I do not own Skip Beat.


People might say it was over the top to close down half of the city for one man's special event but Lory Takarada was an over the top, old man.

He hired everybody from a zoo to a circus.

Celebrities and somebodies started pouring into Tokyo, only to meet an entrance that made them all speechless.

It was safe to say, people from all of the country were gathering at one man's party.

Kyoko showed up, looking as amazing as always and the lucky person to be employed near her, showed her the way to the man that she planned to greet.

She was happy to see Maria.

It was like only yesterday when she was hugging a 7-year0old little girl and now she was hugging an almost 30-year-old woman.

Everybody was confused to see Yashiro who did not arrive with a Light, but it was quickly cleared up by the fact that Light did not have a car, so they just met up in the morning before heading the building.

Then Kyoko friends from her 'Love Me Member' days arrived and it was quiet a feast for the male eyes.

Things got a whole lot better when Kuu and Julie arrived, sparkling like usual and glamourous as usual, the press absolutely loved their appearance.

The appearance of Sho Fuwa was also very much welcomed as well.

With so many high profiles celebrities present in one place, tomorrow, the whole town will be talking about this party for several days.

But the old man who was having the party wasn't satisfied yet.

There was still one more person that had yet to arrive.

"WHAT THE HELL!?" Said, a loud male voice which half of the small group know.


However, nobody expected to hear a woman voice.


The voice was female.


Ch 12: A little bit of Exposure.

You could tell the appearance of the two were turning head's as they walked through the streets.

Several people, who Koun Hizuri was used to seeing on a daily basis, turned their heads at what they thought was the Ghost of Koun Hizuri walking through the street.

Apparently, they thought the billboards were photoshop until now.

Then they saw the busty older woman who was with him and you could just feel the shock.

Those who had cameras were certainly trying to approach them.

Who was this stunning busty woman next to him and how do they know each other?

His small fan base would certainly be in an uproar tomorrow when the news's hit the internet.

When both of them were told where to find the Birthday old man, they were surprised to see all the people, who Mia had warned him to avoid all in one place.

It was the worst-case scenario for them and Mia could just feel all of their eyes look at her in surprise, including a certain sparkling old man.

Clearly, they were surprised to see her and wondered who the heck she was and her relationship with Light.

However, Mia did not cave under the pressure.

She had been a female head of the best delinquent group and had faced lots of scary people.

Why would she cave to people who had never caused the blood of another to spill with their fist's?

However, Light was currently in shock when he stared at the old man who was in front of them.

"I-IT'S YOU!" He said.

Everybody in the group were surprised, to see him looking at the birthday old man.

They had met!?

When did the retired president meet Light!?

"It's nice to you, attend my b-" Lory only got half way before Light let out of a scream of horror and dashed behind Mia as if he was the devil himself.

"Stay back!" Light said, with an invisible cross in his hand as he poked shoved it to his front.

What was he?

A Spirit!?

It was the first time, anybody had seen somebody react to the old man like that.

Mia and those who were saw including the old man was sweat dropping.

"Sorry about him" Mia said, with the air of a mature adult. "Happy birthday. It's not every day you turn 70" then everybody noticed the neatly wrapped present.

Lory took it from her and said. "Thank you, Miss..."

"Just call me Mia" She said.

Her name triggered something in Yashiro mind.

"Wait, are you the same women who lives with Light?" Yashiro said, suddenly coming forward.

"You must be Yashiro. We finally meet face to face" Mia said, while her brother was being creeped out by her polite demeanour. "Light has talked a lot about you"

"Nice to finally meet you as well" Yashiro said, wondering if the terror he heard on the phone from Light had been real, she looked like a perfectly reasonable woman.

Everybody else was looking back and forth wondering how the hell they know each other.

And wait.

This beautiful woman lived together with Light?

Some people glanced a Kyoko and was surprised to see that she was totally fine despite a person who looked so much Koun living with such a beautiful woman.

Then Mia saw Kuu and Julie Hizuri.

