Chapter 1
(Issei's POV)
'My name is Issei Hyoudou. In most cases i'm like your average 17 year old japanese male. Ok, I may have a bit of a breast fetish, but I mostly keep that to myself. The only things that really separate me from any other second year highschool student, are the fact that I go to Kuoh Academy a school that only recently became co-ed, and there are rumors of things that go bump in the night that circulate about this place. The other thing is that I'm the host of an ancient dragon who sleeps in my hand!'
(Flash Back)
(3rd person POV)
A young Issei was violently awaken from his sleep by the lack of oxygen and a smell of smoke.
"Ack-Ack!" Issei was attempting to cough up a lung full of smoke. "What's going on!? Mom! Dad!.
Issei knew what was going on even though he wasn't but 7 years old he knew that his house was burning down. He ran up to his door and grabbed at the knob but it was to hot and burned his hand. He then began ramming his body into the door in an attempt to knock it down, but his attempt was fruitless. He kept at it however, until his vision began to cloud due to A lack of oxygen.
Issei was prepared to give up and accept his fate, but he heard a voice. [ Dammit Kid]. The rather threatening voice said to him. [Do you know how hard it's gonna be to find a new compatible host, and here I thought I was gonna get a good 60 years out of you at least]
Issei was confused and even more frightened than before, if that was possible. He did however work up the nerve to speak up to this unknown voice that seemed to be in his head. "Who said that I can't see you?! What's going on? Are you gonna help me?
[Calm Down kid, Jeez. So many questions at once. As far as if I can help you or not that's up to you, Look down at your left hand]. Issei did what the voice said, and saw a green glow emitting from the top of his left hand. [You see that hand, I want it. If you give that to me I can get you out of here alive.]
Issei nodded his to what the mysterious voice said. [Good boy! And as far as who I am, they call me the red dragon of domination!] the voice announced then a red flash of light filled the room, and when issei looked back down at his left hand there was a fingerless red metallic gauntlet with a green gem that flashed. [BOOST!] A voice that rang from the gauntlet sounding a lot like the dragon. [But partner, you may call me Ddraig].
Issei was still utterly confused by the situation he found himself in, even though after that "BOOST" he felt amazing he stood there hesitant. [Don't just stand their! Punch that wall.] Issei followed Ddraig's instruction and struck the wall. The wall began to wobble and shake before it fell opening Issei's room to the outside world were he made his escape.
After Issei escaped his smoke filled he took a few deep breaths before making a beeline for the other side of his house. [Partner, what do you think you're doing! You need to rest now! Your body can't take much more].
"I have to save my parents." He said with a pant to his voice showing the fatigue his body was experiencing at the moment. "With your power I can break their wall down, and save them."
[Partner that's not a good Id…] Ddraig's words were cut short as the bright green glow emanating from the emerald on Issei's gauntlet, and the gauntlet itself vanished into a red light. Issei then dropped to his knees as the stress Ddraig's power placed on his young body took its toll. Issei was left helpless but to watch his house collapse, sealing the fate of his parents trapped inside. [I'm sorry partner, but you aren't strong enough to handle more than a few seconds with the power of boost weighing on your body. I tried to warn you.]
Ddraigs words of condolence passed through issei young ears as he focused on what his partner had said early. "Not Strong Enough, Not Strong Enough, Not Strong Enough." Ddraig's words echoed in Issei's head. He was to weak his parents were dead because he was too weak, too weak to save them, he let them down they were dead and it was his fault. It was as if he himself was the cause of their deaths.
"Waaahhhhhhh!" Issei let out a roaring scream into the nights sky while tears streamed down his eyes. As his cries echoed into the night sky a his left arm once again flashed red and his gauntlet reappeared on his forearm, but this time his fingers were coated in the same material the rest of the gauntlet was made of and gold spikes protruded near his elbow. [BOOST] [BOOST] [BOOST]. His gauntlet roared filling him with power, but he was to distracted by a combination of grief, shock, and pure unadulterated rage.
[This host might just have some potential yet.] Ddraig said to himself as he let his new power vent his frustrations.
(End Of Flashback)
(Issei's POV)
'After the death of my parents I moved in with my wealthy grandparents in kyoto, where I attend school all the way to my first year of highschool. At my old school I was part of both the jiu jitsu, and taekwondo clubs were I attempted to train my body into a vessel that can support Ddraig's awesome power, but I also found myself developing a love for combat (not rivaling the hidden love I had for breasts, but a powerful love nonetheless) I unfortunately in all my years of club activities, since awakening Ddraig's power I have yet to be in a fight that challenges me. As a result I elected not to join one of the clubs at my new school fearing the same out come here, but Ddraig promises me that one day I would be in for the fight of my life Against the wielder of the Vanishing Dragon.'
