Aideen was happily eating the Irish stew that Esme had lovingly made for her, with some advice on spices from Aideen. She was enjoying the quiet as a human, able to sit properly and eat real human food with a spoon. She just wished she was in her own clothes now, with her own things. Rosalie's clothes did in a pinch but didn't fit her right. Rosalie was so much taller and slimmer than her.

The rest of the Cullen children were busy. Alice and Jasper left not long after Aideen's talk, dragging Edward with them. Or, Alice dragged Edward with her and Jasper. Carlisle was sitting at the counter beside her, going over a new medical journal quietly. Esme was cleaning dishes while humming along to the radio, watching Aideen happily.

Emmett and Rosalie were out hunting again, needing to hunt before they went back to school. They had to be pushed outside, not wanting to leave Aideen's side after just finding her. Aideen told them she wasn't going anywhere, and she'd be here when they got back. That finally got Emmett and Rose to budge, rushing off to hurry through their hunt.

Aideen finished the bowl of stew, gently pushing the plate away from her. She then sighed as she looked at the clock on the wall, noticing what time it was. It would be about two in the morning in Ireland right now… But she really did want her own things here. The guest room she stayed in last night was lovely, and Esme had anything she needed. She just wanted to be more comfortable, as well as have her hunting gear with her.

"What's wrong, sweetheart?"

Aideen looked up to see Esme leaning over the counter, a small frown on her lips. Aideen smiled at the motherly concern on her face, shaking her head. "I'm fine, Esme. I just need to go home- "Aideen jumped as a door slammed in the house behind her. She turned only to feel a strong breeze glow by her. She turned again to see Emmett leaning over the counter, a deep frown on his lips. Rosalie was beside him, looking panicked at the thought.

Emmett clenched one of his fists, trying to remain calm. "You're going home?!"

Aideen held up both of her hands in a placating motion, a grin on her lips. "Only for an hour, probably less than that. I want to get some things to bring back. That is assuming I'm staying here now?"

Emmett and Rosalie instantly pulled Aideen into a hug, both relaxing when she said she'd be back. "Please stay."

Rosalie nodded, kissing the top of Aideen's head and squeezing her gently. "Please, Aideen."

Esme giggled softly at how touchy the children were. "The guest room is yours now, Aideen. You can do whatever you want with it. You'll always be welcome here, love."

Carlisle nodded, a knowing smile on his lips. "With how Alice stole Esme's SUV, I'm sure she's planning a room remodel already."

Aideen leaned into Rosalie while she held Emmett's hand, enjoying being held by her mates. "A flight would take too long, I'll just transport myself there and back."

Emmett reeled back, eyebrows shooting up in surprise. "You really are a witch."

Aideen laughed with Rosalie, feeling her laughter against her back. "Yes, that's the general idea."

Emmett rolled his eyes, a small smirk on his lips from both of his mates laughing at him. "Yeah, yeah." He then jumped when Aideen suddenly disappeared in front of them. He sighed deeply, rubbing his neck when Rose smirked at him. "This is going to take some getting used to."


Aideen hummed along to the Bon Jovi song playing in the garage, singing a few words here and there. Her hair was pulled back into a high ponytail, a bandana holding her bangs back from her face. She had on an old vintage rock band tee, grease stained jeans and combat boots on. She had oil on her hands and a small line on her cheek from changing the oil on her bike. Her green eyes were accented with winged eyeliner, mascara that just made her red lips pop even more.

Aideen was so into her maintenance routine that she didn't hear car tires on gravel, not until the Volvo pulled into the garage. Aideen looked up just as the doors slammed shut, a grin on her face instantly. "How was school?"

Jasper saw that she was using the platform he used for his own bike, a small grin forming on his lips. He saw that she seemed confident in what she was doing. Her bike seemed to be in excellent condition, so he wasn't going to offer his help. He knew how relaxing it could be himself to take care of your own vehicle. "It was boring, as always. We already know everything." Although, he knew just by looking at Aideen that Emmett and Rosalie would have trouble keeping their libidos in check around her. He looked down at his wife when he felt her struggling with her emotions.

Alice was staring at Aideen with a mixed expression on her face. She is a little jealous of both Aideen and her siblings. She was jealous of her because Aideen looks gorgeous without any effort. She was jealous of her siblings because damn, she was hot. Even with oil on her hands, arms and cheek, she looks like a damn model. If she were to be turned Aideen's beauty would be rivaling Rosalie's, Alice was sure of that. Alice shook that off quickly enough, grinning at her future sister-in-law. "It's not so bad, though it can get a bit monotonous. I wish you could join us."

