A week had passed since Anon and Dahlia's first fuck.

Ever since then the two had been making love every night in the warmth of their now shared bed. It was a wonderful new life style. Every morning he'd wake up to see her supple cheeks and long eyelashes in his face and felt as though he had reached Elysium.

The sex was getting more adventurous too. Since their primary fucking in the downstairs bathroom they had gone on to experiment with reverse cowgirl, face to face, and even doggy style sex positions. She was naturally gifted at them all, often taking the lead in their sultry sessions.

Anon awoke to a face full of Dahlia's white-blue mane and took a whiff of the perfumed hair. He buried his face in the back of her neck and reached around to rub one of her soccer ball sized breasts. She began to stir as his morning wood jabbed in between her supple thighs, the soft hair that covered them turning him on even more.

"Mornin', sug," she said groggily.

He could feel the tip of his thick penis free up into open air on the other side of her legs and then the familiar touch of her padded perfect paw began rubbing the precum drizzling out of it. He wanted to have her once again, but today was a big day. After doing nothing but fucking for a week with his personal bunny girl he finally decided that he needed to hold a job if they were to continue this frivolous life style. He was to begin his job at the Café in Torigoth square and it was important that he made a good impression.

He reluctantly withdrew his rock-hard member from between her fluffy legs and turned to face the day, he knew she'd still be here when he came back.

Anon descended the stairs and stepped into the bathroom to begin his morning routine. He was still covered in sex juices from the night before and opted to rinse off with a quick shower. As he basked in the warm cascade of water he heard the door open as a fully nude Dahlia entered and began brushing her fine white coat.

Anon couldn't help himself and began to whistle happily. The girl he'd lived with for a year now was finally his lover and they were comfortable enough with each other that they could walk around in the nude without any shame.

"Looks like someone's having a swell time," Dahlia said watching him in the mirror as she combed. "I'd like to join you but I hate getting my fur wet, it takes forever to dry."

Anon didn't care. Watching her was enough for him. Her long slender fur glazed legs flexed as she moved from side to side wagging her little tail and round spankable donk. He began to get hard watching her do her morning ritual and without thinking began to stroke his dripping wet cock.

Dahlia must have heard the wet fapping sound and turned to see him fully erect.

"My my," she said putting her brush down. "Someone sure is happy to see me."

Anon began to feel embarrassed, they had had enough sex in the last week to last them a while, chances were she probably wasn't in the mood. He pulled his hands away and returned to cleaning himself.

His heart did a skip as he heard the clacking of Dahlia's high heeled paws striding towards him. He turned to see her Jell-O like breasts bouncing with each step as she drew closer.

"I think that I need to take care of what I've done," she said standing at the edge of the shower. His penis was still rigid and a line of precum was making a trail to the shower floor. Dahlia then knelt down to face his monster dong and reached over with her porcelain furred paw and lightly patted his dick.

"So… Beautiful," she said looking into his one-eyed monster. He'd never heard a woman call a penis beautiful before, but then again, Dahlia wasn't your typical woman either. "I'll never get over how amazing your big penis looks in the sunlight, darlin', but for now we need to take care of this boner you're sportin' so you can get on with your day."

She slid her hand up and down his trunk and with her other gentle paw reached up and fondled his balls like a piece of hanging fruit. "These look nice and ripe," she teased examining the golf ball sized family jewels. "I think I'll give it a taste just to make sure." Dahlia leaned in and opened her tiny but luscious lips, sucking one of his big testicles into her wet and warm cavity. The sensitivity sent a desirable sensation of pain and pleasure into his nut sack as she sucked the ball in and out of her gentle mouth leaving the skin inside. She used her tongue to push the ball in and out again before pressing it against her lips and biting down slightly on his wrinkled scrotum skin. She moved to the other testicle and let his pound of man meat rest against her nose. She nuzzled it softly, rubbing the underside of his urethra with her fuzzy nose while still sucking on his balls. Anon reached down and petted her soft silky hair as if to affirm that she was doing a great job. She smiled back at him and giggled erotically.

