My head is so full of story ideas right now and even though I have two on the go, one of which I'm not updating very often, I need to get this one down because it's literally consuming my mind!

Set somewhere between season 13 and Olivia becoming the Lieutenant, but with no fixed time.

Definitely a one shot, but I have the feeling there may be potential for a second chapter with enough interest so let me know...

The day had been pure and utter shit, the SVU team had caught a particularly rough case. An abandoned child with obvious signs of abuse. Cases with kids were always the worst, even if the majority of the team didn't actually have children. Kids were so innocent, so fresh, so new to all the world had to offer them and yet the children they saw in their cases had already been exposed to the kinds of horrors that no human being should ever have to endure or experience. Today had been especially difficult, the 6 year old boy having been sodomized and abandoned, wandering Central Park, unable to tell the team anything about himself other than the fact his name was Ryan. It had torn them all to shreds, so as soon as they could escape, Amanda already knew she was going home, changing into something suitably hot and heading out to get blind drunk and try to forget what the day had offered her, in any way should could think of.

Removing her dress pants and blouse, Amanda opts for black skinny jeans with ripped knees and a plaid button down shirt with a white vest top underneath. She quickly touches up her make-up and runs the brush through her soft blonde hair before pulling on some shoes and her leather jacket and leaving for a suitable place to drink herself stupid.

Amanda somehow ends up on the other side of town before she enters a place that is more like a pub, but has a dance floor and is quite literally packed. Easing her way through the crowd, the blonde detective heads towards the bar to order a drink, deciding to start slowly with a beer since the night is still young.

"Beer please." Amanda says to the woman tending to the punters. The woman quickly obliges and Amanda throws a few bills down on the bar before turning to survey the crowds of people in the bar.

Scanning the mass of people dancing and grinding against each other on the dance floor, the blonde detective isn't sure what she's looking for. But then she spots what she wants, who she wants. Her facial features rapidly go from surprise, to amusement, to desire. A tall, muscular brunette, her back to Amanda as she dances with no one in particular. The blonde watches intently, enjoying the wiggle of the woman's hips in those super tight jeans she is wearing. Her white t-shirt almost painted on her skin, whether from its tightness or the exertion of dancing causing a certain amount of sweat, Amanda isn't sure. Her eyes glued to the mysterious dancing woman, unable to drag them away.

That is, until the woman turns around, still dancing, and Amanda immediately notices the deep brown eyes and perfect lips of her colleague and sergeant as they meet her own. Amanda drags her gaze away from Olivia's and begins choking on her beer as the reality that she'd been staring at the woman she'd been crushing on for a while now, hits her square in the chest.

"Can this day get any worse." Amanda finally mumbles to herself, once she has finished trying to breathe beer. Leaning back on the bar as she chugs the rest of her drink, still spluttering slightly from swallowing the amber liquid the wrong way.

As if the universe is completely against her, Amanda feels a hand rest on her lower back. A hand she already knows to be Olivia's without even turning around. Internally she groans at the fact that Olivia has approached her, and that she has so freely placed a hand on her.

"Amanda, hi." She greets excitedly, the level of intoxication showing freely in Olivia's actions.

"Hi Liv." Amanda says back politely, plastering a smile on her face.

"When did you get here?" Olivia asks, patiently waiting for another drink.

"A few minutes ago, and I was just leaving." Amanda responds, making a move to push herself off of the bar she is leaning against.

"Awwww, come on 'Manda, have a drink with me." Olivia drawls slightly. The question and pleading tone of her voice catching the blonde completely by surprise. So much by surprise that she nods, agreeing to the request.

"What you having?" Olivia slurs slightly, asking Amanda when the barmaid approaches her. The blonde doesn't answer her with words, just holds up her empty bottle to indicate another beer. No use switching to the harder stuff now, not if she was going to be hanging out with Olivia.

Olivia orders a beer and a whiskey for herself, and Amanda wonders at that point just how much the brunette has already had to drink.

"Hey Liv, how many have you had?" The blonde asks half smirking at the somewhat drunken state. The question earning a shrug from her Sergeant.

"That is her fifth." The barmaid tells Amanda, causing the blonde to half roll her eyes, until she remembers that she was there for the exact same reason. To drink herself stupid and forget about the depravity the day had given them.

"Liv, how drunk are you right now?" Amanda asks her carefully, not wanting to judge Olivia, but the sergeant dancing, the tactility, the begging the blonde to have a drink. That wasn't the put together, strong, professional woman Amanda had grown to know.

"Pretty drunk." Olivia concedes, earning a chuckle from the blonde. Trying to plop herself down on the now empty stool beside her, Olivia wobbles on her unsteady legs, only to fall straight into Amanda's arms.

