Chapter 12

The next few minutes were a flurry of activity. A few modifications to the ballast system, (at the expense of several other nearby ships) had the ballasts emptied nearly three times faster than they ever had topside.

These first few minutes were crucial. They needed enough of a head start that Hades wouldn't notice their departure or direction and send them all flying into the water before they even made it out of port. An unfortunate amount of that was a matter of luck. Of who happened to be looking out over the water and how loyal they may or may not be to Hades.

They worked efficiently and in near silence to guide the ship from the harbor out towards open water. Whether that silence was a side effect of their haste or of their nerves no one was entirely certain. But finally, the distant shore disappeared entirely. The sight likely would have been more relief if the waters were not the same eerie green of the river of lost souls, but they had their head start.

The stars were different here, and Killian couldn't even be certain of the position of the perpetually red sun, so instead he was forced to rely on exacting measurements for speed and direction, relayed every few minutes from above by Milah serving as a go-between the helm and the navigation desk. There was no way to double check his calculations here, no point of reference to allow for the correction of small unnoticed deviations. They would know if all was correct when they arrived at their destination…or didn't.

Killian was glad the task gave him little time to think of anything else. He had no time to wonder if Emma had received their message, of whether she'd be able to gather the crew in time, if she was still safe on the perilous journey to the Shoals. He had no time to worry about if Hades was following, how far behind he was or if he was playing another game with them. He could only keep his careful log of calculations, call adjustments to Milah and hope like hell that Emma would be able to get there in time.

Liam could feel the eerie calmness of the Shoals before he could actually see it, the chill of it clenched at his heart before he even noticed the mists on the horizon.

"Killian-" he called below, eyes not leaving the mist.

Killian's head popped up from below, "we should be within…" his voice trailed off as he followed Liam and Milah's gaze to where the mists settled. Pulling himself up the rest of the way onto the deck, his eyes scanned the horizon in all directions. There was no sign of another ship. Of Hades. Of Emma.

"Now what?" Milah finally broke the silence with the question on all their minds.

"We wait," Liam said, "and hope Emma arrives before Hades realizes where we've come."

"She'll be here," Killian insisted, "she'll come."

After the mad rush of the escape from port and the race to the shoals it felt beyond uneasy to simply wait and see who would arrive first, salvation or damnation. But wait they must, eyes locked on the horizon until finally there was something to see. Milah saw it first, a dark shape barely recognizable as a ship from so far away.

She handed the spyglass to Killian. "That ship look familiar?"

It was too far off to see much but his stomach clenched, the profile did not look like one he had seen in the harbor in Storybrooke. He shook his head and Liam and Milah tensed.

"Hades wouldn't actually follow by ship would he?" Milah said hopefully.

Killian didn't respond except to shrug and turn the spyglass back to the approaching vessel.

"If it is Emma she may not see us," Killian worried aloud, "they're on the other side of the veil."

Liam made the decision for them, turning their own vessel to an intercept course. "Let's find out shall we?"

After a few terse minutes there was a change from the ship, a piece of red fabric moving up the flagpole like a beacon. Killian trained his spyglass on it and suddenly laughed in relief.

"I think…" he chuckled again, "I think that is Smee's hat!" Within a few minutes they were close enough to see some of the forms on the deck and finally he could distinguish the long blonde hair of a woman at the rail, her eyes peering unseeingly over the water.

As they drew close Liam pulled the crystal from his coat, unwrapping it carefully and giving it to Killian who rewrapped it in a bit of old sail and put it inside his own jacket until they were close enough to reach Emma.

"Killian?" Emma called, she was looking at him now, but sounded uncertain despite how close they now were. Suddenly his eyes were clouded with smoke and he found himself standing aboard the other vessel.

"Emma! I knew you'd come!"

"Of course I came," she retorted, sounding indignant, "but you…" she reached out for him and her hand passed through his. Her smile fell, "I can barely see you, Killian it's like… like talking to a ghost."

"I suppose that makes sense, I'm … barely here."

"He's here?" For the first time Killian realized that Emma was not alone. Along with what remained of his ragtag crew was David who was looking at Emma in confusion. Regina moved closer nodding, though she was looking at Killian. "Why can't I see him?" David asked, confused.