Edward's tense expression got only worse at that. "She's lucky she doesn't have to. She looks like a college student, no way she could pass as a high school student, even a senior." Edward was exceptionally happy about that fact. When he saw Aideen after pulling up all he could think about was how beautiful she was. Not in a possessive way but in a protective way. She was beautiful, but he knew she could protect herself. Her mates were more than capable of protecting her themselves as well. Despite all of that, he was still her brother and her friend. He loved her and was not going to let any man or woman try to hurt her or use her. He would keep everyone else away from her, because that's what good brothers do. "We should get going though. Emmett is speeding up the driveway now."

Just hearing her mates' names was enough to distract Aideen enough to not notice the trio leaving. She wiped at her forehead again, leaving another smear of oil on her face. She laid the funnel to the side as the familiar Jeep pulled up in front of her. Rosalie jumped out of the Jeep with a grace that still astounded her mates, her eyes raking over Aideen's entire body. Emmett wasn't any better as he strode towards her at a human pace, licking his lips as he traced every inch of her body with his eyes.

Aideen looked between them both, feeling a twinge of arousal run through her at the look in their eyes. "How was school?"

Rosalie was at her side the next second, wiping a damp rag across her cheek to remove the oil. "It was torture waiting for it to end. We've been dying to get back to you all day."

Emmett moved behind her, tracing his fingers up both of her arms all the way up to her neck, massaging her neck afterwards. "And what a view to come home to, huh Angel?"

Rosalie grinned at Emmett, moving forward to rub at the bit of skin exposed on Aideen's hip. "I agree." Rosalie smirked at Aideen, leaning forward so close that their lips were barely touching. She watched as Aideen leaned back into Emmett when he began kissing her neck, her eyes dilating. Her chest was moving faster from her rapid breathing, her pulse echoing loudly in their ears. She could even smell how turned on Aideen was getting already. "You should work on my cars with me, especially if this is how sexy you look while doing so."

Emmett bit just enough to leave a bruise on her neck, shuddering when Aideen failed at hiding her moan. He then pulled back to look Rosalie in the eyes, chuckling deeply to where Aideen could feel it against her back. "We wouldn't get any work done at that rate, Rose. You know it."

Rosalie rolled her now dark amber eyes at her husband, leaning forward to finally kiss her mate. Aideen groaned against her lips, her eyes closing when she felt Emmett's hands moving from her hips to her ass. Rosalie smirked against Aideen's red lips, biting at them just before pulling back. Aideen's eyes opened just as Emmett smacked her ass just enough to hurt a little, kissing her neck again. "You're right, we wouldn't."

Aideen panted as she tried not to moan from how amazing Emmett was at kissing her neck, leaning back into his embrace. Her lipstick was smeared from Rosalie's kisses, her eyes almost completely black now. "I wouldn't mind."

Emmett and Rosalie switched places before Aideen could blink. Emmett grinned down at Aideen, gently rubbing her chin. "You do look absolutely breathtaking though." He then lifted her up, moving her legs around his hips. "This way you can actually reach my lips."

Aideen huffed at the short joke, smacking his chest which only made her hand slightly sting. Emmett wasn't even affected, chuckling at how cute she looked while pouting. "Shut up."

Emmett's eyes twinkled at that, "Gladly." He shut himself up by kissing her, moaning against her lips when she bit his in retaliation. Rosalie pressed herself against Aideen's back, kissing the other side of her neck since Emmett left marks all over the other side. She began leaving her own marks, Aideen quickly turning into a moaning mess from all the attention she was receiving.

Aideen pulled back and shook her head around to get Rose to let up, panting heavily. She was a little lightheaded, incredibly sexually frustrated but also a little nervous. She was just starting to get to know them as her true self. They hadn't even gone on a date yet and she was ready to drag them to her room. "Can we just…"

Rosalie picked up on her disease easily, stepping back and giving Aideen room to breathe. Emmett gently sat her down, squeezing one of her hands to reassure her. "What's wrong, Aideen?"

Aideen squeezed Emmett's hand while reaching out to hold Rosalie's hand as well. Her face was as red as her hair. She wished it was down, so she could hide her face since she was so embarrassed. "You didn't do anything… I just won't be able to stop myself if we don't stop… Which I wouldn't mind but…" Aideen took a in a deep breath before smiling bashfully up at the two of them. "I'd rather wait a bit before we do anything… Is that okay?" She then grunted when both of her mates wrapped themselves around her in a comforting but cold embrace. "What?"

Emmett kissed the top of her head, his smooth country accent stronger now that he was trying not to let his voice crack. "Of course, baby doll. We're never going to push you to do anything you're not comfortable with."

