Pokemon UltraSun & UltraMoon: Arina in Alola

Author: Cure Leo AKA AshK1980

Rating: Fiction Rated T

Disclaimer: I don't own Pokemon or any of the characters that are featured in this story. I only own the idea for this story. I am not making any money off of this and am just writing this story for enjoyment and a hobby. I am also writing this story to honor the creators of Pokemon and all of the Pokemon characters in here.

Episode 02: Return of May and Dawn!

It had been about a week since Ash was transformed into Arina. She spent most of the time with Lana, Lillie, and Mallow learning how to be a girl. She still shuttered thinking about the talk the four of the had about a certain time of month. However, since she was a girl now, she had to learn about it and what to do when it happens. She easily mastered putting on a Bra and shaving her legs and armpits. She still has some issues with make up at the moment so she doesn't put it on too often. Over the past weak Arina had been training all of her Pokemon mainly her Oshawott and Scraggy because they haven't been used in a while. She then had an idea as she turned to Kiawe. "Hey Kiawe, I have a Charizard too. Would you like to meet him? I also have some other Fire Pokemon, though only one other one is fully evolved."

Kiawe looked toward Arina and smiled. "I think it would be great to meet some of your fire-type Pokemon. I think the other girls would like to see your fire-type Pokemon too. Maybe you and me could have a battle between our fire-type Pokemon. How's that sound?"

"That sounds like a lot of fun Kiawe." Arina said with a smile. "I'll be right back go get the other girls please."

"Sure thing Arina," Kiawe said with a smile.

A few minutes later, Arina had come back after switching out her Oshawott and Scraggy for her Charizard and Infernape. She was greeted by her five friends as they headed to the Pokemon School's battlefield.

Professor Kukui took the center Referee Box with Arina on one side and Kiawe on the other side. "This will be a two on two battle, substitutions are legal. The match is over when both Pokemon of either trainer is unable to battle. Let the battle between Arina Ketchum from Pallet Town, and Kiawe from Paniola town begin!"

"Alright, it's time for me to try out the new item that Professor Oak of Pallet Town sent to me when I switched out my Pokemon! Charizard, I choose you!"

Arina thew her Pokeball up in the air and her winged Orange Dragon Pokemon appeared in a flash of red light. Despite how Arina looked now, Chairzard and Arina still had that unbreakable bond that they had when she was Ash. Charizard sent out and affectionate Flamethrower frying Arina's hair and hair ribbon. Arina shook it off as usual and smiled. "I'm so glad that our bond is staying intact despite my new appearance Charizard! Are you ready for an awesome battle?"

Charizard roared loud and proud as he took a stance. He was now wearing a Mega Stone on one of his wrists, and Arina's Key Stone had been inserted into her Z-Power Ring.

"Turtonator, come on out it's time for you to burn bright!" Kiawe exclaimed as he threw out one of his Pokeballs and out emerged his giant spiked shell fire Pokemon. "Turtonator, use Flamethrower!"

"Turtonator!" Turtonator exclaimed as he sent out a blast of hot air straight at Arina's Charizard.

"Charizard dodge it and counter with Dragon Claw!"

Charizard nodded and flew up into the air as his claws glowed a brilliant white light as he Dive Bombed down toward Turtonator.

"Turtonator, turn around and take the attack and use Shell Trap!" Kiawe exclaimed toward his Pokemon.

"Charizard, look out avoid Turtonator's shell and aim for the top of Turtonator's head." Arina exclaimed toward her fourth Pokemon.

Charizard nodded and did as he was instructed. His Dragon Claws struck true as it took out most of Turtonator's energy.

Kiawe then executed Turtonator's Z-Move, which didn't cause much damage at all to Arina's Charizard. So it was time for Arina to finish Turtonator off.

"Charizard, let our hearts and Souls unite as one! Go all out and Mega Evolve!" Arina exclaimed as her eyes glowed blue with Aura. Charizard acknowledged and transformed into Mega Charizard Y. Charizard gained a large center horn and the spikes on the end of his wings and his ability Drought went into effect, but instead of Arina using a Fire Move which wouldn't affect Turtonator that much, so Arina ordered Charizard to do Dragon Claw again. This time, the more powerful Dragon Claw slammed even harder into Turtonator, causing it to faint.

Professor Kukui raised his right hand and pointed toward Arina's side, "Turtonator is unable to battle, Charizard is the winner."

