Hey guys and welcome back. This chapter is the next episode/arc of the Justice League series, however the next chapter will not be as I am going to be breaking up the order of things. I'm still going to use the series, I'm just not going to go in direct order of the episodes: Amazo may happen before The Savage Time, or Fury may happen right after Paradise Lost. Reason for that is that in addition to some other arcs that I will have occurring, I want time for certain relations and interactions to occur before I hit certain points so the relations and interactions can affect how those points go.

Also there will be some MINOR crossovers in here until I eventually get to the big one that will have some other things/people show up. Please keep in mind that this is till a DBZ/JL crossover with one more item being added further down the line. So, you may see tech, weapons, gear, or some people from some things in this, but I am not going full blast multi-crossover in this.

Nothing else to go over this time so let's just jump right into it.

NOTE: Cheetah aka Barbara Minerva will be referred to as Minerva when she's not being her animal self since I have Barbara Gordon in this.

Disclaimer: See previous chapters.



(Telepathic thoughts)


"Ozaru, Shenron, AI, monster/creature Speech"

[above's thoughts]

(above's Telepathic thoughts)

* See Bottom for explanation

Chapter 6: Galactic Awareness


Gohan sat in his office at their home going over different documents and papers pertaining to what they were working on to advance Earth more at a steady pace. So far the company was doing great in the different fields whether robotics, engineering, medical, transportation, or a host of other things. Most of this was spearheaded by him, Videl, and Bulma but the remaining slack was picked up by his recruits in the form of Pamela Isley, Starfire, Victor Fries, Barbara Minerva, and Rachel Roth aka Raven.

Pamela was using her talents to help create more and more plants and plant based resources to help nature as well as humans. The first had been her project on a flower that had a pollen that had the opposite effect on people with asthma and allergies, but Gohan helped her take it a step further to where the flower actually pulled in more carbon dioxide and any other pollutants in the air thus helping clean the air at times. They had run trials and tests and found the results promising and tweaked it each test to make it get better results. Their first batch of flowers were growing right outside the building with some new interns and botanists keeping an eye on them to ensure they weren't tampered with and nothing out of left field occurred. Once they finished up the trial run, they'd be ready to produce more. Gohan had also ensured the flower was tested in different climates, terrain, and combinations to ensure they didn't need to worry.

On another note, Bulma and Gohan had made her able to be a normal person or her powered persona at will, but were still working on the fertility problem since it wasn't linked to her powers and had to assume that it was a side effect of one of the chemicals or plants that was part of her metamorphosis. Pamela was patient though, they had made break throughs she had never been able to make on her own, so she was happy to take the progress over having nothing at all to show for it.

She still tried to tempt and seduce Gohan though, but then so did every woman in the house except for Raven, who had moved in as she wanted to train under Gohan.

Starfire, despite her being naïve about different Earth customs, was very intelligent when it came to engineering and the like and so helped in that field, though she admitted that Gohan and Bulma were far more advanced in the area. Gohan was fine with that since Starfire was still way ahead of the other people they had working for them. Her main project was to create a more stabilized generator that could power more than just a building and make it more efficient and capable to help lessen the energy crisis that was bound to come. Plus the generator would lay foundation for future projects that were on hold till a better power source was available. Star was eagerly working on it, while using 18's watch to give her a tanned skin tone instead of an orange one and her eyes were a normal shade of green rather than the bright emerald green they typically blazed with, as she wanted to be of use to Gohan besides as a fighter and not be a burden.

Of course, Videl had her own suggestion on how she could "help" Gohan, but Gohan had put a stop to that since Star could move at her own pace. Although, that comment backfired as Star happily bent over the couch, spread her legs, and offered her lower holes to him stating she was ready to copulate any time he was. Videl had laughed at the other girls sending looks of shock and jealousy while Gohan just sighed and shook his head. They both found it amusing though that any time Gohan entered her room or was near her, and there was no one outside of their "family" in the area, Star would casually ask if Gohan wished to fuck, the word being one that Videl had taught her. Gohan would decline and, after explaining to Star that she was indeed attractive and worth fucking, explain to her that he was more focused on getting his situation under control, but if she did want it, he would fuck her soon, which brightened her mood. Despite her initial fear and worry about him being a Saiyan, Star had re-warmed up to him and had been going on patrols with him and the other girls as was needed.

Victor had been cured and was reunited with his wife, who was working with him and catching up on the things she missed out on while on ice since she was a scientist and doctor herself, and was working on new cryo tech and medical procedures that could be done with cryonics. When Gohan had kept his word and healed Nora, who Fries had in Antarctica where there was no chance of anyone trying to harm her, Victor had fallen to his knees and begged for her forgiveness after telling her EVERYTHING he had done after he put her in suspended animation. Nora, while saddened to see her husband fall so far, had accepted him back immediately and told him she would forever love him, which was when Gohan healed Victor as well and then got them away from the cold. He had sent the two on a week long vacation to Hawaii to enjoy the warmth and relax since he still had to get the business and their lodgings up and running, which the reunited couple was happy to enjoy to be with each other again.

When work started, Victor made it a priority to start repaying Gohan for what he had done for them with Nora helping, though Gohan made it an order for them to not make it their life since he felt the two should be with each other and have children someday, which the two agreed with wholeheartedly. If the glow around Nora was any indication, they had been practicing quite a bit.

Barbara Minerva, aka Cheetah, was working in the biological, virology, Genetics, and DNA areas working not only to continue her research, but also to reverse the more extreme effects it had when she used herself for testing. Gohan and Bulma helped with some of it as the goal was to either let her keep the agility, speed, and senses while being normal or make her able to shift between the cat appearance and a normal human as she needed/wanted. Minerva was working on other items as well, but some were stalled until Bulma and Gohan were done helping Kirk Langstrom become fully in control of himself and his nastier half. Minerva knew Langstrom by reputation and knew his work and her own were very similar in what they wanted to accomplish.

Langstrom was taking time since unlike Minerva, he had no control over his changes or his body when he did change. That was step one for them since they didn't want to risk a failed test putting him into his man bat side without being able to change back. Gohan didn't want to have to keep him sedated and near comatose till they made more progress especially since Langstrom helping would speed things up. His wife was also there helping and she insisted on helping Kirk before she even considered her own limitations no matter how quickly Gohan told her they could fix them.

Raven had been brought in as someone to start their mystics and occult section. While many scoffed at the notion of magic and the like, Gohan was quick to point out how ridiculous the thought of space travel, flight, superhumans, and aliens were at some point or another but there they were for all to see. Gohan also explained that just as there were good and bad people, metahumans, and aliens, that meant the same for magic users and any other supernatural entities, so best to be prepared and research just in case. Furthermore, there was the distinct possibility of merging magic with science to create new and better breakthroughs in different fields.

Basically, Gohan shut them all up and got more people into work.

Matt Hagen was among the company as well but was shape shifted since they were still working on a cure/treatment to let him fully control his powers or be normal again. The brick wall they were against was that the clay parts of him kept breaking down and taking his DNA with it, they were making progress though as they got closer and closer to full cellular stabilization so Matt was able to keep calm and keep working. He also spent time in the training and testing room to refine his powers further which Pamela, Raven, and Starfire used as well, though all three preferred training with Gohan in the house's training area but they needed to keep it going that they were getting results done.

Of course, his lower level people were handled well since he made sure they had enough pay to cover their bills and the job came with full benefits to ease the burden on their workers regardless of if they were security, techs, manual labor, or even custodians. They were all paid well and given the full benefits to ensure they had an easier life and to help secure loyalty to their new company so no chance of traitors. Gohan had started with those on the streets or that had no other alternative than to commit crimes before then going to other applicants.

It wasn't like science, security, and cleaning jobs were the only areas he had for hiring: secretaries, IT, psychiatrists, communications, drivers, accountants, legal, doctors, researchers, wait staff, dishwashers, and cooks. The latter three were due to Gohan putting a full restaurant into the building for employees and they had cuisine from all over the world to the point that if there was nothing you ate, then you were VERY picky or just shit out of luck. The restaurant was elegant enough to be used for business meals, but casual enough you could relax and enjoy a meal and the prices were EXTREMELY reasonable for employees since they needed to offset the cost of it slightly. Panchy headed up the kitchen to get out of the house and because she was such a skilled cook with Launch helping her at times.

Erasa, Bra, and Marron were to have their store open in a couple of weeks or so since they had 23 different items to sell and each came in at least three different styles and fabrics. They had pretty much dissected all the clothing purchased on this Earth and were adding some flares from their Earth as well as some of their own ideas and thoughts for it. Once some research into suppliers was done, they and Gohan went location shopping until they found one that was close to their new business. Big enough to work, but still have token to expand if necessary.

Of course, the discussion of transportation came up and Gohan bought five cars, nothing really flashy but nothing soccer mom style either. A couple of the girls wanted something cooler/sexier, but Gohan told them they were perfectly welcome to buy their own vehicles once they had money flowing. They accepted that as fair since it was Gohan's money being spent on everything, though luckily he had made some more from some casinos in Vegas when he wanted to be sure they had plenty of money last until their businesses began moving into profits.

