type of teasing hurt the blonde. It was just too real for him. He tried not to let it show on his face, but he was almost positive it was blatantly obvious.

"Fuck you? Sure babe anytime." The redhead fired back.

"How do you want it? Over the table?" He continued.

"Or maybe I should take you home and-" Jack was abruptly cut off as Ralph stood up and slapped him in the face, hard. The people in the cafeteria grew silent with shock. It was a relatively small high school, so everyone kind of knew of each other. And everyone knew Ralph was a friendly, tolerant individual. In fact, the two teens fought infamously and never once had Ralph actually struck back. Physically or otherwise. So this was understandably an enormous shock.

Jack stood there in disbelief. He was aware that there were eyes all around, and it was strange. Normally he was the one messing with Ralph. The tables had been turned and he didn't like it.

"What the fuck is your problem?" He retorted, getting a little flustered. He had just been playing around anyway. It was never meant to actually anger the blonde.

"What the fuck is your problem? Talking to me like that? That's just downright inappropriate." He replied, feeling flustered himself. Jack scoffed and realized they weren't going to get anywhere if they felt like they were being watched. He grabbed Ralph's shoulder and began to drag him out of the cafeteria.

"Let go of me." Ralph protested weakly. The embarrassment was finally setting in. He'd let his emotions get the best of him and now people would likely be talking about this for weeks. So he just gave in and let Jack drag him along. When they finally found a private place to talk, Jack faced the blonde.