'Back to the topic of why I was transferred here, my grandmother worried that because I didn't really have a best friend back in Kyoto that the tragedy of losing my parents was making me an antisocial person. It's true that my parent death has affected me, but the reason that I had no friends was it was hard to relate to people. I mean how many orphaned dragon monsters are their in your school, but I have a pair of friends now whom I share a common interest with, they may be a bit less reserved about their passions than I. Unfortunately I have been monologuing, and kinda spacing out. What am I doing?'
"Hyoudou!" A pink haired girl with angry scowl, and what appeared to be a vein popping out of her temple. "You insist you're not a pervert like your two loser friends, but this is the 3rd time that we've found you outside the kendo club's changing room. Explain Now!"
"Sorry Katase-san. I was spacing out again, and those two must of brought me here again. I didn't see anything I swear." Our protagonist answered while rubbing the back of his, and giving the most sincere grin he could muster.
"Huh". sighed Katase. "I believe you Hyoudou honestly. Even if you might be a little perverted I know you're not as bad as those two". This made Issei breath a sigh of relief. "Unfortunately for you, those so called "Friends" of yours pissed us off so we're gonna use these kendo sticks to beat the crap out of you". She said this last part with a smile, but Issei definitely wasn't smiling, because he knew they were completely serious.
A few moments later Issei was lying beaten and bruised on the ground as the kendo club gathered their things and began to walk away. [Why do you let those Idiots put you into situations like this partner?]
Issei stood up wiping himself off before he answered. "I don't know. They're not bad people, and they're also the first real friends I've ever had."
The final bells of the day rang, and school was dismissed for the day. Issei began his walk home and the monologuing resumed.
'As I currently stand I rank as at about a mid-tier sekiryuutei, because my balance breaker armor lasts around 20 minutes currently. I unlocked it around a year ago, but I've only ever used it when late to school. I feel as though it's kind of "Overpowered" I have yet to face anyone who can match up to me in my normal form so if I try to fight someone with balance breaker I have no doubt that a fight would be over in an instant, but flying is incredible. The only problem is the armor doesn't come with a watch so I'm always afraid to fly a bit too high and my timer will run out.'
Issei was coming up on a bridge when he heard a voice call out to him knocking him out of his trance. "Excuse me." Issei turned to find a young girl with black hair and a sizeable bust, dressed in a uniform of a nearby school. "Excuse me, but it's getting rather late and I'm afraid someone might attack me if I walk home alone. Could you please walk with me.
Isse was surprised by how sweetly the girl spoke, but being the eloquent gentleman he was quickly gathered himself and answered. "S-sure."
Issei discovered the girl's name was Yuuma, and the youths had a grand time talking as our hero escorted the beautiful girl home. Issei was so caught up in the riveting conversation he was having with the young girl that he lost track of where they were. "Um, Yuuma are we almost at your place?"
The girl turned around so that she was no longer facing issei when she answered. "Yeah Issei we're exactly where we need to be, but I have one question." Issei was confused, but before he could ask what she meant he felt a wave of bad energy that he couldn't comprehend but knew it was bad. He looked back to see if Yuuma was ok, but he didn't see the girl he knew. Instead a girl who resembled Yuuma was standing in front of him wearing what appeared to be a black leather bikini, and had two crow like black wings. "Could you please die for me?"
Her voice had changed to become something much more menacing, but issei wasn't focused on that. Instead he was distracted by the red spear that this girl had summoned out of nowhere.
She hurled the spear at Issei's chest, which would've been an instantaneous kill, but Issei was quick to summon his gauntlet and blocked the girls attack resulting in an explosion.
When the smoke cleared Yuuma got a glimpse of issei's gauntlet. "The Boosted Gear. No way you were just supposed to be some mid level sacred gear user. No matter I'll kill you anyway."
Issei had just about had it. "Alright Ddraig explain NOW!"
[Sorry partner I should've told you she was a fallen angel, but they have a reputation for being total sluts, and I figured you'd get lucky]. This prompted a "Hey!" from Yuuma. [While I'm at it I should probably have told your being fallen by a devil, but this is more important now. I recommend Balance Breaker, being this is your first real fight against a supernatural being.]
"I have no idea what you're talking about, and you can explain later. You said this is a REAL fight so there is no way I want it to be over so quickly. I don't need balance breaker." Issei responded. He then focused his energy into his Gauntlet resulting in. [BOOST] [BOOST] [BOOST] [BOOST].
Issei charged at the fallen angel and was much too fast for her to dodge delivering a powerful punch to her stomach. She reeled back and immediately knew she was out matched power wise, and figured retreat was the best option. She vaulted into the air and propelled herself upwards at amazing speeds, but not fast enough.
