I do not own sonic or the Archie sonic comic.

Chapter 1: sacrifice and roboticization

On the death egg

On one of the many elevators on the death two mobians who were both riding its decent to up the room they had decided to check out to see if there was any weapon that Bergman had in store for their world. The first of the two mobians was a female chipmunk and squirrel hybrid mobian red hair reaching her neck who was wearing a blue sleeveless and open jacket along with blue boots that reaching up to just below her knees and a pair of pilot goggles, this mobian's name was Sally Acorn, leader of the freedom fighters. The other mobian in the elevator with her was a blue hedgehog with six blue quilts curved downwards on the back of his head along with two more curving downwards on his back just below his neck along with a smaller and thinner one just above his butt which was curled upwards slightly. He was wearing a pair of red sneakers with white soles and strap over the top with gold square buckles and was wearing white gloves on his hands. This mobians was the famous Sonic The Hedgehog who was known as the hero of Mobius and boyfriend of Sally.

Suddenly the elevator stops signalling the end of its decent causing Sonic to sigh in relief walking out while saying in a annoyed tone "Jeez does egghead really need to make every elevator he makes so slow, its really tiring" causing Sally to giggle "After all these years you still have next to no patience do you" she replied in a mouthful tone before they both saw what was in the room they arrived in. At the centre of the room there was giant device with a giant glass cylinder with a hologram image of mobius inside. Sally and sonic looked at it in shock before Sally questioned no one in particular "what on mobius is THAT?" before sonic replied in a worried tone "I don't know Sal but it looks like a giant roboticizer".

Before Sally could reply they were both interrupted by another voice above them which humorously replied "A surprisingly good deduction from you of all rodents Sonic but to be exact it is a world roboticizer". Both sonic and Sally look up to see the villain they have been facing for years, Dr. Eggman, who was a overweight overlander who wore black boots with grey zip looking attachments on the front, a red coat with gold circular accents and the same zip like attachments on the sleeves and the middle front. His head was hairless apart from the huge moustache below his big pink nose and was wearing glass which were having his actual eyes which were red with black sclera.

"World roboticizer?!" Sally and Sonic both shouted in a horrified voice as Eggman laughed before replying in a evil tone "Simple this device when fired will roboticize everything across mobius and anything that is already robotic, well let's just say they will go boom.". Sonic thought out loud to himself in a worried voice "But that would mean New Mobotropolis, Dad, Bunnie they will be toast" causing Sally to look at him worriedly before turning to Eggman before shouting "We will not let that happen you monster!" causing Eggman to laugh evilly while spreading his arms outwards before replying "Too bad you only have minutes before it fires and you have to get through these two first." as he said this Silver Sonic and Metal Sonic both burst into the room charging at the two freedom fighters causing Sonic to pick up Sally bridal style before running behind cover.

Sally was thinking to herself before seeing a maintenance hatch to the what she guessed was the world roboticizer before getting a idea. Turning to sonic she spoke to him, "Sonic." Sally spoke getting his attention, "what is it Sal." asked sonic before Sally replied "I'm going down that hatch to stop this thing from the inside so I need you to distract those copies of you.". Sonic looked at her before thinking back to when she was shot right before the genesis wave from earlier fully took affect while thinking "If she goes through with this she could die or a lot worse." He looked at Sally sadly before saying" sorry Sal but I can't let you do something that dangerous." Which causes Sally to frown before replying, "sonic if I don't do this then everyone we care about will be done for" Sally reminds him causing him to nod before replying in a sad tone, "I know, which is why I will do it instead" which causes Sally to gasp before saying in upset tone, "but then you could-" but Sonic cuts her off saying in a serious voice "listen I'm scared about doing this but if you distract them I can get this done quicker" he then surprises her by giving her two white gloves along with two blue rings not unlike power rings causing her to ask while putting them on "what are these Sonic?" before Sonic can reply sally activates the two rings causing blades to appear. Sonic answer her finally by saying "These are something I had tails make for you so you are able to fight more easily. I was going to give you them on your next birthday but..." His words drift off but Sally nods in understanding before giving him Nicole. "Nicole will help due to the fact you aren't an expert to technology, and I'll hold Eggman and his two copies." she informs him causing him to nod.

Eggman loses patience before shouting at them "stop hiding and fight you roden-!" but he is cut of by Sally who jumps from her and Sonic hiding place before runs past the two Sonic copies and then jumps at Eggman before cutting his Egg hover pod causing him to yell in surprise. While Sally does this Sonic runs to the world roboticizer's maintenance hatch before looking and Sally one last time before jumping down and closing it.

World Roboticizer engine

Sonic crawls through the wiring before reaching the weapon main core before finding somewhere to plus Nicole's handheld into. "Nicole can you find any way to stop this this?" Sonic asks her politely to which she then replies "no I can't, the programming of the this thing is so complex it would take to long. I could reroute the roboticizer's firing path to this spot but-" Sonic cuts her off "do it, do that thing where you transfer yourself to Freedom HQ and ill set it off manually" he says seriously causing Nicole to reply in a sad tone "but you will-" Sonic cuts her off again "I know, but at least everyone else will be saved, and that is enough for me" he says causing Nicole to sigh before replying "Alright sonic if you are serious about this then ok". The screen on Nicole's handheld that has a message asking sonic "reroute roboticizer?" with a yes and no option. Sonic selects yes but before he activates the reroute he thinks about every good memory before thinking to himself "Sally, everyone, thank you, and goodbye". He then presses the button and the last thing he sees a bright flash and then darkness.

In the main world roboticizer room

Sally is cornered by both metal Sonics before shouting "Sonic if your about to do something do it now!". Eggman looks at the world roboticizer laughing Willy in victory before noticing its about to blow which causes him to look in horror before screaming "NO, NO, NO, NO!" before everything explodes including Metal Sonic and Silver Sonic.

In the sky's below the death egg

A two tailed yellow fox Mobian who is known as Tails and a pink hedgehog mobian known as Amy Rose are both on tails plane known as the tornado see the explosion cause them both to cheer in victory. "Sweet, Sonic and Sally must have done something!" the young fox says happily before he and Amy high five.

In the remains of the world roboticizer

Eggman, who's cloths are tor slightly with the right sleeve of his red jacket missing, looks around before speaking to himself "Great they foiled two of my plans in one day. Well at least they are both dea-" he is cut of by a blue blade cutting through the rubble two reveal Sally with her goggles missing and her gloves torn in a few places. Sally sees Eggman before walking towards him before pointing her activated ring blade at his chest causing him to shake in slight fear. "You've lost Eggman, again. Now I'm going to find sonic then you are going back to your jail cell so then everyone can finally have some pea-" before she can finish she hears a metal fist punch its way out of the rubble causing her to turn around and her face morphs into one of horror at who she sees "no, please no" she begs to herself with tears in her eyes as she instinctively deactivates her ring blade while Eggman, who also sees who it is, starts to laugh evilly in victory. Who they see is a fully roboticized Sonic.* With a hand stretched towards Sally he speaks robotically "Sally Acorn, freedom fighter: priority one".

End of chapter one

Author's note

hope you wonderfully readers enjoyed the first chapter of my first fanatic. This idea I've waited for someone to write for a while now but know does it good or doesn't continue it so I decided to try it my self. The next chapter will come out soon so you all hopefully won't have to wait long. See you all next chapter.

*- The roboticized sonic looks like the image of sonic roboticized from Eggman imagination of the way he wants to rewrite mobius in worlds collide part 12.