The Unstoppable Hero Deku

Disclaimer: I own Nothing!

Chapter 4: Next stop UA..or was it USA?


Gatsuberk: For those that were kind enough to wait patiently I have done my best with this recent update… I really wish I could devote more of my time writing since its a great way for me to relax. Unfortunately life has been hard these last few years. Recently lost my dad to cancer… and it looks like my mom is next. Anyway I'm still alive and kicking… so sorry if the next update isn't for a while… Lataz and enjoy… if I didn't fucked it up too bad.


The sound of a screaming child filled the air before quickly being joined by many others. The reason being that a small girl was mere moments away from being crushed by a heavy transport truck, its parking break having suddenly gone on strike. The driver was doing his best to reach the driver door in hopes of saving the child. Unfortunately he was too slow to act to even consider making any kind of a difference, not to mention it had been years since he did a proper run. It was suppose to be another boring day on the job for the man, something he never complained about since he was single and made some decent money. Like every other day for the last three years he made sure his vehicle was secured before starting to unload his next delivery. It was just rotten luck that he had to park on top of a hill. Now the extremely heavy vehicle started to roll down said hill, gravity adding strength and momentum as it continued to travel.

The little girl that was suppose to be at her mothers side had gotten annoyed at all the shopping they were doing for their dinner. Along with the fact that her mother was too focused on other things that wasn't her. Which is why the adventurous little girl had sneaked away at the first chance she could get. Even at the young age of four she had become confident enough to believe that it wouldn't be a problem to walk around on her own. There was a whole big world out there waiting for her to discover it. Unfortunately at the moment the girl's mother's heart was breaking from horror and regret, due to the fact that she had decided to gossip with her fellow housewives instead of listening to the pleas of her first born. Her little girl was a bundle of energy and was extremely curious, things that normally made a child adorable, unfortunately this was the woman's first child, and with her being rather young she wasn't the best mom out there. She loved her little girl more than life itself but she still wished she had at least started college before having her. Sadly she watched one too many western movies and ended up being a teenage mom. To make things worse she didn't even get the chance to finish high school.

But at the moment none of that mattered because she was powerless. She was one out of every five human's born without a quirk. Her husband also was quirkless and more than likely her little girl was too. To make matters worse it was clear, from the lack of flashy powers being used around her, that there wasn't a hero around. At the moment she would even settle for a vigilante, she was desperate enough that she would even take a freshly licensed hero school student to save her bundle of joy. But as the vehicle got closer all she could do was watch as a part of her died as her most precious treasure was soon to be cruelly taken from this world.

Suddenly like a miracle from the gods themselves a lovely raven haired girl slid to a stop next to her daughter. While her face looked to be that of a middle school attendee, her body looked mature enough to be in high school. Yet there was one thing she couldn't deny was that this brave teen was trying to shield her daughter. It was just a shame that this girl also seemed powerless since all she was doing at the moment was trying to calm her daughter down. Many of the people around the soon to be accident prayed for the two girls to be saved, knowing in their hearts that at the moment there was no way such a thing was going to happen.

"It's okay. Everything is going to be okay." The lovely voice of the teen said as she held the child close to her. The black haired beauty easily stood up before turning to allow the frightened little girl to see the runaway vehicle that wanted to turn them into a pancake. "Can't you see that it can't hurt you?"

"How is she?" A deeper male voice suddenly said from behind the truck, instantly drawing all eyes to its owner. He was a young man, with a frame that just roared out power. His green and wild hair easily flowing in the air as he smiled towards the brave teen and the crying little girl. He dressed like any other young man that could be found at any normal middle school. Sporting a traditional school uniform that would normally make him easy to fit in with kids his age. If one ignored the fact he was easily over a head taller than any other boy his age.

"Looks like those well trained reflexes of yours paid off." Momo said to her best friend as the girl's mother finally made her way to them. What should have been a heart felt reunion between mother child was currently being ignored. Even the previously frightened looking girl was now left in speechless awe. Momo couldn't blame those around her, since it wasn't every day that a middle school teen was seen holding a large truck off the ground with a single hand. It was only raised a foot off the ground but it was still without a doubt something that a normal person would hardly ever see in their life. To make things more unbelievable was the fact that Izuku made it look like it wasn't a big deal. They couldn't even see the muscles of his arms bulging as if struggling with the vehicle's weight. The damage he caused with his left hand, when he had caught the end of the truck, was just as jaw dropping. All the heavy metal around Izuku's arm looked like it had an industrial digger rammed into it.

"I couldn't just let such a cute little girl get hurt now could I?" Izuku said with a teasing tone hoping to lighten the atmosphere. Momo couldn't help but smile at the greenette as she handed the calmer child back to her mother.

"Whatever you say you big goof?" Momo said while giggling before making her way to the cabin of the semi. "You can put it down now." The truck was gently returned to the road before Momo got in it. The young teen knowing that her gentle of a giant of friend had yet to let go of it. A frown was soon making its way to her face as she saw that the parking brake had been set. She quickly got out of it and began to use her quirk to make two metal devices. The two items were soon placed at the front of the two front wheels. The raven haired teen soon went on to lock them into place to ensure it wouldn't move any time soon. The driver finally making it to Momo's side but was completely out of breath. Momo couldn't help but feel some embarrassment for the man that was struggling to regain his strength.

"Did you just put a boot to my truck?" The driver said with disbelief, he knew his boss was going to rip him a new one if the vehicle got impounded.

"They don't have the security locks that the police normally use. You can take them off whenever you want. You should wait until you get this truck towed to a shop." Momo said making them man sigh, he had wanted to argue a bit but he saw the strong young man making his way to them. The powerful teen had finished waving off the small crowd that had formed around him. He looked like a normal young man, the fact his right hand carried multiple bags full of womanly things made it clear he was at least a good friend of the girl that just locked down his truck.

"I'll make sure to do that… after I deal with the police." The average looking driver said as he heard sirens making their way to them.

"I don't think you'll get into any form of trouble mister." Izuku said making the man look at him with hope. "There is a line of brake fluid following the direction your truck just came from."

"You think someone cut his break?" Momo asked making Izuku shrug his shoulders.

"Wouldn't be able to answer that without lifting that truck higher than most people would feel comfortable with." Izuku said with a smirk making Momo roll her eyes.

"Please don't…" The driver pleaded with tears in his eyes. "My boss would kill me if he sees one of his truck uploaded to the web because of you." His words making the two friends to chuckle and giggle in good nature. No one on the street noticing the figure that was hidden in the shadows of an alleyway watching everything that had happened.


A pouting Momo was walking towards the train station with her good friend. She couldn't help but glare lightly at his carefree look. She didn't understand why he wasn't as upset as she felt, it was a part of him she wasn't fond of.

"You should let it go Mo-chan. They were just doing their job."

"It isn't fair." Momo wanted to growl out as she whispered her words. Her friend had done something heroic today, only for him to be treated like a common vigilante. It infuriated her that the local police were taking out their inferiority complex on someone as kind as Izuku. She had heard from her Aunty Inko that Izuku had been dragged into many different police stations over the years. Their soel reason being the fact that he was a gifted guy helping where he could instead of allowing a tragedy to happen. Who cared if he didn't have a license to use his quirk? Of course she already knew why such a thing was important but there had to be exceptions. After all, he just saved the life of a little girl from a terribly gruesome death. And she had done her best to explain that her bestest friend hadn't used his quirk. His quirk was a defensive one not a strength based one. His raw power was simply a byproduct of his out of control quirk. Still it was fun to see some of the dumber cops nearly wet themselves as they saw the destruction he caused when stopping the truck. Of course she knew that to him it was no different from when he would play a game of catch with her. The strength he was developing was already past that of many mid rank heroes. To be honest Momo's definition of strength was going to leave many males feeling inadequate when she compares them to her favorite greenette.

At the moment the Yaoyorozu heir decided to let it go, she had no doubt that her green haired aunty had to do the same. Lucky for the Midoriya family their lawyer had given Izuku a good amount of business cards for when such things happened.

"It was still amazing that you were able to save her." Momo said with a hint of hero worship.

"I wouldn't have been in the right place if a certain someone I know hadn't dragged me into being her porter again." Izuku teased his best friend instantly making her pout in an adorable way. It was another weekend that Izuku was learning to accept as a normal part of his life. That being that his two female friends were rotating weekends when it came to being with him. Izuku wasn't sure when or how it happened, but as the girls began to border the point of forcing him to pick one over the other, his Aunty Cleo suddenly came to his rescue. He still wasn't sure if his uncles were right in saying she had saved his hide by intervening.

