Nico had a plan. Well, two plans. One was the well scripted plan to razzle dazzle the execs watching her audition, the other, well, the ingredients for the other were safely stashed in her dad's military duffle, underneath layers of clothes, her makeup kit and a few essential tools. The target of that plan was sitting in the driver's seat of Umi's sedan, merrily humming Christmas tunes as she vroomed along 20 miles an hour over the speed limit. Between them, Kotori and Nico had managed to distract Umi for the length of the trip. So they were making good time, had a solid script and there had been no incidents of road trip grumpy. So far, so good. Nico glanced at Kotori who was showing Umi pics from Honoko's date prep. Kotori nodded and flashed the ok sign.

Maki half turned her head and smiled, "We're almost there. It's not really an exit, there's an access road we use."

Nico frowned, "So no toll? That's legal?"

Maki shrugged. Of course, Nico asked questions, Nico was a reporter. Rin had texted that Eli had found out about the reporter thing and that was adding to her freakout, which was making extra problems for Nozomi. Rin was worried.

"Nico." Maki hesitated, "Could I ask you a favor?"

"Sure, if Nico can help you, I will." Nico was curious, Maki's mood having gone from festive to furtive.

"Don't ask too many questions." Immediately, Maki regretted her phrasing. It made it sound like she had something to hide, which she kind of did, but only because of Eli and tradition, not because Maki didn't trust Nico. Maki stumbled out another attempt, "I mean, can we just focus on your video. It's a really busy time and…"

Nico sounded a little subdued, "Nico appreciates your using your family resources to help."

"I want to help," Maki and the car leapt forward, "It's not that I don't's just…" Maki frowned, "Eli."

"Who is Eli?" Nico asked.

Head Elf was not a title Maki could offer her current listeners so she went with the best analogy she could think of "Eli's North Pole Nishikino's Chief Operating Officer. She's very involved in day to day operations, especially this time of year."

Nico's laugh brayed, "You're sneaking Nico in…"

Maki coughed and yes, the car might have swerved slightly, so now Maki could feel Umi paying close attention as well, "Not exactly…"

Nico poked Maki on the arm, "Will you or will you not get in trouble if you get caught showing Nico around the place."

Maki didn't want to take her hand off the wheel, partly because she couldn't decide whether to rub the spot where Nico poked her or fidget with her hair.

Umi leaned as far forward as her seatbelt allowed, "Is this true, Maki? Is helping Nico breaking any rules?"

Maki floored the gas and Umi paled, "It's my company, I can do what I want, Eli is NOT the boss of me."

Nico swallowed back a snigger at Maki's borderline adult disclaimer.

Maki expelled a loud breath. "Please let me deal with that." Lavender eyes flashed briefly at Nico, "It's not a problem, Nico, really. Trust me."

Nico's answer was instant, "Of course, Nico trusts you."

Having said that she trusted Maki, Nico could think of nothing else to compare the ongoing discussion to than a heist film. They had pulled off onto the access road, made a couple of quick turns on a suddenly foggy road and parked outside a cute diner. The staff just waved at Maki as she made her way into a horseshoe shaped booth in the back, where two women were sitting. One was almost as tiny as Nico, ginger haired, and as busy as a hummingbird's wings. The other was taller, sedate, with long, dark, purple tinted hair and a knowing smirk.

"MAKI!" the slim ginger rushed Maki, hugging her so hard Nico heard all the redhead's breath whoosh out.

"Rin." Maki's voice hit a whine of complaint even as she tolerated Rin hugging her. Then Rin dodged around Maki, who whirled suspiciously as Rin approached Nico, hand out.

"Hi, Nico! I'm Rin, Maki's best friend. Nozomi showed me your catching on fire video." The dark haired woman waved at Nico.

Maki grabbed Rin's collar and threw her back toward the booth, "Ignore them." Maki slid into the booth, "Where's Hanayo?"

"She's meeting us in a half an hour." Rin said, checking her phone. "She didn't want to leave the reindeer waiting. They get restless."

Maki nodded, as the confusion of the three visitors increased. Nico slid in next to Maki, Umi and Kotori across the table, next to Nozomi. Rin bounced happily in the middle.

"We'd better order lunch." Maki handed menus around, "Once we get inside, faster is better."

Nico wandered through the trees, glad she'd listened to Maki and dressed for outdoor travel. Cocoa's snow sneakers fit well enough. The air wasn't that cold, but there was an extra wintry chill and sparkle to it, Nico almost felt like she was walking on the set of a Modern Holiday Classic™. Bells tinkling in the distance, then nearing as hooves could be heard clomping through the snow only added to the effect. Maki was talking to Rin, hands drawing plans in the air. She paused to wink at Nico once. A sleigh drawn by two antlered reindeer appeared, a small, smiling woman at the reins, fair hair covered by a flap eared knitted cap.

"Kayo-chin!" Rin ran up to the driver, pushing herself up on the sleigh and kissing her cheek. Rin then came forward to pet the reindeer. "Hi, Hyuna, Hi, Hyeri" Then she pointed at the crowd behind Maki. "This is Nico and Umi and Kotori, Kayo-chin." Rin announced.

Hanayo waved, one hand still on the reins. Maki realized they'd be jammed in the sleigh, but it should work. "We'll load up here, and then head to the Studio's loading entrance."

"I'll run back and open the back doors." Rin sprinted off with a wave.

The driver twisted around to yell, "Be careful, Rin!" but Rin was already out of sight.

Maki waved Nico forward, "Nico, this is Hanayo, Rin's fiancee and one of my oldest friends. She takes care of the reindeer herd."

"Nice to meet you." Nico smiled.

Hanayo acknowledged the response with a quick nod, but she was already thinking about other matters, "If you just hand Nico in, Maki, I think we can fit everyone."

"Yeah, and Nozomi should have had enough of a headstart." Maki stepped closer to Nico, hands reaching out, "May I?"

Nico murmured agreement as Maki's hands settled on her waist and boosted Nico high enough that she could climb into the sleigh. Hanayo clucked at the reindeer, encouraging and steadying them. Umi stepped forward with Kotori, following Maki's motions, then jumping in to sit next to Kotori. Maki slid in next to Hanayo and the driver gave the reindeer the go ahead. Nico enjoyed the ride, trees seemed to bounce past them, sunlight sparkling through snow and ice crystals, bells in the air, music in the distance...she watched as Maki leaned forward, relaxed, a huge grin on her face as the sleigh continued deeper into the woods. From every angle, her pose read "Home." Nico had never seen the redhead so calm. Maybe it was the trees. Or the cool. She remembered SantaChan's anti air conditioned cool rants in July and August. Maybe being in the mountains kept things cooler year round...made sense. Nico made a mental note to ask Maki on the drive back to Tudor.