Luckily they had some money flowing thanks to the factory that Gohan had acquired after helping Ivy ruin the previous owners. It was a processing plant for different things, something the previous owners did right, and the byproducts were considered useless and could just be dumped, but that wasn't the case. Some of them were useful for different items, most were for Ivy's biological projects, but others could be used for energy and fuel research and even some other projects that were deemed lower priority but should still be looked into.

Of course, there was the offer to different powered individuals and many of the ones in prison wanted to take the shot that was being offered including Volcana, Livewire, Two-Face, Bane, Killer Croc, and the Ventriloquist. Naturally, some people were fighting it, but it was a losing battle and they were losing it rapidly with some new arrivals being sent to Gohan in a few weeks.

However, there were those who tried to throw their weight around through different means whether trying to buy out the company for cheap, trying to blackmail Gohan into basically signing over to them, trying to get at Gohan through the women in his life, or were trying to muscle in on Gohan for profit or to get access to the records for anyone with powers they were currently helping and those they would be helping, especially since they had samples and research on each one. It failed at every turn of course since there was nothing to blackmail him with, he had no stock in the company available for sale and no intention of selling, the women broke whoever tried to target them, and those with "muscle" were tossed out and ignored since they had nothing to use against him. Sure some could block any military contracts that may come up, but Gohan had no intention of working with the military for a LONG time since there were too many corrupt and warmongering people in positions of power to risk such a thing.

No, Gohan would hold off on anything that gave literal killing potential to anyone until he was damn sure that there were plenty of failsafes and kill switches involved that could be used by him, Videl, and Bulma and no one else. If any equipment or weapons got on the street or enemy hands, they'd become useless before anyone could try to do some damage.

As for anyone trying to break in? Well, there's a reason why He, Videl, and Bulma made sure they put a good chunk of money into their security system, checking their guards, and ensuring that their employees were loyal and trustworthy. There would be no inside help for someone trying to get in and the different failsafes and protocols would ensure they got nothing. The only way to access any information on those they were helping was from his work computer in his main or home office and even then you'd have to get through over 2 dozen floors of security before you could get to his business one, then get through the security for his office, and then the security on his computer along with a 39 digit password to access the files in question with each file having its own password after that. To further infuriate and annoy people, Gohan also had verbal passwords that had to be spoken in Namekian, which only Gohan and Videl knew fluently and as such made it near impossible to crack. His employees thought it was some hybrid language that Gohan learned/created in his school days, which wasn't inaccurate per se.

Anyway, Gohan wanted the place secure from everyone and thing and no one was getting into the system remotely no matter how hard they tried. One security measure was that there was only one elevator to the floor with his office and it on the second from top floor and no elevator went all the way there. To get from the lobby to the office, you had to take at least 4 elevators and even then you had to take certain ones since other elevators only went to certain floors and the elevators didn't go down after a certain time was hit unless he overrode it from his office computer. The windows were also highly reinforced, bulletproof, and layered so no one could enter that way unless they wanted to use a brick of C4 to get in, which would damage his computer and thus make the whole infiltration pointless. Someone of his or Superman's strength could get in sure, but there were other measures in place in case that happened.

His home was even more secure since he wasn't about to risk the girls in their home being defenseless since even with their training, one bullet could end everything. Hence why Gohan made their home into a literal fortress that looked like a plain apartment building, but it was reinforced and strengthened to be VERY hard to get through, at least by Human standards anyway. Gohan wanted to ensure that the girls and anyone else that he took in could feel safe and at peace in their home without worrying about some nutjob busting in with a gun.

All in all, Gohan prepared for the worst to ensure that he couldn't get blindsided, which was why if it was necessary they could access their employees computers and ensure no one was trying to log into or bring up any files that they weren't supposed to be looking at. It was written into their contracts when they joined the company, so they were free to do it and Gohan stressed to each one to read the contract before signing it.

It wasn't his fault if no one seemed to listen to his advice, especially when the part of monitoring their computers was in big BOLD letters.

Anyway, Gohan had also split himself to make sure there were witnesses and cameras present for different sights of him and Bardock being seen in the same room or location, which made people push away from the thought of them being the same person, for now at least. It also let him work on training the people he had since "Gohan" would be working in his office or going over reports and projects while "Bardock" was helping their patients and such with training in their powers and fighting.

Starfire was a natural fighter and her Starbolts were similar to Ki only he learned she needed sunlight to help fuel and continue her powers otherwise she would be at human level. She also informed him her emotions came into play for her powers too and why she needed to be emotionally stable at times or she'd lose her powers or could escalate her powers beyond her control.

Raven was similar since she kept her emotions so bottled up that even a slight twitch of one would cause something to explode. Of course, Gohan reprimanded her for doing so regardless of what the monks of Azarath told her since emotions could create spikes in powers but they could also help temper you down so you didn't feel like you were on a razor's edge all the time. When she kept trying to insist on what the monks taught her, Gohan had replied with a simple question: Why would the people who hate you try to make you stronger? Raven had froze at the question since she had made it clear the monks did NOT like her at all. So then, why WOULD they help her master her powers the correct way if they didn't want her to exist in the first place? Why would they try to make her stronger when they would more than likely want her weak enough that they could kill or capture if the need arose? No, it was VERY obvious that their way was NOT meant to help Raven, but to hinder her as much as possible.

Gohan was just glad it was just them in the company's training room that day since her realization of that made rage, sorrow, vengeance, anger, heartache, and sadness break out of her until Gohan calmed her down and told her he'd help her grow as a person and into her powers to ensure she reached her full potential. Even when she tried to tell him of her demon half, Gohan didn't care as he could relate to her fear. For years when he was younger, he was scared to death of unleashing the Great Ape or accepting it as part of him, but it was part of him, it was part of his Saiyan side, it was part of his people, his legacy, his ancestry, and to deny part of himself only made him weaker and he wasn't going to let that happen to Raven. He told her to take it one emotion and part of herself at a time and bond with them, but let them all take some breaths so they weren't strangled by her mental control and that would help with her powers because her emotions wouldn't be on a hair trigger. It wasn't easy, but she was making some small progress since she could smile or even release a small giggle and there was no damage done to anything around them.

Matt Hagen was also getting the hang of his powers more as he could hold the form of a person for longer periods and not get strained if more faces came. Plus, his focusing helped in keeping the power going, which he enjoyed because he wanted to get used to moving, walking, and acting like he was normal. Of course, he still practiced with combat shape shifting too since Gohan wanted him to be able to handle himself if someone tried to force him to do something and knew how his powers worked. Luckily, Matt was fine with staying in a room built into the company. It was FAR from being a cell as it was built as a complete living space with a bed, tv, couch, fridge, bathroom, and all of that, there was just no window. Matt understood the need since until he had full control of his powers or was cured of them, there were going to be people wanting to use him for one reason or another, some of the Arkham inmates talking about something called a "Suicide Squad" had told him that powered criminals were desired by some people high up on the food chain and he didn't want any part of that if he could help it.

Harley was doing well as the psychiatrist for the company. It started rough since many were weary of being in the same room as her given her infamy of being with Joker, but it slowly worked out to them being able to talk to her at times. Of course, many were getting used to her being so calm and collected in meetings, but then being more eccentric and outgoing when she was on break or off the clock. Harley had been a big help for 18 and Zangya since they were still conflicted over their past actions and Gohan just accepting them into his life and growing family like they hadn't ever been enemies. The two weren't "cured" or "free" at all, but they were feeling better about talking everything over with Harley since she had her own stories from being with Joker, so she understood them on some level that just made it easier for them to talk to her than it was for them to talk to any of the others.

Harley was also involved in training since the enhancements Ivy gave her over the years made her more advanced than a human but not quite to superhuman level either. Still, she wanted to work to stay in shape and to fully be in control of herself mentally and physically. Gohan was happy to help with that and was working with her and the others as they could..

The girls were doing well too and were working on drawing out their Ki more since they had only just scraped the surface of it. They could levitate slightly and even increase their strength, but they were nowhere near combat shape yet. Oh sure, 18, Zangya, and Vados were capable and ready to fight especially since18 had an infinite supply of energy, but Gohan also knew there were beings in the universe that made them look like Raditz trying to fight Beerus. Hence why he had asked Vados to speak to Zeno and the others to make 18 able to grow stronger since never exhausting didn't help if the enemy was strong enough to vaporize you on the spot in an instant.

Vados hasn't heard an answer yet and Gohan hadn't felt a change in 18's energy, so he guessed either the message hadn't been received, they were debating over it, or they were making sure the request would be granted correctly. Either way, Gohan would have to just sit and wait for now.

Another mention was that 18 requested to be called Lazuli as it was her name before Gero captured her and 17 and turned them into Androids. Since Gohan had already called her 18 in front of others while being heroes, it was better to have a different name for public affairs. Gohan and the others agreed, though he and Videl felt she also requested it to feel more human and loosen up a bit around them. Gohan idly wondered if the same was true for Krillin, he always called her 18 whenever they saw the two, but that didn't mean when they were alone he didn't call her by her true name.