It had happened one day when she was eating at his place, Bakugou's mom or as he calls her, his aunty Mitsuki, was also there. It was one of the few days when Mei got too excited and called Izuku to talk his ear off about one of her new and more importantly functioning babies. The two were too busy talking and enjoying their conversation to notice that Momo was trying to call her friend. It didn't take long for Momo to call her Aunty Inko's cell before learning that Izuku was distracted by Mei. Neither girl had wanted to call at a later time, since Izuku was soon schedule to go to sleep. Mei still wanted to use her favorite guy in the world as a sounding board. As for Momo she had been bothered by some of the problems when dealing with high class living and naturally had wanted to vent a bit. The three women in the household were busy giggling as Izuku attempted to start a three way conversation in order to make both girls happy. Sadly he had yet to learn that there was times when girls didn't like to share.

Finally Cleo got tired of the direction the conversation and insults were going and decided to talk to the girls. She took the phones that Izuku had been holding and left to another room. Next thing Izuku knows is that his free time had been taken up by the two girls rotating on who will be with him at certain times. Normally following his new routine wasn't a big deal but there was the odd times when Mei frankly didn't care about the borders that had been established. Or completely forgot that they even existed to begin with. He was pretty sure she wasn't doing it on purpose even if Momo disagreed with him.

"You owe me one Izuku… It wasn't fair that we had to cancel our plans just because Mei forgot to tell you about the science fair she had been invited to compete in." The raven haired girl said making her friend sigh.

"I apologized for that for what felt like a hundred times already."

'And you're going to have to apologize a hundred more.' Momo thought with a frown as she gave a light glare to her best male friend. She had been preparing for a special concert her father had set up. She had practiced so hard, her mother had done her best to make her look as lovely as possible. Only for Izuku to give her a call that she now wished she had never accepted.

"I promised you three favors in order for you to let that go." Izuku said with exasperation in his voice. For the last two years both girls seemed to constantly take jabs at each other. He couldn't understand the nature of their dislike to be honest. Momo seemed to hate the idea that Mei used him as a pack mule and worse a human target for her babies. Which was something he didn't see as problem since it was things he could easily handle. A much better solution that having the pinkette attempt to use her experimental equipment herself.

To his discomfort it seemed that at the same time Mei seemed to dislike Momo simply because Momo didn't like her. The worst thing was that the two have never even met. He couldn't understand their unnecessary hostility, it didn't help that the women in his life simply smiled at him. While the men just warmed him to never try to solve the issue since it would just bring their fury onto him. "I couldn't just leave her alone. This fair was very important to Mei, without it there was a chance that she wouldn't be able to get the funding necessary to make it into UA." Izuku said with a tone that made it clear he didn't regret helping his friend, even if he had upset his first bestest friend. Momo turned her head away with a pout before letting out a sigh.

"That still doesn't make it right that you had to miss my piano recital. It took me nearly a month to convince your mom and you to let my parents pay for the trip." Momo said with a light glare making Izuku give her a stare that looked devoid of feelings due to the repetitiveness of this type of conversation.

"We told you that we didn't mind taking the bullet train, since your recital was going to be in a big fancy hotel that also happens to be famous for the beach it oversees. You know I don't want people running their mouth and saying that were taking advantage of you or your parents."

Momo instantly returned the stare as she looked at her humble and well meaning bestest friend in the world. "The fact that the two of you would rather pay for a long trip, a hotel for a single night, and a return trip instead of just accepting my family's kindness...makes me want to smack you with a tungsten bo staff until my hands get blisters." Her words causing Izuku to smile at her. At the moment that weapon was the only one she could bring out fast enough for her to be able make him feel something when she would hit him. She has gone through many different materials before finding what was currently working.

"As cute as it would be to see you tire yourself out again." His smile turned to a smirk when she slapped one of his arms. "You should really understand that Mom and I aren't used to your way of life. We know you mean well but let us take baby steps, especially since its kind of hard for me when it comes to riding certain forms of transportation." Izuku said making her cute pout turn into a small frown.

"Daddy already said he could get his hands on a private jet that can accommodate your grown weight and your potential growth. Along with whatever additional transportation you might need. It wouldn't take long to install the equipment needed to hold you as we travel." Momo said with a tone of support for her green haired friend. In the many years she has known the young man at her side, she had began to see the side effect of the amazing gift he was given. Their uncle Terry had been concerned years ago when Izuku was getting denser much faster than what was normal for the height needed for his increased weight.

Izuku wasn't the first overweight quirk user, the difference was the he was much more compact than the others. At ten years old he weighed as much as an adult that played American football. Nearly three years later her friend was getting closer to the six foot mark, extremely impressive for a twelve year old going onto thirteen. The problem was that he now weighed a staggering six hundred and forty eight pounds. And while he was clearly more physically appealing to the eyes than any other guy his age, the majority of his weight couldn't normally been seen. It didn't help that Izuku was a bit of a conservative when it came to how he dressed so he hardly showed off his muscles.

"I know... But the idea of making someone go out of their way for me in such a way happens to leave a bad taste in my mouth." Izuku said making Momo roll her eyes.

"And you going out of your way to humble yourself leaves a bad taste in my mouth." Momo said while crossing her arms to show how much she disliked the mentality that the Midoriya's wore like a badge of honor. "I don't care what others thinks so why should you?"

"Then that is going to be something that we have to agree to disagree on once again." Izuku said with a chuckle.

"I don't know why you keep fighting the inevitable of admitting that I'm right, even Hatsune-san felt you're being a dummy." Momo said making Izuku to chuckle as they started to reach the train station. While the girls had no love for each other, those feelings didn't prevent them from ganging up on him when he apparently did or said something they didn't approve of.

A very expensive car is easily seen waiting in the front of the stairs that lead to Izuku's way home. The two friends knowing that their time together was nearly coming to an end for now. Izuku had no doubt that Momo was planning on calling him as soon as he got home. While he enjoyed hearing the voice of his best friend, she apparently had the secret quirk of always being able to drag a conversation on much more than needed. And because of her bubbly nature he just couldn't find himself able to stop her once she got going. Then again Mei seemed to have the same ability but her way was just a bit tweaked from Momo's. Still he wouldn't want to change them for the world.

"Yaoyorozu-sama… Midoriya-san." Momo's driver said with respect as the two reached him. Momo let out a sigh as she saw Izuku follow the man to the trunk of the car, before depositing nearly twenty bags of things Momo had recently bought. She had offered to buy her friend a few things she knew he would look good in but once again he shot her offer down. Asking for nothing more than a meal and a drink, his reasoning being that he honestly didn't care for gaining anything more than being able to see her in person. A smile grew on her face as she was once again reminded that her best friend was truly one of a kind. Still, she always felt bad that he seemed to always turn down her gifts. Especially when she knew that he was willing to take the things Mei made for him. To be honest she felt that he was being forced to take them but she had been unable to get him to admit it. For now she would play nice and wait for a chance to fix the things wrong in her friend's life.


After watching his friend drive off in the direction of her home Izuku waited until he couldn't see her anymore. The one time he hadn't she called around the time he got home and made it very clear how bad she felt. Which is why he waited until he lost sight of her before riding the train. As Izuku walked to the boarding platform he heard the sound of the station security screaming. He let out a sigh as he saw a young man that clearly looked like he watched one too many old school gangster movies.

'Seriously... who would considering having a pompadour anymore?' Izuku thought as the teen made it closer to him. Just like with the truck earlier Izuku quickly swung out with his left arm. Catching the back of the delinquents hood and lifting him into the air with ease.

"What the hell?" The teen yelled as he tried his best to break free from Izuku's hold. The green haired middle school student just watched with a bored face as the guy attempted to kick him multiple times in order to break his hold. Izuku had caught the jacket's material and twisted it in such a way that he was able to hold the guy without worrying about chocking him. Although the guy would later be complaining about how his armpits felt like they got a carpet burn.

"Thanks for the help son." The security officer said with a smile of gratitude.

"No problem… what did he do?" Izuku asked with a bit of curiosity.

"He jumped the gate and didn't pay for the ticket. Something really stupid since he's about to get a ticket from the police that will cost him much more." The man making the teen pale.

"Look man I wouldn't have jumped the gate if I could afford to pay it..." The teen said with shame in his voice. Izuku looked over the young man's clothes and began to see that it didn't just look worn down as a fashion statement but more than likely was because of regular wear and tear.

"Sorry kid my hands are tied." The man said as he could also see that the guy wasn't like the usual delinquents wanting cause trouble.

"Is it too late to pay for his trip?" Izuku said making both set of eyes look at him with disbelief. He soon lowered the train jumper since he didn't want to humiliate the guy by keeping him in the air for too long. He made sure to keep his hold on the jacket in case the guy tried to spit on his act of understanding.

"Are you sure you want to waste your money in such a way?" The older man said before feeling that maybe this was an opportunity to set the older teen down the right path.

