After Saber destroys the corrupt Grail and Shirou defeats Gilgamesh, the last remnants of Angra Mainyu latch themselves on to Archer and warp him away to a different reality. Upon waking up in a prison cell, Archer is shocked to discover that not only does he have a physical body, but his connection to the Counter-Force is also gone. Exploring the prison, he soon comes across Seras and Velvet Crowe. What will become of Midgand's fate now that the King of Fakers, The Wrought-Iron Hero now walks their lands?

NB: The Holy Grail is a device that defies logic, so it should be expected that it possess the power to warp to different realities and give Archer the ability to trace EX-Noble Phantasms. Also:

Pairings are of your choice

You can choose whether Seras lives or dies

EMIYA must possess the ability to trace EX-Noble Phantasms (I got the idea from a time travel fic)

Bashings are optional

The EMIYA I recommend should be the one from F/SN ULBW. But the choice is yours.