"Great job Turtonator, thank you so much for your hard work! Take a nice rest! Return." Kiawe said as he recalled his defeated Turtonator.

"I won't give up yet Arina, time to send out my dear friend, Marowak! Come on out!"

With that, Kiawe's Alolan Marowak appeared.

"Great job Charizard, you deserve a rest for your hard work," Arina said to her Pokemon, "return!"

With that Charizard was recalled.

"Infernape! Come on out my dear friend!" Arina exclaimed as she sent out her second Pokemon.

"Infernape Versus Marowak," Professor Kukui said, "battle begin!"

Rotom Dex Sophocles and the girls saw the Infernape and were struck in awe by him. "Oh wow, Infernape looks awesome!" Lillie exclaimed as she watched the battle.

"I'm not really one for Fire-Type Pokemon," Lana said with a smile, then continued, "but I can't wait to see Infernape in battle!"

"This is going to be awesome!" Mallow said with a smile, "Arina sure has some powerful Pokemon. I don't think we ever met Charizard or Infernape when we were on our trip to Kanto."

Sophocles is struck in just as much awe at the sight of Infernape, "Ash, I mean Arina has all these powerful Pokemon in reserve and she never showed them to us until now, wow, that's interesting. I can't wait to see this battle!"

"I'll start this battle out! Marowak, use Flame Wheel!" Kiawe exclaimed as he ordered Marowak to attack.

"Infernape, you use Flame Wheel too!" Arina exclaimed toward her Pokemon, "When you get close enough, use Dig!"

Infernape nodded as he did as was told. The two fire Pokemon were showing off their Flame Wheels to each other.

When the two Pokemon collided, Infernape and Marowak both took damage. However thanks to Alolan Marowak's Cursed body ability, Infernape's Flame Wheel was disabled.

"That's okay Infernape, you have other attacks, Dig underground and come up underneath Marowak and use Punishment!" Arina exclaimed to her Sinnoh Starter.

Infernape complied and hit Marowak hard, but thanks to Cursed body, Punishment was disabled, but Kiawe's Alolan Marowak was injured quite a bit, while Infernape only took a little bit of damage.

It was easy to see that Marowak took a lot of damage and was on his last legs, this was a chance for Arina to show just how powerful her Infernape really was.

"Infernape, time to finish Marowak off with Acrobatics!" Arina exclaimed.

When Arina ordered the attack, Infernape jumped up in the air and did several flips all while he was hitting Marowak with one of his most powerful attacks. Even though the move was disabled due to Marowak's Cursed Body ability, the damage was done and Alolan Marowak was knocked out.

"Marowak is unable to battle, the winner is Infernape," Professor Kukui said as he raised his right hand once again toward Arina, "Kiawe is out of Pokemon, the winner of this match is Arina Ketchum from Pallet Town in the Kanto Region!"

Kiawe sighed in defeat, he could easily tell that Arina had a lot of experience with Pokemon, and despite how she looks now, her strong bond with her Pokemon remains. Kiawe smiled and gave the thumbs up toward Arina as Pikachu cheered for his trainer.

"Great job Marowak, you battled hard! Thank you so much. Return." Kiawe said as he recalled his Pokemon.

Arina released Mega Charizard Y so she could thank him. Mega Charizard Y stood next to Infernape and reverted back to Charizard. Arina rushed to her Pokemon and hugged them tight. "Thank you for continuing to battle with me even with my new appearance! All my Pokemon are so great! I love all of them!"

Pikachu joined in the hug with Arina, Charizard, and Infernape as the three happily celebrated. After a short celebration, Arina recalled Charizard and Infernape and shook hands with Kiawe.

"Thanks for the great battle Kiawe! It was a lot of fun!"

Kiawe smiled and shook Arina's hand, "No problem Arina, that was a great battle, I can tell that you've had a lot of battling experience. Let's battle again sometime."

Arina nodded and smiled as she looked toward Sophocles and the other girls. Everyone smiled toward each other as Arina heard two people clapping not that far away from her.

"Good job, miss." A familiar voice said, this voice belonged to May. "The way you battled reminded me of a friend of mine."

Another familiar voice was next to speak this one belonging to Arina's old friend Dawn, "No need to worry, you are an excellent battler, kind of reminds me of a friend of mine too. You also have a pikachu outside of its Pokeball too, I know someone else that does that as well."

