Adrien was not in the mood. He was tired because of the increase in the patrols because of the increase in akumas. Chloe had gotten even more clingy if even possible. And to top it off Juleka's brother seemed to be interested in Marinette. Not that he was jealous. No not at all. It was totally cool. And by cool Adrien meant he wanted to transform into Chat Noir and scent mark the hell out of Marinette so Luka could back off.

Adrien sighed as he walked to his father's atelier. The man's back was turned to him, hunched over designs on the coffee table.

"Adrien," Gabriel said, as if sensing his son's presence. He didn't even turn around to properly acknowledge him. Adrien slouched. He was so not in the mood. "Your private instructors have noticed a drop in your performance."

For a moment the room was quiet, Gabriel waiting for his son's explanation for once.

"Father, I'm sorry. I promise I'll do better, it's just a bit nerve wracking with all the akuma attacks," Adrien half lied. The akumas were related to his sleep deficiency which in turn was what was affecting his performance output.

Gabriel stiffened slightly, before finally turning to face his son. "That's no excuse. You must be immaculate at every moment. You have a reputation to uphold in the face of... unfavorable circumstances. Including Chloe may I add."

Adrien groaned internally. He thought their conversation would be light but he had been mistaken. Then he bristled slightly. How dare his father get personal. He knew what Chloe was like and even he avoided her. So why wasn't he allowed?

Adrien was very grouchy when tired, not even Plagg would pick a fight with him. In fact recently with all the late patrols, Adrien was picking fights with Plagg, which actually amused the Kwami to some degree.

If there was ever a time when Chat Noir shined through it was when Adrien was tired because then Adrien didn't have a filter.

"But father you don't even like Chloe," Adrien whined. Gabriel's eyes narrowed at his son.

"Adrien. I am a grown man it's unbecoming of me to be around a young lady as intimately as a friend," Gabriel lightly defended, knowing his son was speaking the truth.

Adrien should've left it there. Gabriel was rattled enough that he would've let him go without another word. But tired Adrien was much too done.

"Bullshit." And that one word was the beginning of a terrible argument as Gabriel's head snapped to meet Adrien's rebellious gaze.

"What was that?" Gabriel said, his tone dangerous.

And Adrien didn't have the good sense to not repeat it.


Adrien arrived early to school, because Nathalie had felt it was best for Gabriel and him to have some distance at the moment. Nathalie was aware what Adrien was like when he was tired, while she didn't know why he wasn't sleeping, she did know that tired Adrien had the worst arguments with Gabriel.

And tired Adrien also didn't know when to stop, because Gabriel sure wouldn't. They had been yelling at each other for an hourish before Nathalie lied and said Adrien was late for school. Nathalie glanced at the boy in curiosity, wondering if his schedule was finally getting the best of him.

Luckily Gabriel hadn't caught on to Adrien's pattern of behavior other wise he might have cut him off from school, blaming his exhaustion on it. And that wouldn't have been a pretty conversation either, whether Adrien was tired or not.

"Adrien you shouldn't antagonize your father like that," Nathalie reprimanded.

"How did you know I was the one who started it?" Adrien grumbled.

"Because you're tired and that makes you cranky," Nathalie retorted.

"More people should antagonize father," Adrien mumbled. Nathalie resisted the urge to smack the palm of her hand to her forehead. That boy... Nathalie whipped out his schedule. And cleared it for the day.

When Adrien got back he would have a nap. Whether he wanted to or not. Nathalie was already unhappy about returning to the Agreste manor with the riled up state her boss was probably in. At least Adrien got a break. She had to put up with because it was her job.

Adrien hopped out of the car and walked in, he was really early, like Nino and Alya weren't even here yet. Adrien sighed and slumped to the ground, back against the lockers. Yes he was tired and cranky. But everything he said to his father was everything he wanted to say. Why couldn't his father just cut him a break. Okay today Gabriel tried but. Adrien meant a real break. A week off of photo shoots? Being allowed to enforce his right to personal space around Chloe? Diet cheats?

Plagg risked detection and popped out of Adrien's shirt, the hallways thankfully relatively empty. "C'mon kid, cheer up..."the Kwami said. He was mostly concerned that his chosen would get akumatized with the way his thinking was heading. He wasn't sure how to comfort Adrien, never the one known for sentimental love.

