"Ford, please! Reconsider what we're about to do! It's dangerous out there!" She was begging him not to leave Mariejois. "What will the other Nobles think of you leaving like this?"

In response to her pleas, he turned sharply on his heels and smiled at her, clearly amused by her concerns. "What will they think of me leaving? HA! They can think whatever they want! Why should I care what a bunch of pretentious assholes think of me? I'll do as I goddamn please."

A groan of frustration and reluctant acceptance left the woman's lips. "Besides, why would I want to waste my life in a place I know like the back of my hand? With all this money and power I wield, would it not better suit me to travel the world and fix what is to come? To see what mysteries and adventures lie in wait for me? For us? And don't pretend you don't understand what's at stake here."

She still didn't look as enthusiastic about leaving as he wanted her to be. He'd need to pull out the big guns. "And you know as well as I do that you're dying to see Fishman Island." A slap on the arm and an 'I can't believe you actually used that against me' look was all he got. And all he needed to get to know she was fully on board.

It had always been Nadine's desire to go there at least once in her life. It wasn't as though she had any family still living there, but more of a strong sense of curiosity towards where she came from before life as a slave. And Ford knew about this desire better than anyone.

"And it's not like we'd be in any real danger. We both know Haki and I've eaten a devil fruit. I'm also pretty sure most of the marine bases will have our backs if we really need anyone's help. Though I'm almost certain we won't."

It was almost minute before she said "Fine. Ok. Let's go." Ford laughed as he picked up Nadine and spun her around. And finally finding the smile that she'd been missing throughout the conversation, she laughed reluctantly at his childlike enthusiasm.

"When are we leaving?" He placed her down and began walking towards the door. He'd been ready to leave for almost a week, only waiting this long to convince her to come with him. Not that he would have even thought of leaving her behind.

In the end, it was just easier to convince her to go without tricking or forcing her to.

"Now, of course. With Fisher Tiger's death, we'll only have so much time before Arlong invades the Conomi Islands." There was no time to waste hanging around Mariejois when that madman was a little less than a year away from screwing up Nami's life.

She nodded her head and put up the 'personal maid' persona she'd used in public so many times before. It was the only way for the two to be able to be seen together whilst outside, away from the privacy that the mansion gave them.

As they walked towards the carriage outside that would take them to the docks, Ford looked at the ocean in the distance. 'This is it. This is where it all begins.' The carriage begins to move as they take their seats inside. 'First up: Nami.'