Arina sighed as she looked at her two friends, "you two really don't recognize me do you?" Arina had a sad look on her face. If Dawn and May couldn't recognize her, how would her other former traveling companions recognize her?

"Should we?" May and Dawn asked curiously. "Your battling style is familiar."

Piplup and Glaceon saw Pikachu jump down and run over to them. "Pika Pika Pikac Pika Pi."

Arina could easily understand Pikachu. It said to Piplup and Glaceon that the girl was Ash, only his name was Arina now and he was a girl.

Piplup and Glaceon went over to their trainers and explained the best they could to May and Dawn who the blond girl with the Pikachu was.

The two looked Arina in the eyes and got wide-eyed themselves realizing the only person that could use that battle style was their old friend Ash.

"Ash?" Dawn asked curiously as she looked Arina in the eyes, "Is that you?"

"What happened to you? How could you change so much since we last saw each other at the Wallace Cup?" May asked curiously toward the blond girl.

"It's a long story," Arina said with a tear in her eye, then continued, "I'll tell you when we get to the Pokemon Center. By the way what are you two doing here? Also, my name is Arina now."

As Arina and her two old friends were walking toward the Pokemon Center with Lillie and the others close behind, Dawn asked a question.

"I'm still not sure that you're Ash. Your battle style is similar to his, you've got a Pikachu, Charizard, and Infernape like he does, and you have brown eyes like he does. I'll ask you a question that only Ash would know."

Arina sighed and rolled her eyes, "ask away Dawn. I still can't believe you don't believe me."

May then asked a question of Arina too, "Arina, if you are indeed Ash, then what was I like when we first met?"

Dawn asked a question, "Okay, Ash was with me for the third Contest Ribbon I won in Sinnoh. Where did I win my third contest ribbon and who did I go against?"

As the group was headed to the Pokemon Center, Arina answered. "May, you were afraid of Pokemon and didn't know what you wanted to do until you saw a Pokemon Contest. Once you saw a Pokemon Contest, you decided that's what you wanted to do. You have a little brother who is two years younger than you and who traveled with us through Hoenn and the Kanto Battle Frontier."

Arina then answered Dawn's question, "your third Contest Ribbon was at Lake Valor where the Wallace Cup was held. You won the coveted Aqua Ribbon after defeating May in a battle that I, as Ash also took part in."

May and Dawn looked at each other in shock, then looked at Arina in shock, "you are absolutely correct. We believe you now."

May then continued, "I have a question for you, but I'll let Dawn ask it since I'm sure she has the same question on her mind."

Dawn sighed and rolled her eyes at her friends antics, "Ash, no Arina how did you end up the way you are? It's very unusual for a guy to suddenly become a girl."

Arina sighed as she rolled her eyes as well, "I can tell you the full story when we get to the Pokemon Center. Right now let's just get there."

Dawn and May nodded in agreement with Arina, as much as they wanted to know how Ash became the girl now known as Arina, they had to get to the Pokemon Center First. Lillie and the others were following Arina and her two old friends close behind as the group made their way to the Pokemon Center.

The group with Arina's old friends Dawn and May arrive at the Pokemon Center. "So Ash, I mean Arina, what made you the way you are now?" May asked curiously. She never expected she would see Ash be an actual girl and not just a Cross Dresser.

"I find it hard to believe that the Ash I met on my journey would turn into a girl." Dawn said as she looked toward Arina. "Care to tell us what happened?"

Arina told everything that happened to her over the last week and before that. She told May and Dawn about her adventures since she last saw the two. It was apparent from the happiness in her voice that she was really glad to see her two old friends, even as her new identity. She then asked them to help her become more like a girl, but to allow her to maintain her Pokemon Master Aspirations.

May and Dawn Giggle and nod and look to the other three girls. Arina may be a girl now, put the personality is still the same as the Ash they know, and maybe love?

Arina then introduces all of her Alola traveling companions to her former traveling companions that she traveled with through Sinnoh, Hoenn and some other places as well. She then asks Dawn and May what they are in Alola for.

"May, Dawn, what brings you to Alola?" Arina asked of her two old friends.

"Well, we heard that Alola was going to have Pokemon Contests as well and this is also where the next Wallace Cup is being held." Dawn said to her now female friend.

"We would like you and your friends here in Alola to come and watch us." May said to her friend. "We also wanted to explore Alola ourselves. We won't be traveling with you six, but we will see you from time to time."