"I could afford it." Izuku said with a care free tone.

"I'm not into taking charity… I wouldn't be able to pay you back any time soon." The teen said as he clenched his hands as shame filled him. Making it clear that he had suffered because of his money problems. More than likely coming from a family struggling at the moment.

"Consider it an investment." Izuku said making the older teen look at him. "I don't care for the money, but if you feel bad for being helped, then when the opportunity comes up help someone else. It could be tomorrow or years from now, but when you see someone that needs help simply give it. That's good enough for me." Izuku said making the eyes of the teen to fill with disbelief.

"I… you would really...I." The teen said with uncertainty, the sound of him wanting to cry easily filling his words. His head lowered as his eyes got watery and felt his heart had been touched in a way it never had before.

"Here." The station security officer said with a smile as he offered the young man a fair amount of bills. More than enough to afford using public transportation for a month. "It wouldn't be right for me as an adult to let a kid help out when I could do more. If you really need money and you truly are willing to work... I can offer the names of a few places that can give a student part time work." The man's words making the teen's tears to flow free as he slumped to his butt at looked at the two with awe and hope.

"I'll take care of things here… I'm pretty sure your train is going to be arriving soon." The man said making Izuku nod his head. The greenette understood that he was only leaving since they didn't want to make the young man feel unnecessarily embarrassed.

"Before you go… what's your name?" The teen asked making Izuku smile.


"I'm Kyoji… I'll promise to pay you back with interest one day… I swear it." The teen said as he controlled his crying and stood up before looking at Izuku with respect for the helpful hand that had been extended to him.

"I know you will." Izuku said before leaving while waving his hand in the air as he walked towards the place he waited for his train.


{The next day at a certain middle school just after the students had been let out}

"Izukun!" A happy voice filled with enough energy to power a city suddenly yelled as Izuku walked through the court yard of his school. Easily bringing shock to those that knew the young man. The greenette couldn't help but chuckle as he caught Mei's super flying hug of ultimate friendship. He had learned that his pink haired friend didn't care about personal space and cared even less about what people thought about her. It reminded him of Kaachan but with a lot less violence, with the positive trade off being that Mei was much cuter than his old friend. As he spun with Mei his rotating body quickly bled off the speed of her flying tackle and ended it with her at his side while hugging him. Izuku smiled down at his friend as she smiled up in a way that only she was able to do.

"Couldn't wait for me to make it to your shop?" Izuku teased making Mei's smile grow brighter.

"There is no time to waste, we have babies to makes!" The words that flew out of the pinkette's mouth making Izuku become a blushing mess as the students around him screamed out in disbelief.

"The hell she just said Deku?" A loud and angry voice screamed out making Izuku sigh. The light sound of suddenly popping explosions in the air confirming who was now making his way towards the duo of friends.

"Huh?" Mei said as she looked at one Bakugou Katsuki. "Explosions… neat!" Mei said with a bit of sparkles in her eyes. Before she quickly let go of Izuku waist to grab his hand and begin to lead him out of the school yard. "We're burning daylight Izukun…Babies don't just make themselves." Mei said with excitement as she began to pull the taller boy in the direction of her house. Her marching order suddenly came to a stop as her stomach let out a growl.

"And apparently you're hungry…" Izuku said with a deadpan as the pinkette sported a light blush. While refusing to look at the one she considered the bestest of all minions in the history of the world of the year. "When was the last time you ate?" The greenette demand as Katsuki was clearly becoming much more upset at the fact that he was being ignored by the two unexpected friends.

"….." Was quietly heard from Mei's directions as she continued to refuse to turn her body. She did her best to guide him back to the very important babies that needed his help for them to be welcomed into their world.

"What was that?" The greenette said with a firm tone as he stopped letting the pinkette from moving him. Mei already understood that she would never be able to move her bestie if he suddenly decided to play the part of a statue. It had taken a lot of hours and many more babies before she learned her lesson.

"Yesterday… during breakfast with my family." Mei said as her stomach was letting the world know what it felt about her skipping meals once again. It was finally able to keep it self mostly full thanks to the greenette and didn't want Mei to ruin such a good thing. Izuku sighed before pulling gently on Mei's arm making her smile.

"Lets pick up some fast food we can eat on the way to your place." Izuku said before bringing out a cellphone and start placing an order to the nearest restaurant chain that happened to be on the way they were going to. At the same time completely ignoring the shocked looks appearing on the face of both Katsuki and Mei.

"When the hell did you get a fucking cell?" The mad bomber demanded from the friend he pushed away.

"My number better be the first on your call list!" Mei demanded, clearly her priorities were much different than that off the blond bomber. She didn't care if he had a phone or not, but since he did she better be the first in his contacts, speed dial, emergency contacts and anything else that required looking at people's info.

"The contacts are organized by alphabetic order." Izuku said with a bored voice while seeing Mei swipe his phone and start messing with it. If one studied the face of the greenette they would see that without a doubt her actions was something he had clearly expected. He just hoped it didn't break, otherwise it will be hard explaining to his uncles why it only lasted twenty four hours. Apparently his family had been in touch with one of the phone developers, and had them built him a practically indestructible phone. That way his growing strength wouldn't suddenly break anything he used if he lost his focus for a brief moment. The fact that he could shatter concrete without much struggle was greatly taken into account. His phone was a prototype that would hopefully one day be placed on the market for those with similar problems to his own. Unfortunately he was pretty sure the manufacture wouldn't appreciate Mei deleting their OS and installing something that was at least a few generations in advance. Then again they might try to replicate her programs but he was pretty sure that it would be easier if they just bought the coding off the pinkette. After all, she was more than likely to make something better in a few weeks.

"Answer me Deku!" Bakugou yelled out making Izuku sigh before looking at the friend he had lost so long ago. He still cared for the boy standing in front of him, but he knew he couldn't let the guy keep acting like he was the greatest thing since man learned to tame fire. Not to mention Momo had made it clear she didn't care much for the guy. And unfortunately for the walking B-52, the greenette cared more about the young heiress than about the spiky blond. At the same time Izuku was still surprised that Kaachan was able to upset people that had only heard about his attitude.

"Does it really matter?"Izuku said making Katsuki suddenly stop in disbelief. "I've only had it since last night and hadn't planned to contact my friends with it until I got home. And you have made it clear that you haven't been my friend for a very long time." The words of the green haired boy upsetting the blond haired boy greatly. The explosions at the hands of the blond were growing in power as he nearly snarled at the taller greenette.

"Izukun… who is Deku?" Mei cut in since she was finally given a chance to collect herself. There was also the fact that she had heard the word being used twice in their direction.

"Deku is the idiot whose hand you happen to be holding." Katsuki said as the need to hurt the boy he grew up with started to become the dominate part of his psyche. "That quirkless, weak and useless, nobody's name is Deku. Always has been and always will be." A dark smirk was on the young man's face as he stared at the one who he felt the most threatened by. A small part of him feeling uncomfortable at the flash of anger that appeared in the greenette's face.

"That's stupid… and if you really believe that then you're much dumber than what I first thought you were." Mei's unexpected words suddenly causing Katsuki to glare with all his might towards the pinkette. "Izukun is the greatest guy in the world, no one can match how awesome he is. If you believe that he is quirkless, much less useless, then you clearly need to get your head checked. Not to mention you're clearly dealing with a developing vision problem..." Mei said before her eyes shined with excitement.

Izuku's eyes grew with worry as Mei suddenly grabbed the bottom of his shirt and lifted it. His well toned and greatly developed center now being showed to all those looking in his direction. Many male students in Izuku's class felt a great deal of inferiority, while the girls couldn't help but blush at how amazing the core of his body happen to look. Japan was a nation that was well known for having fit people. However the biology of the greenette was something that would be more common in the west. Near his pants one can see the forming of the legendary V cut that so many athletes desired and killed themselves for. The middle school boy didn't just even out his stomach, nope... he clearly over shot the common six pack and was now proudly starting an eight. The bit of his pectoral muscles that could be seen looked like they would be able to deflect a bullet. Mei easily radiating joy as she nodded her head while taking in the physical frame of her closest friend.

"Yup.. his muscles are still number one." Mei said with pride as Izuku gave her a light glare as he lowered his shirt while blushing. The pinkette had made it clear during their friendship that she was a big fan of macho men.

"Da Hell?" Bakugou said with disbelief and a bit of self disgust. For the longest he thought that Izuku beating him in sports was simply a fluke but after seeing those muscles he wasn't too sure. 'Shit… is this why that one substitute gym teacher ran out of the locker room crying that one time.'

"Anyway… we need to get going Mei, wouldn't want to push our work time any later than what we already did." Izuku said as he lifted Mei and began jogging away from his school.

