I'm back bitches and I have another chapter for you guys.
Now in this chapter you'll start to see major differences with characters in this story, opposed to cannon characters. Mostly Gohan, Vegeta and Goku. Ight, not that that's done.
New Gohan-
3 Months Later
In the past few months things couldn't be worse for Gohan. His mother even tried to help Gohan, but he just couldn't. But he wasn't depressed, no. He was confused. Sure, he felt bad about his dad but, he just didn't feel sad. If anything, he felt angry. Very angry. If you ask yourself: Why would he feel angry. The answer is pretty simple. His fathers neglect. He got so angry to even think he would rather stay dead and train forever, when he could have come back alive. And spend time with his family. It infuriated him.
Now why you ask Gohan why was confused. Well he started to feel things he never felt before. Like the need, the fire and the will to become stronger. Not to just to protect everyone, but to please his pride. HIS Saiyan Pride. He was kinda scared of his new emotions. I mean what could he do, all this was foreign to him. Before the merger between his two selves, he never liked to fight. He actually despised it. But when he fought Cell he felt his blood pumping with excitement, something he never felt before. Than the other small things, like him becoming some-what distant at times, becoming agitated easier and Etc.
When he asked Vegeta about all this, he was surprised what Gohan was asking and asked him, or demanded for him tell him. When Gohan told Vegeta about meeting of his counterpart and the merger between the two, he shocked to say the least. He than listed all of the Saiyan things he should know and also told Gohan not hide from his new feelings and embrace them, instead of blocking them away.
Gohan and Z-Fighter's decided to participate in the intergalactic Tournament that would take place in 6 months' time.
Gohan asked his mother if he could compete and she said no. But for some reason Gohan was feeling sort of rebellious and decided to go anyway.
Though Gohan had come to a road block with his 'plan'. He realized he didn't know how he would he train with his mother is, so hell bent on him studying and become a Scholar. Gohan didn't know why but when he ever thought, heard and said that word he wanted to shudder.
He had talked to Bulma and asked she could make him a Gravity Chamber. She of course said yes and made it within a weeks' time.
Now he would start to train again. He felt kinda bothered that he was almost shaking with excitement before he started training again.
Once Gohan had on a brand new Gi on he told his Mom that he was just going off into the woods. Although, Chi-Chi knew what was going to go. Chi-Chi knew right from the moment she saw him fight Cell with such, determination, such ferocity and had that fighting spirt she had long lost. Maybe she thought. Maybe Gohan's future was much brighter if he stayed a fighter. (Yea IK Chi-Chi would never allow Gohan to continue training, but I would rather not have bunch of unnecessary bashing, when it can be avoided).
(A/N: Sorry Ik, but Goten will not be born in this. Go ahead and roast me, but Tbh, I don't really like Goten a lot. I like Trunks better Tbh. And don't worry, Trunks will have a role in this story.)
Gohan had on a new Gi and decided to change it up little bit. He decided to rock an all-black Gi with silver boots.
When he stepped inside, he found himself inside a large, dome like room with a pillar set in the center of it to support the floor above it, and to also house the panels in which to control the room. Gohan walked over to the control panel and began studying the system.
He furrowed his brow at the keys and buttons. "Hmm…it's simple enough. What gravity should I set it at?" he thought. Looking down at his weight bands and leg weights, he tested the strain and pull it had on him. And knowing that each weight weighed about two tons, he began calculating the amount of gravity he would need in order to make these things much heavier. He smiled triumphantly and went to the gravity setter. "I'll try it out with 300 time's earth's normal gravity…"
He pressed down on the button beside a dash board and watched the screen light up with numbers. A second later, he let go, setting it at 300g's. He then stepped back and waited for the room to set itself. He heard the whir of power from the simulator and the drivers in the pillar course the setting through to the rest of the onboard system. Within moments, the gravity increased by ten became operational, with Gohan immediately feeling the quick change. His weight bands pulled him down, with his wrist weights making it harder for him to stand. As soon as the gravity simulation was up and running, the young half Saiyan smirked and forced himself into a standing position. He trembled through the process, but he steadied himself soon after.
"Well…this should be fun. Let's get to work shall we," Gohan began, dropping into a fighting stance and trying to keep himself upright.
Within moments, he was hard at training. Pushing himself to his limits, he moved across the room on the tile floors. In so doing he flowed through the stances, launching combination after combination. In so doing he tried using his flight technique, but because of the gravity increase and the weights he wore, it prevented him from hovering above two meters. Still, Gohan tried. He had already worked himself after five minutes, sweating with the effort he was putting into his training. But determined to get stronger he picked up the pace.
After a few hours of training in his base form, he decided to take It up a notch and turned the Gravity up 500 times normal Gravity. The second he did that thought, he collapsed straight on his face. After trying to get up for the last 10 minutes he decided to go Super Saiyan. When he transformed he could get, but he still felt the strain on his body from gravity and began training once more.
Gohan started it off by creating a Multi-Form clone and started sparring with it. The two shot at each other with a furry of punches and combos, but all were either blocked or dodged. Gohan decided change it up when he went for leg sweep that caught the Clone Gohan off guard and made him lose his footing. Gohan then floated up and kicked his Clone to ground, but not before sending a golden Ki blast his stomach as he was sent barreling down to GR's ground. Just as he was about to hit the ground, Gohan entered Super Speed as he rematerialized underneath him and kicked him in back witch sent him flying into the roof of GR.
Clone Gohan recovered soon enough to catch Gohan by surprise with knee to the chin which was accompanied by kick to the stomach which sent him into the wall. Gohan got with blazing golden aura shooting around him with golden lightning bolts bounced of him. And shot off at his Clone and headbutted him in the stomach, which made him spit up a glob of saliva and little bit of blood. Just as Clone-Gohan was about counter, Gohan sent Ki infused fist into the side of stomach and then kicked him upwards in the chin which sent him flying up into the celling with pain induced yell.
After a few seconds his Clone rematerialized in front him with lightning bolts shooting off around him while wearing a confident smirk in Super Saiyan. Gohan just smirked back and resumed the brutal spar.
6 Months Later
The last months had been really productive for the half Saiyan. Not just in terms of training, but he finally got used to his new Saiyan emotions. Over the last couple of months Gohan started to visit Vegeta more, and found out he enjoyed his company. Even though most of the time they hung out, was just training and sparring in the GR. Vegeta was even nice enough to teach him technique or two.
He even visited Piccolo a few times and decided to meditate with him and even had a few training sessions together. Piccolo was pretty surprised on how different Gohan acted. If Piccolo knew any better, he would have guessed Vegeta was Gohan father and he was raised by him. Piccolo even told Gohan that which got a chuckle in return and said Vegeta spent more time in a few months than his really father had spent with him in the last 5 years. Piccolo was shocked at first, but after thinking about for a few minutes, he relied how right Gohan was. He felt bad for Gohan at first, but he quickly realized Gohan didn't want anyone's pity. Piccolo just chalked that up to Saiyan pride.
But Piccolo quickly shook the thoughts out of his head. It was Game time. The intergalactic Tournament was today.
And dooone.
Hey guys, before I end the chapter off, I would like to say some things.
First off, thank you all for reviewing and favoriting the story. It really means a lot to me.
Second, If Gohan isn't acting OOC and more Saiyan-like than I don't know what else to do.
Third, hey guys I need to know your opinion on Gohan using different techniques from the other Z-Fighters. Like Special Beam Cannon, Final Flash. Etc. And if want a certain move for him to use, suggest it in the reviews box.
And that's all, thank and you guys for reading and goodnight.