A/N: Welcome to this short little story readers! I got this idea from a prompt I saw over on Pinterest. Something along the lines of : "I went over to your room because you were blasting music to find you lying in a pile of pillows sobbing and listening to some love song and now I don't know what to do." So here is the first chapter that this little statement inspired!

I do not own the characters, but the story is mine.


You Can't Unring a Bell

Chapter 1

"This is getting ridiculous." The ginger mumbled under his breath as he ran a hand through his hair.

Music blared loudly in the apartment next to his. It wasn't even good music. He'd been listening to a mixture of sappy love songs and depressing breakup songs for the past hour in hopes that it would just stop.

No such luck.

Really, all Harlequin Kingsworth, a.k.a. King, wanted was to do some studying before heading off to bed. A peaceful Friday night before finishing his last few tests and then off for winter break the following week. He figured he'd have the floor to himself for the most part considering a lot of the other tenatines were students like himself.

Unlike himself, they were out partying, celebrating the upcoming week of school being their last. This included his roommate and best friend, Helbram. King thought it was a bit presumptuous given they still had a few days remaining in the semester. But hey, it left him alone in blissful quiet for a few hours.

Until eleven.

The person in the apartment next to his had showed up shortly after, slamming their door shut and immediately started blasting music.

Which brought him to his current dilemma.

He stood outside the door of the apartment where the dreadful sounds were coming from, wearing a pair of loose fitting grey sweatpants and green sweatshirt with his hand raised. It was well after midnight now and he lacked the ability to study with the amount of music invading his ears. Sadly, if he couldn't study, he couldn't sleep either. At this point he was so done, but the ginger wasn't exactly sure how to go about telling his neighbor to turn off the fucking horrible noise or I'll throw the speaker out the window, in a polite way.

King was pretty sure his neighbor had moved in three years ago just like he and Helbram had, another student. But he had yet to actually see the occupant. He knew they went out a lot. So for them to be home this early on a Friday was weird.

He knocked on the door. Not surprised when there was no answer. In fact, he swore the music got even louder.

Oh that's it. He thought with a deep scowl, all reservations about offending the person gone out the window. Like their speaker probably would be soon if he had to listen to one more sentimental song about heartbreak.

"Oi!" King shouted, banging against the door.

Still no answer.

He was livid. Taking a deep breathe he turned the knob and let himself in. There was a stereo blaring in the corner of the living room next to a large TV. He looked around the room, not seeing a soul.

"You've got to be kidding me." He growled stomping over to the radio. He turned it down to a tolerable level and took in the room.

This place was a mess. Old food containers and clothes scattered around the floor. On the small couch was a pile of blankets and pillows.

He ignored the urge to start cleaning. How anyone could ever live like this, was beyond him.

Then he heard the sobs.

He stiffened. Amber eyes shifting around the room, trying to find the source. The pile of pillows quaked intime with the sobs. King gulped, pretty sure he should just leave, pretending that he was never actually here. But that may have been creepier than just explaining the situation.

What was that old saying my mom use to say? You can't unring a bell? He supposed that meant he'd just have to deal with the consequences of his rash decision. Hopefully the person whose home he had just invaded wouldn't be to upset with him.

The ginger took a cautious step towards the couch and removed the top sequined pillow, revealing a young brunette woman.

Her amethyst eyes were bright and puffy as she looked up at him in question. "What are you doing in my apartment." She sniffled, attempting to rub away the last trace of tears from her face.

King blinked at her.

Despite the obvious signs that she had been crying, she was downright gorgeous. He'd never seen eyes such an interesting shade of purple. Her pigtails were in loose curls, messed up by burying herself within her pillow fort. The whole scene was rather adorable, actually.

He flushed, dragging his eyes away. "Uh… you didn't answer the door and it wasn't locked so… um…" King hated talking to people he didn't know. He never failed to make a fool of himself. Especially in front of women.

"And?" She quirked a brow at him, another pillow falling away as she crossed her arms under her chest.

Of course she was wearing a low cut tee to showcase her large breasts. The sequenced shirt reflected the light of her apartment. She must have been out before this.

"That doesn't mean you can just come into my apartment. Isn't that breaking and entering?"

"Uh… kind of?" King answered unsurely. "I mean, I had no intention to commit a crime so… no?" He ignored the little fact that he'd been contemplating throwing her speaker out the window.

