She gripped tightly to the edge of the sink as the world spun around her. A million thoughts rushed through her head. How could this happen? They had been so careful! And oh god what was she going to tell Chandler? She blinked hard, and again, hoping that by some miracle her vision was deceiving her, that she read the tests—all three of them—wrong. Nothing changed. Each test boldly displayed two pink lines, taunting her from their place next to the sink.


It had started about a week ago, when her period should have started. She'd never been a day late in her life, so she was immediately on alert. Realistically, she knew there was only one thing it could be, knew that she hadn't miscounted that month, or that it would start tomorrow. After a few days of denial—during which she avoided Chandler whenever she could—she finally caved and bought the pregnancy tests on her way home from work.

Oh god, she was pregnant. This wasn't how it was supposed to go! They had barely been together five months, but it had been going so well! So well, in fact, that they had even discussed the possibility of telling the others about them. Well, looks like that's happening one way or another. No way will she be able to hide a pregnancy for very long; they spent so much time with their noses in each other's business and she was already beginning to feel sick, someone would catch on.

And Chandler, how could she possibly tell Chandler she was pregnant? He would absolutely freak! Hell, they were moving their relationship at a snail's pace as it was and he still panicked at every new development. There's no way he's ready or willing to commit to a baby of all things.

At no point since she read the tests did she ever even consider giving up the baby. Of course she wasn't ready to have a baby yet, and whenever she pictured herself becoming a mother it was nothing like this, but this was her child, and though she'd known about it for only minutes, she knew she was going to go through with this, whatever it took.

Which brought her back to Chandler. Obviously he would break up with her as soon as she told him, and she couldn't even fault him for that. He hadn't asked for this. Granted neither had she, but at the very least she had always wanted babies someday. Chandler, well, he had never in all the years she'd known him given any indication whatsoever that he wanted kids, ever. Sure, he was great with Ben, bus incident aside, but a couple hours was nothing compared to the responsibility of a lifetime.

She wouldn't force him into anything. It wouldn't be fair to him to keep him tied don just because she wants to keep the baby. She would tell him, he would freak out, things would be awkward for a while, and hopefully they would forget that he had any part in it. Maybe they wouldn't even need to tell their friends that it was his, maybe she could pretend she didn't know the father? They would have no reason to believe otherwise, anyways.

She did have to tell Chandler though. And that was one conversation she was not looking forward to.