
Tears of pain and joy.

Tears of suffering and happiness.

Tears of love

Tears of hate.

Tears from the tears in your soul.

Those tears will be mended,

Stitched together by the arms of a friend.

You are a tapestry,

Woven by words,

Held together by encouragement

Picked apart by self-loathing.

Yet you were woven into the blanket

That comforts us all.

Though now you cannot see your worth,

I believe that one day,

You will realize that you,

You who have gone through trials of

Fiery pain, a watery grave, and metal-edged torture,

And come out broken...

You are the strongest of us all.

You are the lance that never broke.

You are the Blue Paladin, and no one-

No one would trade your tears for anything.