"Then what are you doing?" She reiterated her question, narrowing those captivating eyes at him.

"I just wanted to turn off your god awful music." He blabbed stupidly. Her eyes widened and he quickly continued. "Uh, let me back up, at first I was trying to study and then I was just gunna go to bed and-and I couldn't focus on either with how loud it was."

She stared at him in disbelief.

"My… my apartments right next to yours." The ginger mumbled, not looking her as he poked a thumb to his right.

"Oh…" Her posture relaxed.

He let out a huff of air. "Uh… yeah…"

It stayed silent for a few minutes. King finally glanced at her, her expression downfallen. He had no idea what to do. She had been crying and listening to depressing ballads. She must have come from a breakup or something. This hadn't been at all what he expected when he walked in here. Though, maybe he should have been able to guess. King slowly began to make his way to the door in a desperate attempt to leave with at least some dignity in tack.

"Will you grab me a drink?"

King whipped his head around so fast he was sure to feel it in the morning, but he couldn't be bothered by that right now. Did she really just ask me that?


She sniffled again, gazing up at him with that intense amethyst shade. "Will you… grab me… a drink." She said it slower this time and a bit louder, clearly thinking he just didn't hear her.

He flushed. "No, I got that. I mean… why?"

"Because," she shrugged, "you're standing and I don't want to get up." The brunette rearranged herself on the couch, more pillows falling away to reveal long, jean covered legs. "I have a bottle of wine in the fridge. Open it up and just bring it here."

"Uh…" He made a face, unable to tell if she was serious. Actually, he was more concerned that she was serious. "I just kind of broke into your apartment and now you want me to get you a glass?"

"Glass?" She snorted and he found it weirdly cute. "I want the bottle."

"That's beside the point."

"Then what is your point?"

"You just met me because I came into your apartment without permission." He threw his hands up in the air in utter disbelief. There was no way this girl was so naive. "I could be trying to murder you or-or take advantage of you."

"Are you?"

"N-no! Of course I'm not, but you're still missing the point!" His cheeks were warm. Why was this happening to him? "I could drug your drink or something. You should be kicking me out!"

She tilted her head as she looked him up and down. "Ya know, I'm starting to doubt your pure intentions of coming in here. You're very insistent about doing something to me."

His jaw dropped open. His face, officially on fire, probably never to return to a normal temp. Earth swallow him up, please. Any fate had to be better than this.

And then she laughed.

The ginger stared at her as she practically toppled off the couch in her mirth. Had he said how stunning she was yet? Because she was. And it was making it kind of hard to focus on the reasons why he should leave her apartment instead of doing what she asked.

"Relax." She rolled her eyes, a mesmerizing smile on her face. "I'm well versed in more than just self defense moves. If you even tried anything, I'd put you on your back so fast you'd be seeing stars."

"Not if I drugged you first." He countered stubbornly. A mental groan followed.

Why was this an argument he felt the need to win? Why wasn't he more disturbed about her open admittance of being able to cause him bodily harm? What was wrong with him?

"Fine, bring two glasses with that bottle of wine and I'll open it." She answered unbothered. She waved her hand towards the kitchen. "I need a drink."

"Me too." He mumbled under his breath as he ran a hand through his ginger hair.

She must have heard as a soft giggle followed him.

He ducked his head deeper into his hooded sweatshirt. This had to be the most peculiar conversation he'd ever had with a person. At least when first meeting them. Helbram and him often got into some very odd debates when talking about popular movies, books, anime and manga. Trying to hash out the finer points of just why a character did what they did was one of their favorite pastimes. Don't even get him started on the Marvel Universe.

King dug around in the fridge, finding more than one bottle. He straightened just enough to look at her over the top of the door.

"The pink one first." She answered his unspoken question.

"First?" He quirked a brow.

"I'm having a bad night." She huffed, angling her body away from him. "I plan on drinking the rest of it away."

He frowned, but did as told, grabbing the pink bottle. King opened up the cupboard just to the left of the fridge, glad to find a few mismatched wine glasses. He walked to the couch, unsure where or if he should sit. He assumed that she wanted him to stay for one since he grabbed two glasses, but maybe he was wrong.

