Here it is! The final chapter! Sorry to those of you who were following along actively with this, the delay was long but hopefully worth it. This story didn't get as many views as I would have hoped considering I've probably enjoyed writing this one the most so far, but I guess you'll have that some times. If this is my only story you've read you should check out the other ones, and if you enjoy this chapter specifically you should follow me! My next planned story is going to be a series of chapters involving Grimm ;) Until next time, stay smutty.

Coco x Beowulf, Velvet x Adam x Sienna (Briefly at the end)

Chapter includes Grimm Bestiality, Oral, Anal, Titfucking, Multiple Creampies, and Regular Intercourse. Partial non-con.

Razer! Razer! Razer!

The words almost didn't carry any actual meaning with them as they grew louder and more frequent, thundering through the facility until they made little to no sense to her anymore, the crowd's rhythm was lost to the volume of the shouting and Coco wondered what was about to come next. How had it come to this? Only a day or so ago, she had a hard time remembering, she was having sex with men and women in front of a camera in exchange for Velvet's safety, only for the girl to betray her by putting her on display for an entire sect of the White Fang? Maybe Coco had been wrong to try and defend her at all, maybe Coco should have let them bully her and stood by doing nothing. Was the work she'd done not enough? Coco tried to get rid of those thoughts, trying to remember or hold on to the memories that she shared with Velvet, but the snarling and sniffing that escaped the box behind her was making it hard for her to focus on those times.

She glanced back again, noting that 'Razer' was an Alpha Beowulf that was finally making its way out of its cage in a stupor, taking a long and deep whiff of the air in search of the scent that it had caught, standing taller than Yatsuhashi easily, throwing its head back to roar which shook the building and drew another round of thunderous applause that Coco tried to drown out. It was at that moment that Coco knew she needed to do everything in her power to make things right. This wasn't going to be a display for her exhibitionist habits, this was going to turn into a violent and gory mess in a matter of seconds, but maybe that's what Velvet was counting on from the beginning. She'd exploited Coco in ways the huntress hadn't even thought possible, what better way to end it than with a swift and horrific death?

Coco crawled a few feet in a horror-driven panic before reaching the end of the chain attached to her collar, choking herself suddenly. She coughed, rubbing at her neck as she pulled hopelessly at the restraint, her eyes wide and fearful as she called out to Velvet who stared at her.

"Don't do this, Velvet!" Coco begged before the real terror set in. She felt Razer place his claws on her back, his wet nose touching the outside of her hips as it sniffed hard once more, identifying Coco's body as the source of the aroma before letting out a roar of approval and dragging its long bone nails across her back, though she was shocked at the lack of pain or damage it was inflicting. "Let everyone have a turn with me! Line them up at the door, I'll see to their every need, just please don't let that thing near me! You know as well as I do that these things feed only on fear and negative emotions! If you leave me in here I'm as good as dead!"

"Calm down," Velvet spat disgusted as she approached the bars so that she was as close to Coco as she could be. "There will be plenty of time later to please my people, it's going to be a large part of your role here, so don't be impatient. The bottle I spilled on you was a pheromone. It will make you appear like a partner in heat. If you paid any attention in Port's class you'll know that he has no intention of hurting you now." Razer had now repositioned, looming tall over her and she noted his shadow overlapping her's as it let out another roar of satisfaction, landing over her in such a way that its claws landed beside her hands and its chest was pressed against her back, the force nearly throwing her to the floor.

"Port said that it was only theoretical, it might still kill me!" Coco shouted as she gripped the bars with one hand and pulled pointlessly on it. Velvet smirked.

"True, but that's not what you're afraid of," Velvet corrected her. "You're well aware of the fact that I wouldn't put the mother of Adam's child in danger, whether it be a conscious thought or subconscious. You're not scared of being harmed, you're scared that your little kink has gotten so bad that you're actually gonna enjoy us watching you get dominated by a feral beast." Coco wanted to tell her that she was wrong, that she was afraid that this Beowulf had nothing else planned but to rip her apart and make a meal out of her, but there was no point lying to herself or Velvet, not after the evening she'd been through. This kink had always gotten the best of her, on so many occasions, it was only a matter of time before someone used it against her.

The first time she thought nothing of it, Fox had caught her and Yatsu in the act while they were waiting for Velvet to get back from an extra training lesson with Glynda after school, but having Fox walk in on them didn't bother her in the way that it should have. Instead, it made it even better, seeing him come undone like that while Yatsu's long hard member rendered her in a sweaty and speechless mess. She couldn't have imagined a better scenario. The next time she tried to get off without someone around to watch seemed near impossible. Was she broken? After that she almost always needed an extra set of eyes on her, whether they recorded it to be watched later, or there was someone there in the room with them, the idea that others wanted to take her at that very moment in the same way that she was already being taken was more than she could handle. It wasn't a problem…

She knew that it would take over eventually. This was that difficult scenario. There was nothing right or okay about the situation that she'd found herself in tonight, but the fact that all of these animals were watching her enjoy what was being done to her body… it made her feel even more amazing! At the moment she wanted nothing more than to be their toy, their fantasy! She had been lying to herself thinking that she had been the one in control of it, she'd actually learned now that the opposite was true. Velvet, Adam, Ilia… all any of them had to do was give her the slightest stimulation and if it drew the approval of the crowd, it drew the approval of Coco's body. She was their puppet. She could see now that she was in need of help, but this was the moment that signaled she'd waited far too long to do something about it.

