Hidden Genes

Summary: There is a type of jutsu only one shinobi could use,the Shodaime became famous for it being impossible for anyone who doesn't have his DNA, and even then it was rare. Sharingan is an Uchiha doujutsu,so no one can have it unless an eye is given, so why does the Kyuubi vessel have both?Why does he move like the Yondaime?

Sasuke woke up only after the preliminary matches were all done and the finalists, so to call them, were announced. He found himself in a dreadful deja vu situation, in a hospital bed within a private hospital room and ANBU all around, guarding him after what they told him was an attempted kidnapping/assassination. The nurses fussed over him for hours after he woke up and at the first opportunity to sneak out of the hospital, he took it, well aware that there were two ANBU following him.

He searched the entire village for his teammates, hoping to find them training for the next round or learning some new jutsu, but he found Ino and Chouji instead, discussing their losses and Shikamaru's victory. Feeling tempted to ask them about Naruto's and Sakura's matches, Sasuke instead decided to stay hidden and eavesdrop a little more in hopes of finding out what he wanted to know. It paid off and he was a bit disappointed in learning that Sakura had been knocked out with Ino but he was glad to hear Naruto got through.

He did not find it pleasing to hear the exchange Neji had with the blond, however. Nor was he overly fond of the idea that they were to fight each other in the Finals but he has no say in that. He could only prepare for his own match ...

He needed to find Kakashi.

But first, he looked for Naruto. He needed to scold the blond for earning the ire of Neji, who was considered a genius and who could easily do some very nasty things to Naruto's chakra pathways and possibly disturb his connection to Kurama. Not a very good thing, considering Naruto had already told him once how difficult it could be to control all that power that the Kyuubi afforded him. Maybe they could both train together with their very weird sensei? He ought to make it up to them for putting them through this shit right after that mess with Zabuza and Haku. Besides, wasn't it his job to train them?

So with that in mind, Sasuke set off again, thinking it won't be too hard to find his younger teammate. Naruto, with his sunny blond hair and sky blue eyes and whisker scars and those stupid orange overalls, shouldn't be all that hard to find, right? Well, if you thought so, you're quite wrong and Sasuke remembered why when it occurred to him just what kind of shit the villagers would put Naruto through if they could find him whenever they wanted. Kakashi had had some trouble finding Naruto when the blond put his mind to it to remain out of sight and as a sensor, it was easy for him to avoid people since he knew they were coming long before those same people could sense him. Sasuke wasn't very happy with his own sensory range and skills, as it was that of an average shinobi, if not less due to his lack of experience and that will never be enough to find Naruto when the Uzumaki was hiding.

So instead of spending the entire day in the fruitless endeavor of looking for the Jinchuuriki, Sasuke gave up on finding his elusive teammate and instead focused on finding his equally elusive sensei. He's going to make the man train him whether he wanted to or not. He owed it to Sasuke as the only other Sharingan user remaining in the village. The Uchiha won't let him get away with not training him, especially if he was meant to fight Gaara in the Finals. He didn't know anything about the redhead's style of fighting but Kakashi dis and Sasuke was going to use him for that knowledge.

Kakashi owed it to him for more reasons than one. Unknown to the silver haired male, Sasuke was well aware that Hatake Kakashi had been on the team with that man while in the ANBU. Sasuke will probably never say it to his face, but a part of him hated Kakashi and blamed him for not noticing how twisted his former kohai was and as such letting that murderer do what he had done, ruining Sasuke's life, family and clan in a single night. Kakashi was supposed to have noticed it, if no one else should have. Next to Shisui, one of his long dead cousins, Sasuke knew Kakashi was the closest friend Uchiha Itachi ever had ... Or so he had pretended. Nevertheless, Kakashi should have noticed something and taken that man down before he had gotten the chance to commit the crime that he had.

It only made sense that Kakashi train his old friend's murderer so he can kill him and avenge his family. Sasuke will make sure Kakashi understands this. He will not take no for an answer.

It took him three hours to finally find Kakashi, training by himself on some random cliff in the rockier part of Konoha's territory, climbing one-handed up said cliff with nary any use of chakra. The Hatake seemed surprised to see him out of hospital already, but Sasuke ignored his questions and instead told him why he had sought him out. Kakashi's face didn't change when he heard his demand but the man accepted to train him none the less.

Which was the start of his grueling training under his jonin sensei. Kakashi was relentless in forcing his speed, something Sasuke was surprised to find the jonin had in spades but didn't often show. He demanded to know why and how he was suddenly so fast and why it was so important. And for once, Kakashi had given a straight answer instead of leaving it to him to figure it out on his own.

"You must increase your speed for your Sharingan's sake. Or rather, your body's." He had said.

"What do you mean?" The confused Uchiha had demanded, earning a sigh from the Copy Ninja.

"The Sharingan, as you no doubt know, gives the wielder a different sort of perception than anything a normal human being can see. With that comes a clarity to the most minute of movements, which allows you to predict someone's movements and react faster. However, if your body isn't used to the speed at which the Sharingan perceives things, there will be a slight fraction between the speed of your eyes and your reactions and your body will force itself to even it out." Kakashi had explained patiently and with a surety that left Sasuke wondering how he had figured it out so well to word it like a carefully planned lesson. It probably had something to do with how he got his Sharingan eye ... Or from being around that man. "That, however, puts a certain strain on your body and chakra system, which could end up being fatal to you if you don't even it out before entering battle, as the strain could knock you out at best."

