Disclaimer: This story is based on characters and situations created and owned by JK Rowling, various publishers including but not limited to Bloomsbury Books, Scholastic Books and Raincoast Books, and Warner Bros., Inc. No money is being made and no copyright or trademark infringement is intended.
Warnings & Spoiler Alerts: Please note that this story will deter from cannon heavily. I also have taken liberty with the Auror ranks and departments. Also, I wrote this story many years ago and I'm now posting this here and to AO3.
BORN FOR YOU - Chapter Three: Arrival
Harry woke feeling refreshed and ready to start the day. He didn't think he had ever felt so energetic from a decent night's sleep in his life. True he was worn out from yesterday's journey, but something about his energy, he could feel it was different and it was definitely magical.
He bounded out of bed and halfway to the bathroom he saw Ron's ginger hair barely peeking above of his blankets. Harry looked over at him with a sly grin, before he tiptoed his way over to the bed. He positioned himself over Ron, making ready to pounce, when Ron shot up and pushed Harry by the chest, knocking him backward onto the floor.
"Blimey, Ron, how did you even know I was there?"
"Please. I grew up with Fred and George." Ron stood and offered a helping hand to Harry. "I can smell mischief a mile off. What's got you in such a good mood this morning anyway?" He asked with a sleepy grin on his face.
"I dunno, I just feel… great. No other word for it really… just great."
"Right, bloody mental." Ron looked over at the clock and started. "Shite. Its half past noon already, how did we sleep in so long?"
"Oh, I dunno, maybe it was because you kept us up drinking till three in the morning," said Harry with a wry grin on his face.
"Hey, do you know how long it's been since I had a night out to have a few beers? And that innkeeper bloke was funny, what was his name?"
"Will," offered Harry.
"Right, Will. Anyway, I didn't intend for it to go on so long. Sorry, Mate."
"Well, go shower. You reek of alcohol." Harry wrinkled his nose. "I'm going to pack up and grab some water and food to take along with us for the walk. I'll order lunch when I go downstairs, what do you want?"
"I dunno, something meaty with potatoes," said Ron.
"You want meat and potatoes before a five-hour walk, outside mind you, in this heat?" Harry stared at Ron in disbelief but really he should have known that to a Weasley, anytime was a good time for meat and potatoes.
Ron shrugged his shoulders. "Oh and get me some of that green juice stuff, it's really good. I should bring some back for Hemione when I come back through here."
Harry agreed with a grunt while he packed up his bag. He really was excited to be on his way. He didn't know if that was a good thing or Gryffindor stupidity seeing as he was on his way to confront Draco, but he knew at this moment he had a good feeling about it. He just felt good period.
Shouldering his packed bag he made his way down the inn stairs into the main room below. Just as he was sitting down at one of the tables in the corner, he saw Will wave and make his way over.
"Harry! Off to start your big adventure?" Asked Will with a practiced wink.
Harry reddened with embarrassment, suddenly remembering all that Ron had said, in his drunkenness, about what they were doing in Valendil.
Will laughed and clapped Harry on the back. "Don't worry, your secret is safe with me. I will wish you luck, though, your friend seemed to think you might be successful."
"I dunno, it's been a long time," said Harry "he might punch me in the face and tell me to shove off for all I know. He can be very… confrontational."
"Well, as someone who has served in a bar and inn for more than ten years, and has seen every woe there is, take this bit of advice. Just keep to the truth, don't spin any elaborate tales or make excuses. They always find out in the end on the first one and the second will just insult him, but that's enough out of me. What can I get you, Harry?"
"Oh… I'll have something light, a sandwich I guess, maybe turkey? And some of that green juice. Ron wants anything you got with meat and potatoes. Oh, and can we get some water and snacks wrapped up to take with us? I don't fancy a five-hour walk with Ron without having something to shove in his mouth when he starts to complain," he said with a laugh.
"Sure thing, Harry, I'll have it right out," said Will. "Juice is on the bar, help yourselves."
Harry stood and made his way over to the bar to pour Ron some juice when he took a moment to look around at all of the people. All Veela, every single one. Harry couldn't help wondering why Will would want to live in a place where he was such an outsider. He was a good man Harry could see, and friendly enough. He was also good-looking, tall with dark brown hair and eyes. He was a bit on the scruffy side, but what bachelor wasn't, especially one who kept a bar.