Suddenly he noticed a disheveled blunette burst through the school's main doors. Plagg smirked as he went back into hiding.

Perfect. She could take care of his chosen.

Marinette's eyes landed on Adrien, not taking in his mood.

"Adrien what are you doing? Isn't class in session?" She asked, so panicked that who she was talking to hadn't really sunk in.

"Class? Marinette it's so early, Alya and Nino aren't even here yet!" Adrien replied suppressing a laugh. He didn't want to make the young fashion designer start stuttering.

"But... but..." Marinette said, her voice coming out small. She looked down, fury suddenly filling her face. "Alya!" She screamed to the sky. Adrien couldn't help it anymore, he started laughing, despite his earlier frustration.

"What did she do?" Adrien asked, managing to contain his laughter, not that Marinette had seemed to mind.

"Oh she said she was tired of me being late, so I guess while I was napping she set the clocks in my room and on my phone ahead." Marinette said, her eyes narrowed at the thought of how she would pay her friend back.

Suddenly it sank in that she was talking to her crush. And she'd been acting like such a dork.

"O- o - Oh my gosh A-Adrien," she stuttered, her eyes as big as saucers, "I'm s- s -sorry I was so w-weird."

Adrien frowned. He missed the quirky expressive girl from a few minutes ago.

"Hey don't worry about it, you made me laugh which is good because..." Adrien trailed off. Marinette finally noticed his distress.

She sat down beside him, concern out shadowing her embarrassment and nerves.

"Hey what's wrong?" Marinette asked, trying to catch his downcast eyes.

"It's just my father, and all my responsibilities," Adrien admitted, leaving out the part of being a superhero, " it's just so much and I'm so tired of it all. I need a break. Some me time, but when will I ever get that?" Adrien said the last part bitterly.

Marinette looked thoughtful. Maybe it was her - also - sleep deprived brain, but she had a wonderful, or horrible idea.

"Let's skip school," she suggested casually. Adrien gaped at her.

Marinette, the good girl, was suggesting they skip school? She caught his expression and suddenly backtracked.

"I mean we don't have to but I was just thinking you wanted a break and this would be the only way to get it," she said, hands waving frantically on the air.

Adrien was thoughtful. It sounded nice. But what about the unexcused absence? That would surely get his father going again...

"What about being marked absent? Our parents will know." Marinette grinned in a sly way that surprised Adrien.

"Get home and delete the voicemail. My parents are usually too busy to answer the actual call. And when you get the report card a little document touch up and reprinting..." Marinette suggested.

Adrien was floored. Not only was this plan a full proof plan, but it was coming from Marinette's mouth.

Adrien was suddenly shy and nervous about his outing with Marinette. He wasn't used to this strangely confident and cunning young woman.

"I - er - um - what even is there to do?" Adrien blurted out. He never had the freedom to do anything unscheduled. And he was pretty sure he'd experienced everything Paris had to offer during the day, he liked the nighttime so much better. All the freedom and beauty. Another side of Paris.

"What's there to do in Paris during the day?!" Marinette repeated. Throwing her hand up as if offended. "Everything!" She exclaimed.

Adrien couldn't stop the next sentence from coming out of his mouth. "I think the night's better."

Marinette shook her head and stood up abruptly before hauling a surprised Adrien to his feet. Hand still holding his, Marinette pulled him out of the school building before he had a chance to protest.

Once the initial shock wore off, Adrien found himself grinning as he let Marinette pull him along. He was sure that if anyone could change his mind about the day, it was Marinette. She seemed confident that the day was better than the night anyway. He liked seeing her like this. Fired up and comfortable in her own skin.

Marinette pulled him aside into an alley giggling.

"So , today is your day. What do you want to do?" Marinette asked.

Adrien wasn't sure about specifics, or how it could relate to daily activities... but he did have a general idea.

"I want to do everything I couldn't normally. To forget my life isn't normal," he said closing his eyes.

Marinette hummed thoughtfully before snatching his hand and pulling him into a run down the streets of Paris, laughing all the way.

Adrien nearly knocked her over when he ran into her suddenly stopped body.

Marinette hardly noticed, spinning on her heal to face him. Smile mischievous.