Nozomi considered, biting her lip and staring at her reflection in the mirror. The wrap dress clung attractively in all the right places, but if Eli was already in a bad mood, Nozomi dialing up the flirty would only put freeze the atmosphere between them. But the NorthPole Nishikino branded cardigan, though warm, made Nozomi feel frumpy. She shook herself, this was for Maki. Plus, Eli always smiled when she saw Nozomi sporting the company logo. Frumpy feel goods for Nozomi's maybe more than friend, while Maki did a HUGE favor for hers. That would have to do. Red wasn't Nozomi's best color either, not even top 3, but this was for a good cause. Nozomi put her arms in the cardigan, buttoned the middle button and prepared to brave Eli's office with her crisis.

Now, Nozomi cared too much about her job and the people she worked with to CREATE a crisis, however, she had developed a habit of postponing resolving a crisis that involved paperwork in case Eli needed a break from people management. Yesterday, handily, the payroll system had glitched, not acknowledging shift differentials and completely losing track of overtime hours, which at this time of year would not only mess with pay, but have a serious impact on bonuses. So real, not manufactured crisis, and while Nozomi was better at fixing face to face problems, no one could keep up with Eli when she trained those laser blues on an administrative problem. This one was knotty enough that it should give Maki and Rin the time they needed to get Nico in and out, if Nico was any good at her job, and everything Nozomi had found out indicated she was.

Nozomi gave herself one last check in the mirror, reluctantly leaving the mistletoe pin out of the ensemble. Eli was starting to get a twitch whenever she saw anything green and Nozomi was starting to regret that particular directive.

The sleigh pulled up in back of a huge building as Rin was sliding a wall open. Maki jumped down, grabbing Nico's duffle and box of tools and dumping them into Rin's arms. Then she offered a hand to Nico, who let Maki assist her in stepping down. Kotori and Umi followed.

Hanayo turned the sleigh in a careful circle around everyone. "I have to settle Hyuna and Rain, Maki, then I can help."

"That's fine, Hanayo." Maki waved.

"See you soon, Kayo-chin." Rin shouted over her shoulder as she bowed under the weight. Maki grabbed Nico's duffle and bounded into the studio. Nico, Umi and Kotori stopped at the entrance, awed by the size and the tech neatly arranged around a pristine kitchen, decorated for Christmas with miniature tinsel tossed trees and snowmen.

"I hope you were planning on a Christmas theme; it's kinda all we do around here." Maki waved an arm, "Welcome to North Pole Nishikino. Let me know what you need."

"But hurry." Rin muttered, Maki shoved her, shushing, as she watched Nico wander onto the set, eyes wide.

"Nico thought you were going to be impressed with our studio. Silly Nico." Nico glanced at Umi, who was torn between sadness at Honoka missing this opportunity and relief that she wouldn't have to monitor Honoka's behavior with equipment this expensive.

Maki paused as she carried Nico's duffle to the set, to whisper in Nico's ear, "I was impressed with you."

Nico almost blushed, but immediately started to bustle before she could get off track. "Rin, can you take Kotori somewhere I can change so she can lay out my outfit and makeup."

Rin took Kotori and the duffle bag off, Kotori shepherding carefully the garment bag that held Nico's change of clothes.

"Nico will set up here. Did Rin get the ingredients I needed?" Nico began to unpack her kitchen box.

"Yeah, she said everything's in the cabinets under the island, unless it's refrigerated." Maki pointed.

"Thanks, Maki. Can you show Umi the control booth while Nico sets up. And who's going to run the cameras."

Umi suddenly tensed, "Kotori can, I guess. Two cameras would be great though, if there's a hand held." Umi looked to Maki who nodded. 'Closeups would be helpful."

"We can position a camera to focus solely on the cooking, if that helps. And RIn and Hanayo can run cameras. W...they made a lot of goofy videos as kids."

"They…?" Nico asked.

Maki kicked her boot, "Um..."

Nico laughed, "Thanks, Maki. This is amazing. I need a half an hour for prep, Umi, then I'll get changed and we can get started."

Umi nodded approval, "That sounds like a good plan. Maki can help me familiarize myself with the equipment while you get ready."

"Maki is the best host." Nico blew a kiss at Maki, missing the raging blush when she ducked under the counter to start pulling out ingredients.

"Eli." Nozomi let herself stagger a little, eyes wide, breath rapid. Eli patted the shoulder of the elf she was in conversation with and turned her attention to the interruption.

"Did something happen? Are you okay?" Eli smiled, arm hand reaching toward Nozomi's back. Eli actually seemed in a fairly good mood. Nozomi hestated, but only briefly. Maki was no good at improvising. Nozomi would have to see this through.

"Payroll." Nozomi kept her voice even and efficient. "The system's screwed up. It's not reflecting shift differentials and two weeks worth of overtime has disappeared. If we can't find a way to restore the information, we'll have to go through the schedule and time cards and walk Aditha in IT through what we need."

"Don't worry, Nozomi, this happened last month. Once we figure out who's affected, it's an easy fix. I had Aditha code a workaround if it ever happened again." Eli hugged Nozomi with one hand. Nozomi started to wonder why Eli was taking this so well.

"Ummm...Eli." Nozomi leaned her head on Eli's shoulder, "you seem in a good mood…"

Eli grinned, "Maki decided to come back."

Nozomi stopped, choosing her words carefully, "You saw her?"

Eli shook her head, eyes glittering, ease in her walk, "No, but now that she's back, we can get over all this motorcycle-reporter-overspending nonsense and lock in on a successful Christmas Eve."

"Eli." Nozomi's voice rang in the hall.


"How do you know Maki's back?"

"After the accident, I activated the Santa Tracker." Eli stated. "It can track anyone who's using the NPP app. Maki's been mostly testing the Santa Sack™. I look forward to hearing her evaluation."

"Eli, you can't do that." Nozomi found herself shouting, hands in front of her, trying not to shake Eli. "She's not a lost 2 year old."

