Disclaimer: I do not own Yu-Gi-Oh!!!!! A/N: the heights will be different in this fic: Yugi will be the same height as Joey, and Yami will be the same height as Honda.. Any thing else you will need to know will be uploaded in the next update!



Waking up and seeing the darkness around me, makes me realize what I am. I am immortal, a vampire. A vampire with no knowledge of this world that is new to me. at least not yet. As I open the coffin in this deserted tomb like building, I feel the hunger rush to my senses. My mouth, dry and thirsty, my insides, yearning for blood, my hearing sharpens, my vision blurs by the blood lust. I have the greatest need to feed! ~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~

Chapter 1

The vampire stepped out of the 'tomb' and looked around. 'The same graveyard... but it's getting full.' the vampire thought walking to the 'tomb' beside his borrowed one. He entered it and smirked.

"You always rose before me." the vampire spoke softly yet playfully to the other.

"You're the one who's a late sleeper! Ever since you were a child. You were always sleeping late! Before we became what we are now, that is." The 'other' was a female vampire leaning on 'her' coffin placed in the middle of the 'tomb'. This vampire had long jet-black hair past the middle of her back. Two small braids, formed by her bangs, framed her face. The braids ended in gold beads. Strands of her hair were decorated with sapphire and golden silver beads. She had many gold necklaces that hung from around her neck, and multiple bracelets on her left arm. A golden band was on her upper right arm. Her right wrist had a band of gold around it with a symbol of an eye and old Egyptian carvings on it. Her eyes were deep green and seemed to have life in them, even though she was an un-dead vampire.

"What? Don't you like being immortal?" the male asked her wrapping his arms around the slender figure of the female.

"No, I love the fact that I am here with you, and able to be here with you forever, to care for you,"- she caressed his cheek with her thumb -"to love you, forever, you know that, My Pharaoh." She then placed her arms around his neck. They stood there for a while, looking at each other in their embrace.

"Will you accompany me on the hunt tonight?" The male asked

"I am sorry, my love, but I need to figure what has happened to this world and report back to you, to give you the information" she smiled. They parted their embrace. The vampires walked out of the 'tomb' and to the graveyard gates.

"Alright, we will see each other here at fifteen minutes to sun-rise" The male told the other.

"Okay, and Yami?" the latter asked

"Yes, my desert flower?"

"Watch out for the hunters. I can sense them" The male nodded and they went separate ways.


With the blood lust now burning deep inside of him, Yami walked around the deserted streets. Looking around, trying to find a mortal roaming the streets during the night. He then heard a heart beat, a loud one. One mortal was outside. Lucky for Yami, too bad for the mortal.
Yami could now taste the blood in his mouth his eyes, glowing with hunger. Now he wants the blood more. Turning the corner very stealthily, he spots a man about eighteen years of age, deep into a book.
Yami, approaching the man in silent steps and in shadows, smiled, as his prey dose not notice him. The man's heart was soft, calm and steady beating.
Yami, two inches away from the man's neck, curious what the man is reading. He looks at the book to see the mortal reading a page that says in big bold letters 'VAMPIRES' at the top. Yami, amused, smiles. He leans forward to the man's ear.

"Half of the things in that book are false."- The man, scared half to death, jumped and turned around in terror, dropping the book, Yami straightened up- "Most vampires are not going to hiss and be afraid of holy items or holy water, and their skin doesn't get irritated when in contact with garlic. And some, (such as me) are able to walk in the sunlight."

"How-? Who-? What the hell!?"

"How? I crept up on you, who? My name has no importance to you, why? Because you won't live to speak it!" Yami lunged at the man and pinned him on the ground. "What, I am a vampire and you will be my feed!" The man paralysed with fear, could not fight the strength of the vampire. Bending down, Yami could hear the heart of the man beat faster and faster, he hears the every beat.

~Yami's POV~

Biting into the soft warm flesh of his neck, I hear a painful moan. The blood filling my mouth, tasting sweet, I drink happily, for at last I can feast! As the pitiful weak muscle in his chest slowed it's beat to nearly nothing, I rise from the bite, not going into death, as the man did.

~3rd Person~

" Damn it! Not enough! I need more blood, knowledge and new clothes." Yami, rising off the dead man, standing there, looked as the remaining 'blood of death' seeps out of the man's body.

'Maybe I can use this blood for something.'

He wanted the mortals to see that the vampires are back! Back on the food chain, at the top!