"Run like the wind… no... like light speed is better… I just need you to haul ass Izukun! The babies are calling to me!" Mei yelled as she finished holding on to his neck as he ran. Izuku doing his best, as the most physical fit guy she knew, and was now running as fast as he could. Her words causing him to stumble a bit in embarrassment. She didn't fear that he would suddenly fall since she knew he had near perfect and purely natural balance. She was still experimenting on his limits and what it would take to break them. She didn't care how many times Izuku told he had gone through such test, she needed to see the results herself to confirm the conclusion of the lower lifeforms.

"Mei! Language!" Izuku yelled causing the pinkette to laugh into the wind. No doubt enjoying once again the fact she was able to get him to react in such a manner. To those watching the duo they couldn't believe their eyes as Mei practically flew in the air as she held onto the taller boy. Normally one would think that Izuku wouldn't feel comfortable putting the pinkette in such a position, however over the years the potential hero had learned that common sense couldn't really be applied to the mad scientist to be.

"Da Fuck?!" The blond bomber yelled as he found himself completely confused and enraged over the events that just happened.


{During another regular day of the week. Less than an hour before middle school is let out.}

Midoriya Inko was having another lovely day. After paying off her bills and finishing her shopping she had just gotten home. A wonderful smile on her face as she finished stocking her pantry and fridge. Her life had changed so much and mostly for the better. She was now divorced from her childhood sweetheart, and thanks to the years that passed she had finally gotten over his betrayal. A part of her will always be grateful for the greatest gift he had ever given her. That being her beloved yet not so little hero.

As she thought of her little man she couldn't help but smile with pride and joy. While she missed the days that her little hero would run around in his All Might pajamas, she couldn't ever take away the fact he had become an incredible person. Her son was now more than capable of not only defending himself but so many others with ease. Over the years she had watched his change from a little boy with dreams to a soon to be hero that would bring peace to their home and fear to his future opponents. She had naturally been filled with shocked when the government suddenly became involved in the growth of her son. Such feelings disappeared as his abilities developed, in time she was able to accept that they truly wished for the best from her little man, not to mention that she would never been able to guide her son like Project J did.

Cleo, Kamihira and Terry became such important role models for her son. At first she was unsure of allowing such individuals to be a part of Izuku's life, this was especially true when the Council heading Project J made it clear that the three were to do all in their power to ensure the untouchable boy became a proper hero. Most of her uncertainty was dismissed when she heard that they had volunteered when they had been approached by the project head. She welcomed them into her heart when she saw how much they really cared about the well being of her son and even her own being. The fact that the three heroes had even fought against certain parts of the testing made them even more precious in the lives of the Midoriya family.

Now her little man was only a year away from the final stretch for applying to his school of choice. Inko was sure that soon schools will be sending scouters to her home in hopes of recruiting her precious little man. But she already knew where her son had his heart set. There was still the fact that if Terry had gone to a regular hero school it would have played a great part of her son's decision making. A sad smile formed on her face as she thought of the younger man that had become the closest out the trio that joined her son's family picture. At first Terry was just a friend, over the years he had become family… unfortunately it seemed that the blond werewolf had wished for something more. She had tried responding to Terry's affection, but in the end Inko wasn't feeling it. Terry was fortunately mature enough to accept her rejection without too much issue. It eased her heart knowing that the man hadn't distanced himself like she had first feared. It would have devastated Izuku if his favorite mentor would no longer be a part of his life. Thankfully such drama never became a part of their lives.

Inko had to pause as she suddenly felt something was wrong in her house. She had picked up a few things over the years as her son trained, and while she had no plans to go patrolling, she was still capable of defending herself from the common thug. Something she wasn't able to claim before her son's quirk first activated.

Inko quickly turned and saw a young man similar in height as her son, she was sure he was just entering his twenties. Of course Inko knew such things didn't matter since he was currently pointing a gun at her. With a quick wave of her hand she ripped the weapon out of his hand easily catching the house invader off guard. Her free limb now swinging at his direction, causing one of her bigger pots to smash right into his face. The man let out a yell of pain as he fell towards the living room. Inko quickly turned to run towards the back yard to get away, pulling her phone from the counter so that she could call the authorities. Her plans quickly being derailed as the door suddenly swung open and a young woman stood before her. She didn't have much of a chance to react when her new attacker threw both of her fist forward. Inko jumped back in hopes of dodging the attack only to see the air in front of her start to warp before a wave of air pressure smashed her into the wall. She wasn't given much time to register the sudden rush of pain as the sound of four shots filled the air.

"Never thought a house mom would ever give us this much trouble." A teen said as he walked past the woman that assaulted the green haired house mom now laying on the floor.

"Stupid bitch got a lucky shot." The older male growled as he made his way towards Inko.

"That was more than luck… didn't matter at the end." The female of the group said as the taller man lifted their target.

"Lets take the body to where the boss wanted her before we start running into trouble." The younger male said with anxiousness as he quickly held the door open.

"Its the middle of the day and we made sure she was the only one around. It will be a while before anyone starts looking for her." The older male said with a carefree tone as they left the property. Making sure to do their best to only move when they were clear to do so.

"Doesn't mean we have to take any unnecessarily risk… unlike you, the rest of us can't survive the boss ripping us a new one." The younger villain said making the female nod her head.

"Pussies." The man said with a smirk that showed great pride on his face.


{Downtown in the hero agency known as Lone Wolf and Guardians}

Terry Bogard, alias Daigoji, was stretching as he finished his shift for the day. It had been relatively boring during the week and to be honest it had been that way for months. If it wasn't for the nice bonus he got from Project J he probably would be worried about the lack of hero work. Of course he knew that it was only thanks to his surrogate nephew/son that things were so easy for him. If he was honest then he would admit that at this point of time he made more money running the dojo above his hero agency than fighting crime. Still he couldn't deny that he was very happy during this part of his life. If only his love life had gone a little better, something that was still a fresh scar on his heart.

The sound of their main line going off caused the Lycan to pause in the middle of punching out. He was just about to finish his 10 hour shift except his gut told him to listen to the potential emergency. Even if his mind said it was probably just some punks messing around.

"Terry!" One of his senior sidekicks called out. The light panic he heard in the young man's voice made the street fighter to rush to his side.

"It's a woman named Mitsuki, she wants to talk to you. She's hysterical and won't tell me what is going on." Terry didn't bother to thank the man as he snatched the phone out of his hands.

"Terry here… what's going on?"

"It's Inko…Izuku…" Mitsuki's words causing a pit to form in the man's stomach.

"What's wrong? If anything happened to either of them I'll personally rip the damn bastards apart." The Lycan snarled out as he accidentally started to transform into his more feral form.

"They took her… Izuku went after them… Katsuki wanted to talk to Izuku after school but didn't get a chance to see him since he rushed out of their home. He didn't even bother using the door. My son said he just saw Izuku smash his way out of his own house… the front of the place isn't even standing anymore. The pavement has pot holes leading in the direction that he ran off to. I just found the note the kidnappers left… they want Izuku. They threatened to hurt Inko if he told anyone. Please you have to do something." The normally strong and proud woman was clearly allowing all her emotions to be heard through her words. The golden lycan had never heard his crush's best friend sound so nearly broken.

"I will… I swear I'll make things right." Terry growled out as he pointed to every senior member of his agency while simultaneously he listened to Mitsuki read him what the note said. His anger growing as this group of thugs calling themselves the brotherhood demanded that his boy become the muscle to usher in a new world. How dare they threatened two of the most important people in his life? How dare they claim that the young man he was raising was nothing more than a government tool? But more importantly, how dare they force his kind protegee into an act of true vigilance in order to save the wonderful Inko? At this point he wasn't sure what he was more worried about, Inko getting hurt because he didn't make it on time. Or the fact that the human juggernaut he has been training for nearly a decade wasn't going to leave him enough bodies to vent out his own frustration. Either way bodies were going to hit the floor and there was no force on earth that was going to stop him or Izuku from saving the woman they cared so much about. With a quick flip of his phone he quickly called the emergency line for Project J and told them what was going on as his team finished getting ready. It was time for his guardians to evolve into wolves for the hunt. He knew that by the time the night was over they would paint the town with the blood of their enemies. Which was a shame since their home was normally such a quiet and peaceful place.


'Don't worry mom, I won't let anyone hurt you.' One enraged Midoriya Izuku thought as he rushed towards the abandoned warehouse he had been ordered to go. His face had never looked so serious and his eyes was radiating the pure desire to feel someone's head being crushed between his fingers. It had been a normal boring day, yet as soon as he got home he found signs of a struggle along with the note left behind, explaining what had happened to his mother. His heart at the moment was unable to decide what was more important, the worry he felt for his mom, or the pure fury at the fools that would dare bring harm to the most important and caring person in his life. In the end he knew that if anything happened to her, he wouldn't be able to walk the path of a hero no more. And while a part of his mind knew that was a bad thing, the rest of it didn't care.