Dahlia released his saliva drenched balls from her mouth and turned her attention elsewhere. She leaned forward and pressed her puckered full lips against his red bell end. It felt amazing and made his cock fill with even more blood. Dahlia kissed it again and continued down his shaft landing a series of kisses all up and down the veiny protrusion. When she returned to the tip her lips parted as she tried to slip the mouthful past her teeth, just missing her unnaturally sharp canines. Her wet warm tongue flicked the underside of his bulge and massaged the sensitive rod sending him into a frozen state of pure ecstasy. She struggled to fit it all into her otherwise tiny mouth, it was just so big, but Dahlia wasn't one for giving up, she continued on, gulping down as much of his primary sex characteristic as she could until his balls brushed up against her perfect chin. Her throat felt just as warm and welcoming as her pussy and the many trembling movements of her jaw muscles struggling to make room for his meat slab triggered a wave of pleasure all down his member and up through his body.

Dahlia was tearing up as his shaft pressed against her uvula but she suppressed her gag reflex in the name of pleasing her driver. His dick was warm and full in her snug little mouth and Dahlia could feel the spunk drizzling down and coating her tongue. She knew how to make him feel even better and began moving her head back and forth up and down all 10" of him. Only now did she fully realize its girth. His balls bounced in time with her huge pendulous breasts hitting her in her fuzzy chin and forcing her to grow pink in the face.

Anon wasn't able to control himself anymore, her face pussy felt so damn good that he reached forward and grabbed hold of both of Dahlia's braids forcing an erotic moan out of her. He pulled forward and back in time with her and was afraid he might bruise the back of her throat, but was too overcome with pleasure to care.

Dahlia was happy that he was taking the lead for once and began sucking even harder. He could feel the jizz building up in his freshly squeezed balls and was ready to shoot. Letting go of her braids, Anon put his hands on either side of Dahlia's peachfuzzed face and fired his cannon down her esophagus. There were three powerful spurts until Anon couldn't take it anymore and his legs felt like pudding. Dahlia slowly withdrew the glistening member from her face hole and nuzzled the tip with her perky nose. The smell of salt and semen filled the rabbit girl's senses and made her pussy even more wet. She wanted him inside her again, for Blade and Driver to become one, but Anon looked tuckered out, he had just cum after all. He leaned back and slumped down on the shower bench. Dahlia saw her chance and did what she could to satisfy her selfish desires, she was turned on and needed to climax or else be horny for the rest of the day.

Dahlia leaned in and planted a salty kiss right on his lips. He seemed surprised, but gave into it, tasting his own seed mingled in with his blade's spit. Their tongues wrestled as she grew ever closer to him placing one high heeled beastly foot next to his side. Their loins were in alignment and Dahlia rammed down hard putting his slowly softening dick between her labia. She used her strong lower muscles to suck it into her and could feel the massive rod growing inside of her.

Despite having just reached climax in Dahlia's mouth Anon was once again fueled by lustful desires and returned her kiss even more vigorously pumping his hips forward and fucking her sensitive cunt like he'd been deprived from sex for ten years. Dahlia moaned as her driver took the lead and rammed his massive cock into her over and over in the name of satisfying his sexy blade partner.

Anon stood up and she wrapped both of her long solid legs around his back. Anon was holding all of her now, and she was heavy, mostly due to her breasts that must have weighed about 8 pounds each, but he ignored the muscle fatigue and pulled her so close to him that even wet and lubricated the two would never part.

Dahlia's vulva was on fire. The heated pole was driving her insides wild. Anon's loose ball sack swung with each thrust and rose so high with its swings that it began hitting his partner in her puckered blue anus sending her into even more pleasure. Her moans were so loud that he turned his attention to her soft and smooth neck, burring his face into her shoulders and kissing wetly.

"Yes! Yes!" Dahlia goaded. "Give it to me! Mmmmm, yes! I want all of you, Anon! Don't hold back, Darlin'!"

Dahlia couldn't hold back anymore and was sent into a wave of pure climax as Anon penetrated her sacred womanhood with the force of a stallion. Dahlia let out a shout of pure unbridled enjoyment as he pumped his seed into her barren uterus. Her freshly brushed fur was now matted with even more sweat and sex oils giving off the aroma of a barn. The smell was intoxicating, but as hormones died down and the couple sat still connected on the floor of the shower they gazed into each other's eyes with the irony that they had both failed in what they had originally came down here to do.

"You're such a dirty master, I do declare," she said with her southern twang. "Now I reckon we'll both need a shower."

She stood up on her broad chiseled legs and offered her partner a generous paw. They stood facing each other, completely soaked and rested their foreheads together.

Forget getting a job, Anon thought, he'd rather stay like this for the rest of his life.

To be continued…?