When I wake up the next morning, I feel like for lack of a better word, death. So, I decide to take a rain check on school. He makes me have breakfast, but he sends me back to bed afterwards like a concerned parent. I officially get up an hour later and without any prompting, I toss up this morning's breakfast into the toilet. I'm convinced I have a fever because I can see him, towering behind me.
"This will not do, call that 'Friend' of yours and ask him to look after you." He pesters from behind me. I do as I'm told and find Michael's name in my contacts. I drop my phone next to the toilet and put it on loudspeaker.
"Jeremy?" He asks, shocked.
"Mikey, I need your help. M'sick." I groan, leaning my forehead against the cold tile of the bathroom wall.
"Okay, I'll be over right away. Stay on the line with me. Okay?" He says, I'm surprised he didn't say no, I'm an asshole.
"Give me a rundown on how you're feeling, have you had anything to eat? Anything to drink? Symptoms?" He rushes out. I hear him mumble 'family emergency' to the receptionist at school.
"I just threw up my breakfast, I haven't had anything to drink. I think I have a fever." I list off, trying to remember all the shit he asked.
"If you can move from where you are without being sick or anything, go get a drink. Preferably water." Michael instructs. I nod even though he can't see me. I grab my phone and walk downstairs quietly. I pour myself a glass of water and sit cross legged on the kitchen floor. I take a sip and wait for Michael to speak again.
"I'm just turning onto your street, unlock the door." He says. I get up and unlock the door, before sitting back on the kitchen floor.
"Done." I reply quietly. A few seconds later the call hangs up and Michael walks through the front door.
"Jere?" He asks.
"Kitchen." I groan in response.
Michael's POV~~
He's sat on the kitchen floor and he looks like death. He's clutching the glass of water in his hand like it's his life line.
"Come on Jere, let's get you back upstairs." I smile offering him a hand. He takes it and I pull him up softly. I escort him back upstairs and into his room. He sits on his bed and I sit on his desk chair.
"Would you like anything to eat?" I ask, it's more of an eat now or I'll kill you.
He nods slowly after a minute of thinking. I go downstairs and grab a can of soup from the cupboard and pour it into a microwave safe dish. A few minutes later I carry the now cooked soup back upstairs to Jeremy.
"I thought you hated me, you didn't have to come help me." He sighs as I hand him the soup.
"Jere, I could never hate you. I know it's that SQUIP that's making you avoid me." I told him, it was true. Jeremy was just lost.
Jeremy taps something against his bedside table, I'm a little rusty at Morse code, but we did get taught it in 6th grade. Jeremy sits up straight, and groans as if he's being electrocuted. And I figure out what he tapped.
'Mntndw Red'
"It gets rid of the SQUIP." He breathes out heavily, that shock clearly hurt, and the SQUIP delivers another.
"I have some at my house. Get dressed and I'll walk you there." I say, whilst tossing clothes at him. I turn away as he changes. It's part of the bro-code I guess. Never look at each other when you change. We walked down to the front door and he pulled on his shoes.
He was boiling, and I'm sure he still had a fever but I could get him back to mine. My mother greeted me.
"You're home early." She says.
"Jeremy wasn't feeling well. I couldn't take care of him by myself, and his dads. *ahem* at work." I reply calmly.
"Okay sweetheart, call if you need anything." My mom calls as we climb upstairs. I basically pour the mountain dew down his throat. It was discontinued in the 90's so I can't imagine it tasted that good. He coughed and started twitching. He passed out not soon after. He comes to after thirty minutes.
"Oh god, Mikey? I have a killer headache." He yawns.
"Is the SQUIP gone?" I whisper.
"I think so?" He replies…