"What if she had another accident? We'd be glad to know where she was then." Eli shrugged off Nozomi's ire.

"Did you inform her that you took this action?" Nozomi was calmer, not less angry, but quieter anger.

Another shrug, "Let's go fix your problem, Nozomi. Then maybe we can sit down to dinner?"

"Oh, Eli. My problem is nothing compared to the one you have." Nozomi turned away, "You'll have to do the payroll fix on your own. I have an errand to run."

Maki printed out a copy of the script Nico and Umi had worked so hard on during the ride here. As she read through it, Maki could see Nico winking and smiling. She half spun her seat and started playing something on her mini midi keyboard. She watched as the music scrolled across the screen, watching the time as she listened through the headphones loose around her ears. One quick replay, a click at 15.7 seconds, a change in chords and she handed the headphones to Umi. "Think Nico will like this? I recorded an intro."

Umi listened, one hand cupped around an earpad, eyes closed. A finger roll indicated Maki should repeat the loop. Then Umi opened her eyes, "That's perfect. Nico will love it." Umi handed the headphones back. "Thank you, Maki."

Maki grunted and went back to her keyboard, "Do you want one piece for transitions or multiple?"

Umi remembered courting Kotori, searching all over Baltimore for a specific fabric that Kotori needed to complete an outfit, patiently running errands during the long nights Kotori spent working on her first costume design job for a short film, driving 10 minutes out of her way to bring Kotori her favorite coffee and pastry the week before filming. Practical romance. Being helpful while distracting yourself from the sensations being near the woman you wanted engendered.

"I think one, but we should ask Nico."

Maki nodded, glancing to where Nico was explaining to Rin how she wanted the shots to look. Nico hands flew over the countertop as she explained. Maki thought it was probably a relief that Rin did everything nearly as fast as Nico. Anyone else might have been lost. But both Umi and Kotori seemed to exist in a lower gear and they kept up. Maki wouldn't want Nico to slow down at all for her, Nico's vibrancy promised adventures Maki wanted to share.

Umi had a different thought, "Nico, remember, slow down a bit for the audience. They won't be able to follow along at full speed."

"Thanks, Umi."

Nico hadn't changed yet. Maki was getting restless, curious about what Nico would wear, if her lips would have a blizzard of snow or be dusted with gold. Underneath the restlessness was concern about Eli finding out about this and lecturing Maki about misuse of corporate resources IN FRONT of Nico. Maki cringed in advance embarassment at that image, hitting a wrong note and drawing Umi's attention.

Nico shouted, "Don't let anyone touch anything. I'm going to go get dressed."

Umi flashed a thumbs up. Maki put her headphones on, knocking out three quick, merry pieces while thinking about what Nico and peppermint and biting into crispy Snickerdoodles would sound like. A woodwind, with a quick piano chord and a quick snare for the crunchy flavor. Or maybe cinnamon was more of a sax?

Nico was a blur around the set, doing a dry run before she worked with the actual ingredients. Maki took out her phone and snapped a quick picture from where she was sitting behind her laptop tweaking tempos based on Nico's pace, which was at least three times as fast as Maki could do anything without the added boost of an engine. She considered posting it on TWIG, which reminded her she'd never gotten a reply from StormCookie. A quick check showed no response still and no new posts from StormCookie. Maki saved the Nico photo and snapped a quick shot of the music on her laptop captioned with "Setting a Christmas mood for a surprise project." Usually, StormCookie responded, but it was her business blog so maybe she was taking a weekend off. Maybe she was talking to her cute girl again. Maki smiled and leaned forward, chin propped on her hands as Nico did a twirl, singing a chorus of "Jingle Bells." Just being in the same room was enough to get a buzz, Maki thought. Nico had enough energy to fill even this space. Maki wondered if she'd ever attempted to break into a bigger market than Tudor. It might have been hard for Nico to leave her family. Cocoa and Cotaro had told Maki how Nico had taken care of them even when she was attending to college.

"Hey, Maki!" Nico called out and Maki jumped back from her meandering train of thought to see the dark haired beauty waving to her, "Play that intro bit again, Nico wants to work on a dance."

Maki nodded and swept the cursor to that part of the music. Nico's foot tapped along, head nodding to the beat.

Suddenly Nico was heading toward Maki, arms out, "Maki's amazing. This'll help prove Nico is the consumate professional. I can't thank you enough." Nico's lips were a deep red with small flecks of silver and Maki was breathless, heart rate thrumming like a mambo beat, watching them come closer. Then Nico was hugging her, another kiss on the cheek, but Nico's lips lingered as she whispered, "Nico can't thank you enough, Maki."

When Nico pulled back, Maki's hands were clasped in her lap so she didn't rub her cheek or twist her hair. The redhead had a slight blush and was looking past her laptop, "Hey, Nico?"

"What is it?" Nico leaned into Maki, enjoyed the proximity, resisting the temptation to play with Maki's hair and almost paying attention to the music.

"If you get the job, where would you go?" Maki tapped a few keys but as far as Nico could tell, it was just random motion.

"Oh, the network HQ is located in Brooklyn, but Nico would only have to fly in for meetings. The pitch is for Nico to produce things remotely at first...we'd find someplace in Tudor to rent, you don't have to worry about that. Nico wouldn't be needing to bother you again." Nico glanced around, "This place is amazing though. What do you film here?"

Maki shifted and Nico let her hand drop to her side as Maki moved swiveled her stool, amethyst eyes not as bright as they'd been, "Safety videos, news updates, we have a half hour morning and midnight show that covers local and corporate stories."

"That sounds fun."

"Nozomi says it's good for morale. She interviews people, takes lots of video footage. She and Rin go to toy conventions and things like that."

"That's one of the things Nico likes best about the job, interacting with people, getting them to tell Nico their stories." Nico's eyes gleamed as she tapped out a rhythm on Maki's shoulders, "When Nico has her own show, so many people will clamor to spend some one on one time with the number one interviewer on the air."

Maki tensed, half closing her laptop and standing abruptly, "I'd better check on Umi."

"She'll be fine." Nico was puzzled by the disruption in the friendly mood she'd been building, "She's still riding the relief at not having to herd Honoka through all this expensive equipment."

Maki chuckled, her momentary begrudging of Nico's popularity dissipated, "It's been Rin proofed, Honoka would have been fine."