He was finally able to see the warehouse his mother was being held captive in. It had a large concrete wall along with many buildings and water towers surrounding it. He took note of such things, while his body smashed its way through the thick wall instead of taking advantage of the main gate. Finding no reaction from his mother's attackers he decided to continue his way to the warehouse. As he reached the walls he didn't even bothered to strike it, the green haired juggernaut just continued to walk through the brick, concrete, metal and wood that made up a part of the support for the main structure. The normally considered durable materials offering no resistance to his will. His ears barely registering the sound of his phone going off as he looked around the building with low lighting. He didn't have time to waste answering, his mother's safety was his current priority, that meant he refused to show a sign that he was being disobedient to their demands. His eyes quickly searching everything in his new environment hoping to find signs of his mother. Finally they came to rest upon the figure standing in the middle of the room, a person he had ignored as he scanned the room. While he had only gotten a glimpse of the young man so many years ago it wasn't easy forgetting the key features that set the guy apart from others.

Izuku couldn't help but notice how much stronger the young man looked. Before the guy looked like a basketball player that did gymnastics as a hobby. Now it looked like the guy had been hitting the gym none stop. He had gotten taller. By nearly half a foot, his height surpassing that of Izuku's. His arms were long with sharp claws at the end. He had patches of fur developing around him that was no doubt thanks to his quirk. His feral face making it clear he had only one thing in mind. His mouth full of sharp feline teeth ready to tear into whatever flesh it could.

"That mom of yours is much tougher than what she first appears to be." The feline based man snarled out with a tone of respect. Izuku didn't really care what he thought, the idiot made it clear that he was an enemy.

"Where is she?" Izuku demanded making the man bare his fangs.

"She is here…." The man said with a smirk making it clear that he was enjoying the rage developing in the boy before him. "But not in this building. I'm not a fan of all this pussy footing around… if it was up to me… we would have already made you into our bitch without dealing with all this drama." His words filled with a growl as Izuku took in the way he stood. The boy's anger calmed a bit as he faced down the villain that surprising had some morals.

"So what's really going on? I doubt you guys kidnapped my mom with hopes of gaining a ransom." The powerful boy said making the man look at him with confusion, then disbelief before he started laughing. As his laughter calmed down he had an annoyed look on his face.

"And this is why I told them to leave the address at the end of the note. I bet you didn't even bother reading the whole thing after learning about where your mom was." The man said with clear understanding in his voice. "I can respect that. I'm not a fan of unnecessary bullshit either. You're strong for a kid, and probably going to get much stronger. My boss wants to see where you stand and what you can offer. I'm sure you can fill in the gaps."

"Yeah… I can." Izuku said as he popped his neck before cracking his knuckles. A savage smirk filled the man before him. He started to jump in place like a boxer as Izuku marched in his direction. Izuku wasn't sure why it happened but suddenly the two charged each other. His opponent was clearly more agile and faster but Izuku was confident in his ability to nullify such disadvantages. The proof of his confidence being the ground below as it cracked and shattered under the pure force of his stomps as he drew closer to his first personal enemy.

As the two males came to a clash, Izuku rose his fist to smash the mother of all hay makers into the man that dared to put his hands on his loving mom. The villain at the same time pounced towards the greenette with both set of claws in front of him ready to viciously tear into his flesh. He couldn't wait to face the future hero, a mere boy that had already proven to be leagues above many of the pros when it came to pure raw power. A yell for righteous battle and a roar of a predator leaving their mouths as they were mere moments from hitting each other. If anyone was seeing the battle that was soon to start they would feel that two titans were just about to lay waste to everything around them as they attempted to bring as much pain as possible to one another.


The sounds of controlled explosions, pure energy and of people attempting to hurt each other filled the air. A certain golden werewolf growled as he slid on the ground, his fangs able to be seen by every fighter in the warehouse he was in. The reason for his animalistic aggression was the fact he just learned that the note Bakugou had found was apparently a fake. It seemed that the brotherhood was a far great threat than what the government of Japan had first thought. A part of him was regretting not waiting for the hero support he was promised. However saving the mother, and person he greatly cared for, was too important for him to ignore for nearly an hour. Which is why he took the four most combat capable senior members of his firm to battle. Only to run into a group of five individuals that seemed more than able to neutralize their abilities.

Terry had to suddenly jump back as a large slab of steel smashed in front of him. His blue eyes locking with those of his current foe. A young man in his early twenties, but the thing that caught his attention the most was the nearly golden metallic and plated skin he now sported.

'A young man with a defensive quirk that grants him a boost in physical strength. These bastards really have gone out of their way to piss me off.' Terry snarled in his mind before rushing towards the young man. Using his experience as a fighter to dodge his powerful hits before using his martial arts skills to grab the young man and toss him at the direction of another villain. The guy was heavy, Terry would give the guy that, but a lifetime of sparing with Izuku had prepared him for facing much heavier opponents. The sudden villains colliding was more than enough to give one of his sidekicks the time needed to catch his breath. Before they had the chance to recover and counter attack, the group of villains suddenly banded together. A blinding flash of silver light later and the villains suddenly disappeared from the warehouse they had been fighting in for the last ten minutes.

"Boss what just happened?" A sidekick whose quirk turned his right arm into a cannon asked as he looked towards the Lycan.

"Doesn't matter, lets focus on why were here." Terry growled before rushing to continue checking the set of warehouses they were at. Normally he would worry about having no other lead, however he just barely heard Izuku getting into his own fight. Making it clear that Inko still had to be in the area. He had to make it, he refused to have Izuku devastated because they had been unable to save her. Yet a part of him instinctively knew he was going to take Izuku in if anything happened to their beloved Inko.


The sound of psychotic laughter filled a warehouse, infuriating Izuku far more than he had ever been, as the greenette stared down a pile of ruble. Said ruble being the source of the insane laugh. Once more, like a bad rerun to Izuku's eyes, his animalistic foe dug his way out of the wreckage their battle had recently left him in. Twenty exchanges and twenty times Izuku had smashed the mad man through another wall and left him broken. Only for the guy's overpowered regeneration to make him battle ready within seconds. Yet there was something that Izuku had taken a few bouts to catch on to. It was taking more work each time to beat the guy down. And Izuku knew it wasn't because he was getting tired, if fact Izuku felt that he could keep beating the guy down for hours if he wasn't in such a hurry to get to his mom.

Instead it felt like he had to hit the guy more times than the last round just to get him to stay down. And even then the guy would get up and rush him in order to pounce on his back and attempt to claw his eyes out. Twice, Izuku had thought the guy was buried once and for all, and twice the guy had ambushed him. Izuku was annoyed at the guy wrapping himself around his back and constantly clawing at his face. The man's claws couldn't hurt him, but it was still annoying to feel them scrapping on the hidden shield that covered his body. It had taken a bit of creative effort and even more administration of brute force to remove the catman on his back.

The laughing soon became a light chuckling as the man finished getting out of the pile to glare at the teen. The villains hands were hanging to the floor, and if he had been any other person Izuku would have felt he was on his last leg. The sound of bones popping themselves back into their sockets filled the air as his foe stood to full height and checked the limits of his arms. Stopping with a more than ready clawed hand near his face, them man soon gave a vicious smirk towards Izuku.

"I'm having a lot of fun kid… been a long time since anyone has pushed me this far."

"How many more times do I have to break you so that you can leave me alone?" Izuku growled out as he began to rush the man. The villain smirk grew as he saw that he was getting on the nerves of the young man, as the fight went on it was clear that Izuku was no longer playing with kid gloves.

"Until one of us is no longer able to stand on his own." The man snarled out and rushed the greenette before him. He attempted to jump to the side in order to sweep the boy. Only to feel Izuku clamp his hand around the man's forearm. The sound of breaking bones filled the air as Izuku brought down the full pressure his hand could create. The villain's eyes grew in pain as eight tons of pressure attempted to turn his bones into dust. To make things worse the boy just twisted his hand with such force that the breaking of the villain's forearm nearly caused the man's hand to be ripped off the limb completely. With fluid ease Izuku swung the man closer to him to deliver a headbutt that shattered his opponents cranium. The man's head looked like it had been crushed by a wrecking ball.

The man's brain having no choice other than being forced to shutdown, from the guy's regeneration failing to keep up with the sudden and rapidly accumulating damage.

Izuku then went on to bring down both of his closed hands on the shoulders of the man that had killed so much of his preciously valued time. The force of the double hammer blow causing the feline based villain to smash face first into the ground. If he had been able to make a conscious thought he would have done everything to prevent Izuku's foot from smashing into the middle of his spine. Deepening the crater them villain's body had crater by a factor of four.