He finished grabbing his drinks and saw that Ron was already seated at the table talking to Will who was setting down water and their orders. Harry once again thanked the quick nature of magic.
"Ya look alright enough today," said Will, addressing Ron as Harry sat back down in the booth. "I feared ya would be useless to Harry, what with the amount of drink ya had in ya last night."
Ron laughed and picked up his juice. "Nah, I'm a Weasley. With four older brothers, I can hold my drink alright enough."
"Ah, I get it. I had three brothers myself. It was our dream to open a bar and inn someday. I at least was able to do that and dedicate the inn to them. It's why I call it The Champion, in their honor."
"In their honor?" Ron asked carefully.
"Yeah, I lost them and my parents in the war. I only survived because of Edward, my oldest brother, used an emergency Portkey to St. Mungo's on me at the last minute. I damn near died as well, was out cold in a coma for weeks until I woke up twelve weeks later in hospital. They told me you-know-who was gone. I guess I have ya to thank for that." Will said, as he looked straight at Harry.
Harry cringed. "Oh…It wasn't just me. I had loads of help, trust me."
"Relax, Harry, I'm not going to go all crazy admirer on ya. I've known who ya are since you walked into the place," he said with a sly grin.
"Oh, well thanks," said Harry while trying not to be embarrassed.
"What made you decide to come all the way here to open your inn?" Ron asked, half trying to save Harry and half with genuine curiosity. "With the rebuilding of the economy going on back then, you could have got in anywhere for a good price, even Diagon Alley."
"I dunno. I just felt like this was the place to open. At first, I had plans to open in a wizarding town in Ireland, but the longer I thought about it the more I was drawn here. Can't explain it really."
"Doesn't the… you know… their allure bother you?" Asked Ron.
"Actually, no. TI's strange but it doesn't seem to have much of an effect on me. Though admittedly my magic isn't as strong as it was before the accident. Maybe it has something to do with some kind of magical sensitivity? Maybe I just can't sense it."
"Maybe, but it doesn't affect me either," said Harry, "not even when I was in school and we had some foreign students who visited that were part Veela. Ron was a right twit about it though, drooled worse than he does now." Harry laughed when Ron pitched a bread roll at him.
"Nah, Harry, it's cause you have a Veela mate. Only his thrall will entice ya. Just the way it works, my friend."
"Really? I had no idea," said Harry. "I've read at least a couple dozen books on Veela, but in the last two days I've learned more from speaking to people than those ruddy books."
"Well, Veela are fairly protective about who they let into their society. I imagine those authors don't know everything," said Will.
"Why do you suppose they let you build your inn here then?" Asked Ron. "Did you have trouble when you first came here?"
"I thought I would, but I told the city Governors my story and how strongly I was drawn here. I asked permission to build and they didn't bat an eye. I figured it was because if anyone understands fate and destiny, it's a Veela. But enough about me, it's past one now and you two should be off soon so I'll leave ya to your lunch, just come up to the front when you're ready to check out." Will winked and then walked off to visit others around the bar.
"He's a good bloke," said Ron. "Too bad he lives so far away, he would get on with everyone, especially Charlie I think, they're about the same age."
Harry nodded his head in agreement thinking about the Weasley brothers and how much alike they were to Will.
The two ate in silence, each pondering the road ahead but each with their own set of worries.
"I'm done, ready to shove off?" Ron asked, standing.
"Yeah, I'll go find Will and checkout, you find some extra room in our packs for these supplies will you?" Harry walked off in search of Will and found him behind the front desk, welcoming in a few new guests.
"Ready to take off, Harry?" Will asked as he handed Harry his bill.
"Ready as I'll ever be, say Will, a friend of mine said I would need permission to go into Elessar from here. Is there some kind of embassy I'll have to go through or…"
"Nothing as formal as that, the guards at the north gate will ask you your business and let you pass. They can see if you're bonded so you should have no problem getting thru. I've been trying for years but seeing as I have no legitimate business there they won't let me though. Valendil is pretty Veela exclusive, but the outlying towns have no other human wizards or witches there unless they are mated to one of the Veela. I guess I should be grateful they let me live here at all."
"Thanks for the inform…oomph!" Harry doubled over trying to catch some of the air that was knocked out of him by Ron smacking him in the stomach with his pack.
"All packed up. We paid and ready to go?" said Ron with a smile.
Harry hoisted his bag and gave Ron the two-finger salute. "Yeah, Will said we just need to…hang on, why does it feel like all the supplies are in my bag."