Nico shook her head, "You weren't there when she took out the power for 58% of the lower Susquehanna Valley while trying to get in the air video at a hot air balloon event. We had a private ambulance on call for awhile after that. Umi still almost screams if she sees a kid with a balloon."

"Ha." Maki flicked Nico's shoulder, "That's nothing to the Christmas Eve Rin let the reindeer loose and all of our European deliveries ended up 6 hours behind schedule...everyone was wrangling reindeer and no one could find Rin and Hanayo nearly split in two with worry. Papa said..." Maki froze when she saw the off look in Nico's eye, curiosity wrestling with suspicion…."um" Maki flailed, physically and verbally, suddenly seeing Eli's icy glare if Nico started asking questions about Christmas "...we were like 5 and I didn't really understand what was going on...or what day it was…or..."

"What's up?" Rin bumped Maki's side. "I'm ready. Umi's REALLY cool and Kotori says we should add a darker green to the delivery uniform. Where's Kayochin?"

Nico turned, watching Rin closely as she spoke, "Maki was just telling me about letting all the reindeer out and the delivery delays…"

Maki was behind Nico making frantic "no" signals, crossing her forearms, frowning, and willing understanding into Rin. A puzzled Rin shrugged, "Yeah, no biggy, things are really crazy around here every year before S...:"

Maki practically bowled Rin over with Nico when she pushed the smaller woman toward the set, "Let's get started. We promised Nozomi we'd be fast."

"Yeah, we did." Rin ran back to her camera.

"All right." Nico frowned, which Maki couldn't look away from, "Nico is not here to ask questions, Nico is here to catapult to the next level, with the kind assistance of the wonderful Maki." Nico blew a kiss to Maki, who didn't notice as she was too focused on whispering to Rin.

"Just forget I mentioned the reindeer thing. We don't want Nico finding out too much." Maki felt her heart drop as she said that. Why couldn't she share everything with Nico? Nico was at least a friend...Maki glanced at Nico, who was making sure the placement of everything was exactly where they'd put spike tape, maybe more when this craziness was over and Maki had a minute to talk to her. But for now it was best to stay focused on helping Nico get her video segment done for tomorrow, and figure out anything else later. Maki shoved her hands deep in her pockets, standing a little apart from Rin, trying to get lost enough in Nico's smile and snappy patter to forget the urge to pull Nico aside, outside, away from everyone, deep in the pine trees, and just…her imagination stopped there, with Nico brushing a kiss on her cheek, one hand on her forearm. Wait, why did it have to stop there. Wait, Nico, was calling her name, why, how long had she zoned out for?

"Maki?" Nico had paused. "Did you hear me?"

"Sorry, what do you need?"

"Can you play the intro for Nico."

"Sure." Maki rushed back to her laptop, made sure the speakers were connected and started the music.

Nico held up a hand, "Let Nico countdown from 5. Please."

"Yeah, Maki. Do your job." Rin stuck out her tongue.

"Sorry." Maki hung her head, reminding herself of important things: Take a deep breath. Do things in the right order. Listen to Nico. Don't get distracted. If Rin starts sniggering, ignore her.

Nico glanced up to where Umi was sitting behind a bank of consoles, "I think the local talent is good to go, Umi. Are you ready?"

Umi's voice came over the sound system. "We're good to go whenever you are, Nico. Kotori's got the sound levels all set. We'll adjust if anything spikes."

"All right. Let's get started." Nico shook herself, then looked straight into the fixed camera. "5, 4, 3, 2, 1..."

Maki hit play. Nico twirled and came out of it right as the music faded. "Want to impress a girl. Polish your cookie making game. Nothing like ginger spice to put a little snap in your dating life." Nico stopped. "Hey, Umi, could we drop in a gif of Ginger Spice there or would that be too much?"

Umi sounded like a stormy goddess, hailing hesitation from above. "I don't think we have the time to find and edit in gifs, Nico." Some static, then a break in the clouds, "I could do a pop up video type of thing pretty quickly, just to give the idea of what we might do with a longer deadline."

"Good idea." Nico hummed, "I'll take it from the top." There she was flying three times faster than everyone as she returned to her starting place. "Ready, Maki?"


"5, 4, 3, 2, 1."

Maki had almost forgotten to swipe back to the start, but Nico's countdown gave her enough time to recover from that near blooper. Maki would be glad to go back to working on something linear after this. Nico's back and forth, switching near instantly from onstage charisma to off stage competence was making Maki dizzy.

After a few more false starts, they were finally in a flow. Nico had the wet ingredients mixed and was about to measure out the flour when two doors flew open simultaneously, the sliding door clanging in the back of the studio and the double door whooshing open in the front. Rin had obviously forgotten to tell Umi where the "LIVE" switch that activated the red warning lights was. A gust of wind blew in with Hanayo and suddenly Nico was blustering and covered in very fine white flour. Hanayo screamed, Maki's mouth fell open as Rin nearly fell to the floor laughing. Nico was in a bright red dress with a bold white stripe that suddenly became a snow covered clothingscape. Then there was a bellow. Eli's voice. Damn.

"What the hell is going on here, Rin? Maki? Who authorized this?" Eli's rush to the scene had also caught her in the flour shower, but she brushed it off her white suit jacket. Her voice drilled through the surprised incoherencies of Umi and Nico.

"Hi, Eli." Maki waved.

"Maki." Eli was nose to nose with Maki, the miniscule height advantage somehow magnified by her rising indignation.

Nico was suddenly in between them, "Maki's helping me."

Eli looked down her nose at Nico, but somehow, it wasn't nearly as effective as Eli intended it to be, "You shouldn't even be here, Yazawa."

How do you know…" Nico spun to face Maki, "Did you tell her about me on your date? I saw you downtown…"

"DATE!?" Maki and Eli tried to outshout each other; Rin actually did fall onto the floor and started rolling back and forth, laughing hysterically until she bumped Maki, who kicked her to the side, there was a chair being shoved back into the wall sound over the speaker, followed by a "What's going on? Kotori, stop recording," and Hanayo stood blinking apologetically in the middle of the open wall.

Maki stuttered, not even sure where to start, totally ignoring Eli to focus on a Nico, who in a less serious mood would be looking like a ridiculous and adorable sugar dusted cookie but right now, seemed actually to be mainlining manic murderous snow person, red eyes dangerously lit. "N...Nico...I...I wasn' one is...nobody's...Eli…"

"No," Rin was practically choking, "you don't mean nobody, Maki, you mean No...zomi."

