Chapter 9: Ducks vs Hawks.


Thanks to those who are reading this story.

Kelly's POV:

After helping my mum to take her meds I decide to go for a skate. I head towards the pond not far from my house and put on my skates.

Skating across the ice I enjoy the feeling.

"Want some company?" I hear a voice say and I turn to see my dad.

I skate over to him and smile.

"If you think you can keep up!" I challenge him.

I race off up the ice and I can hear him chasing after me. I skate around and take the puck. I go racing towards the goal.

He manages to swipe it from me but I quickly take it back and turn around. I shoot it into the goal. He quickly takes it and shoots one of his own. The next time he gets the puck he does the triple deke and scores.

"NICE!" I say to him.

He laughs and we sit down.

"I've been meaning to ask," I say as I take off my ice skates. "What happened with the hawks?"

He sits and I also sit down. He explains what happened to him when he was a Hawk. I am shocked at the way his coach treated him.

"But everyone makes mistakes," I point out to him. "You shouldn't have got the blame."

"I want you to know something," he says and I nod. "Every time I was on the Ice I loved it when my dad was there. I want you to know how happy and proud I am watching you each game."

I smile and we side hug.

Both us ducks and the Hawks are standing in two parallel lines facing the american flag. Both our teams and there's glares at each other.

I am in between Adam and Jesse. I can see two of the Hawks players sending Adam looks.

The stands begin to sing the national anthem and as they finish they cheer.

"Let's go!" My dad cheers.

"Ducks lets fire it up!" Dad calls out to all of us as we are on the bench. "Come on. QUACK! QUACK! QUACK! QUACK! QUACK! QUACK! QUACK! QUACK! QUACK! QUACK! GO DUCKS!"

As we all leave Jesse gives Adam a snide remark and dad reprimands him for it.

I stand near Banks as he does the face off. The hawk guy glares at him as they both face off.

The puck is dropped and immediately I have shoved aside and knocked down and not long after Adam is knocked around as well.

The Hawks take the puck as Adam and I quickly get to our feet.

I race after the Hawks and snatch it back but then one comes flying at me and hits me into the side of the arena.

Banks gets the puck not long after and passes it to me. I pass it back to him and he goes racing up the ice with it. He shoots but the Hawks stop it.

I sigh knowing this is going to be a long game.

We end up doing a scramble on the ice as both teams try to get the puck.

I watch as Banks passes it to Charlie he is smashed into. I glare at the hawks. It's like they're trying to get Banks and me out of the game.

The Hawks manage to score and I groan. I race off and chase a Hawk player with the puck.

I watch as Charlie gets it but then is knocked down and one of the Hawks take it again. I want to scream at these guys are cheating.

Mcgill scores another goal.

But then on the next goal Goldberg saves and I hear dad congratulate him.

I get the puck and then Mcgill flips me. I glare at his smirking face as I turn to race off. But then my glare intensifies as Mcgill scores again.

We are all in the box listening to my dad's speech.

"Don't be scared of em ducks," he tells all of us as we are lined up. "That's what they want. Keep your heads up. Play proud. LETS FLY!"

"YEAH!" We yell in agreement.

I head out onto the ice with the others ready to start the second round of the game.

We face off but the Hawks get the puck. They go racing up the ice, heading for our goal. Charlie gets it off of him and comes back towards the Hawks goal.

He passes it to me as I am close by. I speed off with the Hawks trying to catch up with me. As I get closer I pass it to Banks as the Hawks are getting too close to me.

As he gets close I gasp as McGill hits him hard, he hits the ice and goes crashing into the goal posts. He scores but he isn't getting up. As one of the Hawks goes to check on him I push him out of the way.

"Adam?" I call hoping to get a response. "You okay?"

He doesn't answer and the other player turns to McGill and says. "What did you do?"

"My job," McGill says and I get up and get ready to hit him.

Before I can hit him, Charlie and Fulton grab me and pull me back.

"Don't!" Fulton says grabbing my shoulders and turning him to face me. "We need you in the game."

I nod and watch as Adam is loaded onto a gurney. Dad comes out onto the ice and places a hand on my shoulder. I look at him and he shakes his head.

The whole team stands there as Adam finally comes around.

"Did it go in?" He asks Jesse who is closest to him.

"Yeah man," Jesse replies to him.

"Jesse, Kelly do me a favour," he says and I nod at him. "Kick some Hawk butt."

Jesse gives his agreement and I smile.

I notice dad give a small speech to Riley and then return to us.

"Why don't we go after them, coach?" Fulton asks and we all agree with him.

"No we're better than that," dad says and then stands in front of all of us. "Look, look its time to play smart hockey, duck hockey, right? Now we got the power play. Now, we're gonna hit them where it hurts the most... up there."