"That would be because they are," said Ron over Will's laughter.
"Git, I should have known better than to leave it to you, you would think after years in the field with you I'd learn."
"You would think, wouldn't you?" Ron said innocently as he looked over to Will. "Thanks for everything, Will. I'll be back through in a few days so keep a room open for me, yeah?"
"Sure thing, you two keep out of trouble now!" Said Will as he waved them off into the busy street.
"So, what's the plan?" Ron asked. "Getting permission isn't going to be some big ordeal is it?"
"No. Will said we will leave by the north gate and we just need to get permission from the guards. He said they would be able to tell I'm bonded to Draco so we should have no problem."
"Thank Merlin. I don't think I could take it if we came all the way here just to run into trouble."
Two hours later…
"Where is the bloody north gate? All the way up at the bloody north pole?" Ron whined as he kicked a rock on the dusty road.
"I don't know, Ron, it's a big city and we have to get through it first. The signs are pointing this direction still so were on the right path at least."
"Oh, well that's a comfort," Ron said sardonically. "We've been walking for two hours and we still haven't even started on the real trip." He kicked another rock, this one hitting Harry on the back of the foot.
Harry pushed his glasses up so he could wipe some sweat from his eyes. He was also tired, but more so of Ron's constant complaining.
"Look, Ron, it's hot in the city because there is no tree cover, once we're out of the gate it will be much cooler…"
"Bloody Hell. We're here, Harry, look. I've never been so happy to see a sodding door in my life!"
Neither have I, Harry thought. The exit gate was reminiscent of the south gate they came in… massive. The difference was the obvious addition of the Veela guards standing on either side of the door. Harry was reminded of the muggle soldiers that stand outside of Buckingham Palace. Only these guards were dressed in typical Veela attire, backless lightweight clothing in bright silver that seemed to shine like armor.
"Err…do I just go up to one and ask to go through?" Asked Harry.
"I dunno, but do bloody something, its hot standing out here in the open."
"Right." Harry gathered his courage and strolled up to the female guard on the left and cleared his throat. Catching her attention, she looked over at him with a piercing gaze that unnerved him.
"Err…we would like permission to go through to Elessar…if that's alright with you."
The guard looked Harry up and down with disdain before stepping forward making him take a step back as she crowded his space.
"What business do you have in Elessar?" She asked in a very no-nonsense voice.
"My… husband lives there. We are on our way to see him."
"You are lying. Step back from the gate and go back the other way," she stated simply before returning to her previous position.
Harry was flabbergasted and Ron looked like he was about to explode. He knew he should do something quick before Ron's temper got out of hand.
"Look, I don't know what reason you have for thinking I'm lying, but my friend said you would be able to tell if I'm truly bonded to my mate, you should be able to see I'm telling the truth, right?"
"I have no need to look into your magic. You're Harry Potter. All of Valendil and the five villages would know if Harry Potter, the most famous living wizard since Merlin himself, was bonded to one of our own. I don't know why you want to go into Elessar, but I will not let you through."
Harry was starting to get worried. Normally his fame got him through doors, not denied them.
"Look… lady," Ron said, thinking he was being very diplomatic. "Not only is he Harry Potter, but we are both Aurors with the Ministry. Why would he have a reason to come here to sneak into some country arse Veela town? He defeated a Dark Lord to protect everyone, it's ridiculous to say that Harry Potter of all people is out here for some nefarious reason."
"Is there a problem, Leena?" The other guard asked, coming over no doubt to see what all Ron's fuss was about.
"This one here," she said pointing at Harry, "says he is on his way to Elessar to see his Husband, but he is Harry Potter the famous wizard. Have you ever heard of him being fated to one of our own? And this red-haired one here… well, he is just rude and his entire being offends me."
"Leena," said the man between exasperation and amusement. "Did you check his magic to see if he was telling the truth?"
"He's obviously lying, Daylin. Even out here we would have heard of such news, but I'll check since I can tell your going to start spouting regulation at me."
She walked forward grabbing for Harry's head and he quickly dodged her moving backward.
"Err…sorry. Force of habit, I don't like being grabbed. Can't you just pull out your wand and say a spell of some sort?"
"I am a full blood Veela. I have no need of silly twigs to channel my magic" she said, reaching for Harry's head again. This time he let her and almost before he felt her magical intrusion it stopped. "He speaks the truth Daylin…but how can this be? This should be the biggest news from here to…well, everywhere," she said, completely taken aback.