"Close your eyes and let let me lead you," she ordered, eyes full of mischief. Adrien found that the expression looked good on her. It had him grinning like a madman.

Adrien thought about her purposal and shrugged. She was already leading him around, the only difference now was that his eyes would be closed. He nodded and firmly closed his eyes.

He felt Marinette take his hand again, tugging him along though much slower than before. A short while later he heard the ringing of bells indicating they were entering a building.

Adrien sniffed the air, his cat senses taking over. Hmm, he smelled a variety of things but it was all faint for some reason. A few paces later and Marinette stopped him. He heard the laughter of an older man that Marinette shushed.

"Open your eyes," she said, Adrien could her the excitement in her voice.

"Wow!" Adrien exclaimed as he complied. He was in an ice cream parlor, a beautiful one at that. The cooler that held the ice cream was long, filled with so many different flavors, from the classics to some very original looking recipes.

The parlor was had cute black round tables, and bright chairs. The floor was checkered like an old dinner and the black walls had rainbow racing stripes. Marinette's nudge made him look at her.

"Are you going to stand there gawking all day or are you gonna order something?" She teased.

Adrien laughed and stepped up to order, the older man from earlier giving him an encouraging smile. Adrien soon frowned as he looked over the flavors.

There was so much to pick from!

"It's his first time," Marinette explained to the man. The man just chuckled.

"Even people who normally eat ice cream have trouble here too, he has all the time in the world," the man kindly replied.

Adrien felt his cheeks redden slightly at being discussed so causally.

"Um I'll take a scoop of chocolate fudge brownie, Reese's peanut butter cup, and chocolate raspberry cheesecake in a waffle bowl," he said shyly. Oh yeah his dietitian would be furious, but what he didn't know wouldn't kill him. Or Adrien for that matter.

Adrien grinned when the older man handed him the bowl. The man and Marinette watched Adrien expectantly as he took a bite.

Adrien's eyes widened.

"Mhm that's so good," he moaned, closing his eyes in bliss. Marinette giggled.

"I think he likes it," she stated.

"What's not to like," the cashier retorted.

Marinette then proceeded to order her "usual", a scoop of strawberry cheesecake and a scoop of French vanilla in a cone.

She led Adrian to a seat by the window and they sat in contented silence.

When they finished Marinette quickly bid the man goodbye and pulled Adrien out of the shop.

Instead of leading him by the hand, they walked side by side with Marinette's guidance, they contentedly chatted about themselves and their lives as if they hadn't just ditched school.

"I'm glad I turned my phone off in the shop, Ayla's probably texting me like crazy by now wondering where I am," Marinette said.

Adrien nodded, he'd turned his phone off the moment he was in the car with Nathalie, not in the mood for anything from Chloe though it had barred Nino's friendship as well. Now he was glad for that too for the same reason as Marinette.

Marinette lead them through the park when a man stopped them. Adrien noticed he was a sketch artist, offering portraits to tourists.

"Bonjour Marinette, le jour c'est belle, oui?" He sang.

"Why yes it is a lovely day," Marinette replied, shooting him a warm smile.

The thin man's eyes suddenly zeroed in on Adrien.

"Ah Madmoiselle, you simply must let me sketch you and your boyfriend," the man chirped excitedly, "On the house."

Adrien felt his cheeks heat up at the mention of 'boyfriend' about to clarify when Marinette beat him to it, somehow not a shy mess like he was currently.

Marinette laughed lightly, "Oh no we're just friends."

The sketch artist eyed Adrien, noting the boys brief look of disappointment in the process.

"Well you are still quite a handsome pair and I'd be happy to do a friendly sketch," the artist offered.

Marinette stood closer to Adrien, looking up at the blond with a smile on her face. Adrien put raised a hand to the back of his neck and shyly smiled, hoping the artists didn't include his light blush.

Why was his heart pitter pattering? Why had he been a little upset that Marinette had practically jumped to set the sketch artist straight. Was she always this radiant, her smile and warmth contagious?

"Fini!" The artists exuberant voice jarring Adrien out of his thoughts. The artists brought the drawing over for them to examine, his skill accurately capturing the shy boy's interaction with the warm girl he was with.

Adrien loved it, he wanted to keep it but it had been because of Marinette that they'd gotten the picture in the first place. He opened his mouth to tell her to take it when she raised a hand, stopping him.