Rosalie kissed her temple, breathing in the scent of her conditioner and perfume. "You are our mate, just as we are yours. You don't need to worry about ever making us mad by asking us to wait for you. I promise."

Aideen could see the tight expression on Rosalie's face, as well as Emmett's mega watt smile turning down a little with concern. She could tell it was something a bit too private for her to know yet, so she wouldn't push it. She instead laid her head on Rosalie's shoulder, putting all her weight on her. Rosalie easily held her up, kissing the top of her head and smoothing her hair down. Aideen hummed softly in contentment when Emmett began rubbing her back as well, loving the affection. It reminded her of when she was still Scarlett, curling up in their laps to be petted like this.

Emmett let go when he could feel Aideen's skin beginning to get a bit too cold from their embrace. He decided a change of subject was sorely needed, something he was excellent at. He whistled as he walked around Aideen's bike, looking it over with a big grin on his face. "I pegged you for an old sports car girl, Ada. A bike though?" He turned to her and winked, "That's hot."

Aideen laughed, her cheeks flushing again with warmth. Especially when Rosalie kissed her temple again, whispering into her ear. "Very hot. I can't wait to see you ride it."

Aideen shuddered before spinning out of Rosalie's reach just so she wasn't temped any further. "It's my hunting vehicle, well, when the weather permits. I also have a car at my garage in Ireland."

Rosalie raised a perfectly sculpted eyebrow at her mate and then at the saddle bags on the bike. "Hunting vehicle?"

Aideen moved over to the bag opening it and letting Emmett peer inside. "Mhmm. I have a lot of charms on it too. Better handling, magic compartments inside the bag so no one will find anything suspicious. I can hide it from view when on hunts as well, which is really useful." Aideen snapped her fingers and pulled out a sawed-off shotgun, pulling out the salt rounds inside the gun. "Salt round for ghosts, demons and other things."

Rosalie's eyes went wide as she saw Aideen aim the gun outside the garage before putting it away. "You just… shoot ghosts?"

Aideen grinned at her mate, winking as she did. "You can also use anything made of iron." She pulled out an ornate fire poker that had vine designs in the metalwork. "It keeps them away for a few minutes."

Emmett held Aideen's arm that had been broken weeks before, kissing it while looking down at her with a deep frown on his face. "You're wanting to hunt again."

Aideen frowned up at Emmett as well, able to see how unhappy he was about that. "I am. I'm fine, Emmett. I've been selfish taking this time to myself. Saving people and hunting things is what I do."

Rosalie slammed the fire poker on the counter behind them, glaring at her mate. "You could have been killed last time, Aideen. You said you barely escaped that Wendigo!"

Aideen shrunk back a little from her outburst, at first. Aideen then straightened her back, narrowing her eyes at the woman. "I've been hurt far worse and made it. I'm not quitting just because of a few broken bones. This is what I do!"

Rosalie strode up to Aideen, cupping her cheeks in her hands and looking deeply into Aideen's green eyes with her golden ones. "I just found you, I can't lose you. Don't go."

Aideen stepped out of the embrace, bumping into Emmett's chest. She shook off his hand when he touched her shoulder, glaring at them. "You can't control me just because we're mates! I'm a hunter and it's what I do! You're not going to change that!" Her hair was standing on end, her hands twitching as her magic was bubbling in her veins. Her anger was getting the best of her and she needed to calm down. Aideen shook her head when Emmett tried to reach out to her. "Just… Let me calm down… I'm going to go for a run."

Rosalie watched as her heart broke in her chest, a ginger wolf bursting from Aideen's clothes and bolting for the forest edge. "Emmett… I didn't… I just…"

Emmett wrapped his arms around his wife, kissing her head as he watched the wolf disappear into the tree line. "I know, angel. I know… We're just worried about her. This is still new and we're figuring it all out together. I know she's not truly mad. We just need to all calm down, like she said. She'll be back."


Jasper sighed as he knelt by the stream, watching as the stream grew cloudy with the blood washing from his hands. His reflection went from crystal clear to murky, the blood slowly turning the water as red as the meal he just had. His wife and brother had already returned to the house, Alice saying they were needed there. She asked Jasper to stay behind and take his time, not telling him everything but he didn't question her. She would tell him if it was something truly important. He stood up when he heard an animal quickly approaching his area of the woods. That wouldn't be so strange, but animals usually fled from vampires, their instincts screaming at them about the dangerous predators.