"Harry is a very private person, in fact, we would appreciate it if you kept this knowledge to yourself for the time being," said Ron in the Auror voice he used when he had to testify at trials or hearings.
"Certainly. Leena didn't mean any harm, right Leena? She sometimes is just a little too serious."
The woman scoffed and strode angrily back over to her post while Harry and Ron were left standing next to the other guard.
"Please excuse her, we take pride in our duty, and Leena is one of our best guards. She was right to be suspicious but she should have offered to verify your status of being a citizen earlier."
"Citizen?" Harry asked.
"Well, of course. Being married to one of our own automatically makes you a citizen here," the guard said, looking at Harry a bit strangely like he should know this already. "I won't keep you and your friend. If you go straight through to the gate, the path will lead you straight to Elessar. I hope you have a pleasant trip."
"Thanks," Harry said with a strained smile. He walked thru the gate onto the path and breathed a sigh of relief.
"Finally!" Ron cried. "At least now we're on the road I feel like we're doing something, not to mention it's nice to be back under all this shade. Well, let's get to it, Harry. No time to dawdle."
Three hours later…
"Merlin's sweaty balls, Harry. Why didn't we bring brooms? Surely someone should have thought to use brooms before."
"You can't fly properly through all these trees, Ron, and if you fly above them you'll lose the path. If you weren't such a pure blooded prat we could have transfigured some bikes or something, but I didn't fancy teaching you how to ride one, even if it had training wheels," Harry said with a smirk.
"Yeah, right, like you have ever ridden a bike either," Ron said, throwing bits of bread at the back of Harry's head.
Harry couldn't help but laugh since it was true. The Dursleys would have never given him something like a bike, not even one of Dudley's old ones.
"How much longer do you think we have," asked Ron.
"I suppose about two hours," Harry said. "Maybe a bit more." He couldn't help but grin when he saw Ron visibly deflate a little.
Two hours later…
"Ron, I see it. I finally see the town. Do you see the lights?"
"Yes, thank Merlin! The forbidden forest this isn't, but I was still starting to get a bit creeped out."
Harry silently agreed. He supposed any forest would be scary in full on dark. Even the light from his Lumos was casting creepy shadows across the ground.
"Harry, this is it mate. We're finally here. Have you worked out what your gonna say?"
"No, I've been thinking about it the whole way here though, I think the best approach would be the most straightforward. It's not like either one of us were thrilled to be fated but hopefully, we've both matured and can speak calmly about it."
Ron looked doubtful.
"What?" Asked Harry.
"It's just that you two could never speak calmly about anything. Do you think things will change?"
Harry sighed and shrugged his shoulders. He never knew what to expect from Draco. "Oh, look, there is the entrance. It's completely different from Valendil."
Ron looked around and nodded his head even though Harry couldn't see him do so. "This looks almost like a normal wizarding village like we could be in Hogsmeade. Definitely doesn't have the grandeur of Valendil."
"No," said Harry. "It has a quaint feeling… like where my parent's lived."
They continued on into the town, passing a small wooden gate and fence that separated the town borders from the forest path. Harry immediately felt the charm of the old village and could see why Draco would choose this over living in the city.
"So what were you saying? What are you going to do?" Asked Ron.
"I'm going to be completely straightforward, no lollygagging about," said Harry with a decisive nod. "Tomorrow I'm going to just walk right up to him and say…"
Ron stopped walking and turned around to look at Harry, wondering why he stopped talking, but he was nowhere in sight. "Harry? Where are you… Harry?" Ron backtracked a few steps to look around.
"Shush! They will hear you."
"What? Where the bloody hell are you?
"Down here."
Ron looked down and saw Harry crouched down on his left side, hiding behind a bush, pointing at two girls walking towards them on the other side of the road.
"Right. Brave sod you are. You were going to walk right up to him were you?" Ron said while grinning at Harry trying to glare and look menacing, all while hiding behind a bush from two girls.
"Just shut it, will you? Ask them about him. Get some information and don't let them know I'm here!"
"Wha… I'm not going to… ouch!" Ron bent over grabbing his now sore leg where he had been pinched while Harry tried to stay hidden.
"Hello? Are you alright?" Asked a pretty young girl with concern in her eyes.
"Shhh, Andra, let me handle this," said the slightly older woman by her side.
