S: Welcome to my first story which is inspire by DealtShadow35's
"Rise of the Dragon Empire: Naruto the Conqueror", once again thanks a lot Dealtshadow35
Konoha, hospital
(Time: 9:30p.m.)
Inside a ward is a boy with blonde hair and three whisper on each side of his cheek- Uzumaki Naruto laying on the bed unconscious, and why is he doing in a ward? Well it because he was being quested to bring back his teammate – Uchiha Sasuke, who betrayed Konoha to seek for power that afternoon.
And after beating his teammate and dragging his ass back to Konoha, he fall unconscious due to losing too much blood during the battle with the teme.
Konoha, outside Naruto's ward
(Time: 11:20p.m.)
Three figures with the symbol of 'ROOT' (根) on their masks are standing outside Naruto's ward. "Is this the room where the demon in?" "Yes, according to the nurse, it is in this room." "Alright, you two move out." ordered the man with black hair and has a giant sword strap on his back. "Roger that, leader."
With this order, three of them rush in to the room and grab the blonde boy who is still unconscious and Shunshin out the room.
Konoha, ROOT base
(Time: 11:25p.m.)
Inside an underground base, all member of civilian council and three of the elder are gather at the base's council room and what are they waiting for?
Then, with a sound of "puff" three figures and a blonde boy who is on the shoulder of the leader appear in the council room. "Mission accomplish, Danzo-sama. The demon brat has been captured" reported the leader of the team.
"Very good, three of you are dismiss" stated a man who has bandage cover his right eye and his right arm. "Thank you, Danzo-sama" Then the leader roughly throw the blonde boy to the floor and Shunshin away.
"Danzo-sama, the demon is still unconscious should we wake him up?" asked a man who also has a mask which has 'Root' on it and stand beside Danzo."Wake him up" ordered Danzo.
"As you wish my lord." the next thing that happen, the boy who is still on the floor was being picked up by his head and roughly slam to the wall.
"AHHHHHHH!" shouted the boy who is now awake and his head is bleeding. Before the 12 years old boy is once again being roughly throw to the floor.
'Where….am….I?'"Uzumaki Naruto, behave of the civilian council and the elders, you have injured Uchiha Sasuke badly and with this crime you are sentence to death." spoke one of the elder who has a glasses and his name is Homura.
'What?!'"Wait! …. I was being tasked …… to bring back "cough" Sasuke" said the boy but due to his injury he can't speak too loud and he even doesn't has the strength to stand up "SHUT UP! YOU DAMM DEMON!" shouted a council woman who name is Haruno Mebuki- Naruto's teammate, Sakura's mother.
'Ouch, my ears." thought many council members. "Cough" "ROOT, take this demon brat out and kill him outside the forest of Konoha we don't want any witness to inform the stupid Hokage" ordered Danzo
"It will be so, my lord." said two ROOT members with a bow and move forward to drag the boy out the council room. "Wait…. I didn't done.. anything wrong.." said Naruto who is slowly losing conscious due to his injury. "DRAG THIS FUCKING DEMON OUT." shouted Mebuki. 'Ouch, my ears, why can't she just said but shout?!' thought many council members.
Konoha border
(Time: 12:00 a.m.)
"This is far enough 13, just throw the demon here" said a muscular man with a tanto in his' hand. The man who carry Naruto nod and roughly throw Naruto to the floor.
"This is what you get, stupid kyuubi for attacked the mighty Konoha!" said the muscular man and then stab naruto several times before throwing him into the river.
(Next day)
Kumo border
(Time: 8:30 a.m.)
A lone figure with blonde hair, cold blue eyes and despite her age, she is already a Jonin wearing former Kumo jonin flak jacket that barely cover her huge breast, by the way her name is Samui. As she is now traveling back to Kumo after finish her mission.
(Flashback: 10 years ago)
"Kaa-chan.." "sob" "Tou-san.." "sob" 10 years ago the day when Kumo along with Mizu and Iwa raised war against Uzu. With the alliance forces manage to destroyed Uzu at last but with a very big price for their victory.
"Sob" a little girl who is only 6 and has blonde hair is crying in front of the corpses her beloved parents.
"Behold citizens of Kumo we, the great Kumo has defeated and slaughter the once mighty Uzu and burn them to ground! HAHAHA! My people, we the GREAT KUMO! WILL WIN THIS WAR AND CONQUER THE WORLD AND WIPE OUT THE PEOPLE WHO STAND AGAINST US! NOW, NEXT WE ARE GOING TO CRUSH KONOHA AND SUNA!" stated the 3rd Raikage on the top of the Raikage tower.
But what most citizen can't see is the people who is inside the basement of the Raikage tower which is full of t bodies and corpses of ninjas who died during the war.
(Another flashback: 12 years ago)
A four years old Samui is happily playing with her mother on the couch."Kaa-chan?" asked little Samui. "Yes? My dear what is it?" replied a women who also has blonde hair with a warm smile.
"Why you and tou-san wanted to be ninja? Isn't the work is dangerous?" asked Samui while hugging her teddy bear. "Because my dear little Samui, we wish to bring peace to this world" replied the women.
"Huh? So kaa-chan, wanted to bring peace to this world by killing bad guys?" asked Samui. "No my dear, killing is not the solution to solve the problem, we believe that the one will bring peace and end the war must has a heart that willing to love and sacrifice." answered the blonde hair women while turning her head down and look at her daughter. "And we also wish to bring peace to the world and children won't need to be train to fight anymore..."
