Hi Everyone!

Here's an early Christmas surprise for you! This is an Mpreg story, co-written with Rose1404 who also makes a translation to French. It's going to be available soon, too, so check it out if you're interested.

Summary: Kurt thinks he's the luckiest person of the world when he gets the chance to meet his favorite band, the Warblers, and their lead singer, Blaine Anderson. Little does Kurt know that he gets more than one unforgettable night when things get more heated than planned.

Some things are different from the original story and characters, but I guess it's not a surprise for you since you read fanfiction.:) One thing you should know now, though. Kurt is 15, still in high school, and Blaine is a few years older than him.

We hope you will like our story. Enjoy the prologue!

Mckinley was practically buzzing with excitement, something that had never happened before, not even when principal Figgins had revealed that the school would be shut off for an entire week because of a teacher conference in April. Everybody was looking forward to the upcoming concert of the famous boy band, the Warblers. It wasn't only because they finally made a tour in Ohio, so their fans could see them personally but also because of their Facebook game that allowed one of their fans to meet them before the concert and enjoy the show in the VIP area. On the top of that, they could bring one more person with them. Yes, it was definitely something most students would kill for.

"I'm going to win those tickets" Rachel announced before glee rehearsal. "I have so many questions to them, especially Blaine."

"Slow down, Berry. I'm going to win the tickets" Santana said.

"You have no chance" Rachel snorted. "Believe me, I made sure I won those tickets."

"How did you do that?" Mercedes frowned.

"I asked my dads to play for me, so I have better chances" Rachel explained. "Oh, and I asked Finn to play, too."

"I didn't know you wanted to see them, too" Kurt said as he turned to his stepbrother.

Finn shrugged.

"You know Rachel. I don't have a choice" he said.

"Since Finn doesn't want to accompany me…" Rachel started.

"...Because he finds it creepy that you'll be all over some other teenage boys while being there with your boyfriend?" Santana offered.

"...Because he doesn't understand the greatness of the Warblers" Rachel glared at her. "It means I can take one of you with me. The question is, what would you do for me to take you to the concert?"

"I'm going to take Brittany" Santana announced to everyone, ignoring Rachel.

Kurt smiled sadly. Although he tried to win those tickets as well, he knew deep inside that he had no chance. He just wasn't the lucky type. His only chance to meet the Warblers was to ask Rachel to bring him, if for some crazy reason she would win, of course. He shook his head immediately. As much as he wanted to see the Warblers, he wouldn't let Rachel humiliate him, because she would for sure. He knew her better than anyone after all. He sighed heavily, knowing that he would never make it to the concert or meet his favorite boy band.

But he wanted it so much. The girls weren't the only ones who wanted to meet the Warblers, especially Blaine Anderson, the lead singer of the band. Kurt had fallen in love with the boy the moment he had first seen him perform. Blaine had such a beautiful voice, he moved so gracefully and he looked so hot… It didn't help that he was gay either. It made Kurt dream about the two of them more. He imagined meeting Blaine at the coffee shop, asking for autograph and getting into a conversation with him. He imagined that they fell in love for the first sight and Blaine asked for his phone number. He dreamed about sweet kisses and shared love songs and everything possible. Okay, it was silly, but who could not be in love with Blaine Anderson?

"I can't wait to meet Blaine" Rachel sighed. "That guy is so hot."

"And gay" Santana pointed out.

"Oh, come on, he's too young to know it for sure. But once he lays his eyes on me…"

"He'll think that it's his grandma coming to see him" Santana said.


Kurt didn't pay attention anymore. His thoughts found their way back to Blaine and the possibility of meeting him. Kurt wanted that so badly. Rachel wasn't the only one who dreamed about falling in love with the handsome singer. Damn, Kurt was pretty sure that he was already in love with him. Blaine was a great guy, he was nice and sweet and so hot… Too bad he would never get those tickets.

~ o ~

Two more minutes left. Kurt was sitting in front of his laptop, waiting for the results. He was so nervous. Just a few more minutes and he would know if he won the VIP tickets or not. Probably not. He tried to prepare himself, so he wouldn't take the news too badly. His chance to win was close to zero. There were so many people who wanted to win like him and it wasn't like he had won anything before. No, he would just lose again and he would never meet Blaine Anderson. That was already decided. Kurt Hummel just wasn't the lucky type.

"Come on, guys, time's up" he muttered.

He reloaded the page and waited. Nothing. It was so frustrating. He wanted to know the result so badly. He wished it wasn't Rachel who won the tickets, though. He could take anything but not that. Rachel could be so annoying most of the times and she got everything she wanted. If she got this, too, Kurt wouldn't survive that.

Kurt looked at the page again and his heart stopped for a second when he saw the new update. That was it, the one he was waiting for. If he read the short entry, he would get to know who won. He just had to look at the bottom of the page. He still hesitated, his hands shaking. He wanted this so much and he would be so disappointed if he lost again.

"Don't be stupid. Of course you lost" he told himself and gathering his courage, he rolled down the page to see the result.

His eyes widened when he saw the name and he had to take another look to make sure it wasn't just his imagination playing with him.

Kurt Elizabeth Hummel

"Dear. Freaking. God" he said.

He checked it again and again but there was no mistake. That was his name on the screen. And it meant…

Kurt squeaked in delight and jumped up, unable to suppress his excitement. That was his name! It meant that he was the one who could meet the Warblers, he would see them perform from the first row, he would get a chance to talk to Blaine, his idol. He was one step closer to his silly dream.

"Thank you! Thank you! Thank you!" Kurt repeated over and over again as he ran around his room, to the stairs and back to the screen, to his wardrobe and then to his bed. He couldn't stop laughing, he was so happy.

And he couldn't wait for the most exciting night of his life. Because with the Warblers and especially Blaine, it would be for sure.