"Well, hello everybody." Nozomi's voice trilled from the door, "I see Eli beat me here."

Eli's turn to spin, confronting a Nozomi who'd ditched the company cardigan, "You knew about this."

"Of course I did, Eli. People trust me." Nozomi smirked at Maki and shook her head at Rin. Hanayo was crouching next to Rin, who was now on her back, staring at the ceiling, still vibrating with laughter.

"People trust me." Eli countered.

"People trust you to do your job, Eli, not consider their feelings." Nozomi sighed, petting Eli on the arm, "Because you don't. You don't even consider your feelings."

"My feelings are" Eli pulled back, sounding choked up, "that no one cares about the things I work so hard to protect."

"Elichi is cheating." Nozomi blew out a thin stream of air, too aware of how Eli's eyes were pleading for support.

Maki wasn't that polite, bulldozing into their moment. "I care. I just know I can trust Nico."

Nico was about to say something, but Maki's raw honesty derailed her as she watched the redhead march right up to the glam blonde she WASN'T dating, fists clenched. Nico decided to just wait and see what happened next. Rin sat up, helped by Hanayo, and Umi appeared suddenly, moving to join Nico.

Eli closed her eyes, then turned, looking past Maki to Nico, who was somehow, dusted with a fine coat of flour, a stern Umi standing by, managing to still pull off a professional demeanor. "She signs a NDA." Eli's hands waved wildly. "If any of this ends up anywhere, we sue."

Maki shifted so she was blocking Nico from Eli's glare, "No, what happens is you go back to your job and I finish helping Nico."

Umi glanced at Nico, who was taking a moment to rub her cheek and see how much flour she could scrape off. Umi couldn't tell if Nico had made any difference. There would definitely need to be a reshoot.

Nozomi had stepped forward, next to Eli, hand reaching out to her, "Eli?"

Maki and Eli had blocked out anything but their intensifying staring battle. When Maki's arms swung back, Nico decided she did not need to be in the middle of a battle for corporate dominance. Nico had an important audition to ace on a very short deadline and a very long list of things she'd rather see Maki doing.

Time to solve this. Nico strode forward, white dust a fog as she moved. "This is ridiculous. Eli, right?" Nico's tone demanded a response from Eli, who nodded. Now that Nico had her attention, she could settle this and could get back to work. "I don't need to sign a NDA. I wouldn't without consulting my lawyer at length. We'll be done in a couple of hours and then you never need to see Nico again." Maki grunted. Nico rolled her eyes but the redhead couldn't see it. This wasn't about Maki right now, this was about getting this disturbed, tyrannical distraction out of Nico's space, even if it was only borrowed space.

"Elichi, why don't we go deal with the payroll glitch and then you can tell Maki exactly how you knew she was back." Nozomi hummed, quirking an eyebrow at Maki, who was suddenly very attentive as Eli squirmed at the threat underlying Nozomi's cheery chirps.

"What do you mean? Didn't someone just see me?" Maki asked.

Eli mumbled something as Nozomi slipped an arm through hers, dragging the fading Head Elf away from the agitated Nishikino heir. Nico blew out a relieved breath, causing flour to fly up and tickle Maki into nearly sneezing. Rin had almost recovered her feet, thanks to Hanayo, but the room was silent as worried lavender eyes searched Nico's for a clue to her mood. Nico clapped her arms together, flour flying everywhere, Maki coughing in confusion.

"Guess it's time for Nico to fix this." Nico announced, crimson eyes as frisky as her tone.

Umi, knowing her friend very well, realized Nico must have had some kind of inspiration, "Do you need to change, Nico? Perhaps there's a laundr…"

Nico chuckled, "Nope. Nico is a genius. We can still do this. No changes necessary. Are you ready, Rin?"

Rin nodded. Hanayo had been attempting to apologize since Rin got to her feet, but that had turned into a series of background squeaks as conversations escalated around her.

Maki fell back, watching as Nico and Umi had a quick discussion, Nico's hands leaving flour trails everywhere as she pointed out various items on the set and toggled her fingers back and forth between two of the cameras. Umi started out frowning, but as Nico continued, her eyes brightened and she began making her own suggestions. There was a brief lull, Nico searching the cabinets for something, Umi considering camera options and Maki spoke up.


"Hmmmm." Nico was tapping her fingers down the counter, considering.

"Can I help?" Maki had retreated back to her laptop, fidgeting with tabs.

"Just keep looking cute and playing your awesome loops for Nico."

Rin giggled; Maki gave Rin the side eye.

"Kotori can you get set to record?" Umi asked, glancing back toward the console booth.

Kotori's voice lilted over the speakers, "Of course, Umi."

"Get ready for Nico to razzle dazzle." Nico turned her back on everyone, head dropped, hands to the side, clutching something in her right hand. Umi subtly shifted the closest camera, nodding at Rin.

"Everything's live, Nico. It's all yours." Kotori's voice squeaked with excitement. Hanayo, her eyes on Nico, had drifted behind Maki.

"Okay, Maki, give me an intro in 5, 4, 3, 2, 1…"

Maki hit play, tension bringing her forward, curious about what Nico would do next. The tiny, sable haired spitfire spun with a smile bright enough, even through the flour obscuring her features, to make it seem like the lights in the room had just dimmed. Then with a quick swipe of her towel, she cleaned off her face, pale skin reddish, sprinkles of white still marring lipstick and snowing mascara.

"Hello, fellow lovers of the cute girl, Nico Ni is here to help you with that holiday date. Completely screwed up your kitchen like Nico here? Well, good news, now you've got a funny story for your hot date. But we don't want her to think we're a slob, right? So Nico will teach you 5 easy kitchen cleaning tips to get your kitchen in shape while you wait for the takeout to be delivered."

Nico paused, pulling out a cleaning sponge and her smartphone, "Nico suggests ordering pizza, but not such a good pizza that she pays no attention to you. And make sure you know if she's a wine, beer, soda or water drinker. Nico suggests sparkling water, with a splash of lime to start." Nico put the phone down. "But before we get to that, if you don't have any kind of cleaning product, make sure you keep baking soda around." Nico produced a yellow box, poured chunky white powder on the sponge and then wet it, "It'll also help deodorize, which is important."