"Keep it," she said with a smile before skipping away.

Adrien turned to the artist and sincerely thanked him as he tucked the drawing safely into the protection of his hard covered binder in his bag. He was about to leave when the slender man stopped him.

"She's a sweet one, a real keeper," the artist remarked, giving Adrien a knowing smile that sent the young boy into a furious blush.

All Adrien could do was nod before running after Marinette. When he caught up to her his curiosity got the best of him.

"Okay I get that you're a regular at that ice cream parlor but how do you know this guy?" Adrien asked.

"When I'm here sketching or looking for inspiration I always see him and usually give him a treat from the bakery. It started a long time ago, I just started sketching and I couldn't get proportions right. So he helped me out," Marinette recounted.

Adrien's gaze softened. It was such a sweet story and sounded just like Marinette to never forget the man's kindness.

Marinette suddenly grinned at him, the mischief returning in her eyes. Adrien raised a brow. She looked out at the crowded pedestrian street. Adrien followed her gaze wondering what she saw.

"Adrien are you fit?" She suddenly asked.

The question caught Adrien off guard, just what was she planning? He thought about his activities as Chat Noir.

"I think I am," Adrien replied, curious about how it fit into her mischievous scheme. Her grin broadened. She reached out and lightly smacked his chest before running off.

"Tag you're it," she yelled.

Adrien was momentarily stunned.

Did. She. Just.

Yes, yes she did.

"Hey no fair!" Adrien yelled back as he took off after her, soon laughing as she weaved in and around people.

Adrien was shocked that Marinette seemed to have an endless amount of energy, he'd been chasing her around for a good half hour and she still seemed like she could run. Luckily Adrien had lots of endurance because of his superhero activities, but what the heck was Marinette's excuse.

Adrien finally caught up to Mari who was casually leaning against the outside of a bistro. Adrien bent over slightly, hands on his knees as he caught his breath, chest heaving.

"Caught - huff - you - huff," he panted out. Marinette rolled her eyes since they both knew she had let herself be caught.

"You hungry?" She asked, head nodding at the bistro.

Adrien straightened before agreeing. He'd seriously worked up an appetite from all their walking and especially after that chase.

As soon as they walked in the door a few waitresses fluttered over and happily struck up a conversation with Marinette. Adrien eyed her curiously.

"Ouuuu a boy this time, wait till we tell your parents," one of them teased. For once since their outing has started Adrien finally saw Marinette's blush again.

"Shouldn't you be in school? Ah young love," another said.

Marinette quickly changed the subject to how her parents should be coming soon for their annual anniversary dinner, revealing this was one of the family's favorite restaurants.

When they were seated Marinette ordered some fries to share.

Adrien happily munched on them while watching Marinette do the same.

"So how long has your family been coming here for?" He asked.

Marinette looked thoughtful.

"I don't know the exact date, but this was where Mama and Papa had their first date," Marinette replied casually.

Adrien's eyes widened and suddenly he had to stop himself from blushing, Marinette eyeing him curiously.

She honestly had suggested going there because as she was running, she saw it and her stomach growled, plus she wanted Adrien to have some good food before returning to his strict diet. She hadn't even realized the implications.

Adrien tried hard to get a hold of himself. Marinette choosing that restaurant didn't mean there were romantic implications. A part of him secretly hoped it did though.

Adrien distracted himself with the menu, glad when the waitress returned.

Adrien ordered a gourmet burger while Marinette ordered a chicken dish. He sighed contentedly as he ate his food. What were the odd he could convince his father to come here with him? Adrien imagined Marinette eating with her family, laughing and smiling. He looked at her and found he was equally content with just her presence.

Marinette giggled at Adrien suddenly making him self conscious. He wasn't sure what he'd done until Marinette leaned over the table and dabbed his face with a napkin. He felt himself getting redder by the minute.

"Cute," Marinette mumbled so low that Adrien almost didn't hear with even his enhanced hearing.

He found himself pleased with her comment, flashing her a grin that made the girl suddenly self conscious that he'd heard her.

"Thanks Marinette," Adrien said, shooting her a bright smile. He appreciated the way she stuttered a "no problem" after that, happy it wasn't him who was a shy mess for once today.