Regardless, they respected her request and Zangya followed it up by requesting they call her Z or Anya since Zangya would draw attention. Vados decided just to go by Angel in public since there was no shortening of her name that she liked. Bra and the others decided they didn't care and would worry about a name change if they ever started fighting, which was a long way off at the moment so there was no rush.

All in all, things were looking good for them.

###############LEMON WARNING#############

Gohan then grunted as he looked down and saw Videl under his desk naked and sucking his dick expertly as she massaged his balls. She was looking up at him with desire and lust shining in her eyes as she worked her mouth and throat on his dick while the hands that could crush mountains gently massaged his balls to push him closer to orgasm for her. He enjoyed the sight of her D cup tits that were firm yet soft and her bouncy ass. Gohan had joked that her ass swaying and bouncing in her booty shorts and spats sent several men to the hospital because they'd stare and not see where they were going.

Of course, neither of them cared who looked at her, but NO one was to touch her except for Gohan, though that now extended to her new sisters/betas too since Videl would need to help "educate" them on being able to keep up and handle sex with someone like Gohan, even if she wasn't succeeding in that regard as well as she'd like. Videl was the same with Gohan since she knew several woman back in their universe would look lustfully at Gohan when he passed especially after the Majin Buu incident where he was more confident and less shy about things, which was a BIG improvement from Videl's perspective.

Anyway, Videl sucked hard on his dick before sinking all the way to the base of it causing Gohan to groan as she flexed and worked her throat by doing swallowing motions while her tongue was out of her mouth and casually licking his balls as her hands kneaded them. They both knew it would set him off soon enough as he wrapped his hand in her ponytail and began guiding her mouth on him even faster, but Videl had one more trick that she knew would send him over the edge.

She tightened her lips and throat and hummed.

The effect was quick as Gohan grunted trying to stave off his release but it was inevitable and he gripped Videl's head tight as he began his release making Videl moan in pleasure and satisfaction as he bucked his hips a bit fucking her throat as he cane. Videl didn't mind in the least, one of her favorite things was for Gohan to be rough and dominating with her since it usually meant long pleasure filled hours of sex.

When he finished, with Videl gulping down every drop, Gohan pulled her head slowly to let her suck him clean as she went. Releasing his dick with an audible POP, Videl gasped in pleasure as she licked her lips clean and did the same for his dick as a little bit of cum dribbled out. She loved the taste of Gohan's dick and his cum, whether it was a Saiyan thing or just her own perversions, Videl didn't know or care, she loved it and continued to love it.

Once she had cleaned him to her satisfaction, Videl reached up and tore his shirt off of him before she leaned in and began kissing up his torso and licking his scars and muscles as her hands roamed his body. She stopped her ascent though once her tits were at the same level as his dick and quickly squished them around him and began pumping as she kept licking and kissing his toros while also nipping him now too. "Need you nice and hard before I let my pussy play." Videl stated as she licked his abs while stroking his dick with her tits as Gohan merely smirked at her.

This was typical for Videl: suck his dick until he felt like his balls were empty, which they weren't but he'd orgasm so hard it would feel like it until she picked him back up, and then tease him and enjoy herself before mounting him and riding him. It was how they got through some boring work days as they shared an office, so they'd lock the door and fuck until they needed to stop or they were satisfied… which meant they fucked until they needed to stop.

Though, he did idly wonder if that's why Panchy and Bulma used to send some jealous looks towards them at times. Mr. Briefs wasn't exactly "focused" on his wife all that much and Bulma seemed to only get Vegeta's attention when they're alpha personalities REALLY clashed against each other. Saiyans loved passion, ferocity, and power, the fact that Bulma was essentially the princess of their Earth only made her more enticing to Vegeta and when her temper and personality would show up front and center… well… Vegeta couldn't help himself, they'd be gone in an instant and in the bedroom for who knew how long.

It made a bit of sense to him why Videl asked for those two to be part of their…. Family? Clan? Life group? Gohan wasn't sure they had a name for what his, for lack of a better word, Harem was to be called exactly. He wasn't even sure there was a term for it by Saiyan standards, which was partly why each of them were going with the flow and seeing what happened since they had no idea what to do or how to act beyond Videl's own encouraging.

Gohan broke from his musings as Videl floated up and pressed his head back before giving him a passionate and lustful kiss that he gladly returned and grabbed ahold of her ass that he promptly started kneading and groping much to Videl's pleasure.

Of course, both knew they had a peeper by the door, but they didn't care. They had long stopped being embarrassed or caring about such things mainly because they decided they had nothing to be ashamed of and would never act like they did.

Outside the room, by the door, stood Bulma with her hand inside her panties and her other hand up her shirt as she fingered her pussy and played with her nipples. She was panting quietly as she watched Gohan and Videl enjoy themselves again as they had near daily unless unforeseen circumstances interfered and the most they could do is cuddle and relax.

Bulma was honestly jealous, despite the fact they had made it clear that it was up to the women to initiate anything. The reason why was because she never got to fully enjoy her marriage, and as such her sex life, with Vegeta as he was constantly training, then she was raising Trunks and trying to help stop the Androids before Vegeta was killed. She thought maybe she'd end up with Gohan when the crisis was over, but then he died as well and it was just her and Trunks and then building the time machine with their population being less than 10,000.

In other words, she lost her husband in the "honeymoon phase" and there weren't many options following the crisis that could handle her personality and such.

To be specific, she'd gone decades without sex and didn't have a chance to have it again until the offer to join Gohan came.

The afterlife had just been a big training session for Vegeta and he focused on nothing BUT becoming stronger and training regardless who he was against or anything. Even alive it had been that way, sure when they did have sex, it wasn't bad it was just the fact that it was SO far between times and so few times for Bulma.

She turned her attention back to the couple as Videl released a throaty moan and Bulma saw that Videl was floating/sitting on Gohan's shoulders while the man was clearly devouring his wife's lower lips for all that they were worth and Videl was pressing him further in and encouraging him as he went.

There was another point of jealousy, none of her previous lovers ever "returned the favor" as it were, though Vegeta didn't do oral at all as he felt the only thing that should be done is breeding the female and worrying about nothing else. Apparently Mr. Big Shot Elite Warrior didn't care about pleasure or enjoyment, sex was merely for breeding and nothing else. Though Bulma did mess with him by taking morning after pills so he'd have to keep trying to get a child, it worked out well when she hit his pride that maybe the problem was him as it resulted in him fucking her continuously for a week straight, Vegeta only stopped to use the bathroom insisting on fucking her even when they ate and wouldn't let her work unless she could do it as he fucked her. He'd done it to the point both were exhausted and Bulma was too tired to take the pill, thus Trunks came to be.

Bulma broke from her reminiscing as Videl screamed in pleasure and she could see Videl's juices going down Gohan's chin as he was greedily drinking it. Videl panted before she slid down his body letting her womanhood brush against his chin and body as she went before lining his dick up to her entrance as she kissed him again.

Bulma began shuddering and panting and she had already, even if she didn't know it, moved her panties down past her pillowy ass and her shirt was scrunched up as she played with herself. She watched transfixed as Videl slid down onto Gohan's dick moaning loudly into her husband's mouth as her womanhood seemed to stretch to accommodate the monster before she sunk down all the way and her asscheeks rippled from colliding with his thighs.

Of course, that was only the start.

Videl began bouncing and twerking on Gohan's dick as she kept their heated liplock going while Gohan's hands kept moving from stroking her sides, to grabbing her big doughy ass, to coming up and pinching her nipples while letting her be in control the whole time even if it was obvious he could overpower and dominate her at any moment. However, that's not what Gohan wanted or planned to do since Videl got to be in control at times, though usually after the first round it was his turn to take control and REALLY make Videl scream.

Though, Bulma noticed the ironic sight of Videl's bouncing and slamming herself down since she knew fully well that the force she was using could demolish a building and crush any other man's legs into nothing, and she was sure that her vagina muscles could turn any other dick into paste if someone tried it. However, the chair was created from Gohan's energy and he had been reinforcing the building with his energy to make it harder for it to be damaged let alone broken. Hence, why the chair and the floor were able to take the beating that Videl was giving it through the shockwaves and pressure she was delivering from smacking her ass down on Gohan's dick and legs.

Videl then broke the kiss and leaned back placing her hands on the edge of his desk as she bucked and gyrated her hips while working her body to pleasure his dick and herself at the same time. Of course, it was also to entice him with the sight of her tits bouncing around wildly and no longer scraping against his chest or being groped by his hands. Videl had a lustful and loving look upon her face while showing she was enjoying the fucking and was looking forward to rounds 2 through however many they finished before the morning came.