"Hello, my name is Adara, and this is my younger sister Andra. Have you just come off the road?"
"Err…yes," said Ron, uncertain what to say so he continued carefully. "We ah…I mean I'm here looking for someone."
"Oh! We can surely help you there, we know everyone in the village as we were born here. What is their name?" She asked excitedly.
"Oh um… his name is Draco Malfoy. He would have moved here about seven years ago?"
"Malfoy? There isn't a Draco Malfoy here," she said seeing the open disappointment on Ron's face. "but there is a Draco Black."
"Black? Oh, I forgot. He had to change his—" Ron jerked awkwardly as Harry grabbed his leg again, obviously stopping home from saying too much. "Yes, that's him. Can you tell me where to find him?"
Ron bristled when the older girl eyed him distrustfully and took a step back. "You didn't even know his last name, why would I tell you where he is? Come on Andra, it's late and we need to get home," she said, readying herself to walk past.
Harry panicked seeing his chance at finding Draco pass him by so he grabbed Ron's leg again, giving him a pitiful look. Ron sighed, grabbing his hair and resigning himself to becoming rather embarrassed in the next few minutes.
"Wait!" said Ron. "Look I know you don't have any reason to trust me but it's really important that I speak to him."
"Andra, go on home while I speak to this gentleman."
"But Dara…"
"No, no argument, I'll be fine," said Adara, trying to give off a reassuring smile. She waited till her sister was well down the road before turning on Ron with a glare.
"As for you, I don't know what you're doing here, but how is it that someone that has such important business with Draco, doesn't even know his proper name?"
"What?" Ron bristled indignantly. "Of course I know his proper name, he's just changed…OUCH! Bloody hell Harry! If you don't like how I'm doing it then get out here and do it your bloody self!"
Ron looked back at the woman who was now looking at the bush suspiciously. "Is there someone else back there? Show yourself!"
Harry stood slowly with a sheepish smile. He knew he must look like an idiot. "Err…Hello, I'm Harry and this is my friend Ron." Beside him, Ron was still giving him angry looks, probably from being pinched and poked for the last ten minutes.
Adara stood on the road looking from Harry to Ron, a frown marring her beautiful features. "What is it you want with Draco? The truth this time if you please." Adara said crossing her arms in what Harry thought of as a very Hermione like manner.
"I'm actually the one looking for Draco," said Harry. "You see I'm… well, technically I'm his Husband."
Adara's eye flew wide as she put her hand to her mouth. Harry thought she might start screaming any second.
"You… you're lying," she said. "I know that to be impossible."
It was Harry's turn to then look shocked. "I promise you it's the truth. Draco and I performed the marriage bond on June 10th, exactly five days after he turned seventeen."
"You know his birthday," she said. "That still doesn't prove anything. That's just a matter of looking through public record."
Harry searched through his mind for information he could give Adara that wouldn't betray any secrets Draco might not want his neighbors to hear. "I've known Draco since we were twelve. We went to school together at Hogwarts, a magical boarding school located in Scotland. He's taller than me by two inches or was at least seven years ago, I've grown a bit since then. He drinks only tea, saying that coffee is for commoners. He likes sweets, which I always found hilarious considering he has the sourest personality of anyone I ever met, except for maybe Professor Snape, and he has the grayest eyes I have ever seen. Almost like silver, really like they are made of molten metal."
Harry clamped his mouth shut, embarrassed with his babble. He watched as her eyes became bigger with disbelief as his speech went on. "Draco Black has eyes like that, but this is still impossible. Look, I've known Draco for years. We went through Tuor together and I see him every day at the school where we work."
"You went through Tuor?" asked Harry. "I'm sorry to hear that."
"Thank you," she said sincerely. "I'm surprised, honestly, that you even know what Tuor is."
"Oh, well I didn't, not till a few days ago. My friend Fleur explained it to me…."
"You know Fleur Weasley?" She asked, shocked to hear the name.
"Yes, she is the one who told us how to find Draco," Harry said, feeling like he was finally making some progress. "This is her brother-in-law, Ron Weasley."
"Hullo," said Ron with a lazy wave.
"Oh, my… Draco really doesn't care for you at all," she said to Ron with an apologetic look on her face. "He goes into a great huff any time Fleur so much as mentions you."
Ron laughed awkwardly. "Old school rivalry I'm afraid."
"Well, I think we finally established we all know Draco," said Harry. "I'm curious though, why did you keep saying it's impossible for me to be his husband?"