Izuku easily ignored the sound of his foot paralyzing the man as he moved towards a heavy machine. He lifted it off the ground and prepared to pin the villain down with its four tons of mass. Without warning the main doors of the warehouse smashed open. Izuku had to close his eyes at the sudden flood lights that turned on, instantly causing his eyes to squint in pain. A wave of roaring flames suddenly blasted the machine out of his hands. Before he could respond to the fact that Endeavor was clearly aiming at more than just the machine. He suddenly felt his body being smashed with a force that made his eyes grow with disbelief. The grunt that escaped his lips proved that the strength used against him was one he had rarely experienced before.

His eyes glared at the hero that just finished delivering a superman punch to his face. The impact of the powerful blow created a shock wave that caused some of the heroes now on the scene to brace themselves. Unfortunately it didn't matter much to Izuku, who had just spent the last thirty minutes fighting a man with such durability that it would make even a cockroach scream out bullshit. His mom was in danger and now these, in his current opinion, idiots before him decided to attack him for no reason. Needless to say that the normally kind green haired hero to be was not in a forgiving mood. This fact being proven when Izuku's eyes locked with those of Death Arms. The man easily regretting his sudden attempt at stopping the boy that they had been asked to help. Unfortunately no one had bothered to tell the assembled heroes that the middle school child's size and height was that of a grown man. Nor where they informed that he was capable of tanking hits that Death Arms couldn't match, even after the man had thrown all of his power into the earlier strike.

There was also the fact that none of the heroes called upon had expected for him to be standing over a man looking like he was ready to commit a murder. At this point the hero that usually solved most problems with his fist was wishing they hadn't been so gun ho. His eyes easily seeing that no amount of apologizing was going to make up for the sucker punch he just delivered. He knew the coming hit was going to hurt… a lot. Mainly due to the fact that his own punch, that could knock out most villains, was only able to force the boy before him to turn his head.

With a roar of righteous fury Izuku grabbed the head of Death Arms. The iron claw technique quickly causing the pro hero to grab the hand clamping down on his skull. The pressure he was experience was causing him a great deal of pain, and no matter how much he pulled on the boy's fingers he couldn't get them to bulge.

"Death Arms!" Uwabami, the growing Snake Hero, cried out in alarm. When they had first arrived she had quickly felt out where the most fighting was coming from, along with finding the locations of the people in the area they were now in. She had sensed where the hostage was at, Inko Midoriya had been left alone in a chair at the other side of the walled area they were now in. They had sent a single pro hero to rescue her. The main force of heroes had been splint in half, one group going towards the large battle she had felt. No doubt that area was where the local heroes were attempting to find the woman and her son. The remaining heroes made their way to the warehouse that had only a duo of combatants. And considering her snakes had informed her that one of the fighters was being knocked around like a rag doll, she had naturally assumed that it was the boy they were hoping to save. With a plan set for them to disorient the villain, from hurting the boy with the impressive defensive quirk, they quick got to work. First the police used their high powered flood lights to blind the man picking on the boy that was desperate to save his precious mom. She already had a speech ready in order to educate the boy on how important it was to wait for the pro heroes.

Next they would do all in their power to bring the man down as quickly as possible. Ensuring the safety of the boy while his mother was being brought to them. In the mean time another hero was going to carry the boy over to them.

Her eyes grew with shock and then worry as she looked towards the man that had been rushing to help who they previously had thought was the boy. Vlad King had stopped to look towards his fellow pro hero, he had been hoping to see another villain get the righteous justice he deserved. Only to pause with his mouth hanging open as he saw the boy he was suppose to be helping tank and then capture the punch loving hero.

"I couldn't believe the kids strength either when I first saw it." A voice filled with ill intention said in order to make the blood hero to look down. The man soon let out a scream of pain as the villain that had just finished healing viciously attacked him.

"Damn it." Izuku snarled out as he tossed Death Arms in the direction of Endeavor. Not caring if the guy was helped by the number two hero from crashing into the wall he was thrown at. At the moment he had a more dangerous threat to deal with. His green eyes watched as Vlad's King's chest was cut open by the feline bastard he had just been fighting. The man's claws tearing into the vampire themed hero with ease, leaving a terrible cut across his torso. And clearly just to kick a man that was down, the villain went on to claw Vlad's King's face. Before the cat like man finished toying with the pro hero he found himself being tackled and then carried out of the warehouse. He snarled in pain as he was crushed through walls, heavy equipment and anything else a warehouse could hold. He was soon tossed into the ground and made to skip like a stone on water before coming to a stop. He started to chuckle as he saw the boy that had been knocking him around since their fight started. The same boy that had slowly been showing far more power than what the man had been seen when scouting him.

"It's not nice to be using people as a battering ram." The villain joked a bit in order to buy time for his healing to work its magic. Luckily for him the boy hadn't done too much damage, the guy figured it was because the boy was more focused on making a large distance between them and the heroes that were clearly not ready to face him.

"I think its worse attempting to murder someone." Izuku countered making the man before him to smirk.

"True, but the guy just made it so easy to cut his ass up. Now where were we?"

"You were just about to tell me where my mom is before I say fuck it and just rip you in two." Izuku growled out making the man's eyes to grow in disbelief. First reason being that this was the first time he had heard the boy cuss like ever. Second the idea of someone so young considering such a violent act as a solution left him extremely uncomfortable. And while the boy had been using all kinds of blunt trauma to knock him out, he hadn't resorted to maiming him in such a manner. That sucker punch definitely made Izuku to go dark.

"Whoa… easy there kid… I only know of one ass hole that could survive that." The man said with a bit of worry since he saw Izuku's face fill with a vicious and dominating look.

"So there is a limit to your regeneration." Izuku said before rushing the man with a new enthusiasm he had never shown before. Before the green haired juggernaut could reach his target the man was suddenly snatched out of his sights. Izuku wasn't even able to see how it had happened. One reason being the guy basically disappeared out of his line of sight, the second being that a concrete wall was suddenly formed in front of him. He crashed head first into it before smashing his way out of it. He turned back around and saw that this wall was five times thicker than what he had already broken earlier.

Of course at that moment it didn't mean much to him. The reason being the four heroes and one mysterious creature standing before him. His feline target, and unwilling informer, was now unconscious. His mouth foaming and his eyes rolled to the back of his head.

Izuku's eyes grew with disbelief as he looked upon the man that was standing triumphantly over the foe he had been unable to best. His iconic blue and red costume, a Colgate smile that Izuku would swear made his mom blush when she thought he wasn't looking, his signature and unique blond hair. Along with a set of muscles that made even his own look modest. His bigger than life presence that easily over shadowed the group of individuals he was standing with. It didn't take long for the young Midoriya for him to process that standing before him was his childhood hero. A man he had nearly worshiped if it hadn't been for the wonderful people he had been blessed to have grown up knowing.

All Might's smile dropped a bit as the young man before him changed before his eyes. The green eyes before him for a moment had been full of awe and joy at meeting him. No doubt he was one of his many fans, however that shine had quickly left. Clearly the boy had been taught well to know when it was the best time to relax during a mission. And now the young man was surely analyzing if the heroes before him was going to be another liable distraction. His headset already informing him on what had happened earlier in the warehouse. Toshinori Yagi was feeling quite the bit of shame at the actions that his fellow pros had done during their first encounter with the potential hero before him. They had planned to make a strong and positive first impression on the young man they hoped to recruit.

It had only been hours earlier that Principle Nezu had asked him and a few other heroes of his school to join him for a special meeting. Yagi wasn't sure how the small mammal got such information, but they had learned that a special and well funded part of the military was apparently attempting to recruit future heroes. To make things worse they had apparently done just about everything under their power to keep their project a secret. All might understood that heroes had to have a good deal of loyalty to their native country, but he did not like the idea of trying to brainwash children into potential weapons.

Nezu at the moment had only been able to find the files of Project J when dealing with two children. One being the heir of Yaoyorozu family, when considering how much business the man did with the military, it was easy to understand why the man had involved his only daughter. The second and far more complicated file was that of the young man before him. A boy that had so much potential that it frightened even All Might to a degree. While the boy had not shown a level of power able to best him, the man knew he wasn't going to be able to take him down with ease. From what Nezu explained the boy was an unstoppable force when he wished it. And considering all the damage they had seen on the way in, Yagi was hoping to be able to guide the young man on the path of a true hero.

"Relax Young Midoriya, for we are here to make things right." All Might said with a smile hoping to salvage the situation.