Videl gasped in excitement and pleasure as Gohan moved forward and began suckling and licking her tits while dragging his tongue along every bit of her exposed skin possible. Videl merely shuddered in pleasure as the feeling of his warm breath, his wet warm tongue, and his teeth grazing her skin made her throw her head back to moan and it was only reinforced as his dick was twitching and hitting her womb directly. She could never tire of this, it was always a blissful experience no matter how many years, decades, centuries they fucked, they were completely addicted to each other and would never stop, it was why Videl was never fearful or stressed with him having more lovers. His body and hers matched too perfectly for anyone to truly replace her and the others would never be able to handle the amount of sex she could since she had near daily training in it for over 200 years. Being jealous or fearful would just be stupid at this point since she knew Gohan would never want or try to replace her and she was secure in the knowledge that there was no one that could. Sure, the occasional doubt snuck into her mind, but Videl promptly stomped it into dust and cast it out because it was stupid and never likely to happen.

Sure, Vados had the best chance of fucking him longer than Videl could, but Vados still had to learn what pleasured Gohan and what he liked in sex. More importantly, she had to learn what SHE liked in sex since Vados had admitted to never engaging in intercourse before, which seemed like some kind of cliché for her being an angel but Videl wasn't going to judge, so she had a LOT to learn about sex. The same was true for Launch, 18, and Zangya since they never really had a chance to be intimate with anyone. Though the internet, TV, and availability of material on this Earth was helping with the problem by letting them read, watch, and look at porn of all kinds, though Videl made sure to give a list of "fetishes" to avoid since Gohan was NOT going to be interested in them and it could easily make things very uncomfortable with the other girls. They accepted once Videl showed them what the items in question entailed and promptly avoided all of the porn that fell under those types.

Anyway, the point was that Videl was the alpha/queen of the group and it wasn't just because she was Gohan's wife. She was the strongest; Vados not withstanding since it was hit or miss on what her power level was at since she wasn't a full fledged angel anymore; she knew Gohan the best, she knew how to handle him, what made him relax, what helped him vent his frustration, what he loved to do most, what he hated most, she knew him as well as he knew himself because they kept NOTHING from each other at all. The other girls were essentially going in half blind because even if Bulma and Panchy knew A Gohan, they didn't fully know THIS Gohan and they and the others all had a steep learning curve to adapt to before they could ever possibly be considered a 1% threat to Videl's status as his main wife and chief mate.

Videl then shook those thoughts away as she pushed off the desk and slammed her lips back against Gohan's sending the chair back into the wall, but neither cared as they were kissing aggressively now. Both knew the first shot was coming and Videl had already been orgasming for a while now so it was time to get her womb's reward for doing all this. Gohan, of course, was helping by gripping her ass cheeks tightly and slamming her down as he thrust his hips up, adding his own strength to Videl's and letting his dick kiss and pierce her womb at each stroke which both of them enjoyed immensely.

It only took a few more minutes before Gohan felt his balls tighten up and he slammed Videl down with enough force that a loud SMACK echoed out in the room and both noted she'd probably have a bruised ass… again. However they didn't care as they kept kissing the other as Gohan's dick was secure in her pussy and womb and was emptying itself into her womb with each spurt giving Videl another mini-orgasm which caused her pussy to milk his dick more prolonging both of their enjoyment and pleasure.

Gohan sighed as he sat back as Videl kissed his neck and chest while occasionally working her vagina around his dick to coax more cum out. Gohan smirked and kissed Videl softly before it quickly grew heated again and he grabbed her ass and carried her to bed as she began bouncing on his dick again moaning and screaming her love and devotion as they walked before Gohan pinned and then silenced her with a heated kiss as the married duo continued well into night.

#################LEMON END#################

Outside the room, Bulma sat on the floor legs spread panting as her panties were around her knees and her shirt above her full DD cup breasts as she heaved and panted from cumming while watching her future lover fuck his mate. It was driving her wild to see such love, lust, affection, and bliss etched onto their faces and in their actions. This wasn't the first time either, as she did this any chance she could to see Gohan switch from rough and dominating to gentle and caring and vice versa whenever the mood or Videl called for it.

She really needed her own loving soon or she was going to go insane.


Gohan was in his work office signing some papers to approve supplies and the testing for the next stage of different projects. Some of his employees wanted to keep going and going, but Gohan reined them in because unlike previous employers he wanted it done correctly and safely, not quickly. While potentially more costly, it was still better in the long run to ensure that everything they put out was safe for people to use or be around without problems. While some still wanted to get results faster, they understood where he was coming from since people weren't going to want anything they put out if it was hazardous or could cause any number of side effects or accidents to occur. So they paced themselves checking over their notes, research, and data repeatedly to look for mistakes, gaps, or possible unknowns that could arise as they went.

In a month or so, Gohan planned to set up a lab for the process to create something he had been researching on his Earth but hadn't been able to finish the equations and practical applications to make it until after he was dead, he didn't ONLY fight and have sex after all. What was it? It was a new element, something that if his theory was correct could create a brand new form of energy to supply cities, countries, and the world with. It was just a matter of getting the resources and equipment to do it once he finished checking over the calculations extensively since one wrong error and he could have an explosion that made Hiroshima seem like a kid's firecracker.

Gohan then paused and looked to the TV he had in his office to see a reporter talking about the Justice League fighting something. Turning the volume up, he heard the reporter speaking, "We're coming to you live from Chicago where members of the Justice League seems to be engaged in a battle against some form of robots or androids and it would appear that they are struggling a bit." The reporter stated as it showed J'onn, Megan, Superman, Diana, Hawkgirl, and Flash fighting a dozen or so bots that were red and silver and carried staves with them.

Gohan frowned and stood before he made a duplicate of himself and clicked his watch before vanishing. The duplicate merely turned the TV back down a bit and continued working with no one in the offices, besides those that lived with him that could sense energy, being any the wiser that anything had happened.


Diana and the others were having a hard day since the robots that were their opponents, calling themselves Manhunters, showed up. They had flown to Earth and demanded Green Lantern turn himself over to them and they started attacking anyone or thing that got in their way, even if it was just a car driving while they walked down the middle of the street. Flash had arrived first and found himself nearly breaking his hand when he punched one and quickly called in backup as the others began attacking and could track him as he moved. What was worse was their staves could fire energy projectiles that could do a variety of different things whether just inflict pain or electrocute to somewhat incapacitate.

Currently, Diana was trying to get up after having been blasted by three different Manhunters with the electricity and one was approaching to fire at her point blank range, "This is what happens when you get in the Manhunter's way." The bot stated as he fired only to look in confusion as he hit the street instead.

Diana blinked as she felt herself in someone's arms and thought it was Superman at first before seeing the clothing and realized it was Gohan. "You all right Diana?" Gohan asked as he looked at her while the others were with him about ten feet from where the Manhunters were.

Diana, despite her nature and being uncertain of why, blushed as she was held in his arms like some fair maiden, "Y-yes, thank you Bardock." Diana stated as the others had told her that she should call him that when in public to ensure any villains or such didn't aim at him when he wasn't ready for it.

"Good." Gohan stated he set her down and looked at the Manhunters. "What business do you have on Earth?" Gohan asked as he stepped towards them as they all looked at him with blank expressions.

"We are here for John Stewart, relinquish him to our custody now." One of them stated and Gohan just looked at them.

"You come here trying to take a defender of this world and then start tearing up the place when you don't get your way, I'd think you were cops for the first part if not for your incompetence and sloppy work." Gohan stated as he started walking towards them.

"You know nothing, human, we are intergalactic peace keepers." The same Manhunter stated and Gohan snorted.

"Doesn't look like you're keeping the peace to me." Gohan stated seeing the destruction and damage they caused as he looked around, not caring that one of them was in striking distance and was reading his staff to attack.

The others did, but before they could shout out a warning, Gohan swiped his arm to the side cleaving the Manhunter in two, counting going through the staff it was holding, causing sparks of electricity to pour out from between it as the light faded from its eyes. Gohan flicked his fingers at the remains and caused them to explode leaving nothing but smoke since he didn't want any of the intelligent assholes taking any of the remains and creating new weapons or anything that would advance their own gains.

The heroes only looked in surprise at Gohan casually chopping through the Manhunter since they had been landing some hits but they hadn't done anything to them other than knock them away. "Did he seriously just chop through one of those things when we weren't even scratching them?" Flash asked incredulously as his face showed his surprise and shock that the others mirrored.

"Yes, though from what he told us of his history, that shouldn't be too much of a surprise. Compared to the Cold Family, these things probably seem like a joke." Hawkgirl stated knowing that Frieza and his family were MUCH more threatening than these tin cans.

If the Manhunters were upset over one of their own being destroyed so casually, they didn't show it as three of them merely pointed their staves at him and the rest stood impassively. Gohan snorted before he was gone from their sight only to appear behind them and swung his leg around kicking through two before he flicked the head of a third one causing the head to fly off and smash into a fourth's causing that one's head to crush against the third's.

However, before he could destroy the last four, a green wall appeared, "That's enough." Lantern stated as he came down and stood in front of the Manhunters.