'Raikage-sama is now planning another attack on the other small country... is this really the way to acquire peace?' thought Samui while travel back to Kumo.'Kaa-chan, tou-san what will you do? I really miss you two so much'
On her way back to Kumo, Samui spot a boy lay beside the road exhausted, 'A boy? What is a boy with such a young age doing outside the village?' She then get closer the boy to check on his condition, 'this boy must has traveling in the forest for days to survive and if I don't help him quickly he might die.'
Then, Samui decide to set the camp.
Kumo border
(Time: 1:00 p.m.)
Naruto is slowly to regain concious but still feeling very tried and founds himself resting on a beautiful girl's lap, who is still curing Naruto head. "Finally up?" asked Samui. "Hai, tenshi-sama" replied Naruto and Samui giggles" sorry but I am not an angel, but why are you doing out here outside here all alone?"
Then, Naruto who is blushing badly due to never has such close physical contact with girl (except when he being hit by Suck "Ehem" I mean Sakura) start to explain after being most of his injury being heal by kyuubi how he manage to survive in the forest.
"That's soo uncool but what are you going to do now and where will you go?" asked Samui as well telling him her name. "I don't know, but one thing for sure I can't stay in the element nations anymore due to my state as a Jinjuriki" said Naruto as well telling Samui of his name.
"Well, why don't you travel to the west?" said Samui. "No, last time I heard the west is still in war and without any guide I will surely being kill in the war."
"Are you afraid of death, Naruto?" ask Samui who is feeling a little bit of angry because of Naruto being so coward. "Me? Afraid of death? No, I don't afraid of dead, I afraid of being helpless and seeing people suffer and dead in front of me. My wish is to safe people but if I go to the west those warlord will only use me as a beast that can bring victory to them and creating more victims of war."
'With such a heart of gold, with just a little bit more of courage he can be the one who will bring peace to this world' thought Samui who is happy about reply of Naruto. "How about east then?" ask Samui. "That could be the answer" said Naruto.
'But in order to reach the land of east I must go to land of spring first to order to rent a boat in order to cross the mighty sea that divide the land of east with our land' thought Naruto.
"Thanks, Samui I feel better now and it is truly pleasure to meet you" said Naruto who is about to get up. "Wait! Your injuries are not fully heal yet" said Samui who then pull Naruto back to her lap. "Rest now Naruto, when you are fully cure I will travel with you to the east."
"Thank you… Samui…chan" said Naruto who begin to fall asleep on Samui lap.
(Three days later)
Land of Spring
(Time: 10:00 a.m.)
Inside a big room which fill with books, documents and a large table that fill with a large stack of paper, and there is a girl who is about 16, being burry under the stack of paper.
"AHHHH! I have enough of this stupid damm paperwork!" yelled the girl who has long black hair, beautiful white skin and she is the new queen of Spring country- Kazahana Yukie.
"Ever since I became the queen, I have been stuck on doing these damm paperwork for months" yelled Koyuki who then push all of the paperwork that on her desk to the floor and about to jump out the window to get away from those curse paperwork.
"My lady, there are two visitors waiting for you at the main hall and one of them who name is Uzumaki Naruto" said the maid outside the room.'Naruto? Naruto-kun is here? OH! I must quickly go and meet him' thought Koyuki who is just on the edge of the window.
(10 minutes later)
Koyuki who is dress in her imperial cloth arrive at the hall. "Greeting Uzumaki-san, it been a long time isn't it? And who is this lovely lady beside you?" asked Koyuki.
"Hai, Koyuki-chan how-" said Naruto who is then being interrupt by Samui "Greeting Your Majesty, my name is Samui and I am Naruto travel companion" replied Samui.
"I see, let's go to my office we will discuss further in my office" said Koyuki who begin to walk back to her office. "Please, this way" said one of the maid who then lead them to Koyuki's office.
"Naruto-kun don't you know any manners? You can't call the queen's name in the public?" said Samui. "Er… I just got too excited to see Koyuki hime again" giggle Naurto. Samui only sweat drop.
Koyuki' office
(Time: 11:00 a.m.)
"Leave us." "Yes, my lady" said the maid with a bow and close the door of Koyuki's offifce.
Once the door is close Koyuki immediately jump to Naruto and tackle him to the floor."Naruto-kun~~~~~ Ne,Ne you know I miss you so badly and you know because of those stupid paperwork I can't go to visit you ,oh and-" "Ahem, my lady can you let go of Naruto-kun" said Samui who is a bit of jealous for not being the one who hugging Naruto."
"Oh! Sorry I get too excited. Ehem, let get down to business" said Koyuki who is blushing badly as well as Naruto.
"So why do you come to land of spring Naruto? If I not mistaken I didn't sent any escort mission to Konoha" asked Koyuki. "Well actually, I am here because …"explain Naruto about why he is no longer a ninja.
"THIS IS REDICULOUS!" exclaimed Koyuki. "Don't worry Naruto, if Konoha doesn't want you I as the queen of the Land of Spring will let you stay in my country" said Koyuki.
"Thanks for your kindness Koyuki hime but I can't stay in your country. If I stay in your country it will only bring war to your land because of my state as a Jinjuriki" said Naruto.
"But.. but there must be something that I can do to help" said Koyuki. "Yes, that why we are here" said Samui. "Please do tell, I will do my best to help both of you."
Deep under the ocean
A giant creature is laying on the floor of the ocean with a blade like symbol on it forehead.
"ZU LONG, it is time to wake up… the one who will seek and bring peace to this world is finally here. Wake up ZU LONG and assist the one to bring peace to this world!" whisper a mysterious voice.
Then, the giant creature open it's eyes.
S:Wow, it finally finish the first chapter, please review and if you have any suggestion please pm me. (Because this is my first time to write a fanfic so if this story is too boring or too many spelling errors and grammar problem please forgive me I will try my best to make it better in next time) Till next time, bye~