Marinette quickly recovered and they fell into an easy delightful conversation. When they finished Adrien insisted on paying for the bill while the little bluenette protested vigorously, unaware that the staff were watching in amusement. Adrien ultimately won and walked out with a still huffing Marinette on his arm.

After lunch they strolled towards an area Adrien isn't familiar with. He looked at Marinette who seems unperturbed, and happy. They took a turn down an alley way where Marinette left his arm and moved a stone in the wall.

Adrien watched curiously as she pulled out a backpack before shooting him a grin. She walked over to him with the bag now slung over her shoulders before taking his hand and leading him deeper into the area.

Turning a corner his jaw suddenly dropped. The tall walls surrounding them, were filled with art. Graffiti. His father always scoffed at graffiti thinking it a damper of Paris' pristine reputation, Chloe's attitude much the same as her own father's view which was like Gabriel's.

Adrien let go of Marinette's hand and touched one of the walls. Graffiti wasn't vandalism or careless like he'd been led to believe. It had been done with care and passion by artists. It was beautiful and breathtaking.

Marinette watched him, her gaze softening.

"It's another side to Paris. The one that nobody gets to see because they're so focused on the manicured image that Paris is presented as by people like Mayor Bourgeois," Marinette said softly, her words causing Adrien to look at her, emotion stirring deep in his eyes.

"Honestly I love both sides of Paris, but this side... it seems more raw, and real. Passionate and emotional, full of personality. And most of all... free. These artists express themselves freely with no filter or regard for anyone else's opinion. It's validation of their thoughts and feelings. That they exist and are alive because they feel," she finished, eyes downcast, cheeks slightly flushed.

Adrien was floored. At first he'd been afraid that she figured out he was Chat Noir. But now... now he realized Marinette saw the Chat Noir in Adrien Agreste. He couldn't believe how amazing Marinette was. Marinette suddenly strode towards him, eyes still on the ground.

As she grabbed his hand, she looked up and shot him a brilliant smile that morphed into a playful smirk.

"C'mon," she said as she pulled him along. Finally they came to a wall that was half finished where Marinette dropped the bag. "This is my wall," she announced.

Adrien gasped at her. Her wall? He looked at the series of installations along the wall and the half finished almost Mandela like pattern Marinette was continuing.

Her work like her design sketches screamed Marinette Original, bright colors and soft pastels. A colorful bird, geometric patterns in bright colors, and...

Adrien's eyes widened. There was a scene of Ladybug and Chat over looking Paris at night from a rooftop. Even though the colors were dark they were bold, the picture detailed.

Adrien looked over at Marinette, watching her work.

She was truly amazing...

Suddenly Adrien smirked. Who would've thought Marinette was a graffiti artist.

Marinette turned to him as if sensing his thoughts and scowled.

An object was suddenly hurtling through the air towards Adrien.

He caught the can easily in his hands and looked at Marinette.

She gestured to the expanse of blank wall on the other side of her.

"Feel free to leave your mark here," she said with a warm smile. Adrien gratefully returned it before approaching the blank canvas a few feet away from a working Marinette.

He frowned. He wasn't really artistic or talented. But... right now he ad the freedom to do what he wanted. An idea struck him as he went back to the backpack of spray cans and picked out a few more color. He returned to his space with a wicked grin, attacking his wall.

Time passed and the two worked in a happy silence.

Marinette had just her latest project when she walked over to check on Adrien.

Her jaw dropped as she looked at the wall. A black paw print slightly overlapped by a circle of ladybug polka dots laid on top of graffiti made to look like green black and red paint splatters.

While it wasn't an intricate piece it was very bold and stunning.

"That's amazing Adrien!" Marinette breathed, the model blushing at the more talented artist's praise.

Marinette hummed as she checked the time, encouraging them to start heading back. Marinette soon found her arm looped through Adrien's, it seemed very natural at this point, neither minding in the least.

"So how'd you get your own wall? Or how does that work?" Adrien asked, striking up a conversation with the blue haired beauty.

"Actually that same guy from the park was the one who introduced me to this world, it was at a time when I couldn't find any inspiration what so ever. I met the graffiti community through him and I've been doing it ever since. It's an amazing outlet and it's amazing to see other people's work," Marinette remarked.