Arina looked toward Lillie and her other friends, the nodded, but then Lillie got the attention of May and Dawn, "I think it would be splendid to have the two of you on a shopping trip when we take Arina shopping. She's going to need a lot more clothes and the two of you seem to have an awesome sense of style about you."

Arina blushed out of embarrassment and turned away. This gave Lana the opportunity to speak. "Arina is still shy at times the she doesn't really talk to anyone. We need to help her come out of her shell again. You seem to be close to Arina that we would like you to help us out just a bit."

Mallow then continued on after Lana finished, "you see, we are trying to get her to feel more comfortable as a girl, since we are not sure when or if she will return to her former self. The four different types of pollen here combined and seeped into her bloodstream and as you can see, they had some drastic effects on our friend. We are trying to help Arina be more comfortable as a female in case she has to spend a long time like that."

May and Dawn giggled excitedly and put their arms around Arina as they harmonized, "we would be honored to help you three. At least for a short time."

Glaceon and Piplup nodded in agreement with Dawn and May as Arina's two old traveling companions temporarily joined Arina's journey through Alola.

Sophocles and Kiawe couldn't help but feel out of place traveling with several girls. Arina looked toward the two males and smiled.

"No worries Sophocles, Kiawe, Dawn and May are old friends of mine. They used to travel with me through Sinnoh and Hoenn respectively." Arina said with a smile.

"No need to worry, any friend of Arina's is a friend of mine." Dawn said with a smile.

"I agree with Dawn," May said with a smile, then continued, "you and Sophocles are welcome to travel with us Kiawe."

"So where is the Wallace Cup going to be held?" Arina asked curiously as she smiled, then continued. "I really enjoyed taking part in it last time."

Dawn thinks about it for a while and smiles, "it's going to be held in Malie City on Ula Ula Island. There are also Pokemon Contests here in Hau'oli City, HeaHea City, and KoniKoni City on Akala Island and Sea Folk Village on Poni Island."

"I heard the Grand Festival will be held on top of Mt. Lanakila." May said with a smile, then continued, "In other words you will see the two of us a lot. However, we won't be traveling with you all the time."

Arina gives out a sigh of relief only to be confronted by five girls with Mischievous Smirks on their faces.

Arina shutters as she looks at not only her Pokemon School friends that are girl have those smirks, but also May and Dawn with those smirks.

"What is with those smirks?" Arina asked curiously not really wanting to hear the answer. "Are you five planning something?"

"Time to shop for Arina-Chan!" The girls chimed together in harmony.

Arina tried to get away, but her and Pikachu were dragged down by the five other girls. Sophocles and Kiawe were about to help Arina when the five girls gave them a look, that said you interfere and we will take you two on a shopping trip as well.

Kiawe and Sophocles ran out of the Pokemon Center and back to the Pokemon School for safety. The five girls dragged Arina behind them to the Hau'oli City Shopping District with Pikachu running close behind.

Realizing that it's futile to talk her friends out of a shopping trip she sighed and spoke up, "Fine you five win. I will go shopping with you. I could always battle more Pokemon some other time. Besides that, it will be fun to do something with May and Dawn after so long, even though a shopping trip is not my idea of fun. Unfortunately, I do need some more clothes if we're going to travel Alola together."

Dawn, Lana, Lillie, Mallow, and May released Arina and May and Dawn helped their old friend up. Those two really did want to spend time with some of Arina's Alolan Friends. This was going to be fun and they were determined to help Arina come even more out of the shell she had encased herself in when she changed into Arina.

The group of girls arrived at the Hau'oli City Shopping Mall. Arina decided that she would treat her friends to lunch and then to a Pokemon show. While she was attending the Pokemon School, she earned some money from winning battles with trainers using only her Alolan Pokemon. Though she did have to admit to herself, that it was nice to be able to add some of her old friends at Professor Oak's Lab to her party anytime. The group of six girls was watching a Bewear Fashion show.

After the Bewear Fashion Show, Arina takes off, "There is no way you're going to get me into anymore Girl clothes! The clothes I have on are enough!" Arina then takes off running away from her friends. Pikachu hops up onto Arina's shoulder and holds on for dear life as Arina continues to run away.

May and Dawn give chase and motion for the other three girls to give chase as well. The girls are chasing after Arina shouting with female clothes that Lillie bought for Arina in their bags. "Get back here Arina! You have to get some more clothes!"

