Five years later ...

Leia Organa Solo- former Princess, one time Senator, and a General of more than one rebellion- smiled as she thought of the latest title that she had picked up:


Leia spun her speeder chair about and held out her arms as her twin grandchildren leapt into her lap. "Jacen! Jaina! What a surprise!"

"You knew we were coming," Jacen said with a narrowing of his eyes that reminded Leia of his father.

"I felt you through the Force," Leia admitted. "Wherever you are- wherever you go- I will always be able to feel you in my heart."

"I love you, Grandma," Jaina said simply. She was currently sporting the three bun hairstyle that her mother had once favored. The black vest that she wore was all Solo.

"Why I love you too, sweetheart," Leia smiled. "I always will."

Leia knew that her time was coming to an end. She had outlived everyone from her Rebellion days but Chewie- Lando had passed a few years ago. They had never become as close as Lando might have wished, but she had been fond of him. It had been sad losing him, but she knew that she would be joining Han and the rest of her family before Ben and Rey's latest child turned a year old. Technology and the Force had done all that could be done for her; it was just her time.

In truth, she was ready.

The First Order had not been completely defeated, but it had been driven back. With the Battledroid army, with Ben's knowledge of First Order operations and Finn's information on the Stormtrooper program, the Resistance had been able to do enough damage to the First Order that the fractured worlds of the New Republic had found the will to join together and fight back. Now the Third Republic was growing in strength with each passing day, and the First Order was being driven back to the Outer Rim Territories. It would take time, but Leia was confident that peace would happen before her grandchildren grew to adulthood. She had to content herself with that; she knew that she would not be there to see the end.

She was tired. It was time to let others fight on without her.

Ben and Rey had established a Force Academy- not a Jedi Academy; and certainly not a Sith one. They wanted to prevent the mistakes of the past; to foster Balance rather than division in the Force. Perhaps they would fail, but at least they were trying something new. Perhaps if they could convince one child that an inclination towards the Dark Side did not mean they were destined for evil that would be enough.

That was not the only challenge the two young Force sensitives had set for themselves.

Her son's family had settled on Naboo, buying an estate that had been owned by Padme Naberrie. It was large, with plenty of rooms- and that was a good thing.

Anakin had been right; they did need a large house.

There were their twins Jacen and Jaina, of course. Both of them were strong in the Force— and as different as night and day. Brilliant and strong willed, they were the apple of their grandmother's eye.

They had also adopted children.

Rey, the abandoned girl, and Ben, the boy who had always been alone, had opened their hearts and home to so many children that had been orphaned by war, fate, or indifferent parents. Not just Force sensitive children; not just human children. Leia now counted a Wookie, a Togruta, and even a Hutt as part of her family.

"Jacen, Jaina, can you ask your brothers and sisters to join us? I want to tell the Story again before dinnertime."

Jacen's eyes lit up. He loved listening to the story of his family. "Right away, grandmother."

Hand in hand, the two twins ran off together.

Leia glanced at the window of Ben and Rey's bedroom. She could feel the Force rippling. "Quit arguing, you two. You're giving me a headache."


"I thought we didn't want to name any of our children after anyone," Ben said angrily. He hated being angry; it reminded him too much of his time as Kylo Ren. "I don't want any of them to have to feel like they have to live up to someone's legacy."

"I know, Ben," Rey said patiently, fighting back her own urge to snap at him. She held her baby daughter in her arms. She didn't point out that simply being heirs to the Skywalker family would set impossible expectations on their children.

"And that name- why her? Why would you want to name our daughter after Sheeva? She tried to kill us both."

"I know, Ben, but you weren't there at the end." Rey closed her eyes and thought of the dying Knight of Ren. "Sheeva knew. At the end, she knew that the war between Dark and Light had to end. She told me to make sure that she was the last one to die in that war. I can't help feeling that if she had lived, she would have seen the wisdom of what we were doing. That we could have saved her."

"You can't save everyone, Rey." Ben touched his wife's face. "But I love you for trying." He sighed. "What will you tell her when she asks about her name?"

Rey kissed her baby. "I'll tell her that she was named for a woman who wanted a terrible waste of life to end. That she was named after a woman who wanted war to end."

"It's not a name I would want to remember," Ben said with a sigh. "But I won't fight you on this any more."

"That's good." Rey sat the baby back in her crib. "Now come here, Ben Solo."

"It's almost dinner time. Remember, we have a small army to feed."

Rey smiled. "You will come to me."

Ben smiled. "I will?"

"You will. You can fight it every step of the way. Drag your feet. Hold onto the stars until they're ripped apart, but sooner or later you'll be where you belong." Rey held out her arms. "In my arms."

"I think I can live with that." Ben slipped into her arms and kissed her.


Outside, Leia smiled. And maybe there'll be another little one on the way soon … She looked at the children who gathered around her chair. "Are we ready?"

"Yes, Grandmother," Jaina said. She sat cross-legged in front of Leia, her eyes bright and eager.

Jacen stood beside her chair, holding one of Leia's hands. She suspected the boy knew that her time was coming. She squeezed his hand reassuringly.

This was not the night they would lose her.

The other children- human and other- nodded and looked at her with rapt attention. They were all so young … young and full of the hope that Leia's family and friends had brought for them. She fervently hoped they would never lose it.

Leia cleared her throat. She looked at her family. "I love you all."

Perhaps if she had said those words to Ben more frequently … But no. The past could not be changed; only lived with. She closed her eyes and began to speak.

"It began a long long time ago ..."

Author's Note: And that's a wrap. For those who don't know, Jacen and Jaina were the names given to Han and Leia's first children in the EU novels. I didn't want Ben and Rey's kids named after someone else in the canon- because frankly EVERYONE does that- but I did want to make a tip of the hat to the EU. For those who made it all the way through, thanks for reading!