Coco was rushed back to the arena with the chants of the Fang surrounding her as Razer sniffed at her neck, his hot breath reminding her of the current situation she was trapped in the middle of, its claws exploring her body roughly as she felt a shudder tear through her body as his member grazed her inner thigh, giving her a long moment of pause before she could bring herself to look down at it. His cock was slowly unsheathing as it began to harden, giving her an okay view from between her legs and she noted a few things about it at that moment that excited her, but also made her worry. The first was the fact that his penis didn't even look real in a way, it instead resembled a collection of thick muscle tendons that helixed from the balls up to its slowly growing bulbous head, though she had no doubt that it would be as hard, if not harder, than that of a human. The second was that it was continuing to grow, and she knew it would be longer and have more girth than anything she'd ever experienced before.

Its claws continued their exploration before accidentally grazing Coco's clit and she surpassed a moan into a whimper as she collected her thoughts. She looked up at Velvet who smiled softly at her, pleased in the fact that she was right about Coco's not being afraid of being harmed and she took a step back towards her throne before Coco made one last attempt to stop all of this. Coco's eyes were filled with fear for her sanity, knowing that this monster would mark a point of no return for her.

"Please Velvet, don't let me go through with this," Coco pleaded. "I need your help, you know that I won't be able to fight the urge to make love to this… monster once I start. There has to be something that I can do to change your mind. We can still fix this, right? You were my best friend!" Velvet's smirk of assured victory was removed from her face and her eyes went dark as she tilted her head up, reaching into the cage and gripping Coco's jaw in one swift movement as she cackled, her face twisted in a satisfied gesugao. The Velvet that you knew is gone, Coco. She's not coming back. This is Velvet. I'm done for.

"Let me recall the words that you told me," Velvet spoke loudly as Razer glared at her and snarled in disapproval over the Faunus handling his mate. "'Bending over backward for you has done nothing for me.' You called me and my kind 'sick animals' that need to be put down. The only animal I see is the caged bitch in front of me." She paused for a long moment as she watched the hope drain from Coco's face, her breath slowing as she gripped Coco's jaw harder. "Now be a good dog and let Razer have his fun. We all know it's what you truly want as well."

As Velvet tossed Coco back Razer claimed his property, picking her up around the waist with one arm and hobbling back to the middle of the arena with her close to his chest to ensure that no one else would be disturbing the two of them for the rest of their time together, Velvet's actions leaving him slightly paranoid towards the Fang standing close to the edge of the cage. He gave out a protective and possessive shout that rattled everyone in the building, dropping Coco who fell on her stomach, still facing Velvet and Adam though she wished that she wasn't. The wind was knocked out of her, and as she made an attempt to fight through the pain to at least find her hands and knees so she could maybe crawl away and try to reason with Velvet again, she felt the beast's nose bury itself against her slit, now getting much closer to what it desired in its probing and prodding. The sudden jolt of pleasure stopped her abruptly and she swallowed hard, refusing to let this affect her. Her legs were weak, weren't they?

His abnormally large tongue took to the liquid that had grazed it's nostrils, lapping slowly and curiously at first before deciding that it enjoyed the taste, its tongue moving into her cavern slowly as it acquired a desire for the flavor, trying to extract what was left of it, and the new juices that replaced what he was slurping out. She let out a moan that couldn't be avoided, breathing heavily as her elbows wouldn't carry her further away and her legs had given in to the ecstasy that was gripping her gradually. She looked around the room, the flashes from Scrolls taking pictures and video causing her mind to drift towards giving in, noting men and women alike that were undressing, some slowly edging themselves to be ready to share the big moment with Coco and the Grimm, while others had been reduced to smaller orgies that had broken out around the warehouse. It was a dream come true, wasn't it?

Was her partner really a Grimm? Was that even something that mattered? Their anatomy seemed compatible enough, and the feeling that he was giving her with his uncanny tongue length was even better than any human or Faunus had ever been able to give to her. Was it taboo if she was enjoying it? It couldn't be… especially not if the audience was enjoying it just as much as she was. She was losing, but it felt like winning, there seemed to be no end to the conflict that she felt internally but it was silenced swiftly as his tongue had now moved and prodded her asshole, sending a new flame through her body as she gasped. It probed a little further than she expected on the first try, thanks to her body having been warmed up and prepped for this moment, his tongue must have made it halfway in before he decided that this hole was a bit tighter which meant it would be more of a victory if he was able to conquer it with his cock.