"And at worst?" The raven haired preteen had asked warily. Kakashi looked a bit uncomfortable.

"From what I've heard, it's quite possible for the strain to leave a person's chakra pathways so tattered that they can never knead chakra again. In other words, they cannot be a ninja anymore. They can't use their Sharingan again. They'd have to live the life of an ordinary civilian and keep their chakra close to themselves, not even feeling the world with it for fear of more fatal consequences."

Sasuke had never thrown himself so vigorously into training as he had then. He worked almost day and night for two weeks until Kakashi deemed his speed good enough and Sasuke could sigh in relief, exhausted, sore and nearly completely drained of chakra. He could so use a few days of rest and relaxation, preferably in an onsen with a professional massage master, Naruto's delicious cooking and said blond at his side.

"Alright, Sasuke. Up you get." The Uchiha groaned miserably when the jonin cheerily appeared right above him, blocking the half moon overhead. He had no energy to move a pinky, let alone get up.

"Go away, Kakashi you slave driver!" He groused, closing his eyes again. Didn't this idiot know that pushing too much will not make him any stronger and might just end up not only doing him no good but making it all worse? His muscles needed a rest to properly develop and get used to the results of his training! Kakashi was apparently the sadistic type of teacher.

Said Hatake just shrugged noncommentally. "Well, I was going to teach you my strongest jutsu," Sasuke's eyes snapped open and trained on the masked man, who smiled with his one visible eye. "But if you're too tired-"

"I'm good." The preteen genius said as he forced his body to sit upright, needing a moment to gather the energy to even attempt standing. Thankfully, Kakashi took pity on him and sat down instead, motioning for Sasuke to remain on the ground. "What jutsu will you be teaching me?"

"It's an assassination jutsu I developed myself when I was about your age." The ex ANBU revealed vaguely. He brought his hands up in front of his chest and started weaving hand seals before taking a hold of one wrist and turning the palm of that hand up. Sasuke watched intently with tired, aching eyes as chakra started appearing in Kakashi's hand, only for it to crackle like electricity before it turned to lightning. It lit up their faces ominously and Sasuke felt his hair stand on edge with static. "The first time I used it, my sensei was impressed but found a terrible flaw in it: it is a straight-line attack and it narrows one perception into a sort of tunnel vision due to the needed concentration to maintain the speed needed for the attack. Sensei forbade me to use it as it was as dangerous to myself as to others."

Sasucke half scowled when he looked away from the fascinating lightning display in his own sensei's hand. "Then why teach me a useless, ineffective jutsu I can't use in a fight?"

Kakashi tsked reprovingly at the boy. "Didn't we talk today about the Sharingan's unique perception and speed of such?" He grinned when he saw realization dawn in those twice-hauntingly familiar black eyes. "The Chidori can only be used in combination with the Sharingan because only your Clan's doujutsu can counter the tunnel vision. As you can guess, you're the first person I taught this jutsu to. For their own safety above all else."

The young Uchiha's eyes flashed as they flickered to the red of the Sharingan, causing Kakashi to experience a shiver traveling down his spine when he saw something unreadable but cold in their depths. "What about that man?" The two tomoe in those eyes were challenging Kakashi when they met his gaze. "Did you teach him?"

The silver haired jonin regarded his student almost warily. "No. You're the first." He deemed it best not to mention that he had thought about it and that he had wanted to, but the man Sasuke was talking about had picked it up just by watching him yet refused to use it. Kakashi never understood how someone who refused to kill if it was not necessary could end up doing what that man had done. He never forgave himself for not noticing the sings that must have been there. He could have stopped that tragedy, he was sure of that, if only he had paid more attention.

Perhaps it was his divine punishment to train his once teammate's murderer. It didn't sit well with him, but since when was punishment meant to?

Sasuke trained like a madman for the remaining two weeks, building up his stamina, his chakra reserves, his pain tolerance and his hatred. This jutsu - he could feel it. This will be the jutsu that will avenge his family. It was only fitting. It showed how much he had advanced since the last moment he had spent in that man's presence and he will not be weak before him, never again. The meeting with Gaara only made him practice further but Kakashi ended his training too soon, reminding Sasuke that he, too, had his limits. Sasuke ignored him and practiced on his own, only for Kakashi to knock him out three days before the beginning of the finals and keeping him drugged for two days so his body could rest and his reserves can replenish themselves. The Uchiha was none too happy with him when he finally woke up two hours late! for the Finals due to his body fighting the drugs.

He rushed about his large house - still so abandoned that he prayed he'll manage to convince the Kyuubi's Jinchuuriki to at least visit from time to time, to chase away the loneliness - getting ready in a hurry with a swift shower, a quick change of clothes into a new battle outfit he had chosen just for this occasion, preparing his weapons quickly and combing his hair with barely three swipes of his comb. He glared at the sheepishly smiling, always late jonin when he was finally ready and demanded of the man to get them to the big arena in the Leaf ASAP.

He was very tempted to snap Kakashi's neck - and he would have attempted it, too, if he didn't know it was futile and would just seep the much needed energy - when he realized he had not only missed all the previous fights but that he had almost been disqualified for not arriving on time. He barely had a second to glance at Naruto, who was standing chummily beside Nara with a cheery expression on his tanned face before he had to focus on the proctor.

Because of Kakashi, he didn't get to analyze each of Naruto's scratches and bruises before he was facing Gaara across the arena and that only made rage bauble up in him. But he chased it away as best as he could with a deep breath, concentrating on the battle at hand.

He'll have plenty of time to worry about Naruto once he wins.