"Magic, probably," Regina commented with a shrug. "They're not … quite here."

Emma's eyes flashed in frustration, "So how do I fix it, how do I get you here?"

"There's something else that needs fixing first," Killian said, pulling the broken crystal from his jacket and holding it out to her.

"What is it?"

"A weapon. One we can use against Hades. But it must be repaired by someone with magic and a beating heart. Know anyone like that?" he teased.

Emma grinned and reached for it, but Killian pulled back. "Things may get messy once you fix this. Hades doesn't seem to know where we are but I suspect he will sense it when you repair the crystal. I doubt he'll be pleased."

Emma glanced towards the other ship. "Liam and Milah, I presume?"

"You can't see them?"

"Not well. It's hazy, like something is there but it's not quite clear."

"Well then I should inform you, you are being boarded by ghosts at the moment." Emma's eyes finally focused on them when they drew close, though the crew and David remained perplexed at what seemed a one-sided conversation from their perspective.

"You should get below, the both of you," Liam suggested. "If you need time we can try to give it to you if you're out of sight."

"Liam says that-"

"I heard," Emma interrupted. "The crew should get below as well, there's no point in them being in danger if they can't even see their enemy. She glanced over at David, "that means you too, dad." He looked about to protest but something in her eyes stopped him and he nodded turning to herd the rest of the crew into the hold below.

The cabin was not as spacious as the Jolly Roger's but it should serve its purpose. Keeping Emma out of sight for just long enough. Regina joined her below in case something unexpectedly magical happened when the crystal was repaired, and Killian had taken up a position at the top of the ladder and nodded down to her.

"They ready?" Emma asked nervously.

"As ready as they can be."

She nodded, "well then, let's kill a god shall we?"

She took the broken pieces of crystal from him and took a few deep breaths.

"You've got this, Swan," he offered reassuringly and she nodded. Her hands began to glow and the crystal with it. Then his attention was drawn away by a familiar voice.

"I've been looking everywhere for you," Hades drawled, his eyes flickering rapidly over the ship for the source of the magic he had sensed and settling on Liam standing between him and the hold. "I never would have suspected you would choose to come back here. Did you miss this place? You and I had such fun here. Which was your favorite?"

"My favorite?" Liam stalled, feigning confusion in an attempt to give Emma as much time as possible. Fortunately Hades was prone to extended bouts of monologuing and he didn't disappoint now.

"You haven't forgotten, have you captain? Personally, there was something about that first time. Classic really. The limbs of a giant sea monster creeping along the wood of the ship. The cracking of wood, cold water, watching his lungs fill with the sea." Hades was circling Liam and Milah predatorily as he spoke, his eyes darting behind them from time to time. He was stalling too, Milah realized. He could sense the crystal on the ship but not precisely where it was.

She could feel Liam tensing beside her and reached for his hand, squeezing gently and grounding Liam in this reality.

"Where is little brother, Captain?" Hades asked, "have you lost him again? Your record really does leave much to be desired." By now Hades was no longer even trying to hide his probing glances around the ship landing on the door to the cabin and narrowing.

"Looking for this?" Liam asked, holding up the fabric that had, until recently, covered the broken crystal. "The one weapon that can kill you," Liam taunted, "I've been looking for this for a very long time."

For an instant Liam thought he saw nervousness in Hades eyes but it was gone a moment later replaced by a mocking smirk. He stepped closer to Liam, his eyes flashing nearly as brightly as his hair.

"Try it, Captain."

Liam moved quickly, charging forward and burying the blade he'd been hiding in the cloth in Hades' still heart. Hades laughed, reaching for Liam's throat. There was the smell of scorched skin and a sizzling sound as Liam cried out, his yell cut off when Hades tightened his grip.

"Fool. That can't kill me," Hades taunted.

"But this can," Hades spun towards Killian but not fast enough. The glowing crystal pierced his heart and with a flash of light the god of the underworld was no more than a pile of ash on the deck of a borrowed ship.

Liam stumbled, gasping, and Milah hurried forward to support him.

"Are you alright?" Killian asked. The smell of burning flesh lingered in the air and Killian tried to pull Liam's hand from his throat to get a better look.

"I'll survive," Liam croaked, his voice hoarse. "In a manner of speaking."