She braced for impact, despite the unnecessary and copious amounts of saliva that the creature had left behind in his exploration of her nethers, she knew that her body wouldn't be able to take his member in full, or at least not at once like she knew that he would want. Its first attempt went just as she expected, his head managed to penetrate, but not much more followed it inside which confused and aggravated the beast that couldn't be bothered with human anatomy. It tried again without pulling out, simply forcing itself down and in on top of her, even though her session with Adam just moments ago and her juices left her entire lower body saturated enough at this point for an easy fisting, the Beowulf girth was the still too much. The beast grunted in frustration, giving yet another push that made it a little further down the spiraled package and Coco cried out in searing pain, pounding her fist on the floor and starting to have trouble holding herself up.

Razer didn't understand her limits, only its want for pleasure and continued its insistent assault, managing to bury itself halfway in as her ass gave way slightly to his mass, though she now found herself in more pain than she'd ever imagined possible off of the battlefield. She took solace in two thoughts at that moment, though things were about to take a turn and she wasn't even aware of the fact. One, she was in enough pain at the moment that her kink had tamed itself down, her body found little pleasure in the current manhood that had forced itself into her body despite impossible odds. The second was the hope that Razer would get tired of fighting an uphill battle and would retreat from her in defeat, giving Velvet no choice but to end it seeing as she didn't want Coco harmed. The latter seemed suddenly granted to her as he somehow tore himself back out and gave her a moment of relief, his growling lowly above her hoped signified defeat and she kept her eyes on Velvet as she waited for them to end the event.

Without any warning she felt the beast grip her hips forcefully in an instant, brutally forcing his entire member all the way to the testicles into her ass, tearing her open. To anyone who didn't have an aura to lean back on it would have done permanent damage, but luckily Coco did. She let out a bloodcurdling scream at the introduction of the sudden and unbelievable pain, her arms giving out as her face struck the floor unexpectedly. The mass of Fang that watched on erupted, as though their underdog team had somehow pulled off a last-second score to lead them to the championship victory, though the searing blocked all of this from Coco's broken psyche. The worst pain she had ever felt flared through her lower body due to having made some room for Razer to work with. Finally, the Grimm started to slowly pump in and out of her, introducing wave after wave of pain that caused the huntress to scream until something she didn't think of happened on its own. The one thing that was meant to save her in that moment of desperation ended up being her final downfall, and she had no control over it.

Her body autonomously shifted all of her remaining aura into her lower half to preserve her insides from being ripped apart, and in doing so it nullified the pain in the process, which was the majority of the problem that Coco was facing. However, once it succeeded in masking the discomfort that she felt, the only thing that her mind was left with was pleasure and an overwhelming amount of it at that. Never had her body been filled to this point before, and being used as a sleeve for this creature to use as he pleased as they all watched on… she was helpless and victim to her kink once more. Never had she imagined that she could be pushed to such a limit, her anal walls now pulsated around the monster cock, as though she wanted to sheathe it within her as long as she could and never relinquish control.

She needed to be used by him however Razer saw fit because the people saw her the same way. They wanted to be the Grimm, their impossibly large member allowing her pleasure that she would never know again after this moment, they wanted to be the reason that her mind had completely broken and given itself over to sexual bliss. They wanted to fill her with their love. Again. And again. And again. It was shameful, but she wanted to be that object to them. She wanted to please all of them. She wanted all of it at the same time. There would be no escaping this feeling until the nightmare was finished with her, but her screams of horror and agony were slowly transformed to wales of pure ecstasy. She needed more.

She worked her way back onto her hands to give Razer a better angle which he appreciated, letting out a roar of approval as he seemed to enter and exit her with ease now, enjoying her own efforts to help him as she slammed herself back against his thrusts, gyrating against his crotch as he was buried inside of her which amused him, his mouth hanging open and panting as he watched her ass consume his dick from view and grind up against his body. He enjoyed it a lot, his animal nature taking back over as he picked up his pace, his large and low hanging balls slapping against her taint paired with the sounds of her ass clapping back against his animalistic abs created a thundering drum beat that set the pace for everyone within viewing distance of the spectacle. It was enough to send her over the edge and her first orgasm came swiftly, leaving her hoarse as her moans no longer filled the air, her vocal cords strained from her screams of wild approval.

She mustered what energy she had left to milk him harder, slowly and meaningfully forcing herself down him with long and full strokes back that allowed him to push in even further, confirming her suspicions that his head would work much like that of a dog's, and it began to swell up as he prepared to release himself inside of her. The growth alone brought on a second unexpected orgasm that surprised her, leaving her legs quivering as her mound released the liquids of the first and the second in unison, spraying the floor beneath them as she tried to remove him from her ass, but found that his knot had only increased further in size. She began to pant as her eyes rolled back and her upper body gave up on holding her, his bulging head had so much girth that it was rubbing through her anal cavity enough to pleasure her vaginal walls, giving her a third, smaller climax that she wasn't quite sure could even be considered one, though she felt more juices squeezing out of her mound.