A moment of silence passed as Adrien thought about what she'd said. There was so much he didn't know about Marinette, and as much as her speech about two sides of Paris had been directed at him, he felt like it also applied to her too.

She just kept surprising him. Honestly today felt like a dream which was odd because usually his dreams involved Ladybug.

Marinette's voice snapped Adrien out of his thoughts.

"Don't get used to this," she said.

"What skipping school? Seeing a rebellious Marinette?" Adrien teased peering to look at her.

"Kind of. I mean me, acting like I was today," she replied, her expression slightly sad.

Adrien's brow furrowed. She acted like this with everyone else, and she'd finally started acting like herself around him today. Or so he thought. He wondered if he'd done something wrong.

Marinette saw his expression and hurriedly rushed to explain herself.

"I - I mean I was so tired today, and when I'm tired I get a little weird, like Marinette without a filter," the girl said laughing nervously.

Adrien raised an eyebrow aware that yes she'd been more energetic than usual, which the tiredness explained, but her personality was still the same as it usually was around people other than him. Even Chat.

Marinette could see the accusation in his eyes and scowled.

"Okay Okay, seeing you upset also had a hand in it. I knew you needed someone to cheer you up and I couldn't do that as a shy stuttering mess," she admitted, not adding that she'd put aside her nerves for him. Though the sleep deprivation helped, she still felt like she was in some weird dream, not that she wanted to wake up.

Adrien's jaw dropped. He knew the implications of her confession, she had forced herself to try to make him as at ease as possible even thought she was the uncomfortable one. Adrien was confused. Why did he make the young fashion designer so nervous. She had always seemed to like him well enough, but that stutter.

"Why are you always so nervous around me? Am I doing something wrong?" Adrien asked, hoping to put her at ease. He wanted Marinette to enjoy their time together too.

"N-n-no of course not, I'm not entirely sure either why, it's so random. Maybe it's because you're famous, and that's not something you can fix," Marinette lied, not willing to risk the truth after their wonderful day.

Adrien frowned. Well at least he knew why now, it seemed like Marinette didn't understand it really either, at least it wasn't something he was doing. He supposed he'd just have to spend more time with her in hopes that she'd get over it.

The idea pleased him, both of spending more time with Marinette and her being completely comfortable around him.

They seemed content enough with just their company, falling into a comfortable silence on the walk home.

Adrien dropped Marinette off at home before heading to his house, still distracted by the blue haired girl, though he felt as if he was forgetting something...

He was surprised when as soon as he arrived home Nathalie ushered him to his room for a "mandatory nap". She was surprised to see him smiling though, happy to see school had brightened his mood. He even thanked her with a pleasant smile on his face, any trace of his bad mood gone.

Adrien stretched out on his bed, truly exhausted from all the running around on top of his emotional morning AND lack of sleep. Plagg minimally teased Adrien who waved it off, too tired or quite able to argue with the Kwami that Marinette wasn't his girlfriend.

He hummed thoughtfully as he thought about their conversation. So a tired Marinette was a more open Marinette huh?

Adrien grinned deciding Chat Noir might just have to start keeping his Princess up late at night so Adrien could see some more of the real Marinette. Thinking about all the time he was going to get to spend with Marinette put a smile on his face as he fell asleep.

Adrien awoke to find it was almost dinner time. He stretched lazily like a cat when the nagging feeling of forgetting something returned with his consciousness.

His eyes widened in horror as realization dawned on him.

The voicemail! He'd completely forgotten to delete it. Adrien groaned wondering if it was too late when he heard his answer echoing throughout the mansion.

"ADRIEN AGRESTE YOU BETTER HAVE A GOOD EXPLANATION FOR WHY YOU WEREN'T AT SCHOOL!" Gabriel yelled from across the mansion, his words loud and clear.

Adrien winced preparing himself for an earful as he expected his father to be on his way to the boy's room now.

Then Adrien thought about the wonderful day he'd had with Marinette.

Worth it, he thought with a pleased smile on his face.

But. This only served to make Gabriel even more infuriated when he threw open his son's door to see him sitting in bed with a goofy grin on his face.




A/N : Hey guys thanks for reading, the third chapter will be MariChat! And it'll be Paris at Night, the companion to this one shot. Enjoy and happy holidays :) remember I post daily!