"Yeah," we all agree ready to avenge Adam.

"Fulton you're in," dad says.

"Coach they'll be rushing him," Guy points out.

"Right," dad realizes before looking at Jesse. "Jesse make sure you give Fulton plenty of time. Who wait whoa. Let's have fun out there."

We all nod. I am on the bench watching with a berated breath, hoping Fulton gets the score.

"Get set Fulton!" dad yells as the faceoff happens.

Jesse gets the puck and passes it to Fulton. Jesse pushes the Hawks down. He shoots and it hits the goalie, who goes flying back into the net. He scored!

"YEAH!" We all cheer.

3-2 Is now the score. Fulton throws his arms into the air and cheers. I am clapping like mad. Dad hugs him as the rest of the team return to us.

"THAT'S IT MORE FUN!" Dad yells and I laugh.

I am on the ice again. We are fueled by out two goals so far. Charlie knocks Mcgill and I grab the puck, Blake pushes me aside, grabs the puck and scores. I groan really wanting to win this game for Adam.

"Guys, guys, guys listen up," dad says to us as we are all sat down. "Listen we have got to stay fired up and we've got to stay focused, all right? It ain't over till it's over. Tammy, Tommy, let's show these Hawks something really different. Come here!"

He begins to discuss a play with all of us.

Tammy and Tommy position themselves not too far from each other. The Hawks all watch as Tammy begins spinning really fast near the net.

"NOW!" Tommy says and she stops as he passes her the puck, she shoots...

SHE SCORES. 4-3 to the Hawks.

One of the Hawks pushes Tammy down, Fulton goes out onto the ice and I watch wanting to join him as he throws McGill over his side of the stands. I cheer as my dad finally notices what he was doing. The Hawks try to defend there teammate and the ref grabs Fulton and takes him out of the game. I give him a small smile as he is taken away.

"He barely touched him," dad says and then winks at me as I laugh.

Back on the ice, we all fight for the puck. Buth Ducks and Hawks get knocked over.

Dad comes over and mentions the line V. This is something some of us had been practising.

"LINE CHANGE!" Dad says and I put my helmet on and head out onto the ice.

Jesse leads us behind the net and as we come out we are in line V like a flock of birds. Jesse passes the puck to me as we herd the Hawks backwards. I pass the puck to Terry who passes it back to Jesse, as we all push the Hawks back. I get McGill down and smirk at him.

I glance up as Jesse scores. We've tied again at 4-4.

The fans are all quacking. We all head back to the team and we high five.

The Hawks have the puck but we manage to get it away from them. After they get it back Goldberg manages to save the goal and I smile under my helmet. He has improved a lot.

I get the puck and pass it to Charlie who was open. He goes racing up the middle of the ice. I go after him and he passes it to me. I take off and then at last minute pass it back to Charlie. Before he reaches the goal... McGill trips him.

We all go mad, even dad on the bench stands up to yell out.

"Hey, where's the call?" Dad asks and the game finally ends.

The ref called a penalty shot as we all return to the bench.

"Coach got a penalty shot," The ref says and I wonder who we're gonna get to do it. "Anyone on the ice can take it."

"All right ducks," dad says turning to all of us. "Who's gonna take it?"

"I think Guy should take it," Peter says to all of us and we agree.

Guy doesn't seem so confident though.

"What about Charlie?" Dad asks and no one agrees at first. "Let him finish what he started."

"Coach we have a chance to win," Charlie begins not sure he can do this.

"Damn straight we do," dad nods. "Come here."

He walks off with Charlie and I notice he gives him a speech. A few minutes later and we all pat Charlie on the shoulder and wish him good luck. He scores and we win.

Charlie takes to the ice. I stand next to my father and he places an arm around my shoulder as we both cling to the hope that we will win.

He heads for the two refs and one gives him some instructions. Charlie glances at dad and dad nods.

"CHARLIE! CHARLIE! CHARLIE! CHARLIE!" We all begin to chant over and over.

The whistle blows and Charlie nods. He takes a deep breath and then begins to move around the puck.

"Come on Charlie!" Dad says.

Charlie does the triple deke and I watch, holding my breath as he shoots. It hits the bar and...


We all cheer as Charlie comes racing towards us. We run out and meet him. I hug him as tight as I can. Then the others get to him and begin to hug him as well.

After Charlie hugs my dad I speed over and hug him. Then all the fans come out including my mum who looks happier than she has ever been.

"I am so proud of you!" My mum says as I hug her. "You played well!"

"Thanks, mum!" I call over the raging crowd before I hug Hans.

It was the best day of our lives.


Sorry it took me so long to update.