"Oh! Well… it's just that he… he told us that his fated died in the war."
"I see," said Harry. Draco had told everyone he was dead. He couldn't imagine anything worse than someone hating you so much they told people you were dead.
"Don't look so down, mate," said Ron. "You know technically he's not wrong, you did die in the war."
"You're not helping, Ron," said Harry, looking more and more depressed.
"Look, let's just find a place to stay and we can come up with a plan after we have some dinner. There is an inn somewhere near, isn't there?" Ron asked Adara.
"Yes, just go down this street until your reach Parsnip Lane, make a right and go about a block, you can't miss it. The name is Adonna."
"Thanks," said Ron. "I wonder if you could keep this under wraps as long as possible? Harry needs some time to…adjust to the news of his early demise."
"Well, I don't confess to know what this is all about, but I do trust Fleur. Also, there is the fact that you are strangers and stick out like a sore thumb. Everyone will know you're here by morning, but I will keep silent if you promise me you won't hurt him."
Harry wondered if he could really promise such a thing. In the end, he only said what he knew to be true. "I'm not here to hurt him, that is the last thing I want."
Adara nodded, accepting his answer. "Off with you both then, it's past nine already and I know the innkeeper doesn't like to stay up late. Meet me tomorrow in the breakfast room at ten in the morning and I will speak to you about him more then," said Adara.
"Thank you, I know this is awkward and all," Harry said, reaching out to shake her hand. She took it only after a moment's hesitation.
"Goodbye, and good luck," She said as she watched them turn and walk down the road towards the inn. She waited about two minutes before she too went on her way. She had some questions for her friend, and well, Harry didn't promise not to hurt Draco, so she didn't see why she couldn't find out some information herself. She pulled out her wand, turned with a crack and was gone.
Draco was slumped over in his favorite chair, in his well lived in cottage, tired from a long day of students. He had been roped into Saturday school again by Adara, and then dinner and drinks afterward. He only agreed since Eric was in Valendil on business and he had nothing else to do. Draco didn't like where his mind wandered when he was idle. It never went anywhere pleasant and always stayed too long.
He woke that morning with a boundless sense of energy. He couldn't put his finger on it, but it felt like magic, raw magic coursing through his veins pushing him onward. He was a bit taken aback by it at first but it didn't take long for the children to run any extra energy he may have had right out of him, so he forgot about it.
Deciding a pot of tea and a good book was just what he needed to keep his mind from wandering, he stood to make his way into the kitchen when a loud crack had him falling ungracefully back into his chair and scrambling for his wand.
"Draco Black! I have a bone to pick with you!"
Draco visibly relaxed before annoyance marred his features. "Adara, what in Merlin's name are you doing?" Asked Draco. "You can't just Apparate in here anytime you want."
"Nonsense, if I didn't come in here whenever I pleased you would have never made it on time to work that first year, besides, I already said I'm not very happy with you."
"Dara, I just left you and your sister not even an hour ago, what could I possibly have done to have angered you in the span of time we weren't even together?"
"Sit down, listen, and I will tell you. I was on my way home…"
"Wait, wait, wait, is this going to be one of your impossibly long stories where I'll be wanting to bang my head on something preferably hard and blunt to put me out of my misery? Because if it is, I want some tea first. Follow me into the kitchen."
Adara sighed and followed him into the kitchen knowing she couldn't stop him even if she wanted to. "As I was saying before I was rudely interrupted, I was on my way home tonight and I saw two wizards. Purely human ones, Draco!"
Draco smirked, amused by Adara's excitement even though her own mother was a human witch. She really needed to get out and see the world one day. "It's rare for us to have visitors of Non-Veela lineage, but I still don't see why that lands me in a pot of hot water." Draco turned the burner on under the filled kettle with a flick of his wand and then turned to eye Adara.
"Well, you see that's the thing. When I inquired if I could help him with anything he said he was looking for someone. A man named Draco Malfoy."
Adara started when Draco dropped the canister of loose tea he was holding, sending it flying all over the kitchen floor. "Draco, are you alright…"
"Did they hurt you? Did they say anything else to you?" He asked as he rushed over to look her over closely. Images of Deatheaters and all manner of sinister things were going through Draco's mind, but then he calmed. He has helped Harry eradicate the old Deatheater order, he was sure of it.
"No, of course not. They were perfectly polite. Well after the one hiding behind the bush finally came out." She giggled and Draco could see this was going to be a long night.