"Yeah… I can tell." Izuku said with a more relaxed tone as he got closer to the four heroes before him. The anger in his eyes easing a bit at the fact that his fourth favorite pro hero was standing before him. Before All Might and the others could react, Izuku pushed off the ground with a great deal of force and threw out his right hand towards the face of the 18+ only hero Midnight. Her sky blue eyes filling with fear at the sudden attack, she had seen his power first hand just a few moments ago and didn't want it directed at her.

A sound similar to an explosion suddenly went off in front of Midnight. Her eyes opened up to see two shocking things, the first being Izuku using his left arm in an attempt to block a punch from All Might. The pain in his face showing that he was soon going to regret doing such a thing. The second thing was that a set of claws had been intercept by the boy's right hand. Unfortunately Eraser Head had chosen that moment to negate the boy's power. Allowing the villain to tear into the flesh of they young man that had anticipated his attack. Yet simultaneously allowing the number one hero to hit the greenette with the force more than needed to break his arm according to the reports they had quickly skimmed through. Lucky for Izuku those reports were two years old and he had gotten a bit harder to break. Still the light fractures his bones were sporting hurt like hell.

"Thanks for the assist heroes." The villain smirked with a savagery that left a few of them uncomfortable. His claws still within the hand that had preventing his attempt at mutilating another hero. Yet without a doubt the man felt pride at finally being able to dig his claws into the brat that had been owing their battle. There was also a sick amount of glee he felt when at seeing the horrified faces of the heroes around him, once they caught on that he was able to lay such a damaging attack thanks to them.

"You should have just kept playing dead!" Izuku roared out as he swung the man through the air and slammed him as hard as he could. A massive crater formed around the villain as a good amount of his bones were shattered at the point of impact. He didn't get much of a chance to react to the pain as his body bounced off the ground and into the range of Izuku's right fist. The greenette throwing the hardest hard right he could right into the face of the man that had caused him so many problems. The man's body soon shot from Izuku like if he had been stuffed into a cannon and crashed into one of the many water towers filling the area.

"That's enough young man." Nezu suddenly said as they saw Izuku about to lift rip off a power pole off the ground and launch it. Eraser Head once again using his power on the young man as his special cloth wrapped around him.

"It's no where near enough, I've fought him long enough to know that will only keep him down for a few moments." Izuku growled out as he grabbed a hold of the cloth wrapped around his right arm. The eyes of the heroes growing in disbelief as they saw his left hand rip him free of Eraser Head's attempt to contain him.

"Toshi." Nezu merely spoke causing the number one hero to rush towards the villain. The man quickly jumping back and showing impressive acrobatics as he tried to keep out of All Might's reach. Izuku watched as the man took only ten second to disable them man before cuffing him.

"A shame such a talented person wasted his life walking the path of evil." All Might said as he carried the man with one hand. Only for a flash of silver light to temporary blind them, its origin being the man that had just been captured. As they regained their vision they found a stupefied looking All Might as he found himself one villain short.

"Congratulations Baby Juggernaut, you have passed the first trial of the brotherhood. Rest for now, as it is clear that there is still much growth for you to do. Until next time my adorable legacy holder."A woman's voice said through the mind of Izuku. While her voice seemed kind and very sweet in his ears, he could still hear the darkness it hid. He was just glad she wasn't some sort of pervert, instead giving off the vibe of a big sister. Which was something he found extremely strange.

Still he finally found himself relaxing as he found a plain looking man leading his mom towards their location. A familiar howl in the air making him truly feel at ease as a massive werewolf landed between him and the group that came with All Might.

"Its okay Uncle Terry, I don't think we will be dealing with any problems anymore." Izuku said with a smile as he finally sat down and allowed the night's madness to be properly processed. The werewolf was clearly unsure how to react but decided to follow the lead of the young teen he helped raise. He returned to his human form as his sidekicks soon made it to them. The lycan watched as Snatch brought Inko to her son. The mother crying her lovely green eyes out as she held her son with all her might. Making it clear how much fear the woman had been feeling at the thought of leaving her precious little hero. Her nickname making Izuku blush, Terry to laugh with others joining him. Midnight was enjoying the embarrassed face of the middle school teen that had the physical body of a young Olympian, that happened to specialize in weight lifting.

All Might and Eraser Head felt great shame as they watched the young man ignore his injuries to hold his mother in a gentle hug. They couldn't believe that a person capable of showing such love and gentleness to another could have done the things he did earlier. To make things worse they were reminded of their moment of recklessness as they saw the mother suddenly faint as she took in her son wounds.

"We had been warned that the man wouldn't hesitate to attack anyone when given the opportunity." Nezu said as Cementoss, Eraser Head, Midnight and All Might gave the family some space. The second group of pro heroes standing farther back. Deciding to play it safe and keep their distance. While Vlad King was already taken to the hospital, Death Arms and Endeavor were still sore from suddenly colliding with one another. The second rank hero wasn't doing a good job of showing his dislike of the greenette that decided to suddenly play catch with him.

Still the man couldn't fault the young man since he probably would have done the same if he was in his position. Yet a his heart began to hurt when a traitorous part of his mind had suddenly asked him if his own children would have done the same as Izuku if he had been in trouble. Would his own blood dare risk everything in order to save him. While he knew the answer if it involved his wife… he couldn't admit to the outcome if it was him in danger.

"Perhaps the good general was right when he said that the pros wouldn't be able to accept young Izuku." Nezu said with some shame in voice as he looked towards the young man that had been so impressive, so dedicated and calm. Perhaps there was some benefit at allowing Project J to continue to help the boy.

"You can't be serious sir. You can already tell he's far more aggressive than any boy his age should ever be." Eraser Head made sure that the principal of their school understood the danger of allowing Izuku to continue to be trained by soldiers and others with a similar mentality. He could easily see the former werewolf glaring at him with killer intent as the green haired boy reported everything he had gone through.

"I think we should ease up a bit. Tonight has been a rough night, it would probably be for the best if we give him some space." Midnight advised as she remembered the moment of sadness in Izuku's face as she displayed some fear when he was trying to help her. No matter how fast he had been at trying to hide his pain, it didn't change the fact she had been the one to hurt his young heart.

"I agree, we won't make much headway with everyone's emotions running high." Cementoss added his two cents making Nezu nod his head as he sat on All Might's shoulder. The mysterious mammal instantly taking note of his former student being unsure if they should leave. Even if the man decided to follow the majority's opinion. The majority of the suddenly called heroes left leaving Terry and his sidekicks to ensure the safety of the two civilians. The police had wanted to question the young man but the family's government assigned lawyer was there to deal with such matters.


Izuku sat in a bedroom as he thought over everything he just went through. Terry had offered them his guest room while a special team of quirk using contractors repaired his home. His mom had wanted to sleep with their futons together. Only for the worried woman to roll towards his side and latch on to his torso. Izuku patted her head as she let out silent tears that would be joined by a few random whimpers. A frown grew on his face as he hoped to find out all the names of the members of the brotherhood. That way he could hurt them physically for the emotional pain they brought his mother. The one positive thing from what happened was that he learned he had a limited healing factor. The bone fracture and the hole that had been clawed into his hand was soon gone after a few minutes of being made. Still he would have preferred not learning about it thanks to All Might shattering his shield in order to hit his arm. Izuku had not been able to figure out that it had been Eraser Head that had disabled his quirk long enough to allow for the sudden attack to connect.

Izuku let out a sigh as he could hear Terry once again patrolling his house. A smile soon formed on the face of Izuku and he allowed his guard to drop, knowing that the his uncle of lycan would do everything in his power to protect them. He wouldn't be surprised if the man offered them to start living with him in order to help ensure their safety. And if Izuku was honest and a little greedy he would love to be living with Terry and his mom under one roof like a real and complete family. The green haired boy turning into a man soon rested on his bed, his motion causing his mom to hug him a little tighter than before. Closing his eyes so that he could rest the human juggernaut got comfortable for another night without sleep. They were starting to become more common compared to when he was younger. He truly was starting to miss the sweet release of a good night's rest. And while his body was able to handle the lack sleep there was times he desired with all his heart to dive into a good dream.


Izuku smiled as he enjoyed the breakfast that his mother had made for them this morning. They had been staying with the blond werewolf for nearly a month. Apparently there had been some legal problems with the landlord preventing them from moving back. While the Midoriya family were a bit upset at first they couldn't blame the guy. Only for their lawyer Kaoru to take care of the problem, and at the same time work on getting a home better able to handle Izuku and any problems that might appear in the future.