She pushed the blankets off one end of her fortress, and moved herself to the other side of the couch. She gestured at the empty side with a small smile and he sat. The brunette took the bottle from him, twisting off the cover and throwing it in the direction of the kitchen. No wonder this place was a mess.

"Gotta love screwtops." She chirped happily, leaning his way to pour into the glasses, giving him a glorious few down her shirt.

King quickly turned his attention out the window, hoping she didn't notice his stare.

"There," she set the bottle on her coffee table and took a glass from him, "now we don't have to worry about either one of us drugging the other."

He almost choked on his drink. "Can I just reiterate the fact that I am not trying to do anything to you?"

"Clearly not." She laughed, rolling her eyes with a smile. She made a circle around her face with a hand. "I'm not all that appealing right now. Why would you?"

"That's a lie." Slipped past his lips before he could think better of it.

"Huh?" The brunette blinked at him cutely.

His face flushed and he had to look away or be caught gawking at her. "Uh, I-I mean uh that I think you're plenty appealing as is." He chanced a glance at her, her jaw slacked. He shook his head swiftly. "Not that it means I'm going to do anything!" King practically shouted. He groaned, dropping his head into his free hand. "Okay that's not at all how I wanted it to sound either. Is anything I say tonight not coming across as completely creepy?"

She laughed softly. "Some. You did dig yourself quite a hole." She paused long enough to take a sip. "Drink more, maybe it'll get better."

"Usually worse, actually." He grumbled, but did as he was told. "You think I struggle with a filter now? If you keep me around for more than this, it'll be quite the show." He rolled his amber eyes at his lack of ability to hold his own when it came to drinking. He was a lightweight. Something his friends liked to mercilessly tease him about.

"I like the sound of that!" She beamed brightly at him before refilling her glass. "I could use the pick me up."

He stopped, wine glass halfway to his mouth, to just stare at her. How hadn't he met her before this? Why did his first impression have to be him being, well… him? An awkward bundle of nerves on his best day and she most certainly hadn't caught him at his best. And why wasn't she kicking him out for his weirdness? He swiftly finished the liquid in his glass.

"In case you haven't guessed, I've had a pretty shitty night." Despite her words, her tone was a lot lighter than it had been when he first walked in. That captivating amethyst was still a bit puffy from her crying, but she appeared in better spirits. She leaned over to refill his glass. "Keep up, slowpoke!"

"Did you… want to talk about it?" He cautiously broached the subject. It seemed like she didn't intend to let him leave until this bottle was gone. And honestly… he didn't want to go yet.

"Ugh!" She groaned loudly, setting her glass down so she could flop back into a much smaller version of her pillow fort. She sat quietly for a minute.

"You don't have to if you don't want to." King assured her, hoping he hadn't offended her by asking.

She bolted up and he jumped at her unexpected action, almost spilling his wine.

"Yes. I want to! I'm just trying to figure out the best way to explain it." She scrunched up her nose adorably. She reached for her glass and slammed the pink liquid.

King held up the bottle, ready to pour for her. She smiled and let him do so. She clinked her glass against his, taking a small sip. The lovely brunette shifted on the couch so her body faced him fully. He copied her movement, silently letting her know she had his full attention.

"So, I was seeing this guy, right?"

He didn't know that, but he nodded anyways.

"Well we've been hooking up these past couple of weeks and I thought that he liked me and that I liked him. So we're hanging out at the club tonight, just like any other weekend." She took a drink, face set into a scowl as she continued her story. "I go grab a drink and come back to find him tongue tied with some other girl!"

He could see her grip tightening on her wine glass. King leaned forward and gently grabbed her hand, unfurling her fingers to set the poor drinkware off to the side. He didn't need her to crush the glass with her hand and hurt herself. He had the strange feeling she could do that. The confidence she'd spoken with early when telling him she was well versed in more than self defense moves, was a big hint.

"So what did you do?" He prompted while she watched him curiously.

"Oh. I decked him. Jackass fell right to the floor."

Yep. Definitely could have broken the glass. He thought as he gulped. If he'd ever doubted her ability to be able to hurt him, he definitely didn't now.

"He asked, what the hell was that for." She dropped her voice low to imitate the man. "I told him he was making out with a different girl, what else would it be for?" She practically growled, crossing her ankles on the couch and gripping them tightly within her hands. "Do you know what he said to me?" She tilted forward, eyes narrowing dangerously.