Jasper turned around, his vision able to easily lock in on the ginger-tinted wolf sprinting through the woods. The wolf's eyes were a very familiar shade of green and let Jasper know just who the wolf was. "Aideen!" The wolf slowed down before stopping, turning to face Jasper finally. It stared him down before letting out a sorrowful howl, sitting back on its haunches. Jasper quickly moved to her side, kneeling before her. He had no idea why she was feeling so sad, angry and regretful. He brushed a hand through her fur on the back of her neck, looking into her eyes. "When I left you in the garage, I was sure you'd be occupied for quite a while. Especially with how much Emmett and Rosalie love you."

Aideen let out a loud whine as she rested her large head against his chest, her entire body language showing just how upset she was. She didn't understand why she got into an argument with them so quickly, well she did… She has a temper and she knew Rosalie did too. She was a little mad at them, annoyed but she loved them, and this argument didn't mean anything. As long as Emmett and Rosalie didn't try and control her. She still held onto the hope that it was just an in the heat of the moment thing, Rosalie speaking out of fear and concern and not truly meaning any of it.

Jasper stood up and took off his leather jacket, holding it out while closing his eyes. "It would be easier to help if you could actually speak back to me, sweetheart." His lips turned up a little when he felt Aideen take the jacket from him, opening his eyes. Aideen had his jacket wrapped fully around her upper body. It was long enough to thankfully go past her upper thighs, hiding everything from view, not that Jasper looked below her collar bone. He was a southern gentleman after all. "Better."

Aideen rolled her eyes at the smug look on Jasper's face. "Yeah, yeah. Thanks for the jacket." She then sighed as she brushed her long hair back, looking off into the distance. "I'm sure you guessed but we got into an argument."

Jasper nodded softly, guessing as much. "Do you want to talk about it?"

Aideen hugged herself as she looked up at Jasper finally. She sighed deeply while nodding. "I was showing them my hunting supplies like my rock salt shotgun, when-"

Jasper's eyebrows shot up in surprise, accidentally cutting her off. "A rock salt shotgun?"

Aideen laughed at how surprised and curious he looked. "Yes… I'll show you later."

Jasper chuckled softly at himself, "Sorry, continue, ma'am."

Aideen grinned at his cute southern accent, nodding her head. "Emmett guessed as to why I was working on my bike, I want to start hunting again." She saw how Jasper's brows furrowed but was glad he was silent this time. "Rosalie got upset, very upset. She told me not to go because I almost got killed last time. It's understandable really but they can't control my life… I would never try to do that to them! I yelled back at them and told them to give me time to cool off…"

Jasper rubbed her shoulder over the jacket, using his gift to slowly bring her to a mellow state. "I'm sure Rosalie and Emmett are kicking themselves just as much as you are right now. You three just need to sit down and talk this out. I know they're not going to be mad at you, just as you're not mad at them." Jasper then grinned at her. "I'll help you kick their ass if they try to control you though, which I know they won't. But still, I'm older and better at fighting than even Emmett. I'll take him down for you, sis."

Aideen wrapped her arms around Jasper, hugging him tightly. "Thank you, Jasper. I mean it."

Jasper smiled as he patted her back, nodding his head against hers. "You're always welcome, Aideen. We all love you like a sister. We're all here for you." He then pulled back, averting his eyes once again. "We should get you back, so you can change and talk to your mates, though."

Aideen laughed softly, nodding her head. "You're probably right…" She laid his jacket on a tree branch, shifting back into a wolf. She shook out her fur before bounding back towards the house. She let out a bark when Jasper began running back beside her, keeping pace with her. She playfully nipped at his heels, causing Jasper to laugh at her.


Emmett stood up when he heard Jasper laughing, his brother easily jumping up the steps and opening the sliding glass door. "Okay, okay. Go change already." Jasper moved out of the way as the red wolf peeked around him. "Oh, quit being so shy, darlin'." He pushed the wolf inside the house who sat down, whining up at Emmett and Rosalie.

Rosalie stood beside her husband, looking into Aideen's beautiful green eyes. "We're not mad at you Aideen, please stop being so sad." It broke her heart to hear Aideen whining like that. "We love you."

Emmett nodded, kneeling by the wolf to scratch behind her ears. "I love you, Aideen. I mean it." He smiled softly at her, kissing the top of her head. "Go change and come to our room. We'll talk." He laughed when Aideen placed her paws on his shoulders, licking his face all over and barking happily. Her tail was wagging impossibly fast behind her, her happiness having no limit.

Jasper was grinning like crazy as he watched the scene, Aideen bounding to Rosalie and doing the same thing to her. All the love and happiness in the room was infectious to him. Alice appeared just as he thought about her, slipping her small hand into his big one. She smiled up at him, kissing the back of his hand. "Come on, let's leave the new couple alone." She then tugged him back outside, not bothering to say goodbye to the trio, they weren't paying attention to the Whitlocks anyway.