And... IT'S HERE! Hopefully I'll keep these updates constant, but it might be hard for me to do while managing Boy or Beast. Anyways, enjoy y'all weirdos. (Jk I love you guys)

Uma sat numbly by the water, holding her soaked dress around herself and looking at the glowing yacht in the distance. Her hatred and smugness had faded away to a numb feeling, shivering from the cold but not even realizing it was cold. Disappointment stung within her, she had failed. She was supposed to be powerful and strong, she could have defeated Mal, but she didn't.

Tears dripped down her face, tasting salty like the smell of the ocean around her. Her vision was blurry and she could barely hear anything except her own sobs. Her dress was icy and dirty, her hair falling out of its elegant bun to dangle around her in messy braids.

She was so caught up in her own disappointment and shame, she didn't hear the crunch of people's feet in the sand, she didn't even realize anyone was there until she was being wrapped in a side hug. Uma reached out quickly to shove the person away, but was met with Gil's green eyes that were filled with concern. She relaxed instinctively, leaning against Gil in desperate need of comfort. Then someone else was hugging her and there was the familiar sound of Harry's warm accent whispering to her.

"It's okay, yer back with us now and ye'll be fine. We're not gonna be mad at you." The son of Captain Hook whispered, holding her tightly.

"Yeah," Gil agreed, tracing circles on her back with his thumb. "You're always gonna be important to us."

She took a deep breath, taking a shuddering breath and trying not to sob. But the more she concentrated on not sobbing, the more the pressure built up. Eventually she just burst into a fresh set of tears, but Harry and Gil kept holding her and urging her to just breathe. When her crying finally subsided, she was even more exhausted and could barely keep her eyes open.

Gil and Harry let her lean on them as they walked back to their hideout, helping her up the stairs and letting her change clothes before Gil tended to her injuries. By the time she was lying down, her eyes were almost completely shut. The two boys turned to leave, but Uma sat up.

"Will you stay with me?"

She regretted saying it immediately, but was surprised when they both agreed. She held up the blankets with a slight smile. The two boys took off their boots before lying so Uma was in the middle, Gil on her left and Harry on her right. They were warm, and for a brief moment Uma panicked, thinking about losing them. Her heart sped up, but Gil was quickly nuzzling her messy hair and whispering that it was okay.

Uma had almost never felt this content before, not feeling so helpless as she did soothed. While her pride had taken the blow, she knew that as long as her idiots were there, she'd be okay.

Harry's mind was slowing down, eased into a simple sleep with the shrimp smell of Uma and Gil's scent of wood smoke. It meant the world to him that they were alright, and he swore to the gods above he would give his life for them. As long as they would be fine, he would be happy. With his thoughts quieted, he lulled himself to sleep with the comfort of his captain and second mate.

Gil struggled to fall asleep, but reveled in the temporary peace, however long it may last. He'd never let go of these two, never abandon them no matter how much his heart ached or how much happened to him. Even if this would be the end of any sort of bond between them, it was worth it in the moment. He hoped that Uma and Harry would be happy as well, making sure that they would have everything. Even if it meant selling his soul to the devil, he'd keep them safe.

Uma's arms had tightened possessively around the other two, even in her sleep not letting them go. They were hers, and always will be. They were the world to her, and as long as she had them, this was a world in which she'd be happy living.

*suffocates from fluff* Expect more to come.