King was slightly scared she was going to hit him. As if her anger was towards all men in general right now and not just the moron who made out with another girl. "Uh, what?"

"That we weren't exclusive!" She leaned back and tossed her hands in the air. "What complete and utter bull shit!" She spat out vehemently. She finished her glass, almost slamming it down on the table when she was done. "I almost hit him again!"

"Probably should have." He told her without much thought.

He cringed at his words. Helbram always told him that he could come off a bit abrasive sometimes. Damn alcohol.

But she didn't seem to mind. "I wholeheartedly agree sir. Just look at me!" She jumped off the couch and gestured down her body, popping out her hip. "What guy in his right mind would even think of letting this go?"

King gulped as he complied with her order. Her skinny jeans hugged her body like a second skin, showing each curve of her strong legs perfectly. The black sequence top she wore was just as tight. Displaying a sliver of skin between it and her jeans. She must have noticed his gawking as she did a little spin, letting him see her from behind. Her ass was plump and perfect and what King wouldn't give to run his fingers along the open back of her shirt, across her bare shoulders and down her spine. She spun back around.

"Is this a trick question?" He asked, forcing his eyes up to hers. There was a pleased smirk pulling at her lips. Trouble. This girl was trouble.

"Depends on how you answer."

"So yes."

She laughed, delighted at his response as she sauntered towards the fridge. He couldn't help but be hypnotized by the sway of her hips. He should leave. Nothing good would come of him staying any longer than he already had.

Before he knew it, they finished another bottle. King wasn't sure how they managed it, or even what specifically they had talked about in that time. But they had now circled back to his reason for being in here.

"I swear I had no idea you lived here before tonight, honest!" He tried to explain for the fifteenth time. She seemed to get a kick out of his sputtered explanations.

She shook her dark hair, pigtails slapping the sides of her face. "I was blasting breakup songs. Who does that besides a girl? I think you did know that much at least." She smirked slyly at him, poking his thigh with her foot.

"My friend Helbram does that all the time after a breakup." King justified, ignoring that she had now settled both feet in his lap. Her feet covered in mismatched green, pink, and blue patterned socks.

"Really?" She contemplated his words as she scrunched up her nose. She tilted her head as she asked, "Is he gay?"

He studied her, ready to defend his best friend even if it did end up with him in a pile of mangled limbs. But he was pleased to see she was honestly just curious. "Bi. Says he doesn't care for society's labels for his sexual preference. Likes to tell me that beatiful people like other beautiful people and it shouldn't matter what they have between their legs."

King had heard the speal more than a few times over the years.

She laughed, amused at his description of his friend. "He sounds like fun!"

"He is. Bit of a handful though." He sighed heavily as he recalled the numerous occasions he had to drag Helbram out of a club after having to much to drink.

"I'm sure he is. But I'm guessing that's what he has you for, right?"

"I've been told I have a mellowing effect on people." King shrugged. "At least that's what Helbram says. The rest of our friends just call me boring."

"Well someone has to be the adult!" She teased him with a wink. He tugged anxiously at the collar of his hoodie. Was it getting warmer in here? "I actually probably have more in common with your friend then you. I've been told I'm a bit wild."

"Oh yeah?" He believed that without a doubt. "I'm guessing that makes you a bit reckless too, then."

"Sometimes." She wiggled her eyebrows as she shimmied closer to him, her toes pressed against the arm of the couch. Her knees propped up and resting against his chest. "What gave me away?" Her amethyst eyes sparked with mischief.

"It had absolutely nothing to do with your lack of care at having a stranger in your home." His hand trailed up her ankle to her knee, wishing it was her skin and not her jeans his fingers were feeling. He shouldn't be touching her. And if they weren't on the third bottle of wine, he most definitely wouldn't be. "Despite me making a complete fool of myself."

She giggled, a wide smile on her face. "That's actually why I wasn't worried. If you had a plan, I'm guessing you would have been a lot smoother. And better dressed." She fiddled with the strings of his hoodie.

"Smooth?" He tilted his head in mock ignorance. "What is this smooth word you speak of. I'm not sure I've ever heard it before."

She snorted, almost tipping off the couch as she burst into a fit of giggles. His arm wrapped around her waist, keeping her firmly in place. His fingers traced the skin he found just under her shirt. It was too forward, he knew. But he couldn't bring himself to regret it at she pressed herself against him, head resting on his shoulder.