"Behind the bush?" He asked "There was a strange man who asked about me? And another one with him, hiding behind a bush? Adara, did it not occur to you to maybe run from these people? That they were dangerous?"
Adara coked her head to the side. "That did cross my mind at first as well, especially after they were so shocked when I told them there wasn't a Draco Malfoy living here, but a Draco Black. The Red haired one looked like he could be knocked over by a feather he was so shocked."
"Red hair, did you just say red hair?" Draco grabbed onto the edge of the counter, a sick feeling settling in his stomach.
"Hmm," she said absently, trying to help pick up the fallen tea leaves. "Yes, but that's not even the most shocking part of it."
"Let me get this straight. There are two human wizards, one hiding behind a bush, the other a probable Weasley and there is something more shocking?" He asked. He wondered for a moment if Fleur had possibly sent Bill to check on him, but thought it odd she wouldn't have written him first. Not to mention Adara surely would have recognized Bill, she had only met him a handful of times but he thought even she could remember a man like Bill Weasley, fang earring and all.
"Draco, you're so out of sorts already and I'm not even halfway finished, let's sit down first," she said, leading him over to the table to sit down. "The man behind the bush said he was looking for you and asked me for information on your whereabouts. I didn't give him any information of course, but as he talked, it became more and more apparent that he knew you, knew you fairly well."
"What…what were their names, Dara?" He asked, feeling like he would swallow his tongue any moment.
"One was called Ron Weasley…."
"Oh Merlin," Draco slammed his head into his hands then roughly raked them through his long pristine hair.
"I told him you would react that way, Draco, anyway the other called himself Harry and he said he was your husband which I, of course, thought he was lying. Just what exactly is going on?"
"He said that? He called himself my… my husband?" Draco asked, his voice barely above a whisper.
"Yes. Draco, is it possible this man is your husband? That he really didn't die in the war and you just didn't know it?"
Draco stood abruptly, suddenly needing to get out of the room, get out of the cottage and into fresh air. He ran outside into his back garden, hoping he could hold it together long enough to get through the truth. He owed Adara at least that much. He could feel her behind him and he knew her face would be broadcasting the worry she was sure to be feeling.
"Draco, please tell me what's going on. I don't know what to do… how to comfort you."
"You can't," he said, turning around to meet her eyes. "You can't do anything to make this better, Dara. His name is Harry, and he, of course, is my fated. He is also my bonded Husband by Veela and Wizard law."
"But… how is that possible? Where has he been all these years? And what about Tuor, after everything we went through together."
"I am a Tuor, I didn't lie to you about that. He... he rejected me," said Draco as she gasped.
"But you just said he was your Husband under wizard law as well. You're not making any sense, Draco, it can only be one or the other."
"You're right, it usually can only be one way or the other, but in my case, it was both. It's a very long story, Dara, but the short of it is that we were formally bonded in marriage, and after, the day after to be exact, he told me to pack my things and leave after shoving a bag of Galleons in my hand."
"But why would he do such a thing? That's just cruel!" She said, becoming upset and angry.
Draco laughed and almost shuddered at his own humorless voice. "Knowing him he had many reasons, the last one just as noble as the first. Bloody hero."
"Noble? How can you say that about him?"
"There were… circumstances that went beyond our control around the time this all happened, not to mention our previous history. Harry and I met when we were twelve and we hated each other from almost the moment we met."
"That's not possible, Draco, you can't hate your destined."
"Oh, you can, I assure you," said Draco smirking. "Remember this is before we knew that he was my mate. This all started years before. He even almost killed me once." Draco said as he fingered the thin scar that wrapped from his chest onto the top of his bare shoulder.
Adara reached out to touch the scar. She had asked about it several times and he had always given her a sad smile and diverted the topic.
"This is from him? I can see now why you didn't want to talk about it. Is this why you always wear a long sleeve up to the top of your left arm? Are the scars visible there as well?"
"No. I wear the sleeve for another reason altogether, but it's not completely unrelated to why we were such enemies back then. Listen, Dara, there is something I have been wanting to tell you for a long time. You probably won't fully understand everything I'm going to tell you, you were so removed from the war being born here, but the significance won't be lost on you I don't think."
Adara watched as Draco untied the top of his armband to release the sleeve from its bindings. He pulled it off in one fell swoop and hesitated only a moment before he stretched out his inner left arm to show her.