Noting that she was out of energy Razer took matters into his own hands, lifting her up so that her body sat on his crotch and he began to bounce her on his member with as much force as he could muster. Her head rolled back, face still ahegao as she was unaware of everything taking place around her outside of the pleasure that filled her body, hoping that he would cum soon and she'd be freed of this abyss of pleasure. He was massive, it was still inside of her, twitching, making her want to go again, making her want to milk every last drop of seed from him, wanting him to go even deeper… that was when he let out a roar that was undoubtedly the beginning of his own climax.

He pulled her down harder and further than he had up to that point and held her there for a long moment before his knot was instantly deflated, more semen than she thought was even possible was expelled into her ass, the torrent a welcome surprise after making Coco wait for so long and the sudden liquid filling her body elicited a fourth orgasm that she counted which was just as explosive as the second, if not more so, spraying several feet in front of her in a shower of satisfaction as her senses returned and she felt the cum flowing out of her ass over his dick in a cascade as he howled out as if he'd conquered a formidable opponent. Once he was finished showing her off he removed her from his body, letting her fall to the ground with a wet thud as she rolled onto her back.

Her body took the moment to recuperate as her glossy eyes tried to follow his looming figure, meeting him quickly as he was once again situated over the top of her, his red glowing eyes met hers in a curious and wondering kind of manner and she was more than happy to oblige to another round with her newest lover. She looked down him as everything finally came into focus once more, noting that his knot was no longer present, but he was still unsheathed and hard, eager for whatever they were going to do next. Her mind filled with the craziest yet simplest idea and she ran her hands down his pelt before reaching his cock, stroking it weakly and clumsily at first with her hands. He glanced down, not quite sure of what she was doing but with a snarl of approval, he let her know not to stop.

He climbed up her body abruptly, noting that she was having difficulty reaching the base of his member so that he was now situated with his manhood inches from her face for easier access. She angled it down towards her, using both hands to run the entire length of it as she twisted her fingers around the shaft, tracing along the fibers that made up his anatomy in an entranced manner. Once she was sure that he approved of her actions she lifted herself slightly from the floor, her tongue now savoring the smooth and unnatural nature of his penis with the occasional kiss and suckle that left the beast staring at her in delighted confusion. Velvet found humor in the way Coco took this in stride, Grimm weren't creatures that often dabbled in recreational sex, but she wasn't one to shy away from putting on a show, was she?

She managed to sit up beneath the beast, her hands working his balls and the bottom of his shaft as she managed to fit her mouth around the head of his cock, her tongue exploring as much as it could, following along beneath the bulb and occasionally flicking out to tease his tip, and he enjoyed it almost as much as when he'd tore apart her ass. He let her have her moment, unsure of how or why she was doing what she was doing, but not wanting to make a wrong move that would cause her to stop, rocking instinctively on occasion, hoping her tongue would creep further down. Her nails raked over his tendons and his head engorged momentarily, growling in approval. If they wanted a show, she'd give them a show.

She tended to it a bit more, making sure that he was plenty lubricated from her saliva before she laid on her back once again and guided him to her bosom, using her arms to make sure that her tits were tight around his member and bouncing them horizontally to give him the idea of what to do and he took to it immediately. The monster took long strokes above her, lunging forward to please himself with her breasts which she clung to for dear life from the force of his advances, leaving her mouth open to tease his tip whenever he pushed far enough. This went on for a while until he picked up the pace which began placing a strain on her neck, laying her head down and watching the Fang enjoy themselves as Razer kept up his work.

She spotted Ilia who was sitting as close to the cage as she could, sitting on the floor with her legs spread as she'd discarded her bra to some unknown location, her panties simply pulled to the side as one of her hands was knuckles deep in her slit with a few of her fingers and her left hand massaged her breasts at random, tweaking her nipples as she fantasized that the Beowulf was railing her. Coco could see from where she was that Ilia was soaked and she took pride in knowing that she was the reason. She only wished that she could have a taste of the girl, but she imagined that there would be time for that later. She glanced straight up, though they were upside down she could see that Velvet was whispering something to Adam and that he was doing his best to conceal a hard-on, which filled Coco with a sense of evil satisfaction.

Razer brought her back into the moment as she noted his knot growing once more and his movements becoming sporadic as her body was jerked around as she tried to keep him concealed between her breasts. His shaft was tensing and spasming, and she knew that he was close, hoping to take his load on her face to give the people what they probably wanted the most at this point, but her arms had grown tired and she lost her grip, ready to accept his load wherever he found satisfactory to release it. The beast roared, shaking the room to its core once more as it's knot released a lake of seed onto Coco's stomach and tits, huffing in satisfaction as he stared down at her.