Nico proceeded to give a master class in cleaning a kitchen in 3 minutes, 45 seconds flat, which left 1 minute, 15 seconds to hop up on the counter, pour herself out some sparkling water, cut a twist of lime for it and sing 30 seconds of "How Little We Know," kicking her feet back and forth and looking casual and relaxed and perfect in her probably ruined dress.

"How little we know
How much to discover
What chemical forces flow
From lover to lover

How little we understand - what touches off that tingle
That sudden explosion when two tingles intermingle
Who cares to define what chemistry this is?"

Nico raised her glass, "Know more with Nico."

Hanyo burst into spontaneous applause; Rin whistled. Umi relaxed for the first time all day. Maki, after the initial startle of Hanayo going off like a cheerleading bomb behind her, kept staring as Nico kept sparkling. It wasn't just lighting, it was charm, charisma, attraction, explosive...Maki's brain looped Nico's vocals...tingles...the song continued in her head, a much more personal performance, Nico leaning in, a piano instead of her laptop, not candlelighting, too easy to knock off, but maybe moonlight, 'who cares with your lips on mine, how ignorant bliss is. So long as you kiss me and the world around me..."

Shatters. "Maki?" Nico's voice broke into the excitement rising around Maki and the musician jumped guiltily. Nico appeared bemused, not annoyed, and she slid next to Maki's laptop, still giving off puffs of flour, offering Maki the other crystal glass. Maki took it, her hand trembling slightly, and sipped slowly, not meeting Nico's eyes. "Did you like Nico's brilliant improvisation?"

Maki nodded, swallowed, then put the glass down, willing Rin to just shut up in advance, but Hanayo was a very thoughtful friend and Maki could see her whispering to Rin, leading her to the back of the studio. Umi had headed back to the booth, "S...suits you much better than the news."

"Exactly." Nico gleamed, Maki could feel it. "Nico's been saying that for years. Maybe someone will finally listen."

Maki drummed up enough bravery to look directly at Nico, "I'm sure they will."

"I have something to tell you." Nico stood, taking Maki's hand and pulling her back toward the dressing room. Maki's stomach flipped.


"I may have to borrow your shower again." Nico sat Maki on the couch, grabbed a pile of clothes and disappeared into the bathroom, pausing for a quick ruffle of Maki's hair. Maki couldn't just sit. A quick look in the mirror. Nico had left some of her hair standing straight up, which looked ridiculous so Maki quickly smoothed it out, then started fidgeting with how the neck of her gray merino sweater fell, twisting around when it suddenly felt scratchy against the back of her neck. Nico shuffled back into the room, oversized sweater and jeans back on, fuzzy red and white candy socks sliding across the floor to where she'd left her duffle.

Rather than just stand and wait for Nico to say or do something, Maki picked up the conversation. "If you need to use my shower, there's guest townhouses."

"Oh, Maki doesn't want Nico to see where she lives? Need a 'Know More With Nico' with 5 easy steps to cleaning your living room to impress a cute girl."

Once again, somehow it was so easy for Nico to charm when saying something outrageous like that, which Maki would stumble over, even if she were describing someone else, someone Nico.

"No." Maki couldn't help it, the embarrassment made her sound sullen.

"Roommate? Don't tell me you live with El…" Nico snorted as Maki got increasingly red.

"No. My parents." Maki watched Nico carefully but there was no recoil, "I travel so much, I never really needed a place of my own."

"Right. Maki's off somewhere new every six months or so…" Now Nico's voice was the one full of minor notes.

Maki rushed into the gathering doldrums, "Only because I want to…"

Nico didn't believe in lingering in down moods and she'd found what she wanted. One beaten up green Thermos, one box carefully wrapped in candy cane colored paper and a bright red ribbon. She put them down in front of the mirror, arranged as artfully as two objects could be and snapped a quick pic, typing and swiping even more rapidly. Maki picked up the thermos. Looked familiar, but she couldn't place it.

"It goes with the present." Nico nudged, obviously pleased with herself. "And check your notifications."

Why would Nico know her phone was vibrating in her pocket? Had she sent a text? Maki pulled out her phone, TWIG notification, StormCookie had sent her a message.

Maki opened the app. StormCookie's had sent her Nico's pic with the caption: So, SantaChan, Step 5 in StormCookie's Easy Steps To Romance and Sexcess™ is tell the Cute Girl you like her. For real impact, give her something she loves. Check in the box, SantaClueless."

Maki stared at Nico for a long moment, thoughts racing, if Nico was StormCookie, she'd been having all those late night conversations with Nico, wanting room service to deliver Nico to her room...which had happened when...when had Nico known, Maki's knees shook, a nervous tremor, and Nico was right there, hands on her waist, guiding Maki to the chair, then dropping the gift into her lap, "C'mon, Red and Ravishing," Maki's head snapped around as Nico's voice smoothly rolled out mischief coated compliments, "don't make Nico wait."

"When did you…" Maki's hands reached for the box, but her brain was still desperately working out the clues and stumbling over the memory of the awful, sandy cookie taste in her mouth after she'd snuck cookies on Nico's set. Maybe Rin was right and she should just buy a cookie factory. But Storm...Nico knew so much about cooking…and Nico had found her a piano...and ever since Maki'd met her, she couldn't stop seeing Nico's face, features lovely and lively and curious, whenever she closed her own eyes.

"When I saw the Santa hat bunny in your bathroom." Nico admitted, pouring milk out of the thermos.

"But those cookies…"

"What cookies?" Nico was starting to recognize some of Maki's moods and this one was confusion. Which was infecting Nico.

Maki frowned at the memory. "On the set. When I visited the station. They were terrible."

"You really are only interested in food." Nico snorted, grabbing the box back and ripping off the now wasted A-list level wrapping paper job.

"Please don't talk to Rin again. Ever." Maki suddenly had a window open into a view of endless, future teasing.

Nico's hand was under Maki's nose and there was a darkly sweet smell, a gingery invitation."Open up."

Maki's mouth opened automatically, the aroma a driving temptation.

Nico shoved something in, "Chew."

Maki bit down and shards of crystal ginger heat crackled between her teeth as she savored the molasses filling her mouth, crispiness melting into mouthwateringly soft caramel sweetness with just a kick of cloves. Lavender eyes wide, Maki chewed slowly, tastebuds relishing every zesty crumb.

"Nico didn't bake those cookies you had. Nico told you not to eat them. Jill the PA baked them. Nico is paid for her on camera work, not her cooking. Nico is the best AND cutest cook you will ever meet. Jill is a poisoner in training. Never eat anything Jill hands you."