"Oh merciful Merlin," she gasped. Draco expected her to ask questions, cry or get angry. He was surprised though when she reached out slowly and touched the black stained skin of his Dark Mark.
"Why do you have this, Draco?" Adara asked, tears finally forming in her eyes.
"My parents… they were followers of the Dark Lord. My Father was part of his inner circle and when I turned seventeen I as well was to fall in line and become a Death Eater. Only my time came early. I was marked and inducted the summer after I turned sixteen."
Adara looked at him, not with fear but with something he couldn't place, something he didn't like. He hadn't had someone look at him like that for a long time.
"Did you… did you hurt people, Draco?"
"Yes. Though I never killed anyone I swear it. I was given a high profile mission to kill Albus Dumbledore once, the leader of the resistance called the Order of the Phoenix. I failed miserably."
"Dumbledore? The famous Wizard who defeated Grindelwald? Wasn't he the headmaster of your old school?"
"Yes. Which is specifically why I was chosen. I was stupid and scared so I, of course, accepted the task. I didn't succeed, of course, but the damage had been done. Adara, Harry and I were on opposite sides of the war. He fought alongside Dumbledore and his Order of the Phoenix while I was part of the Death Eater's."
"This is so much more complicated than I ever imagined," said Adara. "I thought… I hoped that somehow your bonded went missing, and you thought him dead but were wrong. I thought you were going to find each other. That fate had intervened once again intending for you to be together."
"Fate has never done me any favors, Adara, why would it start now."
"You shouldn't say such things," she said as the looked around, almost expecting magic to punish him.
"There's more, so much more, but one thing you have to understand is that Harry and I, from the moment we met we were destined to hate one another, to be at war."
"But why, Draco? I understand that you were the son of… that monster's right-hand man, but…"
"Adara, did Harry not look at all familiar to you? Harry is… well, he is the Boy Who Lived. He is Harry Bloody Potter, the hero of the wizarding world."
Adara gasped and could not fathom how such opposites could be destined. Draco's mate was Harry Potter. Her best friend was a former Death Eater married to the Boy Who Lived himself. It just didn't seem possible.
"Oh, Draco, you're going to have to start from the beginning. I'm so confused I don't know which way to turn," she said, plopping down on a bench overlooking a small fountain surrounded by the flowers Draco had so painstakingly planted.
"I will, I promise, but first tell me where Weasley and Harry went."
"Oh! I sent them to Adonna's, they were tired out from the road and looking for lodging."
"You sent them to your father's inn?" Draco said, his mouth agape.
"Well, what else was I supposed to do? I needed a way to find them again. This way we can keep an eye on them."
Draco huffed but nodded his head in agreement, it was a good plan. "I'll go there tomorrow and tell them to go home," said Draco. "There is no reason for them to be here and the bond should be stretched enough for me to see him without ruining everything."
"What on earth do you mean? Your mate and Husband just showed up to speak to you, you can't send him away!"
"The hell I can't! I'm only a few weeks away from this curse being lifted," Draco shouted, trying to keep from having an all-out breakdown.
"Curse? How can you say that about your mate? Draco you love him, you can't just send him away…"
"I don't care!" Draco yelled, his shoulders shaking and scaring Adara into standing. "I don't want to love him, I don't want to need him. I'm sick of thinking about him, of him occupying my every thought, my every dream. I need him to leave me alone. I just want to be left alone!"
Draco stood willing the tears to not fall. Across from him stood Adara, terrified. She had never seen him lose his temper that way, not even once. He was suddenly ashamed and turned his back toward her to hide. He almost broke down completely when he felt her come up behind him, turning him around and bringing him into her arms.
"Don't worry. We will figure it out. We don't even know why he's here yet so let's not jump to any conclusions."
"I had a plan, Dara. The Tuor is ending in a few weeks. Erik and I are finally going to be together. It may not be love, but we respect and desire each other. I'm not going to give that up, I won't. Everything about me and Harry is just too complicated, don't you see? I just want some peace."
"Alright, I understand," Adara said in an effort to calm him down. "Why don't you start from the beginning? I need to know what going on and you need help, Draco."
Draco nodded blinking away unfallen tears. He didn't want to relive this, didn't want to go through this again, but he needed to if he was ever going to be able to tell Harry to go home. He needed to finally start his new life with Erik, needed someone to understand. For them to know that it was all his fault.
Reviews Welcome. :)