"John Stewart, you are under arrest. Turn over your lantern ring." The same Manhunter from before stated and John sighed before taking his ring off and handing it over before the Manhunter slammed his staff on the ground causing a bubble to form around them while another Manhunter cuffed Lantern.

"You're making a mistake, Lantern." Gohan stated as Lantern just looked at him before the bubble took off towards space. Gohan sighed and quickly destroyed the rest of the Manhunter remains before looking to the others, "You all okay?" Gohan asked as he walked towards them and they all nodded.

"Yeah, thanks for the save, those things were a pain to deal with, though I guess not for you." Flash stated as Gohan helped him up.

"I'm surprised you couldn't handle them since with your capabilities, you should be able to break them no problem." Gohan stated and Flash rubbed the back of his head sheepishly.

"Yeah well, me running and punching doesn't exactly do much." Flash stated and Gohan raised an eyebrow in confusion.

"Given what I've read about your powers, running shouldn't need to be involved and even if it was, it would only add to what your punch should be like." Gohan stated and Flash looked at him in confusion, "You've never pushed your powers to their limits and seen what you can really do, have you?" Gohan asked with a frown and Flash shrugged a bit, "I see, it's no wonder you couldn't break those droids, you're nowhere near your max potential." Gohan stated making Flash frown before Hawkgirl spoke up.

"As interesting as this is, shouldn't we be worried about Lantern?" Hawkgirl asked making Gohan nod.

"You're right, do you know where they'd take him for his trial?" Gohan asked and Hawkgirl nodded.

"Yes, there's a tribunal run planet called Ajuris 5 that handles most Galactic trials, both the Green Lantern Corps and others use it for trials and sentencing." Hawkgirl stated and Gohan nodded before turning to Superman.

"Contact Batman, let him know some of us are going off world to help Lantern, though we shouldn't all go in case something happens with Earth." Gohan stated and Superman nodded before Gohan turned to Flash, "If you ever want some help training your powers and seeing what you can really do, come by my offices and we'll see what we can set up for you." Gohan stated making Flash frown and nod since he'd be staying, while he wanted to help GL, he was at a disadvantage as he needed to be able to run in order to fight and there was no way for him to help in a zero gravity setting except for GL creating him a pathway to run on.


Gohan, Hawkgirl, Superman, Diana, J'onn were in the Javelin landing at a space that they were cleared for and began heading for the trial dome while hearing from different beings about how John destroyed a planet and caused mass genocide through it. Only, when they arrived it was in recess and GL was standing there waiting for it to resume, "Just had to be the noble cop huh?" Gohan asked as Lantern turned and saw them there.

"You're wasting your time being here, I'm guilty, I caused that planet to explode." Lantern stated and Gohan smacked him upside the head making him shout in pain, "What the hell?!" Lantern asked angrily and Gohan shook his head.

"You're a real idiot, you know that?" Gohan asked making Lantern frown. "You're innocent and when the court resumes, I intend to be here and prove it even if I have to beat it into your brain that you are." Gohan stated as Lantern merely snorted before he sighed and went back to standing there. Gohan just looked at the others, "I saw some other lanterns here, I want to know why they are leaving John high and dry. J'onn, can you stay here to let me know when the trial continues?" Gohan asked and J'onn nodded before Gohan walked off with Diana going with him.

"Bardock, about before…" Diana started and Gohan merely raised an eyebrow at her in confusion. Diana bit her lip slightly before shaking her head, "Never mind, it's nothing." Diana stated causing Gohan to look at her in confusion as they kept walking.

"All right, if you're sure, I'm always available to talk to if you need or want to." Gohan stated making Diana smile appreciatively, though she was confused at the feeling in her chest and stomach when he said that.

Arriving at a bar, Gohan saw a group of five or so Lanterns drinking, "Excuse me." Gohan asked as they looked at him with frowns, "I was wondering why you all aren't defending your comrade John Stewart?" Gohan asked and one of them that was short and ball shaped snorted.

"He's no comrade of ours, the man admitted to destroying the planet and I say good riddance to trash." The ball one said and Gohan and Diana frowned as all but the larger pink skinned alien voiced their agreement.

"I think the only trash is the group I'm looking at. From my understanding, the corps is supposed to look out for each other like family, but without even investigating you wash your hands of John because it's easier than doing actual work. It's no wonder corruption and slavery is still in the universe with people like you in the corps." Gohan stated making them all frown as the four got up.

"WAIT! No weapons in here! Please!" The bartender shouted while waving his hands around.

"I don't need weapons." Gohan stated before he backhanded a slug looking lantern sending him into a wall hard enough to leave spiderweb cracks before he caught the ball shaped one and began dribbling him like a basketball despite his shouts and grunts of pain from being smacked back and forth between Gohan's hand and the floor. Gohan then smacked him forward sending him into a red birdlike lantern causing them both to crash hard through a table and into a wall. The last one backed off as Gohan glared at it and he raised his hands in surrender and backed off. "You're actions disgust me especially since there's clear evidence that he's innocent and you all are too stupid to even notice it. John is guilty of nothing, but you all would rather leave him on his own than actually do your job and investigate to ensure an innocent man isn't killed for his crimes. It's pathetic, cowardly, and sends a clear message that the Lanterns don't give a damn about their comrades and teammates, they only care about what's easiest for them." Gohan stated before he turned to leave before the pink one placed his hand on Gohan's shoulder.

"Can you really help John?" He asked and Gohan just looked at him, "I did look into it, but I couldn't find anything to refute the facts. John's a good man and doesn't deserve to be treated like this, but there was nothing I could do without proof." He continued making Gohan nod slightly.

"Bring your so called teammates along and they can see the proof, though if I were you I wouldn't trust them to have your back since they'll clearly just abandon you if they think it's too hard." Gohan stated and the pink alien merely grunted as he grabbed the others with the help of the Lantern that Gohan didn't beat up and followed them back to the dome to find the trial resuming.

"In light of no evidence for the defense-" One of the tribunal started before Gohan interrupted.

"Objection, there is evidence for the defense." Gohan stated as he floated over to where John was causing murmurs to break out while John was shaking his head at him.

"Who are you?" Another of the tribunal asked, a female.

"You can call me Bardock, I am a comrade and friend to the accused and intend to show his innocence." Gohan stated as he floated there.

"Are you taking the position of Mr. Stewart's lawyer?" The third member of the tribunal asked.

"If that's what it takes to clear his name, then yes." Gohan stated and the tribunal looked at each other.

"Very well, but know that if he is found guilty, you will share his fate." The first one stated making Gohan shrug.

"Then I have nothing to worry about." Gohan stated with complete confidence making many murmur.

"Be sure, because there is no backing out of this once it has been confirmed." The third voice stated and Gohan smirked.

"I can prove my client is innocent by asking one simple question." Gohan claimed making everyone look at him in surprise, even John did.

"He does have a plan, right?" Hawkgirl asked the others and they could only shrug.

"I trust in him, he wouldn't be doing this if he didn't have a reason." J'onn stated making them nod while noticing five small blue men with white hair and red robes were paying rapt attention to Gohan along with the recently arrived Lanterns.

"Very well, what question do you claim can prove his innocence?" The female asked and Gohan smirked.

"Honorable members of the tribunal, my question is this: Why is the moon still there?" Gohan asked making many frown in confusion as he floated there while the Tribunal looked at each other.

"I'm sorry, can you elaborate on the question please." The female asked and Gohan nodded.

"My question is simple: If my client did in fact destroy the planet of Ajuris 4, then why is the moon still there?" Gohan stated as many widened their eyes, "You can see clearly that the moon is still in an orbiting cycle, which shouldn't be possible if the planet was destroyed. Such an explosion of that size should have either destroyed the moon or sent it drifting off into space, neither has happened which means there's still a gravitational pull on it. However, how can that be if the planet was destroyed? The answer is simple: The planet has NOT been destroyed and is merely under a cloaking field of some kind." Gohan stated, while sensing life in the supposed empty space, making many murmur in agreement while the Lanterns, the five men, and John were all shocked.

"ORDER!" The third voice called silencing the room, "In light of this evidence, a small team will be sent to the moon to investigate since Ajuris 4's magnetic field would interfere in anything of a longer range." The voice called as a small group of their court security took off and a few minutes later had the planet become visible again amidst shouts of surprise and shock.

"I think it is clear that in light of this evidence, John Stewart is hereby cleared of all charges and released to resume his work as a Green Lantern." The first voice stated making Gohan smirk.

"Seconded!" The second and third voice chorused as John was released from his restraints and given his ring back.

Gohan though floated over and grabbed the "witness" against John, "You have five seconds to tell me who had you frame John before I vaporize you on the spot." Gohan stated as he made a ball of Ki to make his point, not noticing the shocked and fearful looks coming from several people at seeing the attack and one seeing his tail.

"I-It's a Saiyan!" One of the viewers shouted in shock and fear causing everyone to gasp and look at Gohan in shock especially the five men and the other Lanterns.