Inko broke down in tears of joy when she heard that General Nobunaga had decided to pay for the construction of their new home out of his own pockets. When she tried to deny his generosity the man made it clear that he was doing it for Izuku. The man had lived a tough life in the service, but he did it for his family and the innocent that couldn't fight. He had been serving his country for a long time. His wife had already passed away, his children were now raising their heirs. And while the man was old enough to retire, he had kept his body strong as he stayed in Japan's national defense force. Always hoping to properly guide the future defenders of his precious home. In fact the man had made it clear over the years that he saw Izuku as his own grandchild. Sometimes claiming that Inko was his youngest daughter and the most motherly of his own children. Always making it clear that the woman had greatly reminded him of his loving wife that passed away a hero. Inko smiled as she took the man's words to heart since he was completely sincere in the things he said. Izuku naturally thanked his grandfather figure and promised to keep getting better to live up to the man's expectations.

The green haired boy soaked in the grandfatherly care the war hero would feed him. Loving his stories and always taking his advice to heart. There was times when Izuku noticed the man staring at his mom, almost as much as he did with him, when the man was able to watch over them when at the training facility. Izuku really couldn't remember when the General became such a strong presence in his life. In the end it didn't matter since the man had made it clear he cared for Izuku much more than someone else would if they just saw him as a weapon.

"Everything smells delicious like always." Terry suddenly said as he made his way to the dinning room. A smile on his face as he sat next to Izuku. The general easily took the seat of the head of the household. While Inko sat next to him and across from Izuku.

"You should start before it gets cold you flatterer." Inko said with a kind tone making Terry blush and Izuku smile with hope in his eyes. The general easily noticing this odd development he hadn't been aware off. He glared at the lycan like a father studying a potential suitor for his daughter.

"Uncle Terry." Izuku said with sudden excitement making the occupants of the table to look at him. "Are you finally going to tell me about the surprise you have been hinting at?"

"Calm down champ… I was planning on having Kamihira with me when I pitched this but it should be fine with everyone currently here."

"What are you planning Bogard?" Nobunaga asked with a firm look at the lycan.

"Is this about what happened with the brotherhood?" Inko asked with some fear in her voice.

"No… I just feel that its time to push Izuku a little harder these last few months before he starts high school."

"What have you two fools been planning?" The general asked making Terry look at the man with a deadpan. They guy was always expecting the worse from the guys under him. Even if he meant it in a familial and caring way. Terry honestly felt the man was just a Tsundere at heart.

"We want to take Izuku on a trip around the world." Terry's words making the eyes of those to grow with disbelief. "We already had Kaoru look into Izuku's school to see if such a thing was possible. Izuku can take online classes and return to japan for his finals and everything should be taken care of. I have a few people I want Izuku to meet so that he could pick up a few tricks, along with getting the experience of fighting as many different styles as possible. I already made the necessary calls and planed our travel route. I'm even willing to have Inko and few others with us as we make our training trip."

"Normally such a trip would be something I wouldn't approve of, due to worry for the boy. However this is Izuku we are currently speaking be honest I can see the benefits of such things." The general said towards the worried Inko. "I'll make sure to assign a team I trust to help keep things even safer."

The green haired mother let out a sigh before looking at her sole son. She could easily see the desire to do such a trip in his eyes. She also knew that her good friend would be more than glad to give up his life to protect her little hero. While Izuku wasn't the top student at his school he was always in the top five, meaning that he could probably to do the special training and pass his finals with ease.

"I'll support my son in whatever choice he makes, I trust him to do what's best." Inko said with the support that only a loving mother can give. The green haired hopeful hero was nearly in tears, he was glad so many people were not only willing to support him but that they only wished the best for him.

"I choose..."


Omake Theater

For Science

Izuku wasn't entirely sure what exactly he was looking at. Before him stood a massive exoskeleton. It was nine feet tall and looked to be armed to the teeth. He could make out a gatling gun, missile boxes, and even what looked like a high powered cannon. It had a large thruster system in the back and would have been impressive as hell. If it didn't look like it had been built from random parts found in a radioactive junkyard. In fact he was pretty sure that there was some lines flowing through it that was glowing with an unnatural light.

"I understand how you feel Izukun… its beautiful." Mei said with tears of motherly pride in her eyes. Normally her inventions would bring a smile on the teen's face when she unveiled them. Yet the fact that she was practically in a self made bomb shelter truly had him worried. After all, it was the first time he saw her be cautious during any activation of her precious baby. He already ran out of digits to count the number of times he had to shield her from one of her babies trying to hurt her.

"Mei… what am I looking at?"

"Its your space power suit… Mark IV." Mei said as some embarrassment trickled into her words.

"What happened to the first three?"

"That's currently irrelevant Izukun… its time to test out the baby that will allow you take on a Kaiju." Mei said with a wave of excitement in her voice.

"Why would I even, much less find myself facing a Kaiju?"

"For Science… and just because… anyway, get in my baby and turn it on." Mei demanded from the control room she had him built months ago. While still unsure of taking a part of such a thing… he still did it anyways.

As gently as he could the greenette steeped into the power armor and locked himself in. The whole time Mei was saying things in a way that made him a bit uncomfortable. It was only the fact that Izuku knew she had no real interest in sex that made it clear that she wasn't doing it on purpose.

"Oh my dear baby… you look magnificent." Mei said with a different kind of excitement. "Now do it… turn it on for me."

Izuku once again paused and looked towards the direction of his second best friend. After letting out a sigh Izuku went on start the machine. The sound of a very futuristic generator starting up filled the air. Izuku was instantly surprised to see a holographic screen pop up and began showing him all kinds of different data. Awe began to fill him as he took in that while the machine looked like a piece of junk, Mei had gone out of her way to ensure the inter components were costumed made. Which something he knew was of extremely high quality.

"This is really out did yourself Mei." Izuku said with joy as he finished testing out the weapons of his power suit. Easily destroying the target drones Mei had unleashed. After an hour of successful testing Izuku couldn't wait to have a proven model for him to one day use.

"I am the truly the greatest scientific mind in the universe." Mei said with self pride, the green haired teen chuckling in support of her boasting. She had after all created something extremely impressive.

"Now lets test those boosters!" Mei suddenly said as dollar signs replaced the cross hairs of her eyes. Before Izuku could state a complaint, a massive roar came from his back. The twin, not to mention massive boosters on his back soon fired up. The poor guy wasn't even given a chance to curse as the roar of the rockets drowned out his voice.

"Musutafu we have lift off!" Mei yelled with a blush on her face as she watched her friend's body rocket into the air. She watched as her personal minion was climbing the heavens with no signs of suddenly stopping. The speaker in the control module was recording her favorite boy's screams of shock but she honestly didn't pay it any mind. She had faith he would soon get over it.

"Izukun… you just hit the limit of any human that had ever attempted to reach while using a jet pack! I'm so happy!" Mei yelled with joy. After ensuring no one was going to break their record anytime soon Mei felt it was time to wrap things up. "Okay time to bring you back to earth." The incredible inventor soon pressed a few commands that would cause Izuku to start to descend back to their testing ground. As she used her quirk to look at her creation and best friend she let out a warm smile. At the moment without doubt she was looking at two of her favorite things in the world. Her tech and the person her age that she was closest to. The one person she could trust in the entire world to support and care for her. Which was something her parents were greatly thankful for since even they struggled when it came to keeping her reigned in.

Which is why it wouldn't surprise anyone that her eyes soon filled with fear as the Mecha Midoriya Mark IV suddenly exploded, causing Izuku to fall to the ground like a meteorite from the heavens themselves. She didn't need a speaker to know her best friend was probably screaming his heart out.

"Whoops." Mei whispered out as the suddenly made green missile smashed into the middle of their testing grounds. The powerful collision causing all kinds of damage to the ground the teen just smashed head first into. Mei was glad that the shelter they made easily compete with those made by the military. She made a mental note for the next unit to have a parachute ready for her dearest of friends. As the dust settled she quickly made her way to the crater. She felt great deal of relief fill her as she looked at Izuku blankly staring at her. He was simply laying in the crater that contained the destroyed remains of his power suit.

"Ow..." Izuku groaned out with a bored tone making Mei smile that he wasn't mad at her.

"Sorry Izukun… I wasn't planning for that to happen."

"I'm sure you weren't." Izuku's words were delivered with a weak smile.

"Want me to kiss your booboo?" Mei asked as she tried to wonder if she should wait for him to dig his way out or if she should make her way towards him.

"That won't be necessary… but thanks anyways." The young teen said with a blush that turned nearly his entire face red. The reason being that most of the pain he was feeling at moment came from him literally kissing the ground at terminal velocity.

"I promise to make the next one even better." Mei said with excitement.

"Please don't." Izuku's words making the pinkette to pout.

"Booooo… you're no fun." Mei said making Izuku sigh in relief. "Lucky for me Science demands for me to make more fun babies. No matter how much Izukun tries to stop me"

"Oh god." The human Juggernaut groaned in defeat as the pinkette began to brain storm while using him as a sounding board.