Velvet couldn't believe her eyes, everything was going amazing! No, everything was going perfectly! She was initiated into the White Fang and they would protect her with their lives as one of their own. Adam accepted her to rule at his side as his love. She was carrying his child. She had shown them she was trustworthy and was dedicated to the cause along with getting even with Coco, who she played like a fiddle right into her current situation. The girl was now nothing more than a vessel for Adam's children as a personal gift to him and also as a gift to all her new family as entertainment. Life couldn't get any better.

Velvet stood up from her throne to announce that the event was at an end when she was cut off by Coco who was reaching out for the beast. She grabbed its arm, trying to direct its attention to her slit which she was spreading open for the beast with her free hand, using her ring and pointer fingers to keep it open as she inserted her middle finger knuckles deep, withdrawing the sopping wet digit and waving it in front of Razer's nose. She was planning on going another round with it? Did her kink have no limits outside of making sure that her audience stayed entertained? Coco noted that the beast had sheathed slightly, but she knew he had one more round in him, he had to! She just needed to coax it out of him.

"Come on big boy," She begged quietly as she caressed the side of his face with her left hand, inserting her fingers into her cunt again and working herself over gently. "We can give them one more round, right? Don't keep me waiting." She reached down, the hand that had occupied his face now teased gently at his member as she kept herself spread, hoping that the smell or look of her lips and folds on full display would do something for the Beowulf, her hand working his cock more eagerly as he began to hardened again for her. Drool dripped from the corners of her mouth and pooled between her breasts as he looked at her hungrily and she shot a similar look back up at him. He moved down her body, finally recognizing and understanding what it was she wanted and she spread her legs as far as she could, ready to take on his full length as soon as he situated himself above her properly once again.

The beast still didn't seem to completely understand his target and Coco assumed it was due to the fact that human anatomy wasn't exact or on a one to one scale with that of other Grimm, but the rate at which it took him to process just exactly what it was that she wanted was beginning to drive her crazy, wanting nothing more than to somehow force him onto his back and mount him, riding him until he gave her exactly what she wanted and they'd be finished. She contemplated it only for a moment when he licked her pussy to ensure it was the spot that he was meant to be at and she whimpered and groaned in approval. He looked up, preparing himself quickly as his head prodded at her opening which was drowning in her anticipatory juices. He slipped in clumsily at first before removing himself and thrusting in as far as he could manage, only making it halfway in as he found himself stopped at her cervix and didn't believe that he could push any further. He regained the rest of his erection, the sudden expansion in girth was greeted with Coco's aura working overtime again, plunging her body into an instant loss as her eyes rolled back and her tongue lulled out of the corner of her mouth.

The beast began to work, her vagina easily more lubricated than her ass had been and he rhythmically thrust in and out of her with ease but Coco knew that he had more to offer and it was slowly causing her mind to unravel at the seams. She knew that this was only half of his length and she needed to do more to get it, even if it meant destroying her body in the process! She whimpered, confusing the monster and it looked her over like it had caused her pain before she repositioned. She wrapped her arms under his, pulling herself off of the ground as she clung to his bone plates that made up his spine, clinging to his waist with her legs so that he'd have a clear entrance no matter how hard he thrust. She hoped that it would be enough as she bargained with the Grimm.

"Deeper… Please… I need more... I need it all!" She screamed out for them all to hear. She did her best to push her body forward and buck her hips into his thrusts as she held onto him for dear life. "I need it now!" In response to her last scream of desperation, he pushed further than he thought was possible, punching straight through her cervix as her aura scrambled to maintain some semblance of functionality, and greeting the back of her womb. She screamed in panic, pain, and satisfaction as his knot entered her womb, looking down in disbelief at the bulge that trailed from her opening all the way to her stomach. He had done it?!

The creature seemed to chuckle as it pulled at the way out and slipped all the way back in with a single thrust, driving her crazy to feel herself emptied only to be suddenly filled beyond comprehension repeatedly as he fucked her without any restraints, leaving only his bulb in with every go at it because it was too large to remove at this point and he didn't want to lose his position inside of her. It was everything that she wanted it to be and more, and she came quickly the first time, though her juices had nowhere to go as he somehow seemed to be gaining more length and girth by the moment. His cock swam through her body briskly, crashing against the back of her womb every time and her spine and back began to arch, not only from the sheer pleasure coursing through her body, but to make room for his full length inside of her. He continued his assault on her body, wondering if it was possible for him to push any further into her as she began to lose her senses once more.