Maki grabbed the cookies back and took Nico's hand, her voice, matter of fact; bright eyes full of awe, "Marry me, Nico."

"How about dating first?" Nico's fingers caressed Maki's cheek, crimson eyes finally able to unabashedly glory in every gorgeous detail. Maki's eyes never left Nico's, even as the redhead popped another cookie in her mouth, chewing with thoughtful consideration. Then with a nod, she put the cookies aside, her hand on Nico's waist, "Nope. These are too good. Has to be marriage."

"KISS THE COOKIE GIRL!" Rin's shout announced her boisterous fall through the not completely closed door she'd been eavesdropping behind, Hanayo following.

Maki grinned, flicking a finger in her best friend's direction, "That too." Suddenly Nico was in Maki's lap and her lips were on Nico's, a gentle touch, warm spices tingling as much as Maki's tongue did, licking the scattered crumbs mashed between their mouths, pushing forward, lips opening, Nico trying to control a swirl of sensations as her hands slid through Maki's hair and she angled for the next kiss.

"We'll see you later, Maki." Hanayo could barely be heard over the sound of her dragging a protesting Rin out of the room and solidly closing the door.

"Your friends are silly." Nico whispered.

"Your lips are delicious." Maki nipped forward.

"I think those are the crumbs from yours." Nico bopped Maki's nose with hers, "You may have a problem."

Maki shrugged, taking the time for a lingering caress of Nico's ear. "Rin says cookiesexuals don't exist. She looked it up."

Nico had to force back a giggle. Here was Maki, glorious lavender eyes full of fresh wonder and yet, the word "cookiesexual" had just come out of the most sensuously luscious red lips Nico had ever seen. She wanted to know every crack of them. Nico raised a finger and slowly traced their center, watching Maki's eyes as something primal poured quickly into their artless depths, "Less talking."

Maki pouted, but Nico's mouth followed her finger and Maki suddenly had trouble remembering her own name, let alone...and when Nico heard the whisper of a moan vibrate under her searching mouth, she knew conversation was over and those lush, dream building lips were hers.


Nozomi, in pajama pants, a North Pole Nishikino t-shirt and fuzzy tanuki slippers came sprinting down the central hall. Eli's call had sounded urgent. Everything had been wrapped and packed, everyone was out on their runs, what could have possibly happened. Eli stood outside the door of her office, pacing nervously, dressed in a short blue and white dress Nozomi had never seen before.

"What happened, Eli? What's wrong." Nozomi grabbed Eli by the arms, pulling her close, "Did something happen to Maki again?"

Eli coughed, her smile embarrassed, "You're going to have to write me up, Nozomi."

"Why? What happened?"Anxiety wasn't helping Nozomi catch her breath, nor was the way Eli's eyes were lingering on the logo on her t-shirt. "Eli!"

"I violated protocol." Eli admitted, with a slight blush.

"Are you tracking Maki again. This is ridiculous." Nozomi was usually mild of temper, but the non PG-13 romance she'd been watching had just hit its first climax and instead of being warm with a bowl full of popcorn, here she was panting in a hall with an Eli on overdose levels of attractive and annoying.

"I hacked your Christmas list."

"I didn't write one." Nozomi started to pull out her hair. Eli was infrequently infuriating but when she was...

Eli took her hand, interrupting a growl. "I hacked Santa's Christmas list and looked you up." The door to Eli's office opened and Nozomi glanced inside. Eli's desk and multiple screens had disappeared, replaced by a small table, lace tablecloth, two chairs, candles, instrumental music and an array of what smelled like Nozomi's favorite dishes, "Merry Christmas, Nozomi. I'm sorry for adding to your workload."

Nozomi stepped back, agitated. "I'm not dressed. I'm in the middle of a movie. You…" Nozomi looked Eli up and down, no matter how hard Eli worked, she never skipped her morning ballet exercises and the dress was floofy and form fitting enough that Eli could have stepped right into performing as the Sugar Plum Fairy, "look amazing."

Eli still had Nozomi's hand and yanked her forward, pointing up to a small clump of green with white berries, "I also finally complied with your mistletoe directive. Shouldn't you encourage that kind of behavior?" Eli's eyes were so soft and so kind with an iceberg of lovely under the sharp blue tip. "You look beautiful, Nozomi, you always do. I'm going to pay more attention."

What the hell, Nozomi thought, if she'd fallen asleep in front of her screen, she might as well enjoy this flight of her imagination's fancy. But when Eli's lips brushed hers, they were cold enough to be real and warm enough that Nozomi almost cried, "Elichi."

"I love the way you say my name." Eli whispered, stealing another kiss with a smile.

Nozomi followed Eli's graceful curves into the room now full of her favorite things. Merry Christmas indeed, she thought.

Tsubasa, dressed in a borrowed Washington Spirit hoodie and her take out the garbage jeans, wondered again why she was clambering up a precariously balanced 20 foot ladder. Then Honoka turned back to check she was keeping up, her incandescent grin replacing the sun, and Tsubasa doubled her speed, damn the wind cutting through her gloves. Honoka hopped onto the roof, then offered a hand to pull Tsubasa up.

"Why are we here again, Honoka?" Tsubasa possibly should have taken the bring a jacket advice Umi had given her when they'd split off into their separate evenings after a joint Christmas Eve dinner.

"Yukiho always gave me grief about Santa not visiting cause I was on the naughty list when we were kids, so I thought a good scare to get even would be just the ticket." Honoka stomped playfully across the roof at a speed that made Tsubasa calculate slopes and rates of fall, and then she had a vision involving the precarious ladder before Honoka called out again. "Do I sound like a reindeer?" Honoka jumped, soundly thumping the roof and falling into the chimney with a belly laugh, "ho hO HO!"

Practical was down on the ground in a parka, Tsubasa realized, and what had climbed up here on the roof with a ladder that was going to fall and crush Practical in another three jumps, was joy and excitement. Honoka threw her knitted hat up in the air, opened her mouth to catch a snowflake Tsubasa could barely spot, bounced 10 feet forward on all fours and rolled over to point at the sky, "See all those stars?"


"Why not?" Honoka sounded worried.

"Because I'm looking at you." Tsubasa knelt, ignoring the cold, so very easy to do as the brightness of Honoka Kosaka eclipsed everything else about this night.