Issei bent down into a squat then vaulted up much faster than Yuuma could fly. He grabbed her by the wing and threw her back to earth, then landed gracefully near the crater he had created with his throw.
He picked the stranger girl up by one of the straps of her bikini. "Alright psycho you're gonna tell me who you are and, what the hell you want with mmhmmh?!" before he could finish his sentence Yuuma enveloped his lips in a deep kiss which left the boy's mind racing at a million miles a minute, before something rang out in his head. Something loud, almost like a warning. 'Your in danger!' .
Issei's instincts took over a he jumped backward, just in time. Yuuma had summoned a glowing red spear that seemingly appeared out of nowhere. If Issei had hesitated just a second longer, the strange weapon would've impaled him.
"You taste like bird seed." Issei quipped as he wiped he slid his fist across his mouth, as if to remove the kiss. "And they say men can't be sexually assaulted."
"You wanna see Sexual Assault!?" Raynare retorted as she launched herself into the air. "Prepare to get penetrated!" The black winged angel skillfully hurled the spear towards Issei's chest.
Issei's eyes began to widen as the spear began to close the distance, much faster than he could dodge. His mind began to race as he tried to think of a plan, but all that came to mind was. 'Crap!' As his fear began to build, Issei's red gauntlet began to flash red.
Red light began to emanate from the boy's body, but at the same time the red spear made contact, causing a massive explosion. As smoke and dust began to spread out through the battlefield, a red figure rocketed out of the cloud followed by a trail of smoke.
Yuuma's eyes began to fill with fear as she looked up at the red figure. The figure looked to be a hulking red armor that appeared to be the cross between a medieval knight and Red Dragon. It had massive reptilian wings, and a long whip like tail. The on the helmet there were a pair of sharp golden tusks, as well as two glowing green eyes. The entire body looked to be made up of the same material as Issei's gauntlet and even had similar green gems all along the body.
"Oh yeah. I forgot I had Balance Breaker." Issei's voice could be heard coming from the armored figured, sounding rather awkward in contrast to his intimidating appearance. Issei shook off the awkwardness as he shifted his attention back to the black angel. "Alright, that's enough foreplay. Time to get down to business." Issei pointed his finger towards the girl. "Who the hell are you and why did you attack me."
Yuuma wasn't listening. She was to busy shaking due to her own fear, to even hear Issei's demands. "No Way." She said softly as if she still couldn't believe her own eyes. "The legendary Scale Mail. That means, your not some random sacred gear possessor. Your the….. I gotta get outta here!" Yuuma turned around in mid air and dashed away as fast as she could.
"Hey wait!" Issei called out, as a sweat beed began to roll down the side of his head. It had already been a long day and Issei really didn't feel like chasing after the girl who was already a few hundred meters away from him. "I guess you win this round." Issei began to descend towards the ground.
"What the hell was that Ddraig?" Issei asked his hand as he retracted his wings.
[I'll tell you later, Partner.] The green gem atop Issei's left hand flashed. [We still have company.]
"What? Where?" Issei said as he surveyed the area, nothing really catching his eye.
[The bushes to your left, partner.] Ddraig said, sounding rather unimpressed with his host. [I swear. I thought I taught you to sense life energy.]
"Oh yeah." Issei dispelled his helmet in a bright flash of light. Afterwards he closed his eyes and began to probe the area for signs of life and there was in fact a life force in the bushes to his left. "Alright, we know your there. Come on out."
As Issei said this said bushes began to stir. After a few shorts seconds a person shot up.
This person was in fact a women, a beautiful women. Crimson red hair spilled down far past her shoulders and all the way down to her hips. Her body was a perfect hourglass figure, but her breasts seemed to stand out a bit more than her waist. She had a smile that oozed confidence, and beautifully calm blue eyes.
'Damn. And I thought Yuuma was a knockout. Wait that uniform. She goes to my school.' Issei thought before realizing that he might've been staring a bit too long.
"Hi." The girl finally spoke up ending the awkward silence between the. "My name is Rias Gremory, it's nice to meet you Issei-kun."
Issei's eyes widened as he heard the name. 'Rias Gremory? Why the hell is that so familiar?'
(Author's notes)
Okay so this story is kinda in response to a bunch of people telling me they wouldn't read a story where Issei was reincarnated so fast, which is why in this story he won't be.
If any of y'all are reading my other story, than I'm using the exact same Issei as the last story. He's the same character with the same past and personality, but the events will be a bit different and more original. Also don't worry, Red Dragon's Power is nowhere near over. I'm probably gonna start doing chapters every other week, so it will be this story than that one. Hopefully that will help me get rid of the writers block if I'm writing two stories to keep my mind moving.
And for all those hard core Red Dragon's Power fans, I passed all my finals! I hope you guys like this. (I guess I have to think of a new outro for a new story right) Till next time, See Ya!