Her arms had released him minutes ago and her legs unhooked to rest on his hips from lack of energy left to do almost anything except stay conscious at this point only to continue feeling pleasure. Her head fell back, her brain barely comprehending anything more than absolutely need at the current moment. It reminded her to breathe, it reminded her aura to continue to operate, and it continued to remind her of the unending pleasure that filled her body at the moment and that she should climax on occasion because it seemed like the best thing to do. She could make out the crowd's cheers of degradation, amazed with Coco and how sick she was to be so happy with her situation among other things. They also cheered Razer on, wondering if it was possible that he could fuck her into a state of constant lucid consciousness. She didn't care. This was the show they wanted. She'd given it her all. She had no current regrets.

Adam looked over at Velvet who seemed wrapped up in the moment, lost to the sight before her as he took her hand and reminded her of what was happening around them.

"You've done an amazing job," he assured her. "This was the best choice of my life having you at my side to lead our forces. Your dedication to the cause and information you have on your old 'friends' will ensure our domination of the humans in the years to come. I love you." Velvet felt a warmth that she never had with the humans and she reciprocated it back to Adam with a smile.

"And I love you too," she replied as they turned their attention back to Coco who finally seemed to be finishing up with Razer. Coco was panting hard, feeling that the Grimm's cock was twitching hard inside of her and that his knot had ballooned to nearly twice the size it had the first two times that he'd came, a fact that the beast seemed to know somehow and it attempted to remove itself from her body but she'd locked his legs with her own in a death grip and he was too massive to actually pull back out through her cervix. She rocked gently against him to give him the edge that he needed as he clung to her, pounding her relentlessly to try and finish. He finally did, directly depositing a jettison of sperm into her womb in a near fire hose style that quickly filled her and engorged her body, leaving her feeling filled after he slipped his flaccid penis out and very little of the cum followed it out.

The creature slumped back off to its cage out of breath, its member dragging along the floor as it managed to pull its body back into the box to be locked up once more. Coco lay motionless in the middle of the arena, the Grimm semen dried on her stomach and breasts, leaking slowly from her ass and pussy, with the rest stored inside of her womb and she gave very little effort to try and push it out. She was soaked in sweat and pools of her own juices, a spent mess that was satisfied with its performance, and how good she was feeling after the fact. She was almost glad that Velvet didn't talk her out of it, wasn't she?

A few of the Faunus in the crowd that had somehow held out to the very end gave Coco and standing ovation, screaming and applauding the work that she didn't… or rather that she let happen to her, as others were scattered about still going at it quite fervently, and others had begun to leave.

"That is all everyone!" Velvet declared as she leapt up from her throne and shouted through the facility. "Thank you so much for joining me and Adam in celebrating the first of many displays of our dominance over the humans! More to come soon but go spend the rest of your day with each other and know that this will soon be the fate of all humans! They will serve us or die!" This drew another round of applause and Adam pulled Velvet in, kissing her hard on the lips as they watched everyone leave, save the two of them, Coco, Ilia, and two low ranked soldiers. The two soldiers moved in to begin cleaning as Velvet went to congratulate Razer.

"Good job, I'm proud of you," Velvet said petting him before slamming the box shut and locking it back up tight. She rejoined the others, they all stood above Coco who still didn't seem to be completely with it quite yet.

"Please let it be over, my body can't physically handle anymore," Coco managed to tell them. Velvet chuckled.

"So there is some of the normal you left. I thought after what we just saw that you would be permanently broken. I've never seen anyone take the full length of a Beowulf before, though if we're being honest, I've never seen anyone take a Beo before. But I guess it is more fun this way. Watching you fight a losing battle to control your own body never gets old," Velvet admitted. "You could actually see that he penetrated your womb, how are you still alive?"

"Fuck you," Coco spat. Velvet knelt down.

"I thought that you said you couldn't handle anymore," Velvet reminded her. "I could have the boys go grab a strap on quick, but I don't think that it could really compare to the fun you were having with Razer." Coco started to tear up as the raw pain sank in mixed with Velvet's betrayal.

"I hate you, Velvet. I told you about my kink out of confidence because you were my friend. You took that act of trust and used it to turn me against myself and let your sick friends have their way with me." Coco paused for a moment before taking a deep breath. "You proved all of them right, you know? All of the people at school? I hope they find you all and kill you slowly. You're nothing but worthless rabid ani..." Velvet silenced her with a kick to the temple, tired of hearing her voice.

"What should we do with her?" Ilia asked. Velvet looked at the two grunts but was cut off by Adam before she could even reply.

"Take her to one of the showers and make sure this filth is properly cleaned and returned our personal quarters," Adam instructed. Velvet looked at him for a long moment.

"What are you planning on doing with her, my love?" Velvet asked him.

"I know that we planned on making sure she is in decent care until she gives birth to our child and then just letting the men have her, but I had a better idea. I think that we should keep her as our personal pet and servant. When both children are born and they are older she shall wait on them hand and foot. She will live in the spare room of our quarters so that whenever I am gone and you're feeling the need for sexual relief, she will always be ready and available. I think I can safely assume you have other huntresses in mind that we can leave for our soldiers to keep as playthings in their barracks?" Velvet looked down at Coco's unconscious body and reveled at the thought that she was now Velvet's personal property and that Adam had planned this to be the outcome this entire time.