Umi was nervous and kept twisting the ring in her pocket, afraid a gap would suddenly open and the ring would fall down her pants, into her shoe, dig into her foot and she'd draw up her knee, knocking Kotori sideways into the tree, starting a fire on throw rug.

"Umi, is everything all right?" Kotori's head was resting on Umi's shoulder as they sat, illuminated by twinkling lights, music playing quietly in the background.

Claude Thornhill's Snowfall started its beautiful, rolling melody and Umi knew it was now or never. She'd been ashamed catching the ring on Nico's finger this past week and knowing that for ten years now, since they started dating in high school, Kotori had not had the acknowledgement of the seriousness of Umi's feelings that she deserved. Now or never, Umi told herself, and stood, offering a hand to Kotori, "May I have this dance."

Kotori stood, her slender, strong hand fitting Umi's perfectly as they started to move together. Her hair brushed Umi's cheek as she whispered. "I love this song."

"I know." Umi brought them closer together. If she didn't have to meet Kotori's eyes, she could get through this. "I know so many things about you, Kotori Minami, and I always find something new to love, every day." Umi paused. Kotori seemed to have stopped breathing, but the music continued and so did Umi. "That's what I want to do. Every day. Find out something new to love about you. I love you, Kotori. M...marry me."

"Umi." Kotori stopped, hand tilting up Umi's chin, golden eyes the only light in the world for Umi. Kissing Kotori had always been an out of body experience for Umi, daring her to be a braver person than she'd ever thought she could, but this kiss, this wasn't a call to bravery, this was Kotori's gentle stamp, approving and accepting every one of Umi's hesitations, every day of doubt, every hidden fear. One whispered word embraced and purified them all. "Yes."

Umi soared.

"Hey, Kayochin, you forgot your dinner." Rin ran into the stable, carrying a large sack. Hanayo was preparing blankets for the next round of reindeer to return. "Did Maki get back from Australia yet?"

"Yeah, she took Hyeri to Tudor." Hanayo smiled, glad the young reindeer would get some flight experience. She was too skittish to work in a team.

"You do such a good job, Kayochin." Rin hugged her fiancée.

"Thanks, Rin."

Rin released Hanayo, spreading a blanket in the back of the stable, taking two bentos out of the sack, "Sit down for a minute, I brought your favorite curry. And rice." Rin held up one of the bentos, "You must be tired and hungry."

Hanayo nodded, adding one last blanket to the stack and then joining Rin, who pulled her close, keeping her in a loose hug as Hanayo opened the bento full of rice with a smile, "Thanks, Rin."

"Anything for my Kayochin."

Hanayo took a bite of rice, then laid her head on Rin's shoulder, "Tomorrow, we stay cozy in bed all day, right?"

Rin chuckled, thinking she might need a quick run on the indoor track to tire herself out while Hanayo finished her chores. "Only for you. I love you, Kayochin."

"I love you too, Rin." Hanayo muttered around a mouthful of rice and curry.

Nico had fallen asleep on her mother's couch, afghan pulled over her cutest pajamas, white gold ring with 60 diamonds formed into a snowflake sparkling on her left hand. A newly baked batch of molasses crisps waiting on a plain white plate, with a tall glass of milk next to it. The milk was holding down a note that said "Don't forget to kiss the cook ; P Love, Nico."

There was a shimmer next to the haphazardly decorated Christmas tree, mostly handmade ornaments, and Maki appeared, Santa Hat™ askew on her head, arms full of presents. She stashed them under the tree, happy at the thought of Nico's siblings waking up to even more holiday cheer. Then, ever so quietly, she moved to the small table waiting for her and took the top cookie off the pile.

"I knew you'd go for the cookies first. Nico is shattered." Maki swallowed before sliding in next to her fiancée, as Nico continued her complaint, "I almost made oatmeal cookies for your Papa, but I couldn't bear the look of disappointment on your face."

"I left Jill a book on food photography. Maybe she'll switch hobbies." Maki leaned back, one arm falling behind Nico in that tried and true teenage manuever. Cliches were surprisingly fun to indulge in.
"Nico is marrying into a family of reverse burglars." Nico yawned and let her head fall back into Maki's bicep, inhaling, "You smell like a musky pine tree."

Maki turned to kiss Nico on the cheek, "It's not so bad is it?"

"It's you, so it's perfect." Nico flipped, meeting Maki's lips with an exaggerated smack, "You're really staying in town for a few days?"

Maki nodded, "Yeah, after Christmas everybody collapses until New Year's. This week's been crazy, but we all survived, even Eli. I think Rin might have run off a few pounds trying to get people not to exhaust themselves."

"She doesn't have anything to spare." Nico wrapped the throw around her shoulders, lost in the bright lavender that was now her favorite color, as long as she didn't have to wear it.

"I know. You'll have to make me some cookies to take back for her." Maki's eyes twinkled.

"Now, that, SantaSelfish, is a blatant attempt to get more than the allotment of cookies due you as Nico's fiancée."

Maki pulled Nico in for a long kiss, "Can you blame me?"

"No, actually Nico is quite flattered, but you can't steal Rin's cookies. What's your least favorite kind?"

"Not made by Nico." Another kiss, then Maki murmuring into Nico's hair. "Love you. I missed you. How was your week?"

"Nico is flying to New York next Thursday for a meeting."

"Good. Want to borrow a reindeer?" Maki was purring her way around Nico's ear.

"Not even Nico's stylist could fix the frizz from you flying me back to Tudor last Monday." Nico chided.

Maki's grin was adorable and impish, as she played with the loose ends of Nico's hair, "You looked great. Let me mess it up some more."

"Oooh, Mama, Maki's here!" Cocoa bounded into the room as Maki jumped back and Nico collapsed laughing, "Can we open our presents now?"

"It's 3 o'clock in the morning," Maki looked at Nico in a panic as Cocoa nearly vaulted over the couch.

"Come here you." Nico pulled her sister over the back of the couch and crushed two of her favorite people into the biggest hug she could, "Merry Christmas, Maki. Welcome to the Yazawas."

Rin was wrong. Maki had trusted cookies and cookies had led her to Nico. This Christmas Eve had just the right flavor. From now on, Maki was going to enjoy every second and every candy cane spiced, knock the Santa Hat™ off her head kiss from Nico she could. In between bites of the best cookies ever ; )

A/N: If you've read this far, I adore you and I hope you enjoyed this.