Gohan merely snorted and undid his tail making many gasp in fear, "Yes I am a Saiyan, I live on Earth and protect it, which means John is under my protection as well since he's from Earth." Gohan stated before turning back to the witness, "And you just tried to frame him." Gohan stated as the witness, a space pirate named Kanjar-Ro, was shaking in fear.

"Please! They paid me good money, I didn't know I was going to cross a Saiyan of all things!" Kanjar-Ro stated in fear before Gohan frowned and he realized he didn't answer the question, "The Manhunters! They wanted him framed, they paid well and I didn't ask why." The pirate stated and Gohan grunted and tossed him aside before looking at the clearly nervous tribunal.

"I trust he'll be punished for not only falsifying evidence, but framing a known peace keeper?" Gohan asked and the tribunal quickly nodded their heads before Gohan nodded and started walking away. "C'mon, we need to find those rust buckets and find out why they wanted you framed." Gohan stated as John followed him along with the other members of the League and the pink alien following as well.

Once they were outside, they headed towards the compound that was marked for them and found it deserted, "Any ideas on where'd they'd go or how many of them there are?" Gohan asked John, who shook his head.

"I can answer that." A voice stated as they turned to see one of the five men there, though it was clear that he was nervous.

"And you are?" Gohan asked and John answered.

"One of the guardians of Oa, basically one of the leaders of their race that helps power and lead the Green Lantern Corps." John stated as the man nodded.

"Yes, my name is Raoa Sundora. We created the Lantern rings, though we also created the Manhunters long before the Lanterns were even dreamed up. We repurposed them later on as we found they had a much too black and white view of right and wrong with there never being a grey area. They never seemed to mind the change." Raoa stated and Gohan frowned.

"At least out loud." Gohan stated making Raoa widen his eyes slightly before having to concede his point.

"My brothers did not think it prudent to tell you this, they are afraid of you because of your heritage and the infamy that your race had accumulated. However, John Stewart trusts you and you are the first Saiyan to my knowledge that is trying to save another simply because he is your comrade. That is good enough for me to take the chance and talk to you before it is too late." Raoa stated making them frown.

"Before what is too late?" Superman asked and Gohan sighed.

"Goddammit." Gohan stated making the others look at him.

"What is it?" Diana asked and Gohan sighed.

"They were built to be the peacekeepers for the galaxy and then they were replaced by the Lanterns and are upset over it, where else would they go?" Gohan asked making them widen their eyes in shock.

"Oa." Lantern stated and Gohan nodded.

"We need to move fast, they've had centuries to prepare and build up their numbers for this moment." Gohan stated knowing that unless Oa was ridiculously well defended, the planet was going to fall and the Lanterns wouldn't be that far behind it.

The others all nodded before heading for the Javelin and taking off towards Oa with the pink alien, a friend of John's named Kilowog, coming with even if he was a bit weary of Gohan. However, John trusted him, the Guardian seemed willing to, and he clearly could have just killed the other Lanterns during the bar fight, that was good enough for Kilowog.

"So, you're really a Saiyan?" Kilowog asked and Gohan nodded.

"Yes, though only half. My father was a full blood Saiyan and my mother was a Human." Gohan stated making Kilowog nod.

"Explains why Earth is home to you, Humans have yet to try and colonize other worlds." Raoa stated and Gohan nodded.

The League members merely remained silent as Gohan could decide if anyone else needed to know about him being from a different Universe and everything else.

After a while, they were closing in on Oa and saw the planet was under heavy siege by thousands and thousands of Manhunters the defenses were failing one after the other. Gohan didn't wait and quickly used Instant Transmission to appear among the Manhunters causing them all to cease attacking and look at him while the Javelin kept its approach and Oa's defenses halted allowing the remaining members of the inhabitants to rest a bit.

"Leave this planet or be destroyed, there will be no second warning or chance." Gohan stated as he eyed the different robots while internally glad that his family and friends figured out how to regulate Ki around them and in their lungs to let them keep breathing even in space.

It was a pain in the ass to learn and master, but VERY worth it.

"You should hurry, he can't handle that many on his own" Raoa stated knowing even a Saiyan could be overwhelmed by numbers and John frowned.

"I don't think we know what he can do." John stated as he was curious of what Gohan could do.

Gohan merely looked at the Manhunters and saw they all were aiming at him now, "I wouldn't do that." Gohan stated before they all began firing on him causing a cloud of smoke to form as they kept firing since their sensors picked up no sound of pain or traces of blood or the like.

"I warned you." Raoa stated flinching at the sight of so many energy blasts hitting a single person and John frowned as Diana clenched her hands tightly already preparing to go out and help.

Eventually, the Manhunters stopped firing and the smoke held a few moments before clearing showing an unamused Gohan there without a single scratch on him shocking Raoa and the others. Gohan merely snarled before he pushed his arms out while roaring causing a large sphere of Ki to form and destroy all the Manhunters it touched. However, it stopped from touching Oa and the sphere broke down into hundreds of Ki blasts that immediately went after the Manhunters, destroying them by the hundreds. Once the sphere went down, Gohan began flashing through the battlefield destroying them by hand.

At this point, Diana shook off her surprise and shock before she put an oxygen mask on andejected herself from the Javelin to go help and was followed by Superman, Hawkgirl, and the two Lanterns while J'onn landed the Javelin on Oa before going out to help.

Gohan kept smashing through the different bots around him making sure to blast any that got near the planet's surface before he formed two disk shaped attacks, "Destructo Disk." Gohan stated as he threw the two disks and mentally controlled them to slice through different Manhunters as Gohan kept up his assault on their forces. Channeling Ki to his hand, he swiped it outwards sending a large arc of energy out that cleaved through several of the Manhunters before he twisted and kicked the head off another.

Out of the corner of his eye, he saw the others struggling against the Manhunters and sighed in annoyance before kicking an attacker back, "Stop holding back! They aren't organics or living beings, cut loose and just destroy them!" Gohan stated as he bisected a Manhunter before grabbing and throwing the two halves of the staff into another two heads.

Superman frowned before he took a breath and smashed his fist into one of the Manhunters causing a shockwave as it was completely destroyed and the pieces flew at other Manhunters destroying them as well. He then used his Heat Vision, but instead of the focused beam he usually used, this was a full on blast of energy that melted all the Manhunters it hit.

Hawkgirl merely tightened the grip on her face before roaring loudly and began smashing through each Manhunter that she encountered.

Diana followed suit and began using her full strength on each Manhunter she hit turning them to scrap metal.

J'onn began phasing through the different Manhunters pulling their central processors out of them as he went rather than waste time and energy to smash through them all when this method was so much more effective and faster.

John and Kilowog used their rings to their full potential and showed the Manhunters why THEY were the power that could stand in the brightest day or the blackest night.

However, there was a problem that Gohan could clearly see, none of the League members or Kilowog were used to using their power and strength to this degree. Gohan wasn't even really trying to destroy these things since there nowhere near as durable as the robots Cooler used with the Big Getty Star or evening Gero's androids. A few of them were starting to sweat and pant while Gohan was only getting warmed up, he could only conclude they never had someone push to use their maximum before and now they were burning their energy faster than normal.

That meant Gohan would have to wrap this up a little faster than he anticipated.

With that in mind, he powered up more with his aura catching attention as he pointed his hands at the Manhunters out of the way of the others. "HAA!" Gohan roared as his energy lashed out from his hands and instantly all the Manhunters he pointed at were obliterated dropping their numbers considerably. Gohan then raised his left index finger and began firing precise beams at different Manhunters, destroying them and any more behind them.

Everyone could only watch in shock at Gohan decimating the Manhunters to such a degree. When Gohan turned to look at the Manhunters remaining, they each took a small movement back causing Gohan to narrow his eyes and begin forming a Ki blast.

The sight of the attack made the Manhunters turn around and fly away and Gohan waited till they were just far enough away before firing the yellow ball of energy. Said ball surged forward at incredible speeds before reaching the middle of the group and detonating. Gohan lowered his hand and floated to the others as they shielded themselves in shock from and at the shockwave and brightness of the proverbial miniature sun Gohan crated with his attack.

Then, like magic, it faded as if it never existed. There was nothing but empty space, not even a piece of scrap from the Manhunters remained.

The others could all only stare at Gohan in shock at what he did showing he clearly didn't need their help in destroying the Manhunters. Gohan, though, merely floated toward Oa, "I think it's time to have a talk with the Guardians." Gohan stated as he floated down and found Raoa there waiting. "I want to talk to your brothers before they get it in their heads to try something foolish." Gohan stated making Raoa nod before he led Gohan to their council chambers.

Upon entering, Gohan saw hundreds of the species with their hairstyles being the only difference among them besides some being more wrinkled than others. Though a few looking exhausted didn't help things, which Gohan assumed meant they were the ones who were protecting Oa the longest when the Manhunters attacked.

"Raoa! Why have you brought this creature here?!" One of them shouted as he stood only to be forced to sit down by another next to him.