Holding Olivia steady in her arms, their eyes lock, Amanda notices just how close they are, feeling the brunettes hot, whiskey filled breath on her face. It takes her a second of hesitation before she gently eases Olivia away from her body, being sure to make sure she is steady on her feet again.

"You have really pretty eyes." Olivia says, taking a fresh sip of her new drink, just as Amanda takes a long swig of her own beer. The comment causing Amanda to nearly choke on her beer for a second time in less than ten minutes. The blonde gulps roughly.

"Sorry?" Amanda questions, not entirely sure she had heard the brunette correctly or just imagined it.

"You have really pretty eyes. They're so blue." Olivia says, smirking as she speaks this time.

"Uh thanks." Amanda responds, shyly looking at her bottle as she picks at the label.

"'Manda." Olivia says loudly, trying to gently nudge the blonde with her elbow as she lifts her glass to her lips again.

"Yeah." The blonde answers.

"Don't be shy. You're beautiful" The brunette tells Amanda, their eyes briefly meeting again.

"What are you saying Liv?" Amanda asks her, knowing that with the whiskey in her system, her inhibitions are down. It's not entirely a fair thing to do to her sergeant, but Amanda is so consumed by feelings for her, that she just needs to know what is going through the brunettes head.

"I like you Amanda, as more than colleagues, more than friends. I always have." And there it is, the words the blonde has always wanted to hear. But the admission causes her to falter. Partly because she doubts that Olivia will remember this conversation tomorrow, and partly because she wants to act on her feelings, but that would be taking advantage of a very drunken Olivia, and Amanda knows better, with their line of work, they know and understand the thin line of consent and rape.

Olivia finishes her drink, and signals to the barmaid to get her another. The barmaid eyes Amanda who shakes her head no before downing her own beer. All thoughts of getting drunk and forgetting the day completely gone from her mind.

"Come on Liv, let's get you home." Amanda coaxes gently, placing her hand on Olivia's back to help her down from the stool she had somehow managed to perch herself on.

Amanda throws some money on the bar, paying for both hers and Olivia's drinks, before helping the brunette unsteadily from the bar. As the step onto the sidewalk Olivia shudders at the cold, having not got a jacket with her. Amanda wraps her arm around Olivia's waist, half steadying her and half holding her close to keep her warm. Neither woman making conversation any longer, both just content to be more relaxed.

Hailing a cab, Amanda gets them both situated in the back. The task a lot of effort with a clumsy, extremely drunk brunette, but she manages it eventually. They both sit very closely to each other, Olivia's thigh, pressed tightly to Amanda's as the cab makes its way through the Manhattan traffic towards Olivia's home.

Olivia's hand comes to rest on Amanda's thigh, the feel of Olivia's hand resting there, like fire, even through her jeans. The brunettes hand moves lazily, not anywhere in particular, just tracing light patterns. The action causes Amanda to shudder under her touch, desperately trying to hold it together, to keep herself in check.

Turning her head, Amanda looks straight into the deep chocolate eyes of Olivia. The desire and lust unbelievably clear, staring right back at her. Olivia inches closer, her eyes rapidly looking between Amanda's lips and back to her piercing blue eyes. As much as Amanda knows she needs to control this situation, she's frozen to the spot, the anticipation of finally feeling Olivia's plump lips on her own completely overwhelming.

Then Olivia closes the last of the distance. Her lips pressing sloppily to Amanda's as she kisses her. It only takes half a second for the blonde to reciprocate her movements and kiss her back. Her heart thumping wildly in her chest, the only sound she can hear is the rush of blood in her ears. Olivia's lips are on hers, Olivia kissed her.

Amanda traces her tongue across Olivia's bottom lip, begging to taste the brunette. With no hesitation, Olivia parts her lip, Amanda's tongue intruding her mouth to taste the remnants of the whiskey she had been drinking. Olivia moans inter her mouth, unable to comprehend any sensible thought through the intensity of the kiss and the level of alcohol in her bloodstream.

The two women are so wrapped up in the kiss that they don't even realise the cab has stopped, until the driver knocks on the window, dragging Amanda, very rudely back to reality.

"Fifteen eighty." The driver tells her when Amanda meets his gaze. Amanda throws him a twenty, muttering to him to keep the change as she helps Olivia from the cab and into her apartment building.

If anyone's interested in expanding their musical horizons, this was loosely written based on a song by Luke Bryan called "She's a Hot One."

If you want the second chapter, hit the review button. This definitely has the potential for one more, maybe even two. Hit it!