Chapter One : Where It All Began

I had always wanted one of those beautiful love stories. You know the kind that Nicholas Sparks writes about. I wanted a love that was like the wind. "You can't see it but you can feel it". I thought I was living a fantasy. Those stories that Nicholas wrote were too beautiful to really exist in a world that was so cruel. A world that would hurt the kind and appreciate the mean. It wasn't until I experienced what I did that I realised love is possible. In more ways than one. It's unexpected, it's selfless and it's magical. I remember it as if it was yesterday.

I guess I should take you back to the beginning, that way you can experience what I did.

It was the September of 2016. My best friend Edward was coming back from spending the past few months in Paris. To say I was excited was an understatement. It was the longest he and I had spent apart.

I waited by the college gates, I had text him saying I'd be waiting there so I knew he'd show up. Time was ticking on and I was about to head inside when I noticed him walking towards me.

"Edward!" I yelled. Running towards him, I flung my arms around his neck. "I've missed you. How are you? How was Paris? Did you go to the Eiffel Tower?" He gave me a soft hug before pulling away from me. He looked more miserable than I had imagined.

"Yeah I did. Paris was great. Come on, let's go in or we're going to be late." Before I could even question what was wrong he was heading towards the building. I figured his odd behaviour was just the outcome of being tired.

As we walked into the building, I noticed the rest of our friends were waiting where we would normally meet. Rosalie was the first to notice us. She hugged Edward, which he returned enthusiastically. As I walked closer I could hear her whispering in his ear,

"I heard what happened. Don't worry, we'll get through this. Have..." Once she noticed I was getting closer she stopped talking and smiled,

"Hey Bella. How are you?" She let go of Edward and embraced me. I hugged her back, less enthusiastically than Edward did, and smiled,

"Great, thanks." I watched as everyone greeted Edward before coming to say hi to me. There seemed to be an atmosphere amongst us which I couldn't figure out. I hadn't seen anyone since we left for the summer. They all seemed to be busy.

Emmett wrapped one arm across my shoulders, "How was your summer, Bell? I missed you." I rolled my eyes. I hated him calling me Bell, it was a nickname he gave me the day we met, and had somehow stuck since then.

"It was fine, Em. How was yours?" I smirked when I called him Em. He hated his nickname too, but it was a lose-lose situation. He called me Bell to wind me up for calling him Em and I would call him Em for calling me Bell.

"Not too bad. Sorry I was busy, I promise next year I'll make some time for you." I chuckled and nudged him softly, "How was your Summer Edward? Did you change your mind? We'll all support you, whatever you choose." Just as Emmett had finished his sentence Rosalie jabbed her elbow into his side, "Ouch." I furrowed my brows and looked from one person to the other,"Support him with what?" A silence fell between us. Each of them were looking from one another not knowing what to say. Edward has his eyes locked down at the ground. It wasn't until the bell rang that they managed to utter anything. It was Rosalie who finally spoke,"Let's go, don't want to be late on our first day."

They all began to manoeuvre down the corridor towards the theatre. I sighed and slowly followed behind them. What were they hiding from me? What was Edward hiding from me?


Bit of a short chapter. I wanted to just start with something short to get the story going.

I promise all will be explained!

I'm a bit rusty with the whole writing thing, you can probably tell! **Insert eye roll emoji**

I hope you enjoy!

Feel free to leave advice or reviews, it would mean a lot!

Thank you for taking your time to read it.

This plot has been bugging me forever