Emma hurried forward to help but when she raised her hands to his throat to heal him nothing happened.

"My magic can't reach you," she said apologetically.

"I'll be fine," Liam insisted. "If your magic can't reach me, what about Killian?"

"Only one way to find out," Emma offered. She glanced over at Regina and nodded her readiness and Regina pulled out her heart as she once had in the underworld. Splitting the heart with a now practiced ease Regina returned half to Emma's chest then held the other out for Emma to take.

Emma looked on, confused, but Regina insisted. "It should be you. If anyone can reach through the veil to him it will probably be his true love, don't you think?"

Emma accepted the heart with shaking hands and turned towards Killian. "It's going to work," she said quietly, trying to reassure herself or Killian, she wasn't entirely sure. He nodded, probably more certain than she was. Taking a deep breath she plunged the heart into his chest making him gasp.

He could feel it.

After so long without a beating heart of his own he'd forgotten what it was like to feel his heart race. What it was like to see the world in full color again. He laughed joyously as Emma threw herself into his arms and this time he was not a ghost to her, he wrapped his arms around her and kissed her soundly. He could taste the tears streaming down her cheeks, could feel her relief in the shaking of her frame. He pulled away slightly and wiped her tears away. "No more tears, love. You did it." He kissed her once more before David's voice interrupted them.

"I'm glad you're back pirate but don't make me kill you again."

Killian chuckled as Emma pulled away to glare at her father.

"Not funny," she grumbled.

Killian reached out to shake David's hand but David laughed and pulled him into a hug. "Just this once," he muttered.

He pulled away grinning, his smile not falling until he caught sight of a wispy figure out of the corner of his eye. His heart sank, now on this side of the veil they were as invisible to him as he had been to David. He could see... something out of the corner of his eye, probably an effect of Emma's heart in his chest but when he turned to face them they were gone.

"Liam… Milah?" he glanced at Emma nervously.

"They're still here," she assured him, pointing to a seemingly empty space next to the rail.

"Thank you," he whispered, somewhat awkwardly to the empty deck. Emma took his hand and suddenly he could hear a voice, Milah's.

"Tell him…" she made a grumpy sound of frustration, "tell him I hate goodbyes and I'll never forgive him for making me say it so many times! No, don't tell him that…"

"I heard that," he said with a chuckle.

"Sherbert pops! I'm not doing it again, you hear me Killian. I'm not saying goodbye again. I know you can't see me but this is me, walking away and not saying goodbye again."

There was a warm chuckle from Liam and Killian turned towards the voice. "I suppose I'd better follow her or she may just leave me stranded here."

"She may just," Killian agreed, his voice shaky.

"You'll be alright, Killian." Liam said confidently, "this is where you belong."

Emma squeezed his hand lightly in affirmation and he smiled, "I know, I know it is but… I've grown used to having you around again. I wish…"

"I do too," Liam sighed "but we had more time than I ever thought we would. And you've your own family now."

"You're family too," Emma interrupted.

"Aye, thank you lass." There was a pause and Killian could almost hear the smile on Liam's face. "You take care of him, Emma, or I will haunt you. You know I will."

Emma chuckled and nodded.

Killian wanted to protest but his throat was too tight. He felt a slight pressure on his shoulder that could almost have been his imagination and then it was gone too.

Storybrooke was absolutely covered in twinkle lights.

Killian suspected it may be guilt for having to stay home with Neal rather than join Emma on her voyage to Leviathan Shoals but Mary Margaret was making up for that now in the best way she knew how. A grand party where the decorations spilled out from Granny's into the streets as though a party shop had exploded inside.

"Are you entirely certain that our attendance is required at this event?" Killian asked as Emma braided her hair hurriedly in a mirror.

"This party is for you. You can't just not go. Besides, I have a surprise for you!"

He placed a kiss on the back of her neck and wrapped one arm around her.

"Don't even think about trying to distract me, Killian Jones!" Emma snarked without heat, leaning back into his embrace anyway.

"No? I think you enjoy being distracted."

Emma hummed a little as though trying to decide and then spun in his grip leaning into him and resting her ear on his chest. She could feel his heartbeat, her heartbeat in his chest and she melted a little into his touch.