"Thank you so much!" She declared hugging him tightly. "I swear I'll find someone else for the men by the end of the week!" Adam kissed her and smiled.

"I know you will," he replied. He looked at Ilia and motioned towards Coco.

"Alright boys, let's get this bitch to the bathhouse and get her cleaned," Ilia instructed as she picked up the shackles from earlier and clasped Coco's hands once again behind her back. The two men picked her up, each grabbing one arm and pulling her out. Ilia turned back to Velvet "Would you like me to adjust her attitude as well? The tone she used toward you should be punished and be made aware to all that it won't be tolerated." Velvet blushed and smiled at the thought of someone so loyal to her looking up to her like a leader that demanded respect.

"Thank you, Ilia, but only do so if she makes a scene. If not then leave her… obedience training to me," Velvet informed her. Ilia smiled.

"As you wish, I shall oversee personally that she is spotless and returned to your quarters before you turn in for the night," Ilia assured them. Adam nodded to her and with that Ilia followed Coco and the men out.

"I think you had the right idea," Velvet moaned as she ground her pussy against Sienna's tongue as the woman did her best to please the young Faunus that was situated on her face, knowing that as soon as she got Velvet off that the girl would finally allow her to breathe once again. "Sienna looks much better beneath us, wouldn't you say?" She gripped Adam's chin, pulling him in for a kiss as he began railing the cat Faunus beneath him harder than he had before, moaning into Velvet's mouth as he gripped the older woman's hips and bucked hard into her, ejaculating deep inside of the Fang's previous leader as she moaned hard into Velvet's womanhood, sending a shiver through the bunny's spine, causing her to orgasm.

"I think I'd have to agree," Adam stated as he pulled out and immediately moved to get dressed. Velvet leapt off of the woman and looked her spent body over.

"I didn't even finish," Sienna shouted. Velvet slapped her cheek.

"Finishing is a privilege," Velvet informed her. "You're here for one purpose."

"I swear Adam, once I get out of here…" Sienna began as she sat up and moved for the edge of the bed. She was greeted by two guards who stopped her at sword point.

"Velvet and I lead the Fang now, Sienna," Adam scoffed as he finished dressing and turned to give Velvet a kiss. "You won't be getting out of here. In fact, it was Velvet's idea to keep you around for bearing my offspring." Adam picked his sword up off of the vanity where he had discarded it at the beginning of their escapades, sheathing it as he checked himself over in the mirror. "I thought we'd be better off just killing you."

"It's true," Velvet chuckled stealing another kiss from him. "But the more offspring Adam has, the more likely it is his plans will come to fruition."

"You're too good to me," Adam told her as he slapped her ass and she yelped, moving to her own clothes.

"That's true," Sienna spoke, the guards moving in closer.

"Take her back to the spare room," Velvet told the men as she dressed. They nodded, moving Sienna naked down the hall, Velvet waiting for the door to close before eagerly approaching Adam. "Can I have the men this Saturday night for a little rest and relaxation? I managed to get Reese and Arslan to agree to a date this Friday, and if things go the same way that they did last time, I think we'll have an easy time enlisting these girls."

"You really seem to enjoy the justice you're bringing to these humans that were your friends," Adam noted. Velvet frowned as she looked at his reflection in the mirror.

"They were never my friends," Velvet noted. There was a knock on the chamber door and Velvet turned to answer it. "Yes?"

"Is this a good time, or should I bring her back later?" Ilia asked. Velvet looked to Adam who sat beside his vanity and nodded.

"You may bring her in now," Velvet answered. It had been a few days since the event, and they'd expected her that first night, so Velvet was curious as to what had happened that had caused such a delay. The door opened slowly, Coco had been cleaned up completely, though left in nothing but a brown lace push up bra and matching lace panties, leaving little to the imagination, though there wasn't much of a need for imagining. The girl was shackled behind her back, still attached by a leash to a choker chain and when she refused to move right away at Ilia's command the girl kicked her in the small of the back and forced her into the room. Coco landed on her knees, Ilia removing the slack on the leash and choking the girl as she moved in close.

"I thought that you would have learned your lesson over the last few days," Ilia scolded. "I guess you have more to learn." The color began to leave Coco's face and as she ran out of air she pled for mercy.

"I'm sorry… please… show mercy…" Coco managed.

"Why should I?" Ilia inquired.

"I'm weak, and the Faunus are superior," Coco gasped. Ilia released her grip and Coco sputtered, inhaling sharply.

"Better," Ilia smirked. She entered the room ahead of Coco, handing the leash over to Velvet and shaking her head as she glared at Coco.