"You must be Kuu and Julie Hizuri. Light has told me a lot about you too" Mia said, continue to creep her brother out.

Wait, a minute. Didn't you threaten to kick me out of the house if you saw them!? Light thought, wondering who the hell replaced his sister.

His facial expression was very clear for everybody to see and they found it very strange.

"Has he? Light, didn't say anything about you" Julie said.

Her voice was kind of sharp, maybe it was the mother in her who disapproved of the very idea of Light sleeping in the same house as a woman much older he was, that she had no knowledge about.

Light flinched a bit and he was suddenly very confused by the sudden wave of 'I should have told her' that suddenly came over him.

Mia was feeling it too, she felt like a woman who was meeting her boyfriend's parents for the first time.

They both thought one thing.


Then she finally said. "Does anybody know where Seki the author is?"

"Who?" Kuu said.

"If you want to find somebody there is a track device in each invite" Lory and that was all she needed to walk away.

Leaving Light in an extremely awkward position.

'Don't leave me with these people!' He wanted to yell.

"You look and sound like Koun" Said, a brown-haired woman who's appearance left him confused by the strong sense of familiarity he felt.

And for some reason, he wanted to pick her up and cuddle her.

That would be extreme creepy right?



"I get that a lot" He said, laughing while he was trying to contact Mia with an imaginary blood connection, that did not exist. "What's your name?"

"It's Maria. Maria Takarada" The woman said.

"Maria-chan" He said, without thinking.

His tone of voice surprised everybody, it was like Koun was still alive!

Then Light realised what he just said especially to an older one. "I-I mean. Can I call you Mrs Takarada or Maria-san-"

"No, Maria-chan is fine" Said the woman smiling.

She was surprised to see his face go slightly red.

Meanwhile a scheming old man was looking between the two.

The word 'Love' was growing in his mind regarding Light and Maria, without the two knowing or approving.

Meanwhile Kyoko was wondering why he wasn't humble like that to her even though she did not care.

She would warn Maria of his playboy meninism later, she didn't want her to fall into his trap.

"Light, I'm back" Said, the voice whos mere presence had his face light up in a very obvious way.

Everybody was watching him as Mia came into view, looking satisifed.

"I got a picture and their autograph" She said.

"Wait, 'their'?" He said.

"It turns out it was two men" She said, Light was shocked just like her, when she found out.


"So Light, let's dance" She said.

"Eh?" He said, "To what?" he had only heard classical music in the background and a marching band.

"Do we need to dance to a fitting song when we were little?" She said, grabbing hold of him.

The information was new.

This woman, was somebody who know Light when he was really young?

Even Yashiro did not know this.

It was proof to them that this really wasn't Koun, if he actually had a childhood.

Then Mia swung him with force that was shocking for a woman who looked so delicate.

"Bada nana" She began to sing in a scary rock like voice, surprising the hell out of those around her and deterring the man who wanted to talk to her.

"What the hell are you singing?" He said, sweat dropping.

"Who knows? And who cares?" Mia said, "I'll make it up as I go along"

His sweat drop got bigger and so did those closest as well.

"I'll like my fried chicken in the morning" Mia said, words were baffling and many were like 'What the hell!?'. "Now you try to say something?"

Was he actually going to say anything? Most people thought, surely Light wouldn't be so immat-

"I like fried chicken in the evening" Light said, in a surprising good voice that had several people eyes pop out.

He was that immature!

"I got rackets for slippers and" Mia continued.

"And giant tennis ball for clothes" Light finished.

Then they both paused when they realised what he just said.

They burst out laughing.

Nobody had ever seen Light face light up like that as he let out a nice wave of laughter.

"Pfft!-And Giant tennis ball for clothes!" Mia said, gasping for air. "How immature can you get?" hitting him playfully.

"Your, the one who started it" He said.

Both of them had completely forgotten the crowd of many celebrity watching them as they battered with each other.

