Hello everyone! It has been a while hasn't it? I am so sorry that I have not been updating for the past half-year, truly. I haven't been updating for all of this time because honestly, I have just been really busy with school and I have gotten really bad writer's block and I am sorry about that.

The main reason why I chose to write this short author's note is because I am letting everyone know that I will start updating this story again. I do warn everyone that the update still may take a while, but I can assure everyone honestly that it will be out hopefully in the next month or so.

Recently when I came back to this story, I was shocked to see how many of you are interested in this. It makes me so happy that people are interested, and I want to thank you all for sticking with this story! I also want to thank you all for the helpful feedback and suggestions you all have sent me, and I'll try to add as much as I can to upcoming chapters so please keep the suggestions/feedback coming in.

I know that the three chapters I have posted are pretty much exactly the same as the series, but that will change, I promise! I will add more moments that are not in the Assassination Classroom series and also change things up a bit.

Just to keep you all on your toes, here is a part of the first scene of the fourth chapter:

"Honestly, I am really surprised that you still remember that sushi is my favourite food." Nagisa tried to say while scoffing down a tuna roll. "I'm also surprised that you remembered this is my favourite sushi bar." She continued after swallowing down the last bit of the sushi roll, lifting her head up and smiling up at the red-haired boy across from where she was sitting.

Karma looked up from his strawberry milk drink he was holding close to his mouth and his eyes met Nagisa's. He gave his sly trademark smirk while peering over his drink. "Well of course I would remember Nagisa. Do you honestly think my memory is that bad?" Nagisa leant forward over the table and before she could retort back he quickly cut in, "Oh wait, shouldn't you be worrying about memory loss since your older than me?"

Nagisa quickly closed her mouth which quickly turned into a pout and slumped back into her seat. She eyed the red-haired male as he took another sip of his strawberry milk while trying not to laugh. Karma then placed the half empty drink on the table and his eyes met hers once again. Nagisa lifted a blue eyebrow and cocked her head to the side a bit with an unimpressed expression.

Karma let out a quiet snort and shook his head slightly. "Geez Nagisa, learn to take a joke."

"If I have to learn 'to take a joke' then why don't you learn to respect your elders?" She protested back, huffing one strand of her blue hair out of her face.

Karma's amused expression never left his face. "Well then, you seemed to have become a lot feistier then the last time I saw you. Or…" Karma leant forward and whispered; "are you on your period or something?"

Karma quickly leant back into his seat and laughed as Nagisa in embarrassment took a swing at him. When Nagisa's hand didn't meet her target she quickly fell back into her seat as well with a flustered, red-faced expression. Her eyes darted all over the place awkwardly and she placed her hands on her cheeks, trying to hide how red she was getting.

"W-what are you talking about Karma?!" She exclaimed hurriedly, shaking her head with her eyes closed. "Nope! Nope! Don't answer that!" Nagisa said as she saw the smirk Karma had on his face. 'I swear, he really is the perfect epitome for the devil.' She thought halting her previous movements, then snapped her head up and dramatically pointed at him. "Why do you even want to know something like that?!"

"Calm down, would you? If you don't you will soon cause a scene." Karma whispered, loud enough for Nagisa to hear as he looked around at the questionable glances a few people across from them sent. Oh well, at least they were in a booth.

Nagisa blushed again in embarrassment and quickly dropped her hand and placed it into her lap and stared at her hands. "Well I'm not the one who started it." She mumbled and looked back up at Karma. "You're the one who asked if I was on my period or not!"

The red-haired male sighed but still held a smirk on his face and took another swing of his drink. As he placed the drink down he started, "Well, technically I wasn't asking. I was wondering."

"I don't think there is that much of a difference between asking and wondering." Nagisa stated nonchalantly.

"There is." Karma protested.

"Is not."


"Nope!" Nagisa refused again stubbornly.

Karma rested his elbow on the table and rested his chin on his hand, still looking at the blue-headed female with a knowing smirk. "Asking is when someone just asks a simple question like 'Are you going to the shops?'. While wondering is when you want to know something that you have been thinking and want an answer."

Nagisa opened her mouth to retort but then she closed it again, not finding any good argument to go up against what Karma reasoned. She then pouted and picked up her last tuna roll from her plate. "Fine." She took a bite of her tuna roll. "You win this time." She continued as she took more bites of her beloved sushi.

Karma chuckled at the blue-haired female's actions and finished the rest of his drink quickly. The male then looked up to inspect the sushi bar from where they were sitting. Déjà vu hit Karma slightly as he looked at the place, remembering when he and the female who was sitting across from him met up every single day after school (or at least tried to). His smirk softened slightly and sighed. That caused Nagisa to look up from her sushi roll.

"Remember when we used to meet up here every time we could?" Karma asked softly, his eyes landed on Nagisa.

The female looked around at the sushi bar and a small smile formed on her face. "Yeah." She fondly started. She turned her head to look at Karma. "I also remember that you used to give me your sushi." She crossed her arms and pouted.

Karma gave a short snort. "Well I don't have any sushi today as you can see." Karma gestured to his side of the table where there was only an empty glass of strawberry milk.

Nagisa kept pouting. "You used to buy sushi and never ate it because you said it 'smelt fishy' and then gave it to me." Nagisa dropped her pout for an 'innocent' smile. "Or did you do that because you knew I would have liked to have it? You know, sushi is supposed to smell fishy." Karma's expression faltered for a second which caused Nagisa to smirk. "Hah! I knew it." She concluded as she finished her last tuna roll.

Karma grumbled and quickly put a smirk on his face. "Well I had to with how little you ever ate." He pointed at Nagisa. "You know you will never grow if you don't eat."

Nagisa huffed. "You know I can't help it. It's just the way my mother feeds me." When Nagisa mentioned her mother the red-haired boy's eyes hardened but his smirk was still plastered on his face, even though it might have been a bit strained. "'Girls like you are supposed to stay skinny with nice curves.' My mother says. Seriously, the thought of peanut butter now makes me squirm." Nagisa gave a small smile. "She is my mother though, so I'll do what she says."

"You know you don't have to listen to everything she says." Karma stated seriously with a stained smirk. An unknown emotion swam in Karma's eyes and Nagisa couldn't figure out what it was.

"I have to Karma. It must be hard to be a single parent, so I'll do what I can to be the child she wants." Nagisa softly said, smile slowly straining with eyes looking down at the table.

"But what about you?" Karma's question made Nagisa look up. "What do you want?"

Nagisa's brows furrowed together slightly and she bit the corner of her lip, trying to keep smiling. Nagisa wasn't tricking Karma at all with that expression. He knew how much her mother was obsessed with Nagisa being the 'perfect girl'. He also knew how far that women would go to reach her goal. Karma could also see how much Nagisa hated being 'a perfect girl'. He could see it in her eyes, the way the light in her eyes always dimmed when the topic came up.

A few moments passed and Nagisa still hadn't given Karma a direct answer. Karma sighed a bit and put his trademark smirk back onto his face. "Enough of that. How's class 3-E been treating you? Anything interesting happen lately? Oh!" Karma's eyes lit up from remembering something. "I overheard one of the assassination attempts didn't go well. Something about how one of the students nearly got severely injured?"

Thank you all for reading and again, I am sorry that it is taking me so long to update, but I'll try to do my best and write whenever I can. Love you all! ^-^