"Raoa, why have your brought the Saiyan here?" One of the them that was sitting on a grander chair asked and Gohan assumed he was the chief among the Guardians.

"He said he wanted to talk, I saw no reason not to oblige." Raoa stated before he took his seat.

Gohan waited a moment before speaking, "I'm not here to fight or give an ultimatum, I am merely here to deliver a warning." Gohan stated making some look at him curiously, some fearfully, and others angrily.

"Are you threatening us you mangy ape?!" The one from before demanded and Gohan merely looked at him.

"No, if I was threatening you, I would do this." Gohan stated as he exerted his presence and pressure over the room making many choke and gasp for air. "See, this gets the point across that I'm being dead serious and if you cross me, then you'll die." Gohan stated as he kept looking at the one who shouted before his presence was gone in an instant, "And this is what it's like when I just want a civil conversation." Gohan stated as they all nodded and tried to regain their bearings.

"I think I speak for everyone when I say we are more than fine with a civil conversation." Raoa as many of the others all nodded their consent.

"Great." Gohan smiled in a friendly way which unnerved some of them since he switched from threatening to good natured so quickly. "My warning is simple: If you send the Lantern Corps after me, I will send them back broken and tired. I won't kill them unless they are like Sinestro, but I will send them back injured to whatever degree I feel is necessary to get them to back off. You all can keep maintaining the corps and letting corruption, slavery, and problems plague the galaxy, but I will crush anyone I find committing those things to whatever degree I deem acceptable. That includes the likes of Frieza and his family." Gohan stated making them all stiffen at the name.

"You consider the Cold Empire to be a small time opponent?" Raoa asked in disbelief and Gohan shrugged.

"I've fought a God of Destruction and lived, so…" Gohan stated making them all freeze in fear and shock.

"Yo-you've faced one of the-" The head Guardian stated as Gohan just nodded.

"Yeah, I'm even friends with King Zeno, which is why I'm here. He wanted me to help handle some things since your universe is spiraling towards a point of failing and that is unacceptable." Gohan stated making them stiffen further, "No, he doesn't want to add this universe to his territory, he just doesn't like that threats aren't being handled and some of the heroes aren't up to what they could be." Gohan stated making them relax ever so slightly.

"So, the point of this was essentially to tell us-" The head started before Gohan spoke up.

"Stay out of the way because you'll be in over your heads and so will the Corps. Kilowog and John showed me that it's likely that none of the Lanterns have trained in fully unleashing the power of their will and rings when they attack and the toll on them was draining them both rapidly. I understand if it was due to Sinestro that you held back in some teachings, though frankly I'm amazed Sinestro has lost as much as he has. Not your Lanterns defeating him, but more the fact you allow him to commit war crimes regardless of his political standing." Gohan stated making them remain silent while Gohan sighed and rubbed his head. "Regardless, I'll help keep Earth safe, but y'all got a lot of work to do and if I get the chance to go outside of my system to handle some of those issues, then I will. Have a good day." Gohan stated before waving and walking off not caring one way or another how they handled things.

Exiting the building, saw the other team members there along with Kilowog before he approached and shook Kilowog's hand, "Nice meeting you, Kilowog, feel free to drop by Earth any time." Gohan stated making Kilowog nod and shake his hand.

"I may do that, if only to ensure this idiot doesn't get in over his head again." Kilowog stated pointing at John, who rolled his eyes before he patted Kilowog's shoulder and they boarded the Javelin before taking off back for Earth.

Gohan was silent while keeping a smirk away from his face. Between the Guardians and all the people at the trial, it wouldn't take more than a week, if that, for news to spread across the Galaxy about a Saiyan being alive and on Earth. Gohan knew it would attract some of the more ruthless, cocky, and powerful individuals, but it would also scare away many of the small fry thereby reducing the number of pain in the asses that came to Earth.

"Listen, I… just wanted to say thanks. You had faith in me when I didn't even have faith in myself." John stated making them all nod.

"No problem, you're our teammate, that means we got your back whenever you need it, even if you think it's pointless or a waste of time." Gohan stated causing John to scoff.

"Yeah, yeah." John stated with a half glare as Gohan grinned.


Gohan sat behind his desk with his hands crossed in front of his face while near him was a duplicate looking like Bardock and so was a very annoyed Videl. In front of them was the reason for the annoyance: a dozen formerly armed men restrained and held in place by his security. "I have to say, I wasn't expecting an infiltration this fast after my announcement, I expected it a few weeks from now once we had time to get even more research done. Though I am impressed you managed to get up two floors before being caught." Gohan stated as he sat back as the twelve were trying to get free. "I won't waste any time asking you anything since you're all too professional to talk, besides I don't need you to anyway. So, let me explain what is going to happen now." Gohan stated as he walked around the desk and stood before them all, "My security here is going to turn you over to the cops, what good it will do since Luthor and General Eiling will have you out before anything substantial can be done." Gohan stated making the dozen look at him in surprise, "While that happens, my friend Bardock here is going to have a chat with your employers, though from what I know, the two won't listen to the warning or the advice to back off, but at least he can try. Have a good day." Gohan stated before security dragged them away as Gohan returned to his seat.

Gohan nodded to his duplicate, who vanished to handle the business with Lex and Eiling, before Gohan turned to Videl, "Have Bulma release some of the files we took, I want those two worrying about covering their asses and saving face over trying again right now." Gohan stated with Videl nodding before she kissed him and left while swaying her hips and ass for Gohan to watch as she did.

Gohan merely chuckled since Videl and he had no shame and no reason to have any shame considering their preferences or desires. If someone had a problem with it, then it was just that: their problem.

Sighing to himself, Gohan pulled up a hologram for a gift to one of the League members since they could definitely benefit from it. "Plans for that element boss?" A female voiced asked as a blue hologram of a woman with pronounced breasts, large ass, wide hips, and slender legs appeared with a bob cut hairstyle and white eyes with a dark blue pupil. Her "clothing" was a two strap leotard that was split open down the middle showing her cleavage and stomach.

Gohan smirked, "Somewhat, Cortana, it's the first stage of a project for an ally of mine. This would be a starting point and more models could come later and may need that new element, but this one won't." Gohan stated to the AI that he, Videl, and Bulma created a few days ago, though her appearance and personality were her own doing even if Bulma and Videl were fully appreciative and all for them both. Cortana was situated into their network that connected her to both the company and his home, but she could follow the internet to other places and access files and documents from there as well almost as fast as Bulma and Gohan could hack in remotely, though hers was more subtle. Plus, she got better the more she learned and practiced.

Of course, this was only stage one of her creation/development but better to test each stage than try in a later one and find a problem that could have been fixed in stage 1.

"I see. Have you considered increasing the diameter of the jet propulsion by 3 millimeters? It would allow for an increase in the take off while not taking more toll on the fuel." Cortana asked and Gohan chuckled.

"Yes, but I have it right now at the perfect balance of thrust and speed to where it can't be possible to exceed a speed beyond the user's control and any more force could cause these areas by the arms to fail." Gohan stated as Cortana looked it over closely.

"Oh, my apologies." Cortana stated while scratching her cheek slightly.

"It's all right, Bulma and I gave you a lot of intelligence, but there's still a few things that you can only learn and experience through existing and from us teaching you, so no harm done." Gohan stated with a smile as he kept going over the hologram with Cortana watching intently and learning as he went so she would be less likely to make a mistake like that again. She didn't know if it was part of her programming or what, but she was very fond of her creators, though she doubted it was part of her programming as she had seen all the details and data to create her and there was nothing to base her loyalty or "feelings" about them.

She chalked it up to something she still needed to learn and would learn it in the future once she knew what "it" was.

Gohan merely continued to work while answering and educating Cortana as he went since she didn't have the advanced knowledge of his Earth and as such she was only as intelligent as the information that she had access to. Hence why he was happy to talk and educate her since she would learn more that way and become even more helpful in the future. He was already doing the same thing for Bulma and the others, so why not? Plus she could ask something that he hadn't considered and it would help with improvements.

He made a note to have Ivy, Videl, Langstrom, Minerva, Fries, and Bulma do the same with her along with any other experts he brought in along the way. The more she learned the more information she had to work with and combine with other things and help them all more. Of course, Cortana wasn't the only AI that they were planning to develop, but she was the first and as she grew and learned she could help the next one learn and grow at a faster rate. However, in order to do that, Cortana had to learn and grow first and she needed their help to do it effectively.

It was just a matter of educating her now.


Gohan sighed as he entered his room and promptly flexed his power to destroy the work clothes down to a pair of boxers and rolled his neck. The talk with Eiling and Luthor went as well as could be expected with them blowing smoke and releasing a lot of hot air with nothing substantial to back it up. No proof this, slander that, freaks should stay out of the way, no interest in an infant company that had nothing substantial to it, blah blah blah. Bardock had given them a warning that they'd have their own problems soon and that they should use it as a learning experience.

It didn't matter though, the talk was just for show so they and others would draw lines from Bardock to Gohan, especially with the show he gave of "calling" Bardock and him arriving via the window to push away any thoughts of them being the same person. Gohan was ensuring that wasn't done until he was ready and secure to do so publicly on his own terms.