Light looked completely relaxed and carefree, completely different from when he was at work, despite the many casual outfits he dared to walk in with.

However, to a selected few, this scene kind of looked like...

The scene with Koun and Itsumi Momose, when they were doing Dark Moon.

Mia happened to catch to catch Kyoko at the corner of her eye and froze.

On the usual calm and professional face was Kyoko true feeling.

And right now, an unbearable amount of pain was being shown through.


Was the connection between her little brother and Kyoko so strong that the woman would feel it even if Koun soul entered a cat?

"Light" Mia said, as Light started to calm down, then she whispered something in his ear that many would love to her due to his reaction.

But I don't want to! Light said through eye contact, he saw no reason to even speak to her of all people.

Just do it Mia said through eye contact.

And then Sho Fuwa walked right passed and Light face the moment their eyes met, changed instantly.

Gone was his slightly naïve and defiance look and in its place was a look Yashiro, his manager recognised as a giant red flag.

"SHO FUWA! YOU SHIT! I'LL KILL YOU!" Light yelled, shocking everybody who heard him, including the birthday old man himself.

Yashiro took action and try to restrain him.

Sho jumped and turned to see Light of all people, being restrained by his manager as he tried to reach him.

From the scene alone, you would think there was some massive beef between them, like he stole his girl.

However, the person he brought along, amused face was more shocking.

However, instead of running from the rampaging Light, Sho decided to face him head on.

"Your name is Light, right? Why are you after me?" He said.


Wow...Lory thought, he had heard that Light didn't get along with Sho Fuwa, but this was something else.

Everybody was looking at Light with wide eyes, wondering how this swearing Light come about.

However, people would applaud Sho for staying calm.

"How do you know I'm a terrible guy since the moment we've met, you've been cursing and trying to kill me?" Sho said.


At first, they thought he was just rambling but then they heard the word 'Mogami-san' and 'Love Me section' and realised he was describing things of the past, things that happened way before he was even born.

They had never heard him say 'Mogami-san' and how did he know about the 'Love Me section' when it was disbanded years ago, the blinding pink jumpsuit we're all burned.

Only one person called Kyoko 'Mogami-san' and Light just said he died.

"What the hell, did I just say?" Light said, he seemed very confused. "And what the hell is a 'Love Me section'? That sound's stupid"

The three former member's and retired president couldn't help but feel offended at the comment.

However, it didn't stop them from staring at him.

It didn't stop Maria and Yashiro from staring at him.

It didn't stop Sho and his manager from staring at him.

Finally, Light, unnatural hatred for Sho made sense, if the idea that was forming in their minds was correct.

In fact, Mia was tempted to stare as well.

It was like Koun had come down from heaven and was using Light to vent the frustration he never could in his life, since it would ruin his image.

However, he wasn't some random person who had a star soul.

Light was her baby brother and she was his big sister, it was her duty to make sure her brother did not go through an identity crisis especially when her brother's personality and Koun's were to different that there was no way they could live peacefully together in one body.

So much as she wanted to see Kyoko and Koun hook up after 20 years of tragic absence, she had a very bad feeling that her brother would go into shock, if he suddenly had memories he had no knowledge off and he was made aware of everybody expecting him to be just like Koun.

Luckily, it seemed like he believed he was rambling and making no sense, only a few people could tell his words weren't just nonsense.

"Light. We can go home now" She said.

"Eh?" He said, didn't they just get here?

"We already dropped the present off and said happy birthday. I've got the autograph, so let's go." She said, then she showed respect to Lory and then took him away.

She know that even though she had taken him to safety, she couldn't hide him from them any longer.

"K-Koun?" Kyoko Mogami said.

Was the immature playboy really the man she loved?

And scene!

Next chapter, the magazines and newspapers covering the party comes out and he is given exposer for all the wrong reasons, as usual the ladies are there to sooth him while everybody look's on passively. Meanwhile Light quickly find's out that certain people are acting weird around him including the woman he doesn't like. Review/fav and follow!