"I'll be fine with my other clothes. I really only need one girly outfit!" Arina shouted as she referred to the outfit she was currently wearing.

"Arina none of your guy clothes fit you anymore!" Lillie shouted trying to track Arina down, "You need clothes that give you more support as a girl! You don't want your chest bouncing for the whole world to see do you."

Arina immediately slows down, realizing that Lillie is right. At the moment she only had one pair of panties and one bra. She did have to admit to herself that panties fit her a lot better than her boxers do in her new body. Also, her chest doesn't hurt anymore and neither does her back with her wearing a bra. She still wasn't too fond of the girly clothes they forced her into after their last shopping trip. She really should get some more guy-like clothes, but ones that fit well on her new female frame.

Arina continues to run.

"Arina, get back here," Mallow called toward her friend, "you have to get more clothes. One outfit isn't going to last you our whole Alola Journey!"

"Come on Arina-chan, it could be fun." Lana said to her friend, then continued; "We really should get you some clothes that fit you right, maybe not quite as girly as the outfit you are wearing now, but you need more clothes. I heard that there are people in the mall that can teach some of your other Pokemon back in Kanto some really powerful moves."

"It really will help you become a Pokemon Master Arina," May said finally catching up with Arina, "also, you never know when you might want to participate in another Pokemon Contest. Pokemon Contests can help get stronger just as much as Trials and Grand Trials can."

"No need to worry Arina, we will help you every step of the way, all five of us." Dawn said as she also caught up with the group.

Arina then realized that all of her friends were trying to help her. It's really not so bad wearing girly clothes, in fact they are a lot more comfortable than her clothes that she wore as a guy. She finally gave in. She had to admit, it has been really fun so far shopping. "Okay, you five win, I really could use some more girl clothes, but I don't want a bunch of girly clothes. Some girly clothes are fine, but not a lot of them. Deal?"

The five girls surround Arina after she had calmed down and hugged her one by one as Arina returned the hugs. "Group hug!" She declared as all five of them embraced in a hug.

Arina and her friends are back in the mall and go into Gracidea. Arina cannot believe how expensive all these clothes are. Lillie is more then happy to buy some Gracidea Brand Clothes for Arina as are Dawn and May with the money they made with their winnings in various Contests and Pokemon Battles. They bought Arina a big variety of clothes containing very girly clothes, somewhat girly clothes, and not very girly clothes. Arina loved every minute of it surprisingly, but she loved her current outfit the most and bought some of those in different colors. She actually caught herself off guard when she bought a couple of bikinis and some one-piece swim suits as well. Lillie and Company were so proud of Arina for coming out of her shell, but one thing remained constantly on the mind of Arina, becoming the worlds greatest Pokemon Master.

"Hey guys," Arina said with a smile as she carried the bags and bags of clothes that her and her friends bought, "we should really camp out some on our journey. There are lots and lots of Pokemon to catch."

Arina looked toward Dawn and May with a smile on her face. "Hey Dawn, May; I could help you find some rare Alolan Pokemon for you use in Contest in other Regions if you want me to. Having Pokemon from different regions will definitely help you do even better than you already do in your contests. By the way, I've watched every single one of your contests on TV, the ones that were Broadcast worldwide anyway. You two have certainly come a long way from your first ones."

Dawn and May smiled as they hugged Arina, "thank you so much Arina!"

Arina smiles as she embraces her two old friends, "you two are very welcome."

With that Arina and company continued their journey through MeleMele Island.

Arina and company traveled for another week on MeleMele Island. May and Dawn each caught a Pom-Pom Style Oricorio, Rufflet, and a Cutiefly. Now they were off to prepare for the first ever Hau'oli city Conference Pokemon Contest. Arina decided to take part in it with her old friends because it brought back memories of the Wallace Cup back in Sinnoh. The three girls were in for a good time and were wondering what other old friends will show up for it. What will happen with the first Ever Hau'oli Conference Pokemon Contest. Stay tuned to find out.

To Be Continued...

Next Time: It's time for the first ever Hau'oli City Pokemon Contest! Who will come out on top Arina, Dawn, May, or will another old friend or two come back and win it?

Next Time on Pokemon UltraSun & UltraMoon: Arina in Alola - Episode 03: Pokemon Contest- Hau'oli Conference! Coming soon to a Fanfiction Site near you! Be on the Lookout!