"You're weird." She mumbled, tilting her head to look up at him. Their faces way to close.

"So I've been told."

"Not in a bad way." She nuzzled his neck and he tightened his hold on her hip.

She hummed her approval as his fingers explored her skin and pushed her shirt up as he went. The lovely brunette crawled into his lap, straddling his hips. He stared up at her with wide eyes. Her own were hooded. Her arms wrapped around his shoulders and she leaned down. He met her halfway.

Her lips were soft against his own. The flavor of the last wine they had lingered on her lips. His tongue darted out of his mouth, eager to deepen the kiss, to taste more of her. She let her lips part, welcoming him in. Their tongues danced together, a moan spilling from her lips into his own. The taste of wine was stronger, reminding him that they had been drinking far too much tonight.

He had to stop this.

King broke the kiss, turning his head to the side. "L-let me at least take you on a date first!" He said the first thing that came to his mind.

"A date?" She paused in her pursuit of his lips, eyes slightly hazy from either the booze or her want. "We just spent five hours talking. I think that can qualify as our first date."

He glanced at the clock on the wall. It read 5:30. He really had been here for the past five hours.

"But, uh…" His mind blanked as she began kissing his neck. "I want to do it right. Not now."

"What's wrong with now?" She began grounding her hips against his. "Don't you want me?"

"God yes." He groaned as he guided her movements against him for a few euphoric moments before stopping her. "But you just got dumped and we're both drunk."

"First off, I didn't get dumped." She pointed out with a roll of her eyes. "Second, so?"

"So?" He furrowed his brow, moving his hands from her hips to hold the sides of her face. He gently lead her gaze to his. "So... I like you." Her eyes widened and her skin flushed lightly. He released her. "And I'd rather not have anyone think, myself included, that we only did this because we were both drinking."

"You're an idiot. You know that no one in their right mind would walk away from this." She gestured down her body, taking his hand and running it down her side and to her chest. He gulped, unable to stop himself from squeezing her ample bosom. She moaned, hips rocking against him again. "Are you really turning me down?"

"No. I'm not. I just... wanna wait is all." Why did she have to make this so hard? "I've seen too many of my friends jump into something physical too fast, only to have it crash and burn." She stopped at his words. "I don't want to put either of us through that. I like you too much to risk it."

She dropped her head against his shoulder. "You're an idiot." She repeated, but her voice was soft this time. "I can't believe this is happening." She rubbed her nose against his neck. Something wet falling against his skin.

"H-hey," he wrapped his arms around her in a hug, "don't cry. Please? I really don't mean it in a bad way. I just don't want you to regret this or anything like that." He rubbed her back soothingly. "If you wanna continue this in like twelve hours, I'll be more then happy to take you on a date first."

She let out a strangled snort, somewhere between a laugh and a cry. "You're too sweet."

"Thought I was an idiot."

"You somehow manage to pull off both." She pulled back and smiled at him gently.

He wiped away a few of her lingering tears before sighing heavily. "I should go."

She wrapped her hand around his on her cheek, giving it a squeeze as she smirked at him. "Worried you can't resist my charm for much longer?" She teased.

"You got it."

She laughed again, resting her head against his chest. "At least you're honest." The brunette stayed there for a few moments before crawling off him.

King got up and she followed him to the door. He opened it, feeling even more awkward than before they had started drinking. He had been debating what to say when her hand tightened on his sleeve. He glanced at her over his shoulder, finding her gaze set firmly down as she toed the floor nervously. He smiled at the small assurance that she was just as anxious as he was.

"Thanks for, um, making me feel better." She told him, eyes gazing up at him in a slightly guarded expression.

"Anytime." He didn't like that look. "Though, I'll try not to break in next time."

She smiled, the wall she had started building up, falling. "I didn't mind. Anytime."

"I feel like I should revisit that point I was trying to make earlier."

She giggled, shaking her head before standing on her tiptoes to plant a kiss to his cheek. "Thanks again. Have a goodnight." She shut the door.

"Uh… yeah…" He placed a hand on his cheek were her lips had touched. "Goodnight."

A/N: Hope you enjoyed the chapter! This will likely be two parts, with the second coming out sometime next week. Let me know what you thought and thank you guys so much for reading!