"What happened?" Velvet asked.

"When she first woke up in the bathhouse, we were in the middle of cleaning her and she kicked one of our men in the nose and broke it. Then she screamed anti-Faunus slurs at us until I knocked her back out," Ilia explained. "I thought that a few days to herself would give her time to think about what she'd done." Velvet glared at Coco who glanced up at her with a fearful and remorseful look.

"Thank you for the rundown. I will start working on her attitude problem tomorrow," Velvet assured Ilia. The girl nodded to them and began to leave but stopped short of the door as it appeared that Velvet had something else she wanted to say.

"Is there something else that you're in need of, Velvet?" Ilia asked. Velvet took a step to her and pulled her in for a long hug, Ilia's body tensing up as she was unsure to react, but Adam gave her a reassuring smile over his lover's shoulder and Ilia obliged.

"Tomorrow I need to go over plans I have for securing our troops their first batch of personal playthings this weekend," Velvet explained as she released the girl from her embrace.

"I look forward to doing whatever it is you require of me," Ilia insisted. With that, the girl left again, closing the door behind her and leaving Coco with Adam and Velvet.

"What are you going to do with me?" Coco asked nervously, her voice barely even loud enough for Velvet to hear if she hadn't been a Faunus. This wasn't the confident leader of CFVY that she'd once known. This was a woman that was afraid of her life being ended at any moment, but she should have known better by now than to think they would.

"I guess you didn't hear Adam's plans since you were out cold. I was going to give you to our troops as a means of stress relief and check in to make sure you're in decent care until the child was born. After that, I was going to leave you to them from now on. But Adam has gifted you to me personally. You are mine now and you will live to serve my needs daily, both the essentials and if Adam is gone and I'm in the mood, sexual. I'm sure you'll do amazing at both, but mostly the latter," Velvet scoffed.

"Why do you keep saying it like that?" Coco asked confused. "You're acting like you already have a positive pregnancy test in your hands." Velvet knelt so that she was eye level with Coco.

"Not only did you not pay attention in school, but you must have completely blocked me out during your little performance the other night," Velvet informed her. "Well since you were more concerned with getting laid than paying attention in class, let me tell you what you missed. Faunus sperm is five times more effective than a human's just when mating with a Faunus, and ten times more when mating with a human. There is about a five percent chance that it didn't instantly bond with an egg. And even if by some miracle it didn't, we would just have you two go at it again, but I know you wouldn't mind." Coco had hoped to avoid that truth, but it wasn't something she could evade and she faced the facts.

"What happens once my child is born?" Coco questioned.

"After you give birth to Adam and my child, we shall raise it and you will wait on it, hand and foot, along with the rest of our family for the remainder of your life. But if you ever try to tell it that you're its real mother I will end your life myself in front of him and tell the child it was to stop you from killing them, ruining you for them permanently. So just live your life as we tell you to, and you will at least be able to be near it," Velvet explained. Coco searched her eyes, but there was nothing to be found. Velvet meant every word of it. This was her life now.

"As you wish," Coco managed as she choked back tears.

"As you wish?" Adam asked as he stood, trying to drag the rest out. Coco avoided eye contact with the man.

"As you wish, master," Coco finished.

"Good," Velvet stated as she glanced at Adam and smiled. "We're leaving for the evening, but I'll show you to your room." Velvet led her with the leash down the hall, the room at the end on the left had a placard for Sienna, meaning that the room on the right was for Coco and she was correct in assuming so. Velvet led her in, the room was nice enough though extremely plain with nothing to mention aside from a bed, a wardrobe filled with plain white clothing, and a monitor across from the bed. Velvet attached the choker chain to the wall, removed the shackles, and left Coco there on the bed, looking her over longingly for a moment.

"Anything else, master?" Coco asked. Velvet shook her head and smiled.

"This will do my pet," Velvet replied. "I'll see you in the morning so you can begin your servitude to me." Velvet stopped short of leaving, moving to the monitor and placing a disc into a drive that was attached beneath. "I brought something that may help you sleep better." It blared to life at the maximum volume, replaying the night of Coco in the arena, pleasuring her many lovers and she glanced over at Velvet who simply smiled as she watched it back.

"Haven't you all done enough to me!?" Coco screamed at her master. Velvet gritted her teeth, gripping the sides of Coco's face and kissing her hard as she forced her tongue into the girl's mouth, forcing a violent and unwanted kiss on the girl until she submitted.

"It will never be enough until I feel that you've paid for the way that you treated me," Velvet stated blankly without any emotion. She smiled as she stood as moved back towards the door. "Besides, what kind of owner would I be if I denied my pet of her favorite part of her sexual activities? And don't worry about the volume. We made sure to soundproof the walls in here so no sound gets out. See you in the morning." The echoes of Coco's pleasure filled the room as Velvet left her alone, the submissive only hoped that sleep would come soon.