Of course, their denials also didn't matter because of the documents and reports that would be coming out tomorrow. Just to really twist the screws, Gohan had the files sent to EVERY news outlet, whether they were in America or not, and knew it would be on every news station no matter what the two did to cover their asses. Lex may be a multi-billionaire nearing on trillionaire but even he couldn't move funds fast enough to get every news outlet to stop talking about the dirty secrets Gohan had released. Gohan had no illusions the two would avoid jail, but the point was for them to squirm and panic to contain the situation before it got worse. Plus, they'd be more cautious because several people would now be watching them like hawks just waiting to swoop in and hurt them.

It also would let them know that Gohan wasn't some new boy on the block that didn't know anything. The fact he had those files would scare them and make them paranoid, after all, if he had those files then what else did he possibly have? How did he get them? Was it a hack and if so how did he get through their security? Did someone betray them and if so then who was it? Did someone break into their office/home to get at the hard copies they kept just in case?

The paranoia would eat away at them and make them have to back off and look at their own HQ for any further problems. Of course, their security was shit compared to Capsule Corp's and Gohan and his Bulma had redesigned and upgraded that security over their years of working there. They might as well have had no security than what they had since Bulma breached both of their fire walls and security protocols in less than 2 minutes put together.

Plus, their panic would force them to move and open other files that Bulma may not have acquired and thus would allow her access and opportunities to fill in the "spider-web" as Gohan called it. Basically the networking and influence connections from those directly tied to Luthor and Eiling and then branching outward to create a spider web type pattern flow chart of connections and influence. Hurting the different connections would hurt Luthor and Eiling both in losing those connections and the blame being traced back to them for not keeping their files more secure and protected.

Even the files they kept hard copies of weren't safe since the idiots didn't shut down their personal security cameras when they examined or opened them, so just pulling the archived footage and then cleaning it up gave them access to those files too. Granted they didn't have all the hard copies due to the Security system wiping the memory after a length of time, but once one of the files they kept was released, the two paranoid people would go through all the files to ensure they weren't tampered with or removed.

It was almost sad how predictable paranoid narcissistic people could be if you knew where to poke and prod to get a reaction from them.

Oh well, their loss and Gohan's gain.

###############LEMON START#############

Shaking those thoughts away, Gohan stretched and was going to check his laptop and then head to bed. However, he paused and turned to his left to see Bulma there with a sultry smirk on her face wearing a black garter and stockings leaving her DD cup tits on display and her clean shaven womanhood as she laid on the bed looking at him. "Hello love." Bulma stated with a small finger wave and Gohan smirked.

"Videl owes me ten bucks. She thought Erasa would be first, even with your voyeurism tendencies." Gohan stated as he walked towards her and Bulma smiled as she laid on her back and pressed her tits out while having her legs spread wide open.

"Well, what can I say? This is most fun and romance I've had, ever, even if you haven't been trying." Bulma stated as she caressed her bare flesh for him.

"You know there's no rush, right? I'm not going to treat you any differently because we have sex… well, besides that I may be more assertive in some of the teasing." Gohan stated as he got on the bed and got close to her face.

Bulma merely smiled before pecking him on the lips, "Trust me, Gohan, if you don't fuck me, I'm going to get Videl to help me pin you down and have my way with you. I want this and I want it now." Bulma stated as Gohan's caring visage was replaced by one of a lust and hunger and it made Bulma shutter in pleasure.

"Then, what my brainy slut wants, she'll get." Gohan stated making her blush as he captured her lips in an aggressive and lustful kiss making her moan as she wrapped her arms around his neck and began pressing her body against him. Her nipples felt like they were grinding against a soft stone or metal given his solid wall of muscle that he had. Her womanhood was brushing against his 'power pole' even if his underwear was blocking direct contact.

Bulma then gasped as Gohan's tongue invaded her mouth as his hands began to attack her body. One hand would grope her breasts while the other teased her pussy and then it would switch which hand was doing what. Right before he swapped hands, he'd pinch both her nipple and her clit causing her to squeal into his mouth as her pussy gushed happily. After six or so times of it, Bulma lost it, "HOLY SHIT!" Bulma screamed even with Gohan's mouth blocking it somewhat.

Gohan merely chuckled and pulled back letting Bulma pant and gasp for air as her impressive chest heaved. "You still want to play? Or should we get to the main event?" Gohan asked as he began to gently stroke her pussy lips causing her to shiver slightly before she reached down and spread her lower lips.

"Fuck me, I need it." Bulma begged since both of them knew they had plenty of time for oral pleasure and to REALLY explore the other's body, but right now she wanted to be fucked.

Gohan merely smiled and removed his boxers letting Bulma see and drool at his cock since this was the first time seeing it up close. Gohan chuckled at the sight before he grabbed her hips and pulled her towards him as he lined up with her pussy. Going slow to ensure he didn't stretch her too far too fast, Gohan pressed in feeling the lubrication from her pussy trickling down his dick as he went. "~Ooooh Fuuuuuuck~" Bulma moaned as she felt her neglected pussy get stuffed full all the way up to her womb as his dick kissed it.

Gohan though had to take a moment as Bulma was really tight, not as tight as Videl their first time, but definitely tighter than one would think.

However, it only stopped him a moment before he began to move making Bulma gasp as the pleasure increased. He wasn't going that fast, Gohan was in full control of his instincts so that he wouldn't do too much too fast that Bulma would be hurt from it… well…aside from maybe walking funny for a few days, but that was unavoidable.

However, he did pick up speed as she began adjusting to his size and rhythm and she seemed to be enjoying it, if the gasping and moaning sounds she gave off were any indication. Sounds that increased in frequency the faster and harder Gohan was able to go as she adjusted. "SHIIIIIT!" Bulma moaned as she came again tightening around Gohan like a vice, though it wasn't tight enough to break his control since Videl was MUCH tighter when she came since she was much stronger than Bulma. Gohan had joked with her one time that now she was stuck with him since she'd crush any man that tried to fuck her, of course Videl returned the teasing with a very… graphic display and reason for why she'd never consider fucking another man.

That led to an intense night of passion that literally and figuratively destroyed the room they were in.

But, that didn't matter right now since his focus is/should be on Bulma, "Sensitive?" Gohan asked with a smirk and Bulma merely looked at him.

"More like, severe backup." Bulma stated before she hooked her legs and arms around him, "Now shut up and keep fucking me!" Bulma demanded and Gohan was eager to please as he started working his dick into her more and more.

And so the two kept at it, using a variety of positions, some of which were only doable thanks to Gohan being able to fly. By the time Gohan was nearing his end, Bulma was caked in sweat and panting for air as she bounced on his dick ignoring the tiredness and soreness her body was experiencing from the rigorous exercise and the constant pleasure.

The scientist in her was in awe of Gohan since he barely look winded at all and the women in her was so head over heels that Bulma wouldn't be surprised if there were hearts in her eyes and/or floating around her. However, she was still human and one that was only a beginner in training and stamina, which meant she was going to be passed out soon if they didn't finish up. Gohan knee this which was why he was loosening his restraint and getting ready to release inside her.

When he did, Bulma threw her head back in a silent scream of ecstasy as she felt Gohan's release and it sent her into the biggest and hardest orgasm she had yet and kept bucking her hips and twerking to fully enjoy it, even if she wasn't consciously doing it. Eventually, it proved too much and she fell onto Gohan's chest as she lost the strength to stay up straight.

#########################LEMON END#########################

Bulma panted in bliss as she came down from her high and idly kissed and licked his chest as she slowed her heartrate while hearing Gohan's heart only mildly beating faster than what she assumed was normal. This was comparing it to her own heartrate, but still from the fact that Gohan was in many fights and battles and knew how to control himself, she knew it wasn't too far fetched in guessing that his heartrate wasn't that high for him. "Wow." Bulma breathed as she cuddled against him.

"Yeah, not bad for a first time." Gohan teased making Bulma roll her eyes with a smile knowing he meant her first time with him and a Saiyan like him.

"Don't worry, she'll get better." Gohan and Bulma turned to see a naked and smiling Videl at the doorway before she came over and laid on the bed cuddling on the opposite side of Gohan. "Don't worry Bulma, practice is the only way to REALLY get a handle on things." Videl stated with a knowing smirk making Bulma blush a bit.

"I'll keep that in mind." Bulma stated as her mind wandered to the future repeat performances she'd have with Gohan and it made her body react in obvious ways.

"By the way, I think I found another way for us to make money and provide some entertainment to people." Gohan cut in before Videl made Bulma a blushing mess.

"Oh? And what's that?" Videl asked as both turned to him and Gohan smiled.

"You think you and any of the girls would be interested in music?" Gohan asked with a smile still in place.

The two women just blinked before looking at each other and then back at their shared mate wondering just what he had planned now.


Hope you all enjoyed the chapter, next time will be…. Something.

See you all then.