NOTE TO NEW READERS: I just came back to read these first chapters and I'm cringingggg. They're not amazing, but the writing gets much better, I promise! And the chapters get longer! Thanks for reading!

"Thanks, man!" A blonde-haired teenage boy yelled, while jumping out of the passenger seat of a blue SUV.

He pulled his phone out of his pocket and made his way to the familiar downtown alley way. He put the phone up to his ear. Straight to voicemail. He rolled his eyes.

When prompted, he left a message.
"Dude, why are you always late?" He sighed, "I'm already at Freak Alley, by Hendrix, HURRY."

He looked up from his phone and realized he was alone in the graffiti-splattered alleyway. He walked along the wall, checking out the new pieces. Boise, Idaho wasn't like most major cities in the US. It was relatively small with not much to do.

It was common for teens and adults alike to be strolling Freak Alley, especially in late August after all the new murals go up, but even after five minutes, he was alone.

Out of nowhere, a stiff, cold breeze rose the goosebumps on his arms and the back of his neck, though he was surrounded by the suffocating Idaho summer heat. Next, a foul, rotten-eggs smell assaulted his senses and he gagged and choked before stumbling away from the dumpsters he was closest to.

He tried to take a deep breath, but the smell was still there.

From the back entrance of the bar in front of him, black smoke billowed out- and headed straight for him. His eyes widened and he took a step back, but it was too late. The smoke took him over, shooting through his mouth and down his throat.

A group of teens, two boys and two girls, walked into the entry way of Boise's Freak Alley, their conversations overlapping each other's.

"Guys, Danny said he's over by the Hendrix mural. Come on!" A brunette boy exclaimed, a little in front of the rest of the group.

"Danny!" He called when he could just barely make out his blonde hair.

The group jogged up to their friend.

"What's the deal on this show? Is it at the Knitting Factory or Revolution Center?" One of the girls inquired.

"Actually..." Danny smiled mischievously, "I've got the deets on a keg party tonight. You guys down for that?"

The brunette boy who'd called his name earlier raised an eyebrow at him.

"You…know of a party?" He asked skeptically.

"That's not usually your style."

Danny smiled, almost cruelly, down at him. "What can I say? The summer changes people. Are you guys ready?"

The small group buzzed with energy and Danny laughed.

"Of course you are."

The group headed to the road to hail a cab, oblivious to the curly, red-headed woman close on their tail.

Sienna followed the cab of teens to the south side of Boise to an abandoned bar surrounded by shut-in warehouses. The demon had pulled back a loose board on the door and ushered the unsuspecting kids in like sheep.

She parked her purple vintage VW bug a block away and armed herself with a flask of holy water, two guns and salt pellet bullets.

Crouching low to the ground, Sienna scouted out the abandoned bar quietly. It had two entrances, though only the back opened, and all the windows and doors were boarded up. Graffiti decorated almost every inch of the outside. It must have been abandoned awhile.

Sienna was picking her way silently to the door the demon had opened. She heard voices-clearer the closer she got.

"D-Danny, why are you doing this?" One of the girls was crying.

Sienna sighed. Right on time.

She slipped her hand between the loose board and the door frame. In one motion, she pulled the door open and slid inside, pointing a gun directly at 'Danny's' head.

The crying girl let out a small shriek. Sienna took stock of the room. All the kids we're staring at her shocked. At least they weren't hurt yet.

Danny looked at her quizzically and then he laughed, a cruel chortle.

"Hey, kids, get the hell out of here," she motioned to the door with her head.

The crying girl tried to crawl behind her, but the demon stuck a hand out and slammed her against the wall telepathically. She coughed hard and struggled to regain her breath.

Sienna shot the hand that was controlling the poor girl with a salt pellet.
The demon swore and turned his gaze on her.

"You hunters," he spat, "Always getting in the way."

He took a step toward her and Sienna took a step away from the door. He followed, and she took another, larger, step away from the door.

They were in the opposite corner now. The kids had a clear shot to freedom if she could keep him distracted. She met the gaze of the brunette boy who spoke in the alleyway, and gestured toward the door as best she could with her eyes. She could only hope he understood.

She flung holy water in the demon's face and pushed him hard against the opposite wall. His face was burning against the dusty wood, and she heard the kids crash through the open door. Sienna laughed joyfully, and the demon growled back in protest.

He pushed hard on her arm, the one locking him in place, and Sienna stumbled backward.

She flung more holy water on him and pushed him hard against the wall again, holding him in place by the lapels of his jacket. She was getting angry, and she could feel the familiar sting in her eyes.

"Exorcizamus te, omnis immundus spiritus, omnis satanica potestas, omnis incursio infernalis adversarii"- The door suddenly flew open and two men darted in.

Sienna jumped at the sudden noise and her grip on the demon loosened. He shoved her hard and she fell back. The demon laughed at the men in front of her before shooting out of the mouth of his host.

The kid fell back and Sienna broke his fall, catching his shoulders and head.

The men were staring at her, mouths flopped open.
Sienna was livid. She had him. Her eyes stung as she scowled at the mysterious men.

"Who the hell are you?"

The tall one raised his eyebrows at her, and the short one just smirked at her.

The tall one stepped forward and bent to lift the kid off of her.
"Uh, hi, I'm Sam and this is my brother Dean."

Dean moved forward and offered his hand out to her. She was still angry so she rejected the hand and got up herself. Dean pursed his lips, but didn't say anything.

Sam carried the kid out the door, and without a glance in either of their directions, she stomped out after him.

The group of kids were outside, leaning against a '69 Chevy Impala.
It seemed Sam was explaining the whole ordeal to them so she walked past them, headed for her bug.

"Hey, wait. Wait!" The short one, Dean, jogged after her.

She turned when she reached the driver door of her bug. He skidded to a stop in front of her and held his hand out to her again.

"I didn't catch your name."

She smirked, "I didn't tell you it."

One corner of his mouth tugged up, amused.

"Well, I'm Dean Winchester, and that was Sam…we're hunters."

He waited for her reply and when it didn't come, he kept going.

"Are you hunting this demon?"

She glared at him, her annoyance coming back to her.

"I was exorcising that demon, until you and your brother barged in like redneck supermen," she scoffed.

He made a disgruntled face, "I am not a redneck."

She couldn't help the chuckle that made its way out of her chest.
She finally took his outstretched hand and shook it.

"Sienna Gold."