I do not own the rights to Harry Potter, and I never will. J.K. Rowling owns the rights to Harry Potter.

Please enjoy my first story!

This story is based in the 6th year of Hogwarts.

Hermione Granger had managed to gain herself a reputation at Hogwarts. Not only was she a know-it-all, she was also a flirt. She was even known for flirting with her arch nemesis, Draco Malfoy. Her best friends, Ron Weasley and Harry Potter, often had to detatch her from the situation. Most boys shot them dirty glances, others grateful. Either way Hermione would sulk.

Hermione had her reasons, though. Her crush, Ron, often blew her off for his girlfriend, Lavender. Her best friend, Harry, regretfully left her, to discuss important matters with Dumbledore. This was her way of getting their attention.

She immediately regretted becoming a flirt. People had started to call her the 'Gryffindor Princess'. Twice in a day, a seventh year tried to seduce her in a hallway. She was thankfully saved by a passing Ginny Weasley. She shot the the boy with a Bat-Bogey Hex. The second time Hermione shoved him off of her and made a run for it, and not stopping until she made it to the Gryffindor common room.

"What's wrong with you Hermione?"

After a breathless Hermione had explained what had happened to her in the hallway, Ron had exploded.

"Do you remember what he looked like?" Ron questioned, looking suspiciously around the common room.

"No. It all happened very fast," replied Hermione. She was glad they were finally paying here attention. She smiled, internally.

"Are you okay, Harry?" asked Hermione, realising her silent friend.

Harry hadn't heard Hermione's concerned voice. He looked deep in thought.

"Harry!" said Ron with a raised voice.

Harry jumped out of his daze.

"Sorry. Just thinking about my last meeting with Dumbledore. He wants me to befriend Slughorn," said Harry, gazing through the window.

"Were you even listening to Hermione? She was attacked today, and all you can think about is making more friends!" exasperated Ron.

"It's quite alright Ron. I brought it on myself. Anyway, Dumbledores mission is far more important than me," Hermione said tonelessly.

This seemed to slap Harry out of his daydream.

"Goodnight boys," Hermione said, walking toward the girl dormitories at a high pace.

"Go and apologize. NOW!" said Ron, pointing a finger at Hermione, who was halfway across the common room.

Harry jumped up, and ran all the way to the girls dormitories, blocking Hermiones path.

Wordlessly, Harry grabbed her hand, Hermione didn't protest. Harry walked her to the portrait hole. They exited the common room.

After a moment in silence, Harry spoke up.

"Look. I'm sorry about not listening to you. I've been really preoccupied with Dumbledore's mission," Harry said, chancing a glance at Hermione.

"As I said before, it's quite alright. I understand," said Hermione, looking up into Harry's eyes.

They stopped walking. Hermione had never realised how green Harry's eyes were. Hermione's eyes ventured down Harry's face and rested on his lips. His lips looked soft. Hermione had the urge to kiss him. She shook herself. I am not about to kiss my best friend, Hermione thought, angrily. Hermione focused on his hair instead. His hair was jet black. It looked as if it were as soft as silk. Hermione thought wildly, that she wanted to get her hands tangled in his hair.

Harry seemed to be reading her thoughts. Because he closed the small gap between their lips. Hermione gasped. Harry chuckled.

The kiss was bliss. It started out soft, and then it got heated. Hermione had her fingers tangled in his hair. Meanwhile Harry had his hands around her waist, venturing down ways.

They broke apart. Hermione was flustered. She giggled, as she grabbed his hand and led him to the seventh floor. Harry wondered where she was taking him. He only realised where, when she walked back and forth, three times.

"Why are we coming to the Room of Requirement, Hermione?" asked Harry. A mischievous grin spread across Hermione's face.

"You'll see," said Hermione, a glint in her eye.

They entered a glamorous bedroom. Hermione plopped down on the bed, and gestured for Harry to sit next to her. Harry soon caught on to why Hermione had brought him here. Harry sat down.

"Where the bloody hell have you been?!"

Harry had just gotten back from the Room of Requirement. Ron was fuming.

"You wouldn't believe it if I told you, mate," said Harry, sinking into his four poster bed.

"Try me," said Ron, crossing his arms.

Harry stared at Ron, before sighing.

"I-I think I... I think I like Hermione," said Harry in a rush. He glaced at Ron, to see him in a state of shock.

"What happened?" asked Ron staring at Harry.

Harry gulped. Ron was not going to like this. Not at all.

"Er... um...," Harry stuttered. Harry was flustered. There was no other word for it.

"Spit it out!" Ron urged.

"We did it. Me and Hermione that is," Harry said, before he could stop himself.

Ron looked like someone had slapped him across the face. The colour had drained from his face and his ears flushed a deep red.

"W-what? Did I hear you correctly?" Ron asked, clearly upset, confused and angry all at once.

"Look. I'm sorry. I really am. But she is available. And you have a girlfriend!" Harry added, trying desperately to make Ron understand.

Ron stared at Harry and shook himself.

"G'night," Ron said, tonelessly.

"G'night," Harry replied, nervously.

Harry didn't realise how tired he was until his head hit the pillow. He sighed. He liked Hermione Granger. Hermione was like a puzzle that he couldn't quite figure out. Maybe that was why he was attracted to her. Or it could be because of her soft silky hair. Or her soft, smooth lips...

Hermione's lips were his last thought, as he drifted off into a deep sleep.


Ayo!I hoped you enjoyed my first fan fic! Please leave a review, so I can make the next chapter better!!Love,HermioneSmexyBeast