"I missed you," she said, for probably the thousandth time since he'd been back.

"And I you. But I'm home now." He placed another gentle kiss on the top of her head and tightened his grip.

They stayed like that until Emma finally insisted that they were quickly moving from 'fashionably late' to 'just plain late.'

If he hadn't known where the party was already he probably could have followed the lights for miles and ended up in the right place. He appreciated the sentiment, truly, but he still felt a little awkward being the center of attention at an event like this. He tightened his grip on Emma's hand just outside the door and she smiled at him.

"Trust me, Killian," Emma said with a smile, "In about 3 minutes you are not going to care about the lights or how many people here still think you're trying to pick their pockets."

"I'm sure it's a lovely party," Killian acquiesced. Your mother does have a knack for such things."

Emma smiled a mischievous smile that made Killian's eyebrows hit his hairline but she just tugged him closer to the door. "Trust me."

The door opened and the warmth and light spilled out into the street. It seemed as though the entire town had been invited (most likely the entire town had been invited.)

"Welcome home!" The crowd cried, more or less in unison, followed by an echoed slightly slurred "welcome home" from the dwarves who were clearly already testing out the drinks menu.

There was a line of people dropping by their table now to welcome him home. He'd always felt a little like an outsider in this town and he had to admit he was touched by the display. He was distracted for a moment by Emma's placing a drink in front of him when suddenly he heard a voice from behind him.

"Welcome home, Killian."

Killian spun, hardly daring to believe his ears and still barely believing his eyes. Liam and Milah grinning back at him, inside Granny's… at his welcome party.

"How-" he stammered, still trying to convince himself it wasn't a dream. He turned to Emma, "How did you-"

"I didn't," Emma said quietly.

"It was Zeus," Liam explained, "in gratitude for our 'assistance' with Hades. We tried to move on and he said he was sending us where we belonged. Here, with you."

"I don't care, I don't care how-" Killian stammered cutting him off with a hug. Then turned to Milah who laughed as he hugged her too.

"They wandered into Granny's about two hours ago," Emma explained, "followed the lights. When I told them about the party-"

"Apologies brother, we hoped you'd forgive us a minor delay. We couldn't resist-"

"Your brother is being too polite again," Milah admitted. "I couldn't resist. He wanted to barge right into your house the second we got here but really, how many opportunities like this do you get?"

Killian shook his head, still shocked. The room was suddenly too terribly close and he glanced longingly at the door.

"Emma, I don't suppose-" he'd defied Hades himself without hesitation but bailing in the middle of one of Snow White's parties somehow seemed infinitely more dangerous.

"Make a break for it, move low and fast. I'll cover you-" Emma teased.

He kissed her lightly and led the way from the room, the chiming of the bell as he left tinkling merrily behind him. Emma followed a few minutes later, following the path no one had agreed on but was the only possible route. She caught up with them halfway to the docks, slipping her hand into his from behind as they wandered, in no particular hurry but with no uncertainty of destination.

There was an audible sigh of relief from Milah when the ship came into view, her eyes wide with delight. "Oh, Killian. She's still so beautiful."

Liam was less verbose, settling instead for running his fingers lightly along the polished wood with what could only be described as awe. When he reached the helm his eyebrows lifted for a moment at the carved compass in the wood but didn't mention it.

"How well do you know this harbor, Killian?" Liam asked finally.

"I am still the best navigator in the realms."

The night was bright and clear, a nearly full moon offering them plenty of light for familiar waters. In no time they were some distance from the shore, rocking gently. They could see the lights from shore, Snow's twinkle lights competing with the stars for attention.

Emma turned her attention back to Killian, craning her neck a bit to see him. They were both leaning easily against the side of the ship now, letting Liam and Milah reaquaint themselves with an old friend.

He kissed her forehead gently, the look of disbelief still on his face, as though he expected at any moment to wake from a lovely dream.

"This is real," she said quietly.

He chuckled and nodded. "Can you blame me for doubting. This is so far beyond my cherished hopes it still feels as though it could only be a dream."

She spun to face him, the moonlight and the distant lights of the shore illuminating her smile with a pale glow.

"Welcome home, Killian."

Well... this was never meant to take this long. For anyone who actually stuck around